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UFOs in the daily Press:

The UFO phenomenon in the newspapers, a collection of newspaper articles reporting UFO observations or UFO related information, by local and national newspapers from all countries. These articles are linked from their respective dossier on this site. This page is to answer the claim "if UFOs existed, they would be in the newspaper." (Other sections of this site answer the claim "people believe in UFOs because of the newspapers.")

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Years 1950 to 1959 (This page).
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Choose among the years above, click on the newspaper name underneath to go to the article.

Years 1950 to 1959:

Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, August 28, 1959 "Mysterious machine seen in the sky".
Green Bay Press-Gazette USA, June 26, 1959 "Family sees flying saucer: father talks with passengers".
New York Times USA, March 12, 1959 "Saucers possible, Admiral declares".
New York Times USA, February 26, 1959 "Pilot reports saucers", the famous Killian-Dee sighting.
New York Times USA, January 25, 1959 "Flying object puzzles Panama".
Diario da Noite Brazil, December 20, 1958 "Brazil: a country close to the solution of the flying disks!"
Folha da Manha Brazil, October 29, 1958 "Hundreds of people claim to have seen the 'flying saucer'".
L'Alsace France, August 26, 1958 "In the sky of Mulhouse: an unidentified object..."
Folha da Manha Brazil, August 26, 1958 "Appearance of a 'flying disc' in Goias".
Folha da Manha Brazil, August 17, 1958 "A 'flying disc' said to have followed the flight of the Loide plane".
New York Herald Tribune USA, July 30, 1958 "Dr. Jung Says 'Flying Disks' Suggest Quasi-Human Pilots:" World famous Swiss psychologist is convinced that UFOs are real and extraterrestrial.
Los Angeles Times USA, February 26, 1958 "Brazil has a secret; can't explain it".
Diario de Sao Paulo Brazil, February 22, 1958 "Statement by Commandant Paulo Moreira da Silva: "it was not a balloon, and not a teleguided thing, the object that appeared on Trindade island"".
Correio da Manha Brazil, February 21, 1958 "The Military Navy photographed a flying disc over Trindade".
Le Provençal France, November 26, 1957 "A mysterious apparatus traveling towards the moon observed in Sweden".
The Washington Post USA, November 7, 1957 "Air Force set to study 3 of 46 'objects'".
Evening Bulletin USA, November 6, 1957 "Thousands in S. Africa see mystery object".
Colorado Springs Free Press USA, November 5, 1957 "Dazzling Flying Object Sighted in Fiji Islands".
Diario da Noite Brazil, November 5, 1957 "Space ships overflew the USA and paralyzed vehicles".
The Washington Post USA, November 5, 1957 "Patrols report sighting 'object' at White Sands".
O Globo Brazil, November 5, 1957 "Spaceships are said to have visited the sourh-west of the United States".
The New York Times USA, July 12, 1957 "4 objects reported flying 3.600 miles per hour".
France-Soir France, May 14, 1957 "The "Flying Saucer" of Beaucourt-sur-l'Ancre divides the village into two factions".
Sunday News USA, May 12, 1957 "Flying saucer just a lady with a lamp".
New York Journal-American USA, May 11, 1957 "And now it's Men in Grey".
The Mirror USA, May 11, 1957 "The French touch-on saucers".
The Newark Sunday News USA, April 7, 1957 "British Hunt Flying Object".
Sunday News U-K, April 7, 1957 "Hint Plane Over Scots was Red".
Le Provençal France, April 7, 1957 "A mysterious flying craft is searched since two days by RAF radar stations".
The Sunday Dispatch U-K., April 7, 1957 "Clues to radar sky riddle".
New York Journal USA, April 6, 1957 "RAF radar sees 'object'".
New York Times USA, January 17, 1957 Fahrney, USAF, NICAP and UFOs.
Empire News U-K., September 26, 1956 "What's up there?"
New York Times USA, September 16, 1956 "To the Editors".
The Advocate USA, September 11, 1956 "That Flying Saucer".
Le Méridional France, April 25, 1956 "A movie about the 'flying saucers'".
Le Provençal France, April 22, 1956 "Mysterious gleam in the sky of Brest".
Le Méridional France, April 17, 1956 "Three young people say they saw a flying saucer near Elbeuf".
The Sunday Mirror England, March 11, 1956 "Paris radar tracks flying 'object'".
New York Weekly Telegram USA, February 22, 1956 "Phantom saucer mystifies Paris".
Le Méridional France, February 21, 1956 "The apparatus at Orly: total mystery".
Le Figaro France, February 21, 1956 ""Radar functioned normally" claims Orly".
New York Herald Tribune France, February 21, 1956 "Mystery of Paris Sky: Flying Cognac Bottle? Or a Flying Saucer?"
New York Daily Telegraph USA, February 20, 1956 "Saucer tracked".
New York Times USA, February 20, 1956 "Air mystery in Paris - Unidentified object, on radar, flew at 1,500 mph"
L'Express France, February 20, 1956 " mysterious apparatus in the sky of Paris detected by the Orly radar".
New York Daily News USA, February 19, 1956 "Paris is up in the air over flying thing".
Le Méridional France, February 19, 1956 "A mysterious craft of big size flies over Paris at a speed of 2.400 km/h."
Le Méridional France, November 25, 1955 "Flying saucers in the London sky".
La Nazione Italy, October 26, 1955 "Flying discs in the Florence sky - This time they're colored".
New York Post USA, October 5, 1955 "Flying disks real thing to RAF chief".
La Dépêche de Constantine Algeria, September 23, 1955 "Mysterious craft"
Reno Gazette USA, September 13, 1955 "Use of ice missiles in test war hinted".
La Dépêche de Constantine Morocco, August 12, 1955 Flying disk seen in Italy.
Cincinnati Enquirer USA, May 23, 1955 "Those "Little Men" on Flying Saucers? Real, says Kilgallen".
Bournemouth Daily Echo U-K., April 6, 1955 "That thing in the sky: 2 more see it".
New York Post USA, April 4, 1955 "Martian Mayhem?"
La Dépêche de Constantine Morocco, March 25, 1955 "Flying disks above Batna".
New York Post USA, March 25, 1955 "Green-Tailed Thing Scares The British".
L'Alsace France, March 2, 1955 "A flying ball traveled with three Colmar residents..."
Waco Herald-Tribune USA, February 13, 1955 "Ex-Wacoan in Venezuela relates saucer saga there."
Le Provençal France, February 10, 1955 "Flying poached egg... in Australia"
La Prensa Mexico, February 5, 1955 "Flying saucer seen in Pachuca"
Fandrosoam Baovao Madagascar, January 21, 1955 "Is that flying saucer visiting Madagascar?"
Le Provençal France, January 19, 1955 "Pursuit of the 'flying saucers' is authorized".
La Croix France, January 18, 1955 "Don't shoot at the saucers".
Le Méridional France, January 15, 1955 "Flying saucer in the province of Tarragone".
La Tribune de Sherbrooke Canada, January 14, 1955 "Fake Marsian unmasked".
Le Méridional France, January 9, 1955 "After the saucers, flying umbrellas".
Bridgeport Telegram USA, December 31, 1954 "Flying objects" spotted above Vienna.
Le Pays d'Auge Tribune France, December 31, 1954 "A 'flying saucer' in the sky of Surville", etc.
Le Provençal France, December 31, 1954 "A flying spindle at a height of 25 meters crosses the sky of Bergame".
Berwyn Life USA, December 29, 1954 "Tells hair-raising tale of fur wearer's visit".
Le Provençal France, December 27, 1954 "Did 'Martians' land for Christmas in the Sybilline mounts?".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, December 23, 1954 "Flying saucers and cigars also appear in winter"
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, December 17, 1954 Eisenhover says saucers are not from another planet.
La Gazette Provençale France, December 15, 1954 "How to make a flying saucer".
La Provence France, December 15, 1954 "Fireball... or saucer above the area of Marseilles?"
The Boston Globe USA, December 12, 1954 "France agitated by the saucers".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, December 9, 1954 "A luminous phenomenon in the sky of Beauzac".
Le Provençal France, December 6, 1954 "A square flying saucer lands in Spain".
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, November 27, 1954 Two airmen mistaken for Martians.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, November 27, 1954 Balloon in the Cantal.
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, November 26, 1954 "Near Aire-sur-la-Lys, a bus driver met a flying saucer, but it was only a prank".
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, November 26, 1954 Balloon in the Cantal.
Les Nouvelles de Bretagne et du Maine France, November 26, 1954 "'Martians' in Anjou!"
Nord-Eclair France, November 25, 1954 "A coach driver had met a flying saucer..."
The Greenwood Index-Journal USA, November 25, 1954 "Careful there".
The Guardian U-K., November 25, 1954 "Saucers over France".
Le Républicain France, November 24, 1954 "A blacksmith of Tessoualle going back to Loublande by moped is a victim of a mysterious 'Blue ray'".
Le Courrier Cauchois France, November 23, 1954 "Another testimony for the 'unidentified craft' file".
Le Courier de la Région de Fourmies France, November 20, 1954 "A saucer in the sky of Fourmies".
The Baltimore Evening sun USA, November 20, 1954 "France ready to welcome Martians in flying saucers".
Nord Littoral France, November 19, 1954 "The mysterious craft photographed by a resident of Boulogne in the sky of Fontainebleau a flying saucer?"
Los Angeles Times USA, November 18, 1954 "Armed villagers find 'Flying Saucer' is joke".
Sherbrooke Tribune France, November 18, 1954 Flying saucers in France.
Le Provençal France, November 18, 1954 "A mysterious object in the sky of Apt".
L'Observateur France, November 17, 1954 "Cousolre: a saucer?"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, November 16, 1954 "Flying saucer on Braux (Côte-d'Or)?"
L'Oise-Matin France, November 15, 1954 "The mysterious red ray".
La Voix du Nord France, November 14, 1954 "False alarm".
La Voix du Nord France, November 14, 1954 "The 'flying saucers'".
L'Alsace France, November 14, 1954 "A mysterious red ray swept the sky of Forli".
Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, November 18, 1954 Flying saucers is psychosis of weak brains.
Paris-Presse France, November 14, 1954 "Transformations saucer in the Nord".
L'Abeille de la Ternoise France, November 13, 1954 "When saucers make hard-boiled eggs".
Le Courrier de la Région de Fourmies France, November 13, 1954 "A flying saucer on Wignehies".
L'Abeille de la Ternoise France, November 13, 1954 "Martians are getting bolder..."
La Voix du Nord France, November 13, 1954 "A craft changing shape in Cousolre".
Liberté France, November 13, 1954 "A flying saucer reportedly landed in Cousolre".
L'Espoir de Cambrai France, November 13, 1954 "Another saucer drowns".
L'Authie France, November 13, 1954 Thirty-six candles.
Journal de Ham France, November 13, 1954 "A fake Martian receives a caning in the Drôme".
Nord Matin France, November 13, 1954 "Cousolre - A stacker saw a flying saucer".
Le Courrier Picard France, November 13, 1954 "Cigar and Martian in Coivrel".
Le Provençal France, November 13, 1954 "Flying saucer in the sky of the Nord".
Le Courrier Cauchois France, November 13, 1954 "Is it a saucer or a cigar?"
Le Journal de Lillers France, November 12, 1954 Tain-l'Hermitage.
L'Echo de la Lys France, November 12, 1954 "A bizarre assault".
Nord-Matin France, November 12, 1954 "A youg female resident of Nieppe saw a celestial ball that... rolled fast".
Le Provençal France, November 12, 1954 "Cigar and flying phantom in Finland".
La Croix du Nord France, November 11, 1954 "A globe of fire rolling at ground level dazzled two automobilists of Le Cateau".
La Voix du Nord France, November 10, 1954 "Sains-du-Nord saw its saucer".
Liberté France, November 10, 1954 "Still saucers stories".
Liberté France, November 10, 1954 "At last a saucer".
La Croix du Nord France, November 10, 1954 "The harsh reality".
Nord-Matin France, November 10, 1954 "A globe of fire appears on the road from Le Cateau to Inchy".
Le Courrier Picard France, November 10, 1954 "La Fosse au Lait under a 'saucer'".
L'Alsace France, November 10, 1954 Perrier ad in Martian.
La Voix du Nord France, November 9, 1954 "Here is is at last!"
The Baltimore Evening Sun USA, November 9, 1954 "Careful there".
Nord-Matin France, November 9, 1954 "Why wouldn't there be a flying saucer in Halluin?"
La Voix du Nord France, November 7, 1954 "Still some saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, November 7, 1954 "Zeggers-Cappel - Flying saucers?"
Nord-Matin France, November 7, 1954 "Casimir the 'seer' is also a billiard champion".
Le Journal des Flandres France, November 7, 1954 "A 'flying cigar' in Oye-Plage".
Le Journal de Bruay France, November 7, 1954 "Flying saucers".
Le Rouergue Républicain France, November 7, 1954 "Do the United States keep a "Saucer" in custody whose pilot fled in an emergency "cigar"?".
Le Courrier Cauchois France, November 7, 1954 Flying saucer.
Le Rouergue Républicain France, November 7, 1954 Do the United States keep in custody a 'saucer' whose pilot fled in a safety 'cigar'?
La Voix du Nord France, November 6, 1954 "Spinning top, ball, cone, it's always flying saucers!"
La Voix du Nord France, November 6, 1954 "Luminous craft spotted in the sky of La Capelle".
L'Oise-Matin France, November 6, 1954 "A false Martian received with stick hits".
Journal de Ham France, November 6, 1954 "A farmer unloads his shotgun... at a tree trunk... he mistook for a Martian".
Le Courrier Picard France, November 6, 1954 "The opinion of an astronomer about the 'saucers'".
Le Courrier de la Région de Fourmies France, November 6, 1954 "Again a saucer!"
L'Abeille de la Ternoise France, November 6, 1954 "the fact was very clear..."
La Croix du Nord France, November 6, 1954 "Martians made of Casimir (of Aniche) a billiard champ!..."
L'Indépendant du Pas-de-Calais France, November 6, 1954 "A brave peasant mistaken for a Martien receives a caning in the Drôme".
Nord-Matin France, November 6, 1954 "Mysterious craft move again in the Picardy sky".
The Star Tribune USA, November 6, 1954 "Casualty".
Le Courrier Cauchois France, November 6, 1954 Flying saucer.
La Voix du Nord France, November 5, 1954 "Always the saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, November 5, 1954 "Strange gleams in the sky of Annoeuillin and Provin".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, November 5, 1954 "Mistaken for a MArtien, he gets a caning".
Le Journal de Lillers France, November 5, 1954 "Small Echoes".
Liberté France, November 5, 1954 "Mistaken for a Martian, het gets a correction..."
L'Echo de la Lys France, November 5, 1954 "One was seen in Saint-Venant".
Le Journal de Lillers France, November 5, 1954 "Saint-Venant - Our saucers!"
La Voix du Nord France, November 5, 1954 "A fake Martian receives a caning in the Drôme ".
Nord Littoral France, November 5, 1954 "The the Drôme the fake Martian receives a caning".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, November 5, 1954 "A brave peasant mistaken for a Martian receives a caning in the Drôme".
Nord-Eclair France, November 5, 1954 "A false Martian receives a caning in the Drôme"
Nord-Eclair France, November 5, 1954 "His neighbor mistakes him fro a Martian... and tears off his ear!"
Nord-Matin France, November 5, 1954 "In the Drôme, a false Martian receives a caning".
Le Courrier Picard France, November 5, 1954 "A luminous 'spinning top' flew over the regions of Moreuil and d'Ailly-sur-Noye".
Journal du Santerre France, November 5, 1954 "One of our fellow Citizens saw a flying wheel".
Abbeville Libre France, November 5, 1954 "Across France".
Le Courrier Picard France, November 5, 1954 "A fake Martian is hit with a stick in the Drôme".
Baltimore Evening Sun USA, November 5, 1954 "Frenchman hurt in 'space war'"
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, November 5, 1954 "The flying cigar of the day."
Le Provençal France, November 5, 1954 "I saw a disk fly at more than 3.000 kilometers per hour".
La Voix du Nord France, November 4, 1954 "A 'grey crown' saucer spotted in the region of Amiens"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, November 4, 1954 "A flying saucer landed near the Laumes!"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, November 4, 1954 "The Forbach saucer was too good to be true".
La Croix France, November 4, 1954 "The 'saucers' photos were only a hoax".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, November 4, 1954 "Are these also Belgian made fake saucers that crossed the Dunkerk sky?"
Nord Littoral France, November 4, 1954 "An 'experimental stratospheri rocket' (!) at the Virval ??"
Le Courrier Picard France, November 4, 1954 "electrons saucer?"
Paris-Presse France, November 4, 1954 "The saucer of the East was made of plasticine".
Le Libertaire France, November 4, 1954 "Flying saucers: a complex".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, November 4, 1954 "About a strange phenomenon in the sky of Dijon".
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, November 4, 1954 "Near Orbey, a flying saucer was seen yesterday".
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, November 4, 1954 "Martians like flowers".
L'Oise-Matin France, November 3, 1954 "A flying saucer reporttedly landed near Long".
L'Oise-Matin France, November 3, 1954 "Flying saucers appear in India, in Italy... and in the Oise!"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, November 3, 1954 "Martians had nothing to do with it!"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, November 3, 1954 "A flying saucer was allegedly photographed from 12 meters away".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, November 3, 1954 "A flying cigar off the shore of Calais".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, November 3, 1954 "Flying saucer above the Calais - Dunkerque road".
Le Courrier Picard France, November 3, 1954 "Mysterious craft again furrow the sky of Picardy".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, November 3, 1954 Observation of a probable meteor.
Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, November 3, 1954 Hoax in the Netherlands.
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, November 3, 1954 Probable meteor.
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, November 3, 1954 "A flying cigar above Colmar".
Var-Matin République France, November 3, 1954 "Martians love flowers".
La Voix du Nord France, November 2, 1954 "A flying cigare off the Calais shore?"
L'Oise-Matin France, November 2, 1954 "Flying saucers new model".
Nord Littoral France, November 2, 1954 "Flying saucers are sometimes balls..."
Nord-Matin France, November 2, 1954 "A muticolored saucer in the sky of Le Bizet".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, November 2, 1954 "A flying saucer was seen by a Dunkirk family".
Le Courrier Picard France, November 2, 1954 "A saucer carried the nimber'3 R-X MARS'".
L'Est Républicain France, November 2, 1954 "For the first time a photographer says he operated close to a 'saucer'".
L'Est Républicain France, November 2, 1954 "You'll blow up the earth".
L'Est Républicain France, November 2, 1954 "A saucer in the Romarimontan sky?"
L'Est Républicain France, November 2, 1954 "Another saucer on Sarreguemines?"
Le Provençal France, November 2, 1954 "Flying balls and crescent".
Var-Matin République France, November 2, 1954 "At last a saucer was captured...".
La Croix France, November 2, 1954 "An American technician reveals: 'I took part in the capture of a saucer. But the pilot escaped on board a rescue 'cigar'!"
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, November 1, 1954 "The saucers".
Le Courrier Picard France, November 1, 1954 "The flying 'automobile wheel'".
Le Courrier Picard France, November 1, 1954 "A 14-year-old boy shouts: 'I^m scared! A saucer is chasing me.'"
The Troy Record USA, November 1, 1954 "Flying saucers back in France".
The Daily Times USA, November 1, 1954 "Two report seeing saucers in France".
L'Est Républicain France, November 1, 1954 "A 'flying saucer bureau' created in Italy".
Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, November 1, 1954 "The obsession with the Martians".
L'Est Républicain France, November 1, 1954 "Georges Adamski's Venusian".
Le Provençal France, November 1, 1954 "Flying saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, October 31, 1954 "The thrirty-six stars of the joking Martian".
La Voix du Nord France, October 31, 1954 "It was not a saucer".
Liberté France, October 31, 1954 "The 'Martian' spoke our language".
Le Journal des Flandres France, October 31, 1954 "Do we have an explanations for the flying saucers?"
Nord-Eclair France, October 31, 1954 "Disciples... of Saint-Thomas"
Le Journal de Bruay France, October 31, 1954 "Between us..."
Nord Littoral France, October 31, 1954 "A young boy "chased" by a "flying saucer".
L'Eclair du Cambrésis France, October 31, 1954 "Saucermania".
Douai Scarpe France, October 31, 1954 "The Martian was but a tramp".
Bresle et Vimeu Libre France, October 31, 1954 "The Acheux phenomenon".
Cincinnati Enquirer USA, October 31, 1954 "Flights of fancy".
Le Provençal France, October 31, 1954 "Come quickly, I'm a afraid, a saucer is chasing me".
Le Méridional France, October 31, 1954 "A kid "chased" by a saucer!".
La Voix du Nord France, October 30, 1954 "The flying funnel".
La Voix du Nord France, October 30, 1954 "We lacked a saucer, we have it".
La Croix France, October 30, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
L'Abeille de la Ternoise France, October 30, 1954 "The October 18 saucer".
Nord-Matin France, October 30, 1954 "At last the sky of Pont had its saucer too!"
Libre Artois France, October 30, 1954 "The Quarouble resident Marius Dewilde who, the first saw the pilots of the saucers reportedly had a nw visit of the strange 'little men'".
L'Avenir d'Auchel France, October 30, 1954 "Between us".
L'Abeille de la Ternoise France, October 30, 1954 "Another saucer story".
Nord-Matin France, October 30, 1954 "A farmer fires his rifle at a tree trunk he mistook for a Martien".
Le Courier de Valenciennes France, October 30, 1954 "Alert in Anzin".
La Croix du Nord France, October 30, 1954 "A former gendarme of Pont-sur-Sambre saw a luminous craft move from west to east".
L'Authie France, October 30, 1954 "In France"
Journal de Ham France, October 30, 1954 Saucer fly...
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 30, 1954 Saucer in Ségur.
The Jasper Herald USA, October 30, 1954 "They're Seeing Those Saucers In France!"
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 30, 1954 Observation from Colmar.
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, October 30, 1954 The "Martian radish" of Wittenheim.
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 30, 1954 "A 'Martian' causes a panic at the Creil Hangars".
Le Provençal France, October 30, 1954 "Luminous fireballs in the sky of Bagnols and Connaux", etc.
La Montagne France, October 30, 1954 "I have been followed by a flying saucer - The story of a voung schoolboy terrified by a mysterious machine"
Courrier de Saône-et-Loire France, October 30, 1954 "A scooter stopped by the passage of a luminous craft".
France-Soir France, October 30, 1954 "In Moussey (the Vosges) the saucer soiled grass and left prints".
Courier-Post USA, October 30, 1954 "More 'Flying saucers' reported in France".
Daily Reporter USA, October 30, 1954 "France reports two more flying saucers".
Indianapolis Star USA, October 30, 1954 "France reports more 'saucers'".
News-Journal USA, October 30, 1954 "French saucer tales on rise; ray added".
Times-Record USA, October 30, 1954 "Flying saucers back in France".
Le Guetteur de Lillers France, October 29, 1954 "Hunting 1954".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 29, 1954 "Falase Martian and saucer in Creil".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 29, 1954 "A cultivator shoots... on a tree trunk!"
Nord-Matin France, October 29, 1954 "Quarouble resident Marius Dewilde who, the first, saw the saucers pilts, reportedly had a new visit of the strange 'little men'".
L'Echo de la Lys France, October 29, 1954 "It was but... an earthling".
Nord Littoral France, October 29, 1954 "The celestial machines".
Nord Littoral France, October 29, 1954 "Saucer or not saucer?"
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 29, 1954 "The saucers".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 29, 1954 "Drunk saucer and candy pink cigar in the Italian sky".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 29, 1954 "Misdeeds of a MArtian in the Creuse".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 29, 1954 "'flying saucer' above Oye-Plage".
Star-Tribune USA, October 29, 1954 "Martian".
L'Est Républicain France, October 29, 1954 "In Moussey (the Vosges) the 'saucer' soiled grass and left prints".
Le Nouvel Alsacien France, October 29, 1954 A "saucer" in Wattwiller.
La Tribune de Sherbrooke Canada, October 29, 1954 "A celestial phenomenon is seen in Rome: a flying saucer?".
Le Petit Maconnais France, October 29, 1954 "A strange craft has been observed by a scooterist of Vichy".
Le Journal du Centre France, October 29, 1954 "A "craft" in the sky of Vichy".
Est Républicain France, October 29, 1954 "Prohibition for the flying saucers to fly over Châteauneuf-du-Pape".
Le Monde France, October 29, 1954 "Flying discs interrupt a soccer game".
Le Haut-Marnais France, October 29, 1954 "... the 'saucers or cigars' landing in Chateauneuf-du-Pape will be held in custody ..."
Var-Matin - République France, October 29, 1954 "Saucer here, Saucer there, a farmer blown away!"
Le Méridional France, October 29, 1954 "Flying saucers in custory and their occupants invited... to a reception".
Nord-Eclair France, October 28, 1954 "In which we talk again of 'saucers and flying cigars'".
Nord-Matin France, October 28, 1954 "Comines: a saucer?".
Lebanon Daily News USA, October 28, 1954 "Dogs scare flying saucer".
Marion Star USA, October 28, 1954 "Flying saucer reports sweep france".
Paris-Normandie France, October 28, 1954 "A flying cigar lands in a meadow of the Pays d'Ouche and two Martians wander there".
The Times U-K., October 28, 1954 "Mayoral ban on 'flying saucers'".
La Montagne France, October 28, 1954 "At the saucer's shop - From where does this being of exceptional capacity come from?"
Centre-Matin France, October 28, 1954 "The flying saucers come from a planet which its inhabitants call 'the light in the middle of the sky', declares a famous Greek clairvoyant".
L'Est Républicain France, October 28, 1954 "And here is the secret weapon of the 'Martians': the light blue beam...".
Var-Matin - République France, October 28, 1954 "A ball of fire is photographed in the Hungarian sky" Etc.
Le Républicain Lorrain France, October 27, 1954 "A 'flying cigar' passees near a tractor of which it discharged the batteries".
La Voix du Nord France, October 27, 1954 "A 'Martian' wandered in the wood of Lewarde".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 27, 1954 "Here is the flying and rolling saucer...".
La Croix France, October 27, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
L'Indépendant du Pas-de-Calais France, October 27, 1954 "The braided 'Martian' sopke 'Russian'".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 27, 1954 "Flying and... rolling saucer".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 27, 1954 "'Saucers' in the region of Hesdin - St-Pol".
Nord-Littoral France, October 27, 1954 "Collision (sic) between the car of a Calais trader and... a flying saucer".
Nord-Matin France, October 27, 1954 "A miner sees in Lewarde a fantastic being, with strange eyes..."
La Croix du Nord France, October 27, 1954 "Casimir (Nr 2) saw MArtians without saucer in Lewarde".
La Croix du Nord France, October 27, 1954 "Rolling!"
Nord-Eclair France, October 27, 1954 "A Martian (without saucer) came down from nickel cubes".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 27, 1954 "Flying and rolling saucer".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 27, 1954 "Flying... and rolling saucer".
L'Est Républicain France, October 27, 1954 "The 'saucer' emptied the tractor's battery".
L'Est Républicain France, October 27, 1954 "Saucers and cigars in the Italian sky".
L'Est Républicain France, October 27, 1954 "The strange encounter of Lieutenant Gordman".
La Résistance de l'Ouest France, October 27, 1954 "Paimboeuf - Visions in the night?"
Le Libre Poitou France, October 27, 1954 The abbot and the frying pans.
La Republique Varoise France, October 27, 1954 "Saucer or flying 4CV car?"
L'Alsace France, October 27, 1954 "A flying saucers with wheels!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 26, 1954 "A dozen people look at the moves of a flying saucer?"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 26, 1954 "A (cardboard) saucer discovered in the Yonne"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 26, 1954 "Saucer-catcher in the Beaune region"
La Croix France, October 26, 1954 "Saucer, cigars blocked by the bad weather?"
Nord Littoral France, October 26, 1954 "Saucer-cigar in the sky of Alsace".
Nord-Matin France, October 26, 1954 "Neuvilly - Apparition of a luminous craft".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 26, 1954 "The flying saucers".
Le Pays d'Auge - Tribune France, October 26, 1954 "Interplanetary chronicke???"
Muncie Evening Press USA, October 26, 1954 "France, too, 'invaded' By Martians".
L'Est Républicain France, October 26, 1954 "A mysterious craft, in the shape of a chick brooder, landed in la Seille-Arraye-et-Han"
L'Est Républicain France, October 26, 1954 "The 'flying cigar'? An old story..."
L'Est Républicain France, October 26, 1954 "The race to the death of Captain Mantell".
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, October 26, 1954 "An 'unknown flying object' also above Battenheim".
Ouest-France France, October 26, 1954 "In Brest a high ranking officer engineer in the navy has seen a "very luminous disc" in the sky".
Le Midi Libre France, October 26, 1954 "The whole family barricades and gets no sleep because "a flying saucer was watching them"".
Le Républicain Lorrain France, October 26, 1954 "A "boiler's lid" chooses a carrot field to land".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 26, 1954 "The Martian of the baker boy was a goat!"
Le Provençal France, October 26, 1954 "North in the South, the Italian sky is furrowed by saucers"
Var-Matin - République France, October 26, 1954 "Saucers letters"
L'Alsace France, October 26, 1954 "Many saucers observed in Italy".
Var-Matin - République France, October 26, 1954 "Is it another cigar?"
L'Oise-Matin France, October 25, 1954 "Surveillance en Italie".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 25, 1954 "A communiqué of the Italian air ministry".
Le Courier Picard France, October 25, 1954 "The Italian Minister of Air prescribes 'to intensify surveillance' to detect flying saucers".
The Daily Oklahoman USA, October 25, 1954 "Flying saucers in France, too".
L'Est Républicain France, October 25, 1954 "At the heart of the mystery of flying saucers - The strange case of the silent fireball".
L'Est Républicain France, October 25, 1954 "After the saucers, cigars etc... The flying '5 CV Citroën'..."
Daily Gleaner Kenya, October 25, 1954 "Visitors from outer space may be mapping earth".
France-Soir France, October 24-25, 1954 "A 'Martian' comes out of a plate, talks Russian to a worker and threatens him with a revolver..."
La Voix du Nord France, October 24, 1954 "The round of the flying saucer goes on".
La Voix du Nord France, October 24, 1954 "Saucers above the bay of Somme".
La Voix du Nord France, October 24, 1954 "The daily saucer".
La Voix du Nord France, October 24, 1954 "Saucer?"
La Croix France, October 24, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc.
Le Journal des Flandres France, October 24, 1954 "First misdeed of the 'Martians'"
Nord-Eclair France, October 24, 1954 "The hour of the saucers..."
Libre Artois France, October 24, 1954 "'Saucers' on the coasts of aour region".
Le Cri du Peuple France, October 24, 1954 "Do not shoot at the Martians".
L'Indépendant du Pas-de-Calais France, October 24, 1954 "The problem of the day - the Flying Saucers..!"
Nord-Matin France, October 24, 1954 "Hon-Hernies - a mysterious craft in th sky of the city".
La Croix de Picardie France, October 24, 1954 "Martians all over France".
Nord Littoral France, October 24, 1954 "Was it a saucer?"
Nord Littoral France, October 24, 1954 "Flying saucers in Calais".
Nord Eclair France, October 24, 1954 "In the Vosges a Czech worker talks in Russian with a 'Martian'".
Nord-Matin France, October 24, 1954 "In the Vosges a Czech worker talks in Russian with a 'Martian'".
La Croix du Nord France, October 24, 1954 "No frontier for the saucers".
Le Journal de Montreuil France, October 24, 1954 "Saucers or not saucers... but nevertheless weird phenomenon in the Hesdin sky".
Nord-Matin France, October 24, 1954 "Saucer?"
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 24, 1954 "In the Vosges, a Czech workman discuses in Russian with a 'Martian'".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 24, 1954 "Audruicq - Was it a saucer?"
France-Soir France, October 24-25, 1954 "Invasion of ...imaginary Martians in Anzin"
L'Alsace France, October 24, 1954 "The Martian spoke... Russian",
L'Alsace France, October 24, 1954 "A flying saucer made an extraordinary demonstration in the sky of Wittenheim",
L'Alsace France, October 24, 1954 "A red ball between Fortschwihr and Bischwihr",
L'Alsace France, October 24, 1954 "Luminous apparatuses in the sky of Guebwiller",
La Croix du Nord France, October 24, 1954 "Four Martians came to shake hands with a somainois and spoke to him ... in Chinese!"
Le Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 24, 1954 Several sightings.
Bresle et Vimeu Libres France, October 24, 1954 "Londinières' Saucer".
La Voix du Nord France, October 23, 1954 "Still the saucers!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 23, 1954 "Another one!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 23, 1954 "Visit of a mysterious craft".
La Voix du Nord France, October 23, 1954 "Just high power line insulators".
La Voix du Nord France, October 23, 1954 "The saucers corner".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 23, 1954 "The flying saucers continue their round in the Oise and elsewhere".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 23, 1954 "Last minute".
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 In Maurs.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 In Siran.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 In Sévérac-le-Château.
La Croix France, October 23, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
Liberté France, October 23, 1954 "The mysterious craft was a weather balloon".
L'Abeille de la Twrnoise France, October 23, 1954 "Flying Saucers..."
Nord Littoral France, October 23, 1954 "Still and again the saucers".
Nord Littoral France, October 23, 1954 "The 'luminous objects' still appear in the sky of France".
Libre Artois France, October 23, 1954 "An explanation of the flying saucer - A strange phenomenon observed after the passing of a 'Stratojet' plane".
Nord Littoral France, October 23, 1954 "Again the saucers!"
Nord Littoral France, October 23, 1954 "A Martian who speaks Russian".
Nord-Matin France, October 23, 1954 "Saucers on the coasts of our region".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 23, 1954 "A weather specialist saw an 'oval craft'".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 23, 1954 "Reduced activity on the "Saucers" frontline.
Le Courrier Picard France, October 23, 1954 "There is saucer and saucer".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 23, 1954 "Pas-de-Calais - Unexplianed phenomena were observed Thursday evening".
Nord-Matin France, October 23, 1954 "The flying saucers were just insulators of a high power line".
La Voix du Nord France, October 23, 1954 "Gone with the wind".
Nord Littoral France, October 23, 1954 "Flying saucers in the Calaisis".
Nord Eclair France, October 23, 1954 "Luminous balls cross Norway and Sweden".
L'Authie France, October 23, 1954 "Hem-Hardincal - An unknown craft in the sky".
Le Journal de Doullens France, October 23, 1954 "Always the saucers".
L'Abeille de la Ternoise France, October 23, 1954 "The turn taken by...".
Les Tablettes de Péronne France, October 23, 1954 "A little bit of everything".
Le Courier de la Région de Fourmies France, October 23, 1954 "A flying saucer on Wignehies".
Journal de Ham France, October 23, 1954 "Was it a flying saucer?"
Le Courrier Picard France, October 23, 1954 "The pilot of the saucer talked Russian".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 23, 1954 "Another stack of saucers".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 23, 1954 "Saucer and cup".
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 Windshield cancer.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 Balloon in Issoire-le-Broc.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 Balloon in Girac.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 Balloon in Mayrinhac.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 Balloon in Anglars-Juillac, Prayssac and Castelfranc.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 Balloon in Fons.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 23, 1954 Flying objects in Neuvic.
Paris-Presse France, October 23, 1954 "A yellow ball going at 10.000 km./hour in the sky of the Seine-et-Marne".
L'Echo Nogentais France, October 23, 1954 "Chasing flying saucers".
Sydney Morning Herald Australia, October 23, 1954 "Joe Slugg, from Mars".
L'Est Républicain France, October 23, 1954 "A worker of Saint-Remy (the Vosges) is said to have talked - in Russian - to the pilot of a 'flying saucer'".
L'Est Républicain France, October 23, 1954 "'Stacks' of saucers in the sky of Ile-de-France".
L'Alsace France, October 23, 1954 "A young farmer from Dornach and his companion saw a mysterious craft move over the forest of Didenheim".
L'Alsace France, October 23, 1954 Sightings in Wittenheim.
Les Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 23, 1954 "Flying disc above Bollwiller".
L'Ardennais France, October 23, 1954 Disc was a meteor.
La Nouvelle Republique France, October 23, 1954 "A strange craft crosses the sky of Ile de France".
Le Méridional France, October 23, 1954 "In the sky of Ile-de-France - A luminous craft said to have evolved at 10.000 km. hour".
Paris-Match France, October 23, 1954 "I travelled in a saucer".
Le Provençal France, October 23, 1954 "I have witnessed a chase between a cigar and jet airplanes".
Var-Matin République France, October 23, 1954 "Saucer in repair".
L'Est Républicain France, October 23, 1954 "A motorist paralysed by a 'flying cone'".
La Voix du Nord France, October 22, 1954 "Phenomena in the dky of the French and Belgian Flandres".
La Voix du Nord France, October 22, 1954 "Neuvilly has its flying saucer".
La Voix du Nord France, October 22, 1954 "Saucers stop engines".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 22, 1954 "Flying saucers over the Nièvre".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 22, 1954 "Apparitions in the skies of France and Italy".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 22, 1954 "Appearance of saucers in the sky of Le Touquet".
L'Echo de la Lys France, October 22, 1954 "fireball, saucer, balloon, cigar or lightning???"
Nord Littoral France, October 22, 1954 "The flying saucers in Normandy and Alsace".
Nord Littoral France, October 22, 1954 "Flying saucers in the Ardrésis".
La Voix du Nord France, October 22, 1954 "A new cause of engine failure: the passing of a saucer".
Le Progrès du Nord France, October 22, 1954 "Saucers".
Abbeville Libre France, October 22, 1954 "Handful of news across France".
La Pie de Picardie France, October 22, 1954 "Flying lens... above Amiens!"
Nord-Matin France, October 22, 1954 "Neuvilly - Flying saucers were seen"
Nord-Matin France, October 22, 1954 "Dannes - Was it a flying saucer?"
Journal du Santerre France, October 22, 1954 "Under cups".
Journal du Santerre France, October 22, 1954 "Flying saucers".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 22, 1954 "The 'flying saucers' come to see Normandy again".
Paris-Presse France, October 22, 1954 "The latest flying saucer trend is in the shape of a 4 CV".
L'Est Républicain France, October 22, 1954 "Confronted to a flying saucer or the courage of a motorcyclist".
Caller-Times USA, October 22, 1954 "'Saucer' loses wings".
L'Est Républicain France, October 22, 1954 "Strange findings make wonder whether the mysterious celestial visitors are interested in the Lunéville country".
L'Est Républicain France, October 22, 1954 "The latest flying saucer model is car-shaped".
Centre-Matin France, October 22, 1954 "A flying saucer of car size land in Oran".
Le Méridional France, October 22, 1954 "A flying disc seen by three people in Ollioules (Var)".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 22, 1954 "Flying saucers and natural phenomena".
La Liberté France, October 22, 1954 "Two residents of Clermont saw a fire ball..."
L'Alsace France, October 22, 1954 "Strange luminous phenomenon above Feldbach".
L'Alsace France, October 22, 1954 "A truck driver 'paralysed' by a 'flying cone' in the Moselle".
L'Est Républicain France, October 22, 1954 "The residents of the valley of the Rhone do not believe in flying saucers anymore since the passage of a 'Stratojet' plane".
La Voix du Nord France, October 21, 1954 "Was it a saucer?"
La Voix du Nord France, October 21, 1954 "On the sidelines of the flying saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, October 21, 1954 "Flying saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, October 21, 1954 "After the saucer... the cigar!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 21, 1954 "The 'saucers' were sounding balloons".
La Croix France, October 21, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 21, 1954 "A strange phenomenon observed after the passage of a 'STRATOJET' plane".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 21, 1954 "A flying saucer appears to two Cambrésians".
Nord-Eclair France, October 21, 1954 "Flying saucers (continued) in Hesdin".
Nord Littoral France, October 21, 1954 "Do we have an explanation for the flying saucers?"
Nord Littoral France, October 21, 1954 "A saucer in the sky of Audruicq".
La Croix du Nord France, October 21, 1954 "Saucer and sign of the times".
Nord-Matin France, October 21, 1954 "A strange phenomenon observed after the passage of a jet plane".
Nord-Matin France, October 21, 1954 "From the saucer to the lost shoe".
Nord-Matin France, October 21, 1954 "A saucer in Valenciennes?"
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 21, 1954 "The 'flying saucers' reportedly start to crisscross the Belgium sky!"
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 21, 1954 "A luminous and round craft lands near Aire-sur-la-Lys".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 21, 1954 "A strange phenomenon observed after the flight of a jet plane".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 21, 1954 "A flying saucer in Eu?"
Le Courrier Picard France, October 21, 1954 "A strange phenomenon observd after the passage of a 'Stratojet' plane".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 21, 1954 "Who did not see his saucer?"
Paris Presse France, October 21, 1954 "I held a flying saucer fragment but it melted".
Var-Matin - République France, October 21, 1954 "In Hyères, the Navy has a nose in the air"
La Liberté France, October 21, 1954 "A strange phenomenon is observed after the passage of an airplane"
L'Est Républicain France, October 21, 1954 "Flying saucers give skin diseases!"
La Montagne France, October 21, 1954 "A luminous disc in the clouds...".
Centre-Matin France, October 21, 1954 "After the saucers, the flying plates".
Le Provençal France, October 21, 1954 "A strange phenomenon observed after the passing of a jet airplane".
Le Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 21, 1954 "The psychosis of the saucers: the Martians were only chrysanthemums wrapped against the cold".
La Liberté de l'Est France, October 21, 1954 "The baker saw an apparatus but it is not known whether it was a donut".
La Liberté de l'Est France, October 21, 1954 "In Bouxurulles (Vosges) a flying saucer was seen".
L'Alsace France, October 21, 1954 "A saucer, a cigarr [sic] and a flying sphere above Guebwiller".
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 21, 1954 "The flying saucer was a jet fighter".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 20, 1954 "Saucer flies..."
L'Est Républicain France, October 20, 1954 "Well-diggers claim to have seen the Virgin appear to them".
La Voix du Nord France, October 20, 1954 "From the saucer... to the lost shoe!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 20, 1954 "Flying saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, October 20, 1954 "A meteor reportedly fell Monday evening between La Roupie and La Lacque".
La Voix du Nord France, October 20, 1954 "The saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, October 20, 1954 "And more mysterious craft!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 20, 1954 "Finally, Béthune has its flying saucer!"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 20, 1954 "Saucers in the sky of Saulieu".
Record-Eagle USA, October 20, 1954 "French saucers".
La Croix France, October 20, 1954 "Saucers, cigares, etc".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 20, 1954 "Flying saucers in the Boulogne sky".
Liberté France, October 20, 1954 "And here are saucers again".
Liberté France, October 20, 1954 "A saucer again, this time in Audruicq".
Nord Littoral France, October 20, 1954 "'I chased, by motorbike, a flying saucer!'".
Nord Littoral France, October 20, 1954 "Near Saint-Tropez two well diggers claim to have seen the virgin appear to them".
Nord Littoral France, October 20, 1954 "A farmer who run looking at the sky, falls into a pond".
Nord Littoral France, October 20, 1954 "A 'strange gleam' seen by numerous witnesses in Calais and the Calais region".
Nord-Matin France, October 20, 1954 "A saucer in Bouzincourt".
Nord-Matin France, October 20, 1954 "A weird fireball in the sky of Férriére".
La Croix du Nord France, October 20, 1954 "The flying saucers... at the Palais-Bourbon".
Nord-Matin France, October 20, 1954 "A Martian commando disturbs a village in the Moselle, but they were only chrysanthemums swaddled against the cold!".
Nord-Eclair France, October 20, 1954 "Real saucers in the sky of Béthune".
Liberté France, October 20, 1954 "The round of the saucer now occurs in the Sambre Basin"
Libre Artois France, October 20, 1954 "And why not in the sky of Arras?"
L'Observateur France, October 20, 1954 "At last! The Avesnois has its 'flying saucer'".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 20, 1954 "The flying saucers".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 20, 1954 "Saucers again and again".
Paris-Presse France, October 20, 1954 "Martians paid a visit to Curzio Malaparte".
The Linton Daily Citizen USA, October 20, 1954 "'Flying saucers' again reported in France".
The Delphos Courant USA, October 20, 1954 "Saucers sighted in France and Italy".
The Bee USA, October 20, 1954 "Wow! Flying saucers are everywhere".
Le Provençal France, October 20, 1954 "Well-diggers claim to have seen the virgin appear to them".
L'Est Républicain France, October 20, 1954 "Pursued by the Martians an Italian found refuge in the lunatics asylum.".
Le Méridional France, October 20, 1954 "A craft in a field".
Le Méridional France, October 20, 1954 "Two luminous balls".
Le Haut-Marnais Républicain France, October 20, 1954 "A flying saucer lands on the villa of the writer Vurzio Malaparte".
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, October 20, 1954 In Heidolsheim.
La Liberté de l'Est France, October 20, 1954 Probable meteor.
Le Provencal France, October 20, 1954 "Immobilized by a gleam... a flying neon tube... ".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 20, 1954 "The fly-by of a flying cigar seen at St-Samson-la-Poterie".
L'Est Républicain France, October 20, 1954 "A flying saucer said to have landed near Toul".
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 20, 1954 "Landing of a flying saucer in Issenheim?"
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, October 20, 1954 "From Mars to Issenheim and back."
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, October 20, 1954 "Landing of a flying saucer in Issenheim?"
L'Alsace France, October 20, 1954 "In Capri, a flying saucer lands on Curzio Malaparte's villa", etc.
Bridgeton Evening News USA, October 20, 1954 "French Saucers", etc.
La Liberté France, October 20, 1954 "'Saucer' of Cisternes-la-Forêt".
Liberté France, October 19, 1954 "In Quarouble big dowsing session to detect the origin of the flying saucers"
La Voix du Nord France, October 19, 1954 "Again and always the saucers!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 19, 1954 "Here is the saucer!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 19, 1954 "A mysterious craft was observed by the residents of Saint-Saulve".
La Voix du Nord France, October 19, 1954 "A saucer in the sky of Audruicq".
La Voix du Nord France, October 19, 1954 "Tergnier got a flying funner".
La Voix du Nord France, October 19, 1954 "Flying saucer?"
La Voix du Nord France, October 19, 1954 "Instead of saucers Tergnier got a 'flying funnel'"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 19, 1954 "Did the saucer (?) follow the jet planes?"
Hatford Courant USA, October 19, 1954 "Sky objects chased".
New Philadelphia Daily Times USA, October 19, 1954 "Flying saucers seen in France and Italy".
La Croix France, October 19, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 19, 1954 "The roadmender arrived late at work... because he had seen a 'flying saucer'".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 19, 1954 "Red ball, white plates, pink disk... rushing at fast pace furrowed the Picardy sky".
Nord Littoral France, October 19, 1954 "Un veterinary, employees of the Orly airport claim to have seen 'saucers'".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 19, 1954 "Believing he was confronted to a 'Martian' a farmer fires two shots at a neighbor".
Nord Littoral France, October 19, 1954 "The roadmender didn't see anything".
Nord-Matin France, October 19, 1954 "Saucers seen in Amiens and different places of the department".
Nord-Matin France, October 19, 1954 "Saucer gotta hold on us!"
Nord-Matin France, October 19, 1954 "The brigadier and a gendarme of Foncquevillers saw a luminous orange craft".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 19, 1954 "A new mysterious craft crossed our sky yesterday".
Libre Artois France, October 19, 1954 "Two gendarmes of Foncouevillers and a city councilman of Pommier saw a luminous craft".
Liberté France, October 19, 1954 "Haumont - flying saucers..."
La Croix du Nord France, October 19, 1954 "Luminous craft in the sky of the Artois".
Nord-Matin France, October 19, 1954 "A saucer in the sky of Sous-le-Bois".
Nord-Eclair France, October 19, 1954 "A 'ball of fire' in the sky of Sous-le-Bois".
Nord-Matin France, October 19, 1954 "A parliamentarian asks the Government to give explanations on the 'saucers' problem".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 19, 1954 "A veterinarian meets a 'Martian'".
Paris-Presse France, October 19, 1954 "Do not shoot at the Martians...!"
Le Provençal France, October 19, 1954 "A farmer claims he saw an unknown and phosphorescent craft in a field".
Lubbock Morning Avalanche USA, October 19, 1954 "'Flying Saucer' alarm sounded by French, Italian observers".
La Liberté France, October 19, 1954 "Saucers and cigars still furrow the sky".
Var-Matin - République France, October 19, 1954 "New saucers seen in the sky of the Var".
Shreveport Times USA, October 19, 1954 "'Flying saucer' reports revived"
Albuquerque Journal USA, October 19, 1954 "Flying saucers seen in France and Italy"
Le Petit Varois France, October 19, 1954 "German enineer Von Zborowski makes new revelations"
L'Est Républicain France, October 19, 1954 "The 'Martians' are becoming more and more reckless... When they do not prove to the "Earthmen" that they have the imagination too beautiful!"
L'Est Républicain France, October 19, 1954 "Saucers and cigars in the sky - A veterinarian, three firefighters and two Orly employees add their names to the list of 'those who have seen'."
La Montagne France, October 19, 1954 "The luminous ball observed Saturday in Montlucon, Nevers and Clermont was also seen in Moulins".
Feuille d'Avis Switzerland, October 19, 1954 The Sinceny mistake in the Swiss Press.
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 19, 1954 "In the Flying Saucers chapter".
Le Petit Varois France, October 19, 1954 "'Stealing' saucers".
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 19, 1954 "Was it a flying saucer?"
Nouvel Alsacien France, October 19, 1954 "Flying saucer above Ohlungen".
Le Courrier de l'Ouest France, October 19, 1954 "It keeps up".
L'Ardennais France, October 19, 1954 "The "saucer" which hovered above Sedan on Saturday evening has been photographed".
Ouest-France France, October 19, 1954 In Langres.
Evening Star USA, October 19, 1954 "In France, rumors are flying... Or maybe they are saucers".
Le Méridional France, October 19, 1954 "A flying melon in the sky of Alsace" etc.
Le Provencal France, October 19, 1954 "The flying saucers courrier" (sightings).
La Quatrième République des Pyrénées France, October 19, 1954 "An ultimatum of the "Martians" to the Earth!".
Akron Beacon Journal USA, October 19, 1954 "This should end saucer stories!"
L'Oise-Matin France, October 18, 1954 "The saucers continue to impassionate the opinion".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 18, 1954 "Martians are seen everywhere".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 18, 1954 "A saucer Saturday evening on the Haute-Saône and the Jura".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 18, 1954 "Having mistaken his neighbor for a Martian, he fires two gunshots at him".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 18, 1954 "Thinking he was in the rpesence of a 'Martian'..."
Le Courrier Picard France, October 18, 1954 "Ham: Flying saucer disdain our sky".
The Amballa Tribune India, October 18, 1954 "'Man from Mars' shot at in France".
Daily Times USA, October 18, 1954 "Scares Passenger In Flying Saucer".
Delphos Daily Herald USA, October 18, 1954 "Frenchman Sees Flying Saucer".
Tyrone Daily Herald USA, October 18, 1954 "Scared by dogs".
Akron Beacon-Journal USA, October 18, 1954 "Man From Mars? No, It's Maurice".
Courier-Post USA, October 18, 1954 "Man Shoots at Motorist He Thought a Martian".
St. Louis Post-dispatch USA, October 18, 1954 "Fired on as 'Martian' foe".
Var-Matin - République France, October 18, 1954 "New witnesses, worthy of faith, saw the saucer discovered Thursday on the road to Hyères"
L'Est Républicain France, October 18, 1954 "Vagabond, poacher or 'Martian'?"
Le Haut-Marnais Républicain France, October 18, 1954 "The 'flying saucer' and its 'hairy passenger' existed only in the brain fertile in 'jokes' of Mr. NARCY".
Dimanche-Eclair France, October 18, 1954 "The Bugle has been frightened by the cigar".
La Haute Marne Libérée France, October 18, 1954 "A shining craft in the sky of Langres intrigued the crowd".
Le Provençal France, October 18, 1954 "A large burned grass circle mark the place where two residents of Hyères saw a saucer land".
Le Provençal France, October 18, 1954 "An unknown craft gets stationnary at 2 m. of the ground and 100 m of a farmer of Entraigues", etc.
La Charente Libre France, October 18, 1954 "A strange mushroom made its appearance in Ronsenac where a flying "saucer" was also seen!".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 18, 1954 "Daily saucers".
La Haute-Marne Libérée France, October 18, 1954 "Mysterious craft continue to furrow the skies of France".
L'Est Républicain France, October 18, 1954 "A strange being, half-man half-monkey, had a nap in the shade of the tall trees".
Le Méridional France, October 18, 1954 "Some saucers tours in the... Italian clouds" Etc.
La Voix du Nord France, October 17, 1954 "Still the saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, October 17, 1954 "Flying saucer?"
La Croix France, October 17, 1954 "From Cannes to Ruyères "cigare" and "olives" wander in the sky of France".
Le Réveil de Berck France, October 17, 1954 "A thirsty 'Martian'".
Libre Artois France, October 17, 1954 "Saucer talks are continuing..."
Nord Littoral France, October 17, 1954 "Thnking he was dealing with a 'Martian', he fired two shots with his shotgun".
Nord-Eclair France, October 17, 1954 "Saucers flew above the Provence and Italy".
Nord-Eclair France, October 17, 1954 "Mistaking his neighbor for a Martian, he fires two shots at him".
Le Nouveau Nord Meritime France, October 17, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of France".
Liberté France, October 17, 1954 "Missed attack against a false Martian".
La Voix du Nord France, October 17, 1954 "Where we see Mr, Faisan fire two shots at a Martien".
Nord-Matin France, October 17, 1954 "Thousands of residents of Tulle saw the meteorologists saucer".
Nord-Matin France, October 17, 1954 "Missed attack against a false Martian".
La Croix du Nord France, October 17, 1954 "Missed attack against a false Martian".
Bresle et Vimeu Libre France, October 17, 1954 "Ramburelles - A saucer in an apple tree".
Bresle et Vimeu Libre France, October 17, 1954 "Martians in Foucarmont".
Bresle et Vimeu Libre France, October 17, 1954 "The Saint-Blimont saucer".
Paris-Presse France, October 17, 1954 "An Antibes cyclist almost run into a flying cigar".
Star Tribune USA, October 17, 1954 "What's 'fillerup' in Martian?"
Baltimore Sun USA, October 17, 1954 "But the more Paris changes...".
Terre Haute Tribune USA, October 17, 1954 "French saucers".
Le Méridional France, October 17, 1954 "A flying 'cylinder' spotted by the Mont Ventoux Observatory".
Le Méridional France, October 17, 1954 "Mysterious craft in the sky of the Ardèche".
Var-Matin - République France, October 17, 1954 The Ottaviani and Repellini affair.
Le Patriote France, October 17, 1954 "Mysterious landing in a meadow of the Var".
France-Dimanche France, October 17, 1954 "A luminous and silent 'bottle bottom' above Orly and in the sky of Paris".
Centre Matin France, October 17, 1954 "In the Vaucluse, a luminous machine escapes two jets".
Le Provençal France, October 17, 1954 "The saucers courier (Continued)".
Le Provençal France, October 17, 1954 "An unknown machine located in the sky by the observatory of the Mount Ventoux".
Liberté Dimanche France, October 17, 1954 "Saucer, cigar and 'weird being' appeared to a resident of Londinières".
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, October 17, 1954 "Was it a flying saucer... naturally...?"
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, October 17-18, 1954 "Andlau - Landing of a 'Flying cigar?'"
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 17, 1954 "The weather station of Chadrac and another in Cantal observe a 'mysterious apparatus'".
Le Méridional France, October 17, 1954 "The 'interplanetary diver' is afraid of dogs".
Le Provençal France, October 17, 1954 "A mysterious craft lands near Rovigo and flies away".
Amballa Tribune India, October 16, 1954 "French jet planes chase a flying saucer".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 16, 1954 "Two jet planes chase a luminous disc that moves away at their approach".
La Voix du Nord France, October 16, 1954 "A mysterious craft near Doullens".
La Voix du Nord France, October 16, 1954 "A phenomenon in the sky".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 16, 1954 "Fireworks of saucer everywhere in the sky in France".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 16, 1954 "Saucer in the Haute-Marne?"
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 16, 1954 In Ussel.
La Croix France, October 16, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
L'Abeille de la Ternoise France, October 16, 1954 "Echoes".
Nord-Eclair France, October 16, 1954 "The English "deflate" the saucers... which now burst into flight before continuing their route".
Nord-Eclair France, October 16, 1954 "In Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, two jet planes are outdistanced by a saucer".
Nord Littoral France, October 16, 1954 "The chronique of the saucers".
Le Journal de Rue France, October 16, 1954 "Saucers or moonbeams?"
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 16, 1954 "A flying saucer in Saint-Pierre".
Nord-Littoral France, October 16, 1954 "saucers or not saucers".
L'Avenir d'Auchel France, October 16, 1954 Cartoon.
Nord-Matin France, October 16, 1954 "Saucers continue to be discussed".
Le Journal de Rue France, October 16, 1954 "Nouvion-en-Ponthieu - flying cigar".
Le Journal de Rue France, October 16, 1954 "A 'saucer' above Le Crotoy".
Paris-Presse France, October 16, 1954 "A ghst saucer mobilizes - in vain - jet planes".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 16, 1954 "A mysterious craft moves during ten minutes in the Doullenais sky".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 16, 1954 "A 'luminous disc' reportedly chased by jet planes but it escaped".
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 16, 1954 Saucers in Tauves.
Sydney Morning Herald Australia, October 16, 1954 "France in grip of flying saucer fever".
Le Rouergue Républicain France, October 16, 1954 "It was really seen... but it was only a balloon".
Le Rouergue Républicain France, October 16, 1954 "A luminous disc escapes two jet planes that were hunting it".
Le Parisien Libéré France, October 16, 1954 "False alarm in the Vaucluse".
L'Indépendant France, October 16, 1954 "A Perpignan resident affirms to have seen within 30 meters of him a strange craft operated by a 'diver'".
Le Rouergue Républicain France, October 16, 1954 In Graulhet.
L'Espoir France, October 16, 1954 "The 'saucers' sighted in Italy are dangerous".
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, October 16, 1954 "The 'Saucer' was also seen near Thann"
L'Alsace France, October 16, 1954 "Cigars, saucers... and pots"
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, October 16, 1954 "'Flying Cigars' in the Kaysersberg Valley!"
La Liberté de l'Est France, October 16, 1954 "Parachuting"
Nice-Matin France, October 16, 1954 "And now flying saucers in the sky of Midi!..."
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 16, 1954 Hermann Oberth on the saucers, and sightings.
L'Est Républicain France, October 16, 1954 "Visible from the ground, a white disc disappears in front of two jet planes".
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 16, 1954 "The saucer was also visible in the region of Colmar".
Le Lorrain France, October 15, 1954 "The daily (an varied) chronichle of the saucers".
Nord-Matin France, October 15, 1954 "Coming down from a mysterious craft a diver, with hge eyes and small size, appeared to a former Toulouse airman".
Abbeville Libre France, October 15, 1954 "News across France".
La Voix du Nord France, October 15, 1954 "About the flying saucer of Ambleteuse".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, October 15, 1954 "A flying saucer on the Fontaine-de-Vaucluse".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 15, 1954 "Flying saucers".
La Croix France, October 15, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 15, 1954 "Pilots chase a flying saucer in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 15, 1954 "A scuba diver with huge eyes, coming down of a mysterious craft appears to three Toulouse residents".
Nord-Eclair France, October 15, 1954 "Was the Lys 'saucer' the work of a prankster?"
Nord-Eclair France, October 15, 1954 "The 'saucers' leave oily stains and unknown seeds".
Nord Littoral France, October 15, 1954 "I saw, posed on the railway near St-Pierre Halte at 3:40 a.n., a yellow and brilliant craft!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 15, 1954 "Toulouse, in its turn, gets passionate about the flying saucers".
L'Indicateur des Flandres France, October 15, 1954 "Saucers and Co".
Nord-Eclair France, October 15, 1954 "When taking off the 'saucers' leae oily stains and unknown seeds".
La Frontière France, October 15, 1954 The flying saucers.
Abbeville Libre France, October 15, 1954 "Nouvion - a flying saucer".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 15, 1954 "The 'saucers' now move in the South of France".
Paris-Presse France, October 15, 1954 "A 'Martian' deposits two sheets printed in annamese dialect".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 15, 1954 "Two more fantastic saucer stories".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 15, 1954 "A 'Saucer' seen by a peacekeeper".
Le Populaire du Centre France, October 15, 1954 "A "flying saucer" lands in Toulouse and three witnesses see a strange being emerge".
La Croix du Nord France, October 15, 1954 "A diver with huge eyes".
La Croix du Nord France, October 15, 1954 "Saucers seed".
L'Est Républicain France, October 15, 1954 Nazi saucers.
L'Est Républicain France, October 15, 1954 "The daily (and varied) chronicle of the saucers".
L'Est Républicain France, October 15, 1954 "According to the Americans two unknown satellites would gravitate around the Earth".
Centre-Matin France, October 15, 1954 The Saint-Ambroix affair.
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 15, 1954 "Flying saucer in the Alsatian sky".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 15, 1954 "The "saucer" did not land but dropped 'pellets'".
Le Méridional France, October 15, 1954 "The observatory of Haute-Provence observed a luminous object" (a balloon).
Le Méridional France, October 15, 1954 "Emotion in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse where the residents have seen two jet airplanes chase a saucer".
L'Alsace France, October 15, 1954 "A Toulouse industrialist makes a sketch of a 'Martian' before it disappears".
L'Alsace France, October 15, 1954 "A flying cigar?"
Le Provençal France, October 15, 1954 "An aerial ovoid observed on Arles", etc.
Le Provençal France, October 15, 1954 "A 'flying saucer' pursued by by two jets planes of the Caritat base (Vaucluse)".
Var-Matin - République France, October 15, 1954 "Coming down from a mysterious machine, a diver of small size, but with enormous eyes, appears to three Toulouse residents", etc.
La Voix du Nord France, October 14, 1954 "This photo was taken on October 2 near Ambleteuse".
La Voix du Nord France, October 14, 1954 "The saucers reappear".
La Voix du Nord France, October 14, 1954 "The saucers still exist".
La Croix France, October 14, 1954 "Saucers, cigars etc".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 14, 1954 "The luminous circle seen in Metz in the beam of a military projector would be a natural phenomenon"
La Voix du Nord France, October 14, 1954 "This photograph was taken on October 2 near Ambleteuse"
Libre Artois France, October 14, 1954 "Did a flying saucer land in Quarouble?"
Nord-Matin France, October 14, 1954 "'Officials' saw a saucer in an Army searchlight..."
Nord Eclair France, October 14, 1954 "Military services investigate... and a Martian talks to a kid".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 14, 1954 "Abundent flying saucers".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 14, 1954 "flying saucer in Tyrol - A 'Martian' who speaks French".
Paris-Presse France, October 14, 1954 "A Martien gets down of his cigar to light a cigarette".
The Boston Globe USA, October 14, 1954 "Saucer seeks fuel in France".
France-Soir France, October 14, 1954 "The military governor of Metz studies the report by Commander Cottel who saw a luminous device caught in the beam of a searchlight".
Baltomore Evening Sun USA, 14 octobre 1954 "'Saucer' refueling stop reported in France ".
La Dépêche du Midi France, October 14, 1954 "Saucers and cigars in the Correzian sky".
France Soir France, October 14, 1954 "Three 'little beings' in an electric saucer".
France Soir France, October 14, 1954 Saucers and cigars.
L'Est Républicain France, October 14, 1954 "The occupant of the "cigar" wore a hat and talked in French..."
Samedi Soir France, October 14, 1954 "Oumph... Grobezabri.. Trobobranana..."
L'Ardennais France, October 14, 1954 "The saucers chronicle".
Ouest-France France, October 14, 1954 "The investigation about the mysterious craft seen in Derval".
Derby Telegraph Eire, October 14, 1954 "Another one out of the blue?".
Belfast Telegraph Eire, October 14, 1954 "Flying saucer pilot asked for oil, says railwayman".
Derby Evening Telegraph Eire, October 14, 1954 "Saucers back again, this time in Bangkok".
Samedi-Soir France, October 14, 1954 "The big joke of the "Martians"", Loctudy.
Samedi-Soir France, October 14, 1954 "The big joke of the "Martians"", End.
Samedi-Soir France, October 14, 1954 "The Affectionate Martian", Mazaud.
Samedi-Soir France, October 14, 1954 "The great joke of the "Martians" - Two divers play train", Dewilde.
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 14, 1954 "Daily saucers".
Ouest France France, October 14, 1954 "... a ball of fire rested on a meadow ...".
Le Provençal France, October 14, 1954 "A strange sphere remains during three hours in the beam of a projector of the army".
Le Provençal France, October 14, 1954 "Seven odd and tiny beings reportedly sowed mysterious seeds".
The Hindustan Times India, October 14, 1954 "Martians reported seen near France".
L'Alsace France, October 14, 1954 "A machine seen in the sky of Metz hold the attention of the military authorities".
La Voix du Nord France, October 13, 1954 "Flying saucers?"
La Voix du Nord France, October 13, 1954 "From one saucer... to the other".
Le Populaire du Centre France, October 13, 1954 "Again a saucer!"
L'Oise-Matin France, October 13, 1954 "Mysteriouse beings and evolved plants".
La Bourgogne Répubilcaine France, October 13, 1954 "The false saucer crashed!"
La Bourgogne Répubilcaine France, October 13, 1954 "The Cize saucer could no longer take off".
La Bourgogne Répubilcaine France, October 13, 1954 "The 'saucers' antics..."
La Croix France, October 13, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 13, 1954 "Something new on the 'saucers' side".
Nord-Matin France, October 13, 1954 "During three hours in Metz military specialists observe a globe of 50 meters diameter".
Nord-Matin France, October 13, 1954 "Saint-Souplet - From one saucer to the other".
Nord Littoral France, October 13, 1954 "Now it's... Martian girls".
Nord Littoral France, October 13, 1954 "'Flying saucers' reportedly flew over Calais, very high in the sky, in the night from Sunday to Monday".
Nord-Matin France, October 13, 1954 "A giant rocket in the sky of Toulouse".
Nord-Matin France, October 13, 1954 "An automobile driver of the Tarn reportedly saw two passengers of a flying saucer".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 13, 1954 "Discs, balls and flying cigares".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 13, 1954 "Still and again saucers".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 13, 1954 "A motorist reportedly saw two passengers of a 'saucer' in the Tarn".
Paris-Presse France, October 13, 1954 "Pigmy and fearful Martians".
La Dépêche du Midi France, October 13, 1954 "Phenomena in the sky again".
L'Est Républicain France, October 13, 1954 "And here are the 'Martian girls'!"
Feuille d'Avis Switzerland, October 13, 1954 "Two pretty Martian girls give an autograph to a French teacher!"
L'Impartial Switzerland, October 13, 1954 "Two pretty Martian girls give an autograph to a French teacher!"
La Haute-Marne Libérée France, October 13, 1954 "The Mertrud saucer".
Le Havre France, October 13, 1954 "A motorist said he saw two "little people" cross the road and then fly aboard their craft..."
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, October 13, 1954 "A 'flying cigar' observed in Triembach au Val".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 13, 1954 "Daily saucers".
Le Méridional France, October 13, 1954 "In the area of Toulouse a car driver has "seen" the passengers of a "saucer" - Mysterious machines in the sky of Bombay".
Le Provençal France, October 13, 1954 "A stack of flying cigars seen by a police officer of Nîmes", etc.
Le Provençal France, October 13, 1954 "I saw two passengers of a saucer cross the road at a few meters of my car".
La Voix du Nord France, October 12, 1954 "Rumors in Saint-Pol..."
La Voix du Nord France, October 12, 1954 "A Martian captured near Amiens".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 12, 1954 "Saucers, discs, cigars..."
Le Courrier Picard France, October 12, 1954 "flying saucers reported in Germany, Egypt, Lebanon, Cameroon and of course in France".
Nord Littoral France, October 12, 1954 "The 'mysterious craft' seen Saturday by dozens of Calais residents is not yet identified".
La Croix du Nord France, October 12, 1954 "Like the swallows the flying saucers have their migration".
Nord-Matin France, October 12, 1954 "did a flying saucer land in Quarouble?"
Nord-Matin France, October 12, 1954 "Three children claim to have been called by a "MARTIAN" on board of a saucer".
Nord Littoral France, October 12, 1954 "Flying spheres and 'diver'".
Nord Eclair France, October 12, 1954 "The chronicle of the saucers".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 12, 1954 "Flyig saucers explore Germany".
Paris-Presse France, October 12, 1954 "A Martian with a mustache septn his weekend in the Vienne".
France-Soir France, October 12, 1954 "In the Yonne, two women saw a flying saucer in a field, and the pilot inspecting the craft".
France-Soir France, October 12, 1954 "Calcined stone, grass burned under the saucer of Doncourt-Village" etc.
Le Populaire du Centre France, October 12, 1954 "Near Munster, four 'Martians' repaired their 'flying saucer'" etc.
France-Soir France, October 12, 1954 "4 characters tall 'like 11-year-old children' walk on the R.N. 631 (Tarn) before reentering their machine".
L'Est Républicain France, October 12, 1954 "Crackle and hiss: a 'saucer' landed".
L'Echo Républicain France, October 12, 1954 "Flying saucers under the sky of La Loupe (?)".
Holland Evening Sentinel USA, October 12, 1954 "Saucer, little man, truck, fog make quite a story".
Le Républicain Lorrain France, October 12, 1954 "Another vision in the Bouzonville area".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 12, 1954 "Hunters shoot at a saucer and pick up pieces".
Le Provençal France, October 12, 1954 "The 'Martian' of Pournoy-la-Chétive was small, hairy and wore... the cassock".
Le Midi Libre France, October 12, 1954 "I was stopped by a ray of light emanating from a diver", etc.
La Liberté France, October 12, 1954 ""Martians" in flying saucers? And why not? says Mr. Louis Bréguet the famous plane builder".
Perigord Moun Pais France, October 12, 1954 "Saucer, rockets and cigares - we need myths".
Var-Matin République France, October 12, 1954 "A flying cigar?"
L'Est Républicain France, October 12, 1954 "A flying mushroom above the Yaoundé hospital (Cameroun)".
Le Méridional France, October 12, 1954 "Four mysterious beings were repairing a 'cigar', a German 'witness' says".
L'Alsace France, October 12, 1954 "An incandescent barrel lands in Heimersdorf".
L'Alsace France, October 12, 1954 "The 'flying saucers' widen their sphere of activity considerably".
Le Méridional France, October 12, 1954 "Saucers... everywhere!"
Daily Telegraph U-K., October 12, 1954 "Flying discs report".
L'Indépendant France, October 12, 1954 "Saucers".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 11, 1954 "The flying saucers did respect the Sunday truce".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 11, 1954 "Martians were not idle during the weekend".
Le Lorrain France, October 11, 1954 "Now, the cars stop".
L'Est Républicain France, October 11, 1954 "Flying disc in the sky of Calais".
Feuille d'Avis Switzerland, October 11, 1954 "Landing traces were found in France".
La Nouvelle République France, October 11, 1954 Saucer in Bergerac.
Palladium-Item USA, October 11, 1954 "Flying saucers reported from all parts of world; 'creatures' seen".
Baltimore Public News-Post USA, October 11, 1954 "Flying saucer reports come from abroad".
Delphos Daily Herald USA, October 11, 1954 "Flying saucer reports come from abroad".
Muncie Evening Press USA, October 11, 1954 "Saw little people leaving saucer".
Le Provençal France, October 11, 1954 "A large bluish disc surmounted of a cupola moving without noise above the road", etc.
La Charente Libre France, October 11, 1954 "In Tourriers, about thirty witnesses saw during nearly twenty minutes a 'flying cigar'", etc.
Miami News USA, October 11, 1954 "'Saucers' reported in 5 parts of world".
New Philadelphia Daily Times USA, October 11, 1954 "Wave of flying saucer reports sweeping world".
Kingsport Times USA, October 11, 1954 "Reports of flying saucers from different parts of world", etc.
La Voix du Nord France, October 10, 1954 "Sweet ticket... Pink ticket..."
La Voix du Nord France, October 10, 1954 "Did a flying saucer cross the sky of Calais?"
La Voix du Nord France, October 10, 1954 "In Villers-Plouich the hunt of the Martians results in the discovery of a sow!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 10, 1954 "Talk of the day".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 10, 1954 "The Uxem flying sphere has not yet delivered its mystery".
La Croix France, October 10, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 10, 1954 "It wasn't a Martian".
Nord-Eclair France, October 10, 1954 "The 'saucers' continue their dance in the sky of France".
Libre Artois France, October 10, 1954 "Did the facetious Beuvry resident commit violations of the Code that had not planned the saucer problem?"
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la somme France, October 10, 1954 "and here is the flying cigar that shuts down auto engines".
Libre Artois France, October 10, 1954 "The waltz of the flying saucers".
Nord-Mattin France, October 10, 1954 "Flying saucer on Dalton square".
Nord Littoral France, October 10, 1954 "the chronicle of the sky".
Nord Littoral France, October 10, 1954 "Vers numerous residents of Calais saw move yesterday a brilliant craft while an automobilist tells us the mysterious adeventure that happened to him between Saint-Inglevert and Calais".
Le Réveil de Berck France, October 10, 1954 "Saucers or moon beams?"
Nord-Matin France, October 10, 1954 "Stille strange appearances in the sky of France".
Douai Scrape France, October 10, 1954 Beuvry-les-Béthune.
Le Journal des Flandres France, October 10, 1954 A formation of flying saucers near La Rochelle.
La Bailleuloise France, October 10, 1954 Flying saucers.
Paris-Presse France, October 10, 1954 "The flying bell of Poncey".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 10, 1954 "'Flying saucers' turn into balls".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 10, 1954 "A kid 'chased' by a 'saucer'!"
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 10, 1954 "The sky of dunkirk reportedly furrowed by one of these craft".
Baltimore Sun USA, October 10, 1954 "'Flying cigar' reported seen."
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 10, 1954 "The wandering 'Martians'".
Le Républicain Lorrain France, October 10, 1954 "The presence of a 'saucer' excites a locality near Metz - But there was a more natural and somewhat unexpected explanation".
L'Echo du Berry France, October 10, 1954 (Untitled).
France-Dimanche France, October 10, 1954 "The Valence saucer left traces (in the maize)".
France-Dimanche France, October 10, 1954 (untitled).
Le Républicain Lorrain France, October 10, 1954 "Three children of Pournoy-la-Chétive claim to have seen a weird craft and an odd little man who talked to them".
La Suisse Switzerland, October 10, 1954 "Morning mood".
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, 9 octobre 1954 In Tulle.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, 9 octobre 1954 In Figeac.
La Voix du Nord France, October 9, 1954 " was only an ordinary moondog harbinger of rain".
La Voix du Nord France, October 9, 1954 "Always the saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, October 9, 1954 "The flying saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, October 9, 1954 "A flying saucer in Noeux-les-Mines?".
La Voix du Nord France, October 9, 1954 "Flying saucer?".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 9, 1954 "The fantastic dance of the saucers goes on".
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 9, 1954 In Catus.
Liberté France, October 9, 1954 "Saucer... when you gotta hold on us".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 9, 1954 "A saucer crashed on the ground near Saint-Blimont".
Le Journal de Rue France, October 9, 1954 "And here is that flying saucers and cigars of the same name manifest themselves in our region".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 9, 1954 "The 'Flying Saucers'.
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 9, 1954 "A 'Flying Sphere' fitted with a parachute lands in a field near Uxem".
Le Journal de Doullens France, October 9, 1954 "Doullens residents saw the mysterious craft".
Nord-Matin France, October 9, 1954 "About the saucers".
L'Avenir d'Auchel France, October 9, 1954 "The flying saucer was only a small balloon".
Nord Eclair France, October 9, 1954 "Luminous globes and discs all over France".
L'Avenir de l'Artois France, October 9, 1954 "Looking back".
L'Abeille de la Ternoise France, October 9, 1954 "Avesnes-le-Comte - A strange craft".
Les Tablettes de Péronne France, October 9, 1954 "Small column of the Flying Saucers".
Nord-Matin France, October 9, 1954 "Silly-lez-Cambrai - Flying saucer?"
Le Courrier Picard France, October 9, 1954 "Still 'saucers' in the sky of France".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 9, 1954 "A 'Martian' was wandering last night".
Paris-Presse France, October 9, 1954 "A 'flying bell' made this woman flee with her baby".
L'Ardennais France, October 9-10, 1954 "The chronicle of the saucers".
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 9, 1954 Saucers.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, October 9, 1954 Flying cigar.
L'Echo Nogentais France, October 9, 1954 "Disillusion".
The Baltimore Evening Sun USA, October 9, 1954 "Flying saucers - cigars, auto bus, etc., etc., sighted over France".
Le Lorrain France, October 9, 1954 "A large shell pierced with portholes".
France-Soir France, October 9, 1954 "The average Martian measures from 1 meter to 1 meter 20 wears a motorcycle helmet and does not speak French".
France-Soir France, October 9, 1954 "Three mysterious craft landed on the railroad tracks in the Aube".
L'Impartial Switzerland, October 9, 1954 "A miss claims to have seen a flying saucer..."
La résistance de l'Ouest France, October 9, 1954 "I saw a 'saucer' on the bank of the Loire and I spoke with its occupant".
La Patriote du Sud-Ouest France, October 9, 1954 "Martians too like cabbage soup".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 9, 1954 "In Nouvion-en-Ponthieu".
Le Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 9, 1954 "Rain of flying saucers in France".
La Voix du Périgord France, October 9, 1954 "Saucers visit the land of the Cro-Magnon man".
Le Provençal France, October 9, 1954 "A farmer affirms to have seen an unknown and phosphorescent craft in a field", etc.
Le Lorrain France, October 9, 1954 "Raymond, 12, attacked a "flying saucer" with a toy revolver".
L'Alsace France, October 9, 1954 "'I felt the breath of the 'saucer' which passed above me' told us Mr. René Ott, who was witness yesterday morning of an amazing adventure".
The Tampa Bay Times USA, October 9, 1954 "No 'saucers'".
The Daily Times USA, October 9, 1954 "Flying saucers are hot-air balloons".
La Voix du Nord France, October 8, 1954 "The Hornaing saucer stalled the engine and caused tingling".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 8, 1954 "Technicolor saucers".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 8, 1954 "The saucers hunters".
La Frontière France, October 8, 1954 The flying saucers.
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 8, 1954 "The flying saucers (continued) do not spare the region of Châlon".
Liberté France, October 8, 1954 "A saucer in Hornaing".
Liberté France, October 8, 1954 "Always the saucers..."
Le Courrier Picard France, October 8, 1954 "Hello, Mars! Enough saucers! Send us the cups now...".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 8, 1954 "In the Dordogne, a farmer claims to have been confrinted to two passengers of a 'flying tureen'".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 8, 1954 "A roadmender of the Haute-Marne reportedly saw a 'flying saucer' and its pilot".
Nord-Matin France, October 8, 1954 "Flying saucers seen in our region".
Nord-Matin France, October 8, 1954 "The passengers of the flying saucers contact the 'Earthmen'".
Nord Littoral France, October 8, 1954 "Where the "saucer" landed,the grass had a milky color and one found 12 traces of round feet".
Nord Littoral France, October 8, 1954 "The chronicle of the sky".
Le Guetteur de Lillers France, October 8, 1954 "Between us..."
Journal du Santerre France, October 8, 1954 "Small chronicle of the Flying Saucers".
Abbeville Libre France, October 8, 1954 "After the basin, here is the flying... beehive".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 8, 1954 "Martians are normal men: they pet dogs".
Paris-Presse France, October 8, 1954 "A 'pocket cigar' that landed in the Côte-d'Or intrigues the investigators".
L'Ardennais France, October 8, 1954 "The saucers chronicle".
La Voix du Nord France, October 8, 1954 "It was not a flying saucer!"
L'Est Républicain France, October 8, 1954 "Meteorologists are launching every day in the skies of France, 160 balloons that can create confusion".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, October 8, 1954 "Flying saucer stories - The appearance of a saucer and armed Martians terrifies a bressan schoolgirl", etc.
L'Est Eclair France, October 8, 1954 "Last week we saw three flying saucers on the railroad tracks near Saint-Etienne-sous-Barbuise!!"
Le Provençak France, October 8, 1954 "I saw in a field an unknown craft and a small being covered of hairs".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, October 8, 1954 "A resident of Lugrin claimed to have seen two martians!"
Le Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 8, 1954 "An engineer observes a large rotating disc that hovered at a height of 400 meters height" etc.
Var-Matin République France, October 8, 1954 "After the cigars and the saucers... The flying soup tureen makes its appearance."
Le Méridional France, October 8, 1954 "A roadmender of the Haut-Marne sees a saucer and its (small) pilot"
Coventry Evening Telegraph U-K., October 8, 1954 "'Saucers' Over Austria".
Le Nouvel Alsacien France, October 8, 1954 "'Flying cigar' or natural phenomenon?".
The Corsicana Daily Sun USA, October 8, 1954 "Trace flying saucer".
The Courier-Post USA, October 8, 1954 "Miner uses hot air to launch 'saucers'".
The Lubbock Evening Journal USA, October 8, 1954 "'Flying saucers' are just balloons".
The New Castles News USA, October 8, 1954 "'Flying saucers' mystery explained".
Journal du Canton d'Aubervilliers France, October 8, 1954 "Stains - flying saucer and Martian".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 7, 1954 "The mystery of the 'flying saucers'".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 7, 1954 "Above the Amiens train station..."
Le Républicain Lorrain France, October 7, 1954 "A 'Martian' enters a bakery in Loctudy (Finistère)".
La Voix du Nord France, October 7, 1954 "Who did not see 'his' saucer?"
Le Nouveau Nord Maritine France, October 7, 1954 "Saucer? Balloon? Moon?".
L'Information Politique, Economique et Financière France, October 7, 1954 "Saucers in the sky of the capital".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 7, 1954 "A mysterious craft landed, Monday evening in Poncey-sur-L'Ignon (Côte-d'Or)".
La Croix France, October 7, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc.".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 7, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of Paris and elsewhere".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 7, 1954 "The 'saucer' of Tingry was but... an effect of the moon".
La Voix du Nord France, October 7, 1954 "As Martians take us seriously..."
Nord Littoral France, October 7, 1954 "The 'Martian' of the Finistère has a face covered of hair and eyes like a 'crow's egg'".
Nord-Eclair France, October 7, 1954 "The round of the saucers continues to favor hundred of witnesses".
Nord-Eclair France, October 7, 1954 "Sen-sa-tio-nal!"
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 7, 1954 "The 'Martian' of the Finistère has the face covered with hair and eyes the size of a 'crow's egg'".
Nord-Matin France, October 7, 1954 "The waltz of the saucers goes on".
La Croix du Nord France, October 7, 1954 "The whole truth on the 'Martians'".
Paris-Presse France, October 7, 1954 "A small, hairy, and ugly Martian pads a baker's apprenctice shoulder".
L'Ardennais France, October 7, 1954 "Finally! Paris had his saucers too!".
Le Républicain Lorrain France, October 7, 1954 "A 'flying saucer' in the sky of Hettange-Grande".
Le Haut-Marnais Républicain France, October 7, 1954 "The face covered of hairs and the eyes 'like a corbel's egg'".
Le Populaire du Centre France, October 7, 1954 "The 'Martian' of the Finistère has the face covered with hair".
Le Populaire du Centre France, October 7, 1954 "Several Parisians saw 'saucers' moving in the sky of the capital".
L'Est Républicain France, October 7, 1954 "A small 'saucer' lands in the Côte-d'Or".
L'Echo Républicain France, October 7, 1954 "The disturbing waltz continues... Saucers in the French and Italian way".
Le Lorrain France, October 7, 1954 "'My Martian was unshaven and had eyes as big as a raven's egg'".
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 7, 1954 Reader's letter.
Le Nouvel Alsacien France, October 7, 1954 "A flying saucer over The Orangery".
Le Figaro France, October 7, 1954 "Flying saucers".
Le Journal de Versaille France, October 7, 1954 "The burning affair of the flying saucers continues - when do we get the teapoons and the cups?".
Le Provençal France, October 7, 1954 "A craft advancing "in saw teeth" above the tower of Crest".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, October 7, 1954 "Daily saucers".
L'Est Républicain France, October 7, 1954 "My Martian was not shaven and had eyes as large as a corbel's egg".
Var-Matin République France, October 7, 1954 "Le 'Martien' du Finistère a le visage couvert de poils et les yeux aussi gros qu'un oeuf de corbeau".
Le Méridional France, October 7, 1954 "Saucers here, cigars there".
The Age Astralia, October 7, 1954 "Miner built 'flying saucers' for a joke".
Ouest France France, October 6, 1954 "When Martians come don to earth..."
Ouest France France, October 6, 1954 "Mysterious craft were seen on Saturday in the Concarneau sky".
Ouest France France, October 6, 1954 "Saucers in Brittany".
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "In Chéreng like in Annoeuillin, the residents saw a mysterious craft wandering in the sky".
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "When 'the thing' visits Saint-Souplet residents".
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "New testimonies about the flying saucers".
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "New apparitions of flying saucers in the sky of Picardy".
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "Saucers in Tourcoing?"
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "On the road from Saulzoir to Villers-en-Cauchies"
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "The flying saucer was the size of a.... tram!"
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "Mysterious gleam of the road to Wargnies".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 6, 1954 "A saucer in the sky of Clermont".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 6, 1954 "Looking for the saucers".
La Croix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "Our special envoy participated in the launch of a 'flying cigar'".
La Croix France, October 6, 1954 "Barrels, pots, croissants and other flying objects".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 6, 1954 "The merry pensioneer was not counting his "flying saucers" anymore".
Carrefour France, October 6, 1954 "Savants and armies headquarters grab the flying saucer problem".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 6, 1954 "A mystifiier of the Nord built 'saucers'".
Liberté France, October 6, 1954 "The secret of the 'flying saucers' would be in Beuvry".
Libre Artois France, October 6, 1954 "Mysterious craft crisscross the sky of our region".
Nord-Eclair France, October 6, 1954 "Sequedin and Haubourdin got their 'Sunday saucers'..."
Nord-Eclair France, October 6, 1954 "Paper 'saucers' were launched in the air by a Beuvry (P.-d.-C.) retiree".
La Croix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "I saw one".
Nord-Matin France, October 6, 1954 "The exploitsof a maker of (false) flying saucers".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 6, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of Picardy".
Nord-Matin France, October 6, 1954 "In Chéreng, under the signe of the saucers".
Nord-Matin France, October 6, 1954 "According to a astronomer from Kenia 'Visitors from another world make a map of the earth'".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 6, 1954 "The round of the mysterious craft continues in the sky of France".
Nord-Matin France, October 6, 1954 "A resident of Beuvry launches thousands of - paper! - flying saucers in the sky of the Nord".
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "We saw a flying saucer take off".
La Voix du Nord France, October 6, 1954 "A deflating balloon".
Nord Littoral France, October 6, 1954 "In the Nord, a hoaxer built 'flying saucers'".
Nord Littoral France, October 6, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of Paris".
Nord-Matin France, October 6, 1954 "Marcoing - These gendarmes saw a mysterious craft".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 6, 1954 "A pensioneer of Beuvry-les-Béthune manufactured 'flying saucers'".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 6, 1954 "A retired miner of the Pas-de-Calais manufactured all sorts of devices able to give in the distance the illusion of aerial phenomena".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 6, 1954 "I saw a flying saucer above Bray-Dunes".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 6, 1954 "And the saucers fly...".
Paris-Presse France, October 6, 1954 "A newcomer in the sky: the flying barrel".
L'Ardennais France, October 6, 1954 "The dance of the flying saucers continue".
The Baltimore Sun USA, October 6, 1954 "Frenchman tells how to build a 'saucer'".
Le Petit Varois France, October 6, 1954 "'Flying saucers? Not serious!' states professor Schatzman".
L'Est Républicain France, October 6, 1954 "Saucers - cigars and fireballs".
La Dépêche du Midi France, October 6, 1954 "A saucer in the sky of Narbonne".
La Montagne France, October 6, 1954 "Uzerche: phenomenon in the sky".
La Dépêche du Midi France, October 6, 1954 "New apparitions of flying saucers in our region".
La Dépêche du Midi France, October 6, 1954 "Mysterious craft in the Lot".
La Dépêche du Midi France, October 6, 1954 "An old mine worker of the Nord was amusing himself in building 'flying saucers'".
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, October 6, 1954 "According to a german scientist, flying saucers are piloted by the Uranides - A strange craft said to have flown above Mont-Blanc - Flying saucer above Ivory Coast - Luminous objects in the sky of Puy".
L'Est Républicain France, October 6, 1954 "The flying saucer was a rain gauge".
New York Herald Tribune France, October 6, 1954 "More flying saucers reported in France".
Le Provençal France, October 6, 1954 "Motorists of Nimes attend the evolutions of two mysterious craft".
Le Provençal France, October 6, 1954 "Fireballs on several departments".
Le Méridional France, October 6, 1954 "The mysterious craft are multiplying in the sky".
L'Alsace France, October 6, 1954 "Flying saucers in Ivory Coast" Etc.
La Nouvelle République France, October 6, 1954 "A flying saucer lands in a garden in Bergerac".
La Voix du Nord France, October 5, 1954 "A flying saucer spotted in the region of Lorette".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 5, 1954 "From the 'Martian' of Lons to the 'saucer' of Saint-Aubin-du-Jura".
L'Est Républicain France, October 5, 1954 "A wave of strange 'objects' sweeps over France".
La Croix France, October 5, 1954 "'The flying saucers existt' a German scientist states".
Le Courier Picard France, October 5, 1954 "Severel residents of Boves saw Sunday evening a strange gleam".
Nord-Eclair France, October 5, 1954 "In Chéreng, fifty amazed people attended on Sunday the maneuvers of a 'flying saucer'".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 5, 1954 "A engineer from Boulogne tells us: 'I saw 2 flying saucers in Tingry'".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 5, 1954 "Two young people of Vron saw the take off of a mysterious craft ridden by a diver".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 5, 1954 "'Flying saucers exist' a German expert claims".
Nord-Matin France, October 5, 1954 "Mysterious craft crisscross the sky of our region".
La Voix du Nord France, October 5, 1954 "A kind of beehive posed on the road, near Abbeville, and a worrying dward scuba diver".
La Croix du Nord France, October 5, 1954 "If you see a saucer land brung us the Martians".
La Voix du Nord France, October 5, 1954 "Busy weekend for the flying saucers who lose all discretion".
La Voix du Nord France, October 5, 1954 "Transforner craft in Marcoing, under the eyes of about forty people, including the entire gendarmerie".
Nord Littoral France, October 5, 1954 "flying cigars".
Nord Littoral France, October 5, 1954 "Two young people of Vron saw a mysterious craft ridden by a diver tkae off".
Libre Artois France, October 5, 1954 "A 'flying cigar' eas reportedly seen in Comines".
La Croix du Nord France, October 5, 1954 "Four people saw a flying saucer in Ablain-Saint-Nazaire".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 5, 1954 "Assemblée Nationale will take care of the flying saucers".
Paris-Presse France, October 5, 1954 "A German scientist: the flying saucer pilots are Uranids".
L'Est Républicain France, October 5, 1954 "A wave of strange 'objects' is sweeping France".
L'Est Républicain France, October 5, 1954 "The ballet of the flying saucers continues in the Lorraine sky but the mysterious machines remain elusive".
La Nouvelle Revue de Lausanne Switzerland, October 5, 1954 "Mysterious devices continue to crisscross the sky".
Dermières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, October 5, 1954 "A flying saucer above the Haut-Koenigsbourg".
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, October 5, 1954 Flying saucer in Andlau.
La Charente Libre France, October 5, 1954 "A "cigar" in the sky of Cognac?"
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, October 5, 1954 "When arrived at 150 m of the saucer, I felt paralyzed and my sight was disturbed, states a road worker of Seine-et-Marne", and other sightings.
La Charente Libre France, October 5, 1954 "A mysterious craft near Juillaguet".
Le Lorrain France, October 5, 1954 "The ballet of the "Flying Saucers" continues in the sky of Lorraine".
Le Provencal France, October 5, 1954 "A "saucer" evolves during several minutes in the sky of Anduze".
Le Méridional France, October 5, 1954 "I encountered a flying saucer in the wood of Cuges".
Var-Matin République France, October 5, 1954 "A strange apparatus flies over the Mount Blanc".
Paris-Normandie France, October 5, 1954 "Were the meteors seen on sunday flying saucers?".
L'Alsace France, October 5, 1954 "The flying saucers exist".
L'Alsace France, October 5, 1954 "Flying saucers in ths sky of the Sundgau".
L'Est Républicain France, October 5, 1954 "Residents of Besançon collect a whitish stuff sown in the sky by a mysterious luminous machine".
L'Est Républicain France, October 5, 1954 "Was it a flying saucer?"
L'Est Républicain France, October 5, 1954 "The flying saucers disturbed the Sunday rest of a certain number of Frenchmen".
Le Monde France, October 5, 1954 "What about the flying saucer, asks Mr. Jean Nocher to the State secretary for the air".
L'Ardennais France, October 5, 1954 "A strange craft moves above the Mont-Blanc for more than an hour".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 4, 1954 "Flying saucers still numerous".
L'Ardennais France, October 4, 1954 "The 'saucers' left traces near Meaux".
La Gazette de Lausanne Switzerland, October 4, 1954 "A mysterious craft said to have landed in the French High Jura".
La Nouvelle République du CEntre Ouest France, October 4, 1954 "The seven workers of the quarry of Marcilly-sur-Vienne told us their strange adventure".
La Dépêche du Midi France, October 4, 1954 "A luminous globe in the sky of Brive".
L'Est Républicain France, October 4, 1954 "In Poix (the Somme) one mistook a lantern for a 'saucer'".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 4, 1954 "On the road from Ligescourt to Vron two young men say they saw a 'flying saucer'".
Le Provencal France, October 4, 1954 "The flying saucers".
Le Méridional France, October 4, 1954 "Flying cigares pink, magenta, purple".
Le Courrier Cauchois France, October 4, 1954 "Flying saucers were seen Monday and Tuesday".
La Voix du Nord France, October 3, 1954 "A flying cigar reportedly seen in Comines".
La Voix du Nord France, October 3, 1954 "The ylfing saucer was but an adervtizing billboard".
La Croix France, October 3, 1954 "A saucer reportedly landed near the Quincy-Voisins airfield".
Liberté France, October 3, 1954 "Weird find!"
Nord-Eclair France, October 3, 1954 "Comines - Is it a flying cigar?"
La Croix du Nord France, October 3, 1954 "A saucer on crutches (with "paralysing ray") wandering near Melun".
Nord-Eclair France, October 3, 1954 "Roadmenders saw a 'saucer' posed on cructhes".
Nord-Matin France, October 3, 1954 "Here is the 'flying mushroom', but impossible to approach".
Nord Littoral France, October 3, 1954 "The chronicle of the 'saucers'".
Nord-Matin France, October 3, 1954 "A flying cigare reportedly seen in Comines".
La Croix du Nord France, October 3, 1954 "A flying cigare reportedly seen in Comines".
La Bailleuloise France, October 3, 1954 "Do flying saucers exist?"
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 3, 1954 "A flying saucer lands near de Melun".
Le Semeur France, October 3, 1954 "Gelles: flying saucer, flying cigar?"
Paris-Presse France, October 3, 1954 "Saucer with crutches, musical top and flying can in Seine-et-Marne, in the Nord and in England".
Var Matin République France, October 3, 1954 "Flying saucers"
Le Progrès France, October 3, 1954 "Saucer... fly! - Passengers of the Prémanon saucer look like sugar lumps".
Times of India India, October 3, 1954 "800 Biharis See Flying Saucer".
Le Provençal France, October 3, 1954 "The 'flying mushroom' prevented the courageous roadmender from approaching within less than 150 meters", etc.
L'Est Républicain France, October 3, 1954 "The 'meteor' of Sweden was not a robot-weapon... but a jet airplane" etc.
Nord-Matin France, October 3, 1954 "A saucer near Avesnes-lez-Aubert".
Nord-Matin France, October 3, 1954 "A flying cigar landed in Blanzy".
L'Ardennais France, October 2-3, 1954 "The chronicle of the 'flying saucers'".
La Voix du Nord France, October 2, 1954 "This time, 'the thing from another world' was in the shape of a spinning top".
La Voix du Nord France, October 2, 1954 "A suspicious machine is found in Cayeux-sur-Mer".
La Voix du Nord France, October 2, 1954 "A flying saucer?"
L'Oise Matin France, October 2, 1954 "The first photographs of the saucers".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 2, 1954 "A flying cigare landed in Blanzy".
La Gazette Provençale France, October 2, 1954 "About the flying saucers".
Liberté France, October 2, 1954 "the flying saucers mystery finally solved!"
Le Courrier de Valenciennes France, October 2, 1954 "Because of Mars he is threateened to go live... on the Moon!"
Nord-Eclair France, October 2, 1954 "'Luminous objects' explore the South and the East".
Nord Littoral France, October 2, 1954 "The 'flying saucer' of Landrelhun was only a sounding balloon and the one in Nielles-les-Ardres must have been born in over-imaginative minds".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, October 2, 1954 "Saucers, more saucers, always saucers..."
La Voix du Nord France, October 2, 1954 "The clouds fill with the most heteroclit objects".
Nord Littoral France, October 2, 1954 "The chronicle of the flying saucers".
Nord-Matin France, October 2, 1954 "Ballet of saucres in the Ardèche sky".
L'Indépendant du Pas-de-Calais France, October 2, 1954 "News from everywhere".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 2, 1954 "Flying saucers, cigars and... 'cigarillos'".
Paris-Presse France, October 2, 1954 "Martians on holidays".
Le Bien Public France, October 2, 1954 "A Louhans commercer said to gave observed a flying saucer in a field".
La Croix France, October 2, 1954 "Saucers, cigars, etc".
Le Provençal France, October 2, 1954 "A saucer above Avignon?" etc.
Paris Normandie France, October 2, 1954 "In Petit-Couronne close to Rouen the mysterious gleams were also seen!"
Var-Matin République France, October 2, 1954 "Still the saucers and the cigars".
L'Est Républicain France, October 2, 1954 "A resident of Besançon saw a 'saucer' in the sky of Rigney (the Doubs)".
L'Alsace France, October 2, 1954 Simca and Shell contest.
L'Indépendant France, October 2, 1954 "Cigars in a group in the Haut-Rhin and balls of fire in the Roussillon".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 2, 1954 "In France the saucers continue.. to fly".
L'Oise-Matin France, October 1, 1954 "Overabund of saucer and ones believes to have met locals from another planet".
L'Alsace France, October 1, 1954 "A squadron of flying cigars in the Rixheim sky".
L'Echo de la Lys France, October 1, 1954 "Flying saucers".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 1, 1954 "The (daily) column of the flying saucers".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, October 1, 1954 "Flying (and nocturnal) saucer on the Nièvre".
Nord-Eclair France, October 1, 1954 "In Perpignan and near Melun".
Nord-Eclair France, October 1, 1954 "Troubles".
Le Journal du Pas-e-Calais et de la Somme France, October 1, 1954 "The saucers".
Nord Matin France, October 1, 1954 "Two residents of the Yonne saw a "flying cigar" and its pilot".
Nord Littoral France, October 1, 1954 "The chronicle of the saucers and the cigars..."
L'Ardennais France, October 1, 1954 "'Saucers' drop antocommunist leaflets over Czechoslovakia".
Le Courrier Picard France, October 1, 1954 "Saucers and flying cigars continue their maneuvers in the sky of France".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, October 1, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of France".
Journal du Canton d'Aubervilliers France, October 1, 1954 "A flying saucer lands in Stains".
L'Est Républicain France, October 1, 1954 "The saucer photographed".
Troisième République des Pyrénées France, October 1, 1954 "Festival od flyin saucers in the sky of de Pau".
L'Est Républicain France, October 1, 1954 "A 'saucer' said to have landed in the Haut Jura".
L'Est Républicain France, October 1, 1954 "Mysterious flying machines multiply".
L'Est Républicain France, October 1, 1954 "An extremely precise report from Chambéry".
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, October 1, 1954 "Multiple sightings of flying cigars".
Le Provençal France, October 1, 1954 "The first flying cigar landed... on skates at 15 km of Auxerre - An object luminous and round as a tomato said to have landed in the night close to Bessèges".
Le Monde France, October 1, 1954 "Flying saucers and the disciples of the Christ of Montfavet".
Le Méridional France, October 1, 1954 "Flying saucers all around the sky".
Var-Matin - République France, October 1, 1954 "Flying saucers said to drop anticommunists leaflets above Czechoslovakia".
L'Alsace France, October 1, 1954 "The appearances of 'flying saucers' continue in France".
Paris-Normandie France, October 1, 1954 "Flying saucers reappear".
Var-Matin - République France, October 1, 1954 "In France, in Morocco, in Algeria, in Denmark, in Sweden... Increasingly numerous saucers, cigars, discs and other machines are moving..."
Courrier News USA, September 30, 1954 "Flying tale".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 30, 1954 "Cruel disappointment...".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, September 30, 1954 "Two children stone a 'glying saucer' that landed in the farmyard".
La Gazette Provençale France, September 30, 1954 "A Flying Cigar on Avignon".
La Croix France, September 30, 1954 "Contact made between the passenger of a 'flying saucer' and an Earthling".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, September 30, 1954 "Flying craft by the dozen in the sky of France..."
Nord-Eclair France, September 30, 1954 "Mysterious craft".
Nord Littoral France, September 30, 1954 "A real aerial carousel of ylign saucers is observed in the sky of the Dauphiné".
Nord-Matin France, September 30, 1954 "Real aerial carousel of 'flying saucers' in the sky of France".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, September 30, 1954 "The flying saucers seem to indulge to a real CARROUSEL over France".
La Voix du Nord France, September 30, 1954 "Flying saucers in all the skies of France".
Nord-Eclair France, September 30, 1954 "A flying saucer in the sky of Lille?"
La Croix du Nord France, September 30, 1954 "Cigars, discs, saucers in numbers..."
Nord-Matin France, September 30, 1954 "A saucer in the sky of Lille?"
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 30, 1954 "The mysterious craft continue their round".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 30, 1954 "True aerial carrousel of flying saucers in the Dauphiné".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 30, 1954 "Aerial carrousel of flying saucers in the Dauphiné".
Paris-Presse France, September 30, 1954 "Children encounter a "Martian" in a red outfit".
L'Ardennais France, September 30, 1954 "Flying 'cigars' and 'saucers' performed quite an aerial carrousel in the Dauphiné sky".
Star Tribune USA, September 30, 1954 "Men who see saucers may be in their cups".
Le Libre Poitou France, September 30, 1954 "A farmer from Vouneuil-sur-Vienne saw a saucer and touche a 'cuirass' (?)".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, September 30, 1954 "Dr. Martinet of Chambéry and about fifteen people could observe at the top of the Nivolet the maneuvers of a flying saucer".
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, September 30, 1954 "Martians were hoaxers - Flying saucers in the Yonne"
Le Méridional France, September 30, 1954 "Carrousel of "saucers" in the sky of Dauphiné" etc.
Le Provençal France, September 30, 1954 "I have seen a saucer circled of flames posed in a field close to the road", etc.
Var-Matin République France, September 30, 1954 "In the manner of Wells heroes - A farmer in the Vienne saw advancing towards him an interplanetary diver - In the Lyonese, a Parisian filmed a 'flying cigar'", etc.
La Gazette Provençale France, September 29, 1954 "Flying cigars and flying saucers multiply their appearances in France where Martians allegedly landed!"
La Croix France, September 29, 1954 "A 'saucer' lands in the Yonne?"
Nord Eclair France, September 29, 1954 France and Belgium.
L'Observateur France, September 29, 1954 "Because of 'Mars', he is threatened to go live... on the moon!"
Nord Littoral France, September 29, 1954 "Always the saucers!..."
La Voix du Nord France, September 29, 1954 "Flying saucer in the sky of Wimereux?"
Nord-Matin France, September 29, 1954 "The travelers from another world were hoaxers".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 29, 1954 "Portuguese peasants invited by a geant to take place in a flying saucer".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 29, 1954 "A brown disc surrounded by green gleams, in the sky of Angers".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 29, 1954 "In the Yonne two women claim to have seen a 'flying saucer'".
Paris-Presse France, September 29, 1954 "A 'flying cigar' was filmed".
Le Berry Républicain France, September 29, 1954 "Did a 'saucer' land at the Grand-Tertre?"
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, September 29, 1954 "At the Spanish-Portuguese border, Martians have collected grass and stones - Saucers are now interested in cars"
La Suisse Switzerland, September 29, 1954 "A blue rain caused by the flying saucers (?)"
Var-Matin République France, September 29, 1954 "In the Yonne, two women state to have seen a flying saucer".
Var-Matin République France, September 29, 1954 "An airline pilot observed a luminous phenomenon in the Atlantic"
Carrol Daily Times USA, September 28, 1954 "Flying tale.".
Paris-Presse France, September 28, 1954 "'Saucers' and 'cigars' in Tulle and in the S.-W.".
La Croix France, September 28, 1954 "A 'saucer' follows a car for several hundred meters".
Nord Littoral France, September 28, 1954 "'They' are iridescent and oscillating"
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, September 28, 1954 "A 'luminous object' reportedly chased near Bourges the car of a P.T.T. inspector".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 28, 1954 "The saucers change color while flying".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 28, 1954 "A luminous object follows a car near Bourges".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 28, 1954 "A luminous object follows a car near Bourges".
L'Yonne Républicaine France, September 28, 1954 "A flying saucer landed in the Yonne - In Diges, two people have glanced for a moment, on a mysterious craft and its pilot in a clearing - Only evidence: two traces in the morning dew."
Le Parisien France, September 28, 1954 "In the Yonne, two women saw a flying saucer in a field and the pilot who inspected the craft".
Le Midi Libre France, September 28, 1954 "The sky of France is furrowed by "cigars" and "flying saucers"".
Le Provençal France, September 28, 1954 "Martians of 2 m 50 collected grass and stones in Portugal".
Var-Matin République France, September 28, 1954 "Near Bourges: a luminous object follows a car".
L'Indépendant France, September 28, 1954 "A very odd flying apparatus reportedly seen at 03:10 p.m.".
Le Parisien France, September 28, 1954 "A mysterious luminous craft was seen above Paris yesterday eveing".
Paris-Presse France, September 27, 1954 "Giant Martians pick up grass in Portugal"
L'Est Républicain France, September 27, 1954 "'Flying saucers' in Tulle and Le Puy"
La Liberté France, September 27, 1954 "Reluctant witnesses".
Le Provençal France, September 27, 1954 "Iridescent and oscillating saucers".
Daily Star Canada, September 27, 1954 "Blue rain, flying disc in kirkland district".
Le Journal de Bruay France, September 26, 1954 "Retro news".
Paris-Presse France, September 26, 1954 "Gendarmes look for a "Martian" in the Limousin maquis".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, September 26, 1954 "Did a flying saucer land in the Yonne?"
La Croix France, September 26, 1954 "More saucers".
Nord Littoral France, September 26, 1954 "The Auvergne sky crisscrossed of 'cigars' and 'saucers'".
Nord-Matin France, September 26, 1954 "'Cigars' fly in formation".
La Croix du Nord France, September 26, 1954 "'Cigars' and 'saucers'".
Nord-Eclair France, September 26, 1954 "Witnesses saw 'saucers' and 'cigars' flying in formation".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 26, 1954 "'Cigars' fly in formation".
La Manche Libre France, September 26, 1954 "After the saucers the flying cigars".
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, September 26, 1954 "Meteor in the sky of Langeac".
Le Méridional France, September 26, 1954 "'Cigars' and 'Saucers' seen in the Auvergne".
L'Est Républicain France, September 26, 1954 "Six 'flying cigars' reportedly flew over the Pays-Haut...".
L'Oise-Matin France, September 25, 1954 "Flying saucer?"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, September 25, 1954 "Flying saucer?"
L'Avenir d'Auchel France, September 25, 1954 "Retrospective look".
Nord-Matin France, September 25, 1954 "The affair of the saucer made of Quarouble the meeting place of all the reporters of France".
Nord Littoral France, September 25, 1954 "'Cigars' fly in formation".
L'Avenir de l'Artois France, September 25, 1954 "Clermont-Ferrand".
Courier de la Région de Fourmies France, September 25, 1954 "In passing, I saw for you".
The Star New Zealand, September 25, 1954 "And now the 'flying bus'".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, September 25, 1954 "Competition in the aerial maneuvers".
L'Oise-Matin France, September 24, 1954 "Recrudescence of saucers in the skies of France and also of the Oise".
Paris-Presse France, September 24, 1954 "Cigar-carrot in the Vendée".
Nord-Eclair France, September 24, 1954 "Flying saucers and cigars are still seen in the sky of France".
Nord-Littoral France, September 24, 1954 "Flying saucers and other cigars hardly infest of the sky of Calais".
Nord-Littoral France, September 24, 1954 "The section of the 'flying cigare' and other objects in the sky of France".
La Frontière France, September 24, 1954 Flying saucers.
Nord-Matin France, September 24, 1954 "Will the 'flying saucers' file be opened?"
La Croix du Nord France, September 24, 1954 "'Flying cigar' and other objects in the sky of France".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 24, 1954 "Flying cigar and other objects".
Paris-Presse France, September 24, 1954 "Saucers and cigars clog in the sky".
L'Ardennais France, September 24, 1954 "'Cigars' and other flying craft still move in the sky".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, September 24, 1954 "Two gendarmes and a rural guard saw in their turn mysterious machines".
Le Soir Illustré Belgium, September 24, 1954 "A flying saucer landed next to my house" (Marius Dewilde).
Le Parisien Libéré France, September 24, 1954 "Saucers and cigars multiply in the sky of France - MP calls for official investigation".
Feuille d'Avis Switzerland, September 24, 1954 "Michèle Morgan said she saw flying saucers".
La Suisse Switzerland, September 24, 1954 "In the Jura: a flying saucer!"
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, September 25, 1954 "Flying cigars in the French sky".
La Suisse Switzerland, September 25, 1954 "From the Valais: still the flying saucers?"
The Newark Star-Ledger USA, September 24, 1954 "'Saucer' buzzes Napoleon tomb".
Var-Matin République France, September 24, 1954 "Flying cigars, luminous machines and other mysterious apparatuses evolve in the sky of France..."
L'Est Républicain France, September 24, 1954 "A member of parliament asks that the 'flying cigars' are chased".
Paris-Presse France, September 23, 1955 "The flying cigar of the Pas-de-Calais performs aerobatics".
Libre Artois France, September 23, 1954 "'The saucer case' made of Quarouble the meeting place of all the reporters of France".
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, September 23, 1954 "A flying cigar has reportedly been seen in the sky of the Puy".
Le Provençal France, September 23, 1954 "The Martian resembled a kid locked up in a cellophane bag and I saw it as I see you".
L'Est Républicain France, September 23, 1954 "There would have been more than one 'saucer' in the sky of the Moselle".
L'Oise-Matin France, September 22, 1954 "Another flying cigar in the Auvergne sky".
Nord Littoral France, September 22, 1954 "A witness claims to have seen two singular objects in the sky of the Allier".
Nord-Matin France, September 22, 1954 "The 'cigar' that flew over rome was an aerial craft of unknown type".
Nord-Eclair France, September 22, 1954 "in Rongères..."
Le Courrier Picard France, September 22, 1954 "A flying cigar in the sky of the Allier?"
Paris-Presse France, September 22, 1954 "A flying cigar in the Auvergne sky".
La Montagne France, September 22, 1954 "Still flying saucers and cigars".
L'Ardennais France, September 22, 1954 "A 'flying spinning top' said to have landed Friday, in Omont".
Le Quotidien de la Haute Loire France, September 22, 1954 "Flying cigar over Annonay".
Nord Littoral France, September 21, 1954 "A flying saucer in Bois-en-Ardres".
Le Progrès France, September 21, 1954 "Did the 'flying cigar' of the lower Ardèche pass on Annonay?"
L'Indépendant France, September 22, 1954 "Flying cigars and other mysterious craft in the French skies".
Le Provençal France, September 22, 1954 Cigar in Rome and balls of fire in Dutch bedroom.
Le Provençal France, September 22, 1954 "A saucer silent and smoking in the sky of Saint-Raphael".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, September 22, 1954 "A mysterious apparatus flew above Rome".
Var-Matin République France, September 22, 1954 "In the Allier, a witness claims to have seen two weird objects in the sky".
Var-Matin République France, September 22, 1954 "A flying saucer in the sky of St Raphaël".
Var-Matin République France, September 22, 1954 "In the Allier, a witness claims to have seen two peculiar objects in the sky".
L'Est Républicain France, September 22, 1954 "After the 'saucers' the 'flying cigars' - Their 'passage' reported in Rome, in the Allier and the Puy de Dôme".
Le Provençal France, September 20, 1954 "A flying saucer in Vichy".
Le Cri du Peuple France, September 19, 1954 "Martians in the Massif Central and in the Nord".
Le Dimanche du Nord France, September 19, 1954 "Did a flying saucer land in Quarouble?"
Douai Scarpe France, September 19, 1954 "The chronicle".
La Croix de Picardie France, September 19, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of France?"
La Bailleuloise France, September 19, 1954 "Bried news".
Le Semeur France, September 19, 1954 "Talks of flying saucers again".
Star Tribune USA, September 19, 1954 "Europeans see saucers even when not in cups".
La Suisse Switzerland, September 19, 1954 "Professor Hahn does not believe in the flying saucers".
Le Courrier de l'Ouest France, September 19, 1954 "Space visitors, these unknowns".
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, September 19, 1954 "Flying saucers are a manifestation of lightning, a german astronomer states".
Var-Matin - République France, September 19, 1954 "Having the form of a half cigar, a mysterious machine flew over Rome".
Le Méridional France, September 19, 1954 "A mysterious machine flew over Rome".
Le Journal de Doullens France, September 18, 1954 "In the Nord, the two passengers of a flying saucer were seen".
Liberté France, September 18, 1954 "Again a suacer... that was only a Hoaks".
Le Courrier de Valenciennes France, September 18, 1954 "All this happened... this week".
Le Courrier de Valenciennes France, September 18, 1954 "7 days in the Valenciennois".
Nord-Eclair France, September 18, 1954 "Flying sauers and pranks".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritine France, September 18, 1954 "flying saucers and pranksters".
L'Evénement France, September 18, 1954 "Let's be serious".
Var-Matin République France, September 18, 1954 "The "flying saucer" was only a duck and the pranksters who put the village in agitation will be prosecuted".
Le Provençal France, September 18, 1954 "Italian hunters saw a 'flying disc' in Tuscany".
Le Provençal France, September 18, 1954 "Numerous appearances of unidentified craft in Italy".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, 17 septembre 1954 "Amiens: fyling saucers and jokers".
La Voix du Nord France, September 17, 1954 "The flying saucer of Estrées-Deniécourt".
La Gazette Provençale France, September 17, 1954 "The saucer".
Liberté France, September 17, 1954 "Who has not seen his saucer?"
La Croix du Nord France, September 17, 1954 "Saucer prints..."
Le Progrès du Nord France, September 17, 1954 "Phantasms of the night".
La Frontière France, September 17, 1954 The flying saucers.
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, September 17, 1954 "A flying saucer in the sky of the Ponthieu?"
La Voix du Nord France, September 17, 1954 "Cookware in the sky".
Nord Littoral France, September 17, 1954 "Flying saucers and jokers".
Nord-Matin France, September 17, 1954 "A noisy saucer seen by two hunters in Italy".
La Croix du Nord France, September 17, 1954 "The flying saucer of Estrées-Deniecourt was only a joke".
Abbeville Libre France, September 17, 1954 "A mason and a worker saw a flying saucer in a field".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 17, 1954 "An octogenarian of the Somme saw a flying saucer of a new model pass".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 17, 1954 "A 'flying saucer' in Saint-Phocas".
L'Ardennais France, September 17, 1954 "A police officer of Marmande saw a 'flying saucer'".
Force Ouvrière France, September 16, 1954 "Saucer and cigar".
Nord-Eclair France, September 16, 1954 "The passenger of a 'flying cigar' who hugged a Correzian farmer had nothing abnormal".
Libre Artois France, September 16, 1954 "Traces wee noted in Quarouble on the tracks by the air police".
Nord Littoral France, September 16, 1954 "The strange ensounter of the Correzian farmer".
La Croix du Nord France, September 16, 1954 "The police takes a very serious interest in the statements of a Corrèze farmer".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 16, 1954 "Are flying saucers a manifestation of lightning?"
Le Courrier Picard France, September 16, 1954 "An octognary of Le Marais Saint-Paul saw pass a flying saucer of a new model".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 16, 1954 "The strange encounter of a peasant from Corrèze".
L'Ardennais France, September 16, 1954 "The strange encounter of the Correze farmer taken seriously".
Feuille d'Avis Switzerland, September 16, 1954 "Did Martians land on the French soil?"
Nord-Eclair France, September 16, 1954 "The pPassenger of a flying cigar who hugged a peasant of the Correze had nothing abnormal".
La Croix France, September 16, 1954 "Mars... or dream!".
Paris-Presse France, September 16, 1954 "The cigar of the talkative Martian flew over Limoges".
Nord-Eclair France, September 16, 1954 "Flying saucer? Nothing is incredible in the statement of the gate-keeper of Quarouble".
Le Méridional France, September 16, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of Montpellier?" and in Ladakh.
Evening Time Australia, September 16, 1954 "Reach conclusion saucers are real".
L'Oise-Matin France, September 15, 1954 "Martians among us!"
Nord-Eclair France, September 15, 1954 "Traces are found on the railway where a Quarouble resident claims to have seen a saucer".
L'Observateur France, September 15, 1954 "Did a 'flying saucer' land in Quarouble?"
Nord Littoral France, September 15, 1954 "Again the 'singular' craft of September 10".
Nord-Matin France, September 15, 1954 "Traces were found in Quarouble on the railway track by the air police".
La Croix du Nord France, September 15, 1954 "In Quarouble a mysterious craft would have indeed landed on the railway tracks".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, September 15, 1954 "A cultivator from Corrèze kissed a Martian".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 15, 1954 "A Corrèze farmer declaores he had a talk with the passenger of a 'flying aucer'".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 15, 1954 "A flying saucer in the sky of the Limousin?".
Paris-Presse France, September 15, 1954 "I kissed a helmeted Martian who was coming down from a flying cigar".
Paterson Evening News USA, September 15, 1954 "Policiers scaptiques".
Le Populaire du Centre France, September 15, 1954 "Mystery in Bugeat".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, September 14, 1954 "A cultivateur converses with the passenger of a 'saucer'".
La Croix France, September 14, 1954 "An inhabitant of the Nord reportedly saw two passengers of a flying saucer".
Nord Littoral France, September 14, 1954 "A farmer from the Corrèze was kissed by the passernger of a flying saucer".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 14, 1954 "Did a 'flying saucer' visite the Valenciennes region?"
Star Tribune USA, September 14, 1954 "2 little armless men 'visit' Frenchman in flying saucer".
Feuille d'Avis Switzerland, September 14, 1954 "Two passengers of a flying saucer were seen..."
Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, September 14, 1954 "Again a saucer near Valenciennes".
Libération France, September 14, 1954 "This man claims to have seen Martians".
Var-Matin République France, September 14, 1954 "A farmer was kissed by the passenger of a flying saucer...!!".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, September 13, 1954 "Two small helmeted beings disappeared on board a mysterious craft".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 13, 1954 "A mysterious craft seen near Valenciennes".
L'Aurore France, September 13, 1954 "An inhabitant of the Nord claims to have seen the two passengers of a flying saucer...".
Var-Matin République France, September 13, 1954 "Strange beings and a mysterious machine appeared to a workman...".
La Voix du Nord France, September 12-13, 1954 "A reisdent of Quarouble reportedly saw a flying saucer and spotted passengers".
Nord-Eclair France, September 12, 1954 "In Quarouble, near Valenciennes, a gatekeeperwarns the police: 'A flying saucer and its two occupants landed near my home'".
La Croix du Nord France, September 12, 1954 "A resident of Quarouble states: "I saw a flying saucer, two little beings in glass helmets jumped into the craft".
Liberté France, September 12, 1954 "Again a flying saucer".
Nord Littoral France, September 12, 1954 "Near Valenciennes, a worker states to have seen two strange beings near a mysterious craft".
La Voix du Nord France, September 12, 1954 "Flying saucer in Quarouble?"
L'Authie France, September 11, 1954 "A mysterious craft takes off in the Picardy sky!"
L'Indépendant du Pas-de-Calais France, September 11, 1954 "News from everywhere".
L'Echo Nogentais France, September 11, 1954 "Always the flying saucers".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 10, 1954 "New mystery in the Picardy sky".
Feuille d'Avis Switzerland, September 10, 1954 "We saw a flying saucer at a distance of 100 meters".
L'Est Républicain France, September 10, 1954 "An atmospheric phenomenon intrigues the Welsh population".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 10, 1954 "'Flying saucers' in the sky of Picardy?"
Paris-Presse France, September 9, 1954 "200 meters away from us: a flying saucer".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, September 9, 1954 "A flying saucer landed in the Somme".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 9, 1954 "did a flying saucer land near Amiens?"
Nord Littoral France, September 9, 1954 "Between Harponville and Contay in the Somme a mysterious craft takes off from a field".
Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme France, September 9, 1954 "Between Harponville and Contay in the Somme a mysterious craft takes off from a field".
Nord-Matin France, September 9, 1954 "Did a flying saucer land in the Somme?"
La Croix du Nord France, September 9, 1954 A mason and his worker claim to have seen a flying saucer in a field".
Le Nouveau Nord-Maritime France, September 9, 1954 "Two workmen claim to have seen a flying saucer and they describe it in an impresive manner".
Le Provençal France, September 9, 1954 "Saucer above Marseilles".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 9, 1954 "New mystery in the Picard sky?".
Le Courrier Picard France, September 8, 1954 "Two workers claim they sae a flying saucer betweenHarponville and Contay".
La Bailleuloise France, September 5, 1954 "Brief news".
France Dimanche France, September 5, 1954 "Here is what Mr. Miserey saw in the sky of Vernon".
Var-Matin - République France, September 5, 1954 "In the sky of Bavaria, flying saucers and mysterious planes".
L'Oise-Matin France, September 6, 1954 "Diabolic crockery in the sky of Oise where flying saucers are announced".
Le Segréen France, September 4, 1954 "Flying saucer in the lionnese sky!"
Nord-Eclair France, September 4, 1954 "A 'saucer' above Angers?"
L'Echo de l'Ouest France, September 4, 1954 "Flying saucers reappear in the sky of Normandy".
Le soir de Marseille France, September 4, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of Bavaria".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, September 3, 1954 "An unidentified craft falls to the sea off shore of Brittany".
Le Courrier de l'Ouest France, September 3, 1954 "Was it just a meteor?".
Var-Matin - République France, September 3, 1954 "After the saucers... Flying feathers..."
La Croix du Nord France, September 2, 1954 "Visions".
Nord Littoral France, September 2, 1954 "A brown disk haloed of green gleams in the sky of Angers".
La Dordogne Libre France, September 2, 1954 "After the saucers... Flying feathers..."
Nouvelle République des Pyrénées France, September 2, 1954 "After saucers, flying feathers!"
Le Courrier de l'Ouest France, September 2, 1954 "The Lionese have their flying saucer too!"
La République France, September 2, 1954 "Brown disc with halo of green gleams in the sky of Angers".
La Dordogne Libre France, September 2, 1954 "A Canadian soldier says he closely saw a flying saucer".
Sud-Ouest France, September 2, 1954 "A Canadian soldier says he closely saw a flying saucer".
La Dépêche du Midi France, September 2, 1954 "Canada looses interest in the flying saucers".
Connelsville Daily Courier USA, Sptember 2, 1954 "Saucer of Wine, Anyone?"
Akron Beacon Journal USA, September 2, 1954 "Good reason"
L'Information Financière, Economique et Politique France, September 1, 1954 "Allo saucers".
L'Oise-Matin France, September 1, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of the Oise".
La Nouvelle République France, September 1, 1954 "The Canadians give up hope of proving the existence of flying saucers".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, August 31, 1954 "strange phenomenon in the Lille region".
Feuille d'Avis Switzerland, August 30, 1954 "'Flying saucers exist' states a scientist in France".
Le Provençal France, August 29, 1954 "Mysterious object in the sky of Brignoles".
Pittsburgh Press USA, August 29, 1954 "Could it be wine, or flying saucer?"
L'Avenir de l'Artois France, August 28, 1954 The flying saucers.
L'Echo Nogentais France, August 28, 1954 "Still the flying saucers".
Lebanon Daily News USA, August 28, 1954 "Château-Chinon".
Le Provençal France, August 28, 1954 "Five saucers come out of a flying cigar in the sky of Vernon".
Le Démocrate Switzerland, August 28, 1954 "The flying saucer of the Norwegian women was a helicopter!"
Nord-Eclair France, August 27, 1954 Incandescent globe.
Nord-Matin France, August 27, 1954 "And here is the rectangular 'saucer'..."
La Croix du Nord France, August 27, 1954 "Again...!"
Nord Littoral France, August 27, 1954 "A flying saucer near Château-Chinon".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, August 27, 1954 "A flying saucer near Château-Chinon".
Le Démocrate Vernonnais France, August 27, 1954 "Still flying saucers in Vernon".
Le Baugeois France, August 27, 1954 "The flying saucers".
Centre-Eclair France, August 27, 1954 "Still the flying saucers...".
Le Provençal France, August 27, 1954 "And here is the rectangular "saucer"".
Le Provençal France, August 27, 1954 "A resident of Marseilles has "photographed" saucers!".
Var-Matin République France, August 27, 1954 "A flying saucer near Château-Chinon?".
L'Alsace France, August 27, 1954 "A 'Flying Saucer' above the city?"
Le Provençal France, August 27, 1954 "Many residents of Marseilles and the Provence saw the 'fireball' of Sunday evening".
Le Provençal France, August 27, 1954 (Probable cotinuation of tha above article).
L'Impartial Switzerland, August 27, 1954 "This time the case of the saucers becomes serious...".
Huntington Daily News USA, August 27, 1954 "Just a bit skeptical"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, August 26, 1954 And here is the rectangular "saucer"!"
The Boston Globe USA, August 26, 1954 "Flying saucer in France".
The Calgary Herald Canada, August 26, 1954 "French farmer claims flying saucer sighted".
The Latrobe Bulletin USA, August 26, 1954 "Saucer Story".
The Pottsville Republican USA, August 26, 1954 "Vintage mirage".
The Star-Poenix Canada, August 26, 1954 "Like a globe".
Le Quotidien de la Haute-Loire France, August 26, 1954 "Saucer in the sky of Vernon".
Var-Matin - République France, August 26, 1954 "Piloted by a brown man, did a flying saucer land in Norway?"
Nanaima Daily News Canada, August 26, 1954 "Sights saucer"
Lethbridge Herald Canada, August 26, 1954 "saucer" of Saint-Hilaire-en-Morvan
La Gazette Provençale France, August 25, 1954 "In Evreux several people reportedly saw a flying saucer".
La Voix du Nord France, August 25, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of Vernon?".
La Croix du Nord France, August 25, 1954 "Flying saucers in Normandy?".
Nord Littoral France, August 25, 1954 "An engineer of the atomic laboratories spots flying saucers in the sky of Vernon".
Le Nouveau Nord Maritime France, August 25, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of Vernon (Eure)".
Le Courrier Picard France, August 25, 1954 "In the sky of Vernon (Eure) several witnesses observed their bizarre maneuvers".
Paris-Presse France, August 25, 1954 "Flying saucers pile up in the Vernon sky".
Libération France, August 25, 1954 "A flying saucer gets off a cigar in the sky of Vernon".
Maroc-Presse France, August 25, 1954 "Flying saucers in the sky of Vernon".
La Suisse Switzerland, August 25, 1954 "Appearances of the flying saucers".
La Suisse Switzerland, August 24, 1954 "Fifteen Germans in Ulm reported flying saucers".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, August 14, 1954 "A flying saucer on Dole?"
L'Est Républicain France, August 12, 1954 "Another saucer".
La Liberté de l'Est France, August 12, 1954 "The phenomenon seen in the sky of Docelles".
Le Canada Français Canada, August 12, 1954 "Is it a Flying Saucer?".
L'Echo Nogentais France, July 24, 1954 "Is it mirage?"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, July 13, 1954 "The saucers are back".
Le Provençal Canada, July 7, 1954 "Flying saucers filmed by a Norwegian aviator".
La Suisse Switzerland, July 3, 1954 "Russian television shows received in the Jura".
La Suisse Switzerland, July 2, 1954 "Morning mood" (on flying saucers).
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, June 30, 1954 "Another case of windshield cancer".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, June 24, 1954 "After the windshields and the glass the bottles!"
Staats Zeitung und Herold Germany, June 20, 1954 UFO seen above West Germany.
L'Eveil du Cameroun Cameroun, June 17, 1954 UFO seen above West Germany.
Paris-Presse France, June 16, 1954 "A glass explodes."
Le Méridional France, June 13, 1954 "Flying saucers seen between Frankfurt and Darmstadt".
Paris-Presse France, June 9, 1954 Windshield cancer.
Le Provençal France, June 8, 1954 "A flying saucer above Marseilles?"
Le Provençal France, June 4, 1954 "A flying saucer in the sky of St-Rémy?"
Var-Matin - République France, June 3, 1954 "Above Boston, a 'flying object' intrigues a US pilot".
Le Provençal France, May 29, 1954 "The "flying saucers" continue to visit Marseilles".
Le Provençal France, May 28, 1954 "A flying saucer seen Sunday evening above Marseilleveyre".
Berlinske Tidende Denmark, May 15, 1954 "UFOs above northern Norway".
Le Provençal Denmark, May 15, 1954 "Three mysterious white objects in the Norway sky".
Dagens Nyheter Sweden, May 13, 1954 UFOS above Sweden.
L'Auvergnat de Paris France, May 1, 1954 Flying saucer in Maussac, France.
Vatan Turkey, April 28, 1954 UFO above Pyrenees, France.
Le Figaro France, April 18, 1954 UFO above St Mexant, France.
Le Méridional France, April 12, 1954 "A mysterious craft in the sky of the Puy-de-Dôme".
Svenska Dagbladet Sweden, May 24, 1954 Celestial object to be excavated, Denmark.
Svenska Dagbladet Sweden, May 18, 1954 Flying saucers in Sweden.
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, February 22 1954 "The 'flying saucres' chronicle".
L'Est Républicain France, February 15, 1954 "Flying cigar in the sky of the Haute-saône".
L'Est Républicain France, February 13, 1954 "A resident of Homécourt claims to have seen (and photographed) a flying saucer".
Rocky Mountain News USA, February 13, 1954 "5 to 10 'Saucers' reported nightly by airline pilots".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, February 11, 1954 "It wasn't a flying saucer but a sounding balloon!".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, February 4, 1954 "For the second time a saucer lands in Margignane".
La Gazette Provençale France, February 1, 1954 "at a hundred of kilometers of distance trustworthy Witnesses saw Luminous Celestial Craft".
L'Est Républicain France, January 29, 1954 "The flying saucers gave the dawn serenade to the morning cyclist".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 29, 1954 "The luminous phenomenon seen Tuesday was seen in the whole region".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 28, 1954 "Did you see the saucer?"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 27, 1954 "Luminous phenomenon in the Dijn sky?"
L'Alsace France, January 19, 1954 "What is that new craft now?"
Le Semeur France, January 17, 1954 "A meteor in the sky of Clermont".
L'Est Républicain France, January 14, 1954 "A satellite could have caused the light trails observed in the eastern sky".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 13, 1954 "Always the saucer".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 13, 1954 "The aerial object observed on January 9 is not a meteor",
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 13, 1954 "The saucer did not fall in Pontailler..."
L'Est Républicain France, January 12, 1954 "The "flying saucer" was also seen, Saturday, in the sky of Epinal".
Paris-Presse France, January 12, 1954 "Series of fireballs in the sky of France".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 12, 1954 "New testimonies on the passing of a fiery bolide above our region".
Les Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, January 12, 1954 "A new meteor?"
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, January 12, 1954 "Flying saucers in the Alsatian sky?"
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 11, 1954 "A mysterious craft was observed over the East of France".
L'Est Républicain France, January 11, 1954 "Seen at dawn this last Saturday the "moon" is without a doubt a flying saucer just like the Franche-Comté cigar".
L'Alsace France, January 10, 1954 "After Bergheim, Cernay in its turn saw a flying saucer".
Les Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, January 10, 1954 "A weird appearance in the sky".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 9, 1954 "Did a flying saucer land on the Marignane airfield?"
La Croix France, January 9, 1954 "A fireball explodes in the sky of Dieppe".
Paris-Presse France, January 9, 1954 "The Dieppe flying saucers: fireballs, say scientists".
Le Provençal France, January 9, 1954 "Four motorists of Marseilles were overflown, Tuesday evening, in Crau by a "flying saucer"".
L'Est Républicain France, January 8, 1954 "Strange phenomenon above Dieppe".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 8, 1954 "Mysterious phemomenon in the sky of Dieppe".
Le Provençal France, January 8, 1954 "A mysterious craft explodes in the sky of Dieppe".
Var-Matin - République France, January 8, 1954 "In the sky of Dieppe - Gleam four minutes after a terrible explosion".
Le Provençal France, January 8, 1954 "Did a luminous flying saucer land in Marignane?"
Feuille d'Avis de Neufchatel Switzerland, January 8, 1954 "A mysterious phenomenon in Dieppe"
Ouest France France, January 8, 1954 "A fireball explodes in the sky of Dieppe".
La Bourgogne Républicaine France, January 5. 1954 "A radiosonde balloon of the American base of Chaumont burst near Sonbernon".
Le Figaro France, December 23, 1953 Flying saucers seen above Peshawar, Pakistan.
Var-Matin - République France, December 19, 1953 "A Swedish pilot crosses a 'flying saucer'".
Var-Matin - République France, December 18, 1953 "A 'flying saucer' in the sky over Marseilles".
Le Provençal France, December 18, 1953 "Marseilles residents saw a flying saucer".
Le Méridional France, December 14, 1953 "Flying saucer in the Creuse".
Le Méridional France, December 12, 1953 "Flying saucers and crescents over Mulhouse".
Var-Matin - République France, November 22, 1953 "Gunners believe in "flying saucers" and will provide evidence".
New York Times France, November 20, 1953 "Air Ministry believes 'Thing' Was meteorological balloon".
New York Times USA, November 14, 1953 "Flying saucers project denied".
New York Times USA, November 12, 1953 "Canada to study flying saucers".
Detroit Times USA, November 11, 1953 "Like a bar of steel".
Le Méridional France, September 19, 1953 "A flying saucer in the sky of Avignon".
Morgon Tidnirgen Denmark, July 13, 1953 "Danish Defense authorities take a serious view of the problem of flying saucers".
New York Times USA, January 24, 1953 "Air Force unconvinced".
New York Times USA, February 30, 1953 "Soviet scientists decy UFO tales".
The New York Times USA, January 23, 1953 "U.S. jets chase strange lights".
Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest France, November 24, 1952 Sighting in Belle-Ile-en-Mer.
Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest France, November 22, 1952 Saucer-meteor in France.
Le Méridional France, October 29, 1952 "A flying cylinder" surrounded by saucers above Gaillac".
Great Bend Daily Tribune USA, September 24, 1952 "Still they could be real".
Washington Daily News USA, September 15, 1952 "The monster of Braxton County" (Flatwoods).
Canada Star Canada, August 28, 1952 ""Saucer" Reported In Ontario Field".
Herald-American USA, August 24, 1952 "Saucer outflies jet over Elgin".
Sheboygan Press USA, August 4, 1952 "This time it's hard to brush off those mystery "saucers"".
Sun-Commercial USA, August 1, 1952 "Flying saucer reported over county Friday".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, July 31, 1952 "A flying saucer was seen in the sky of Strasbourg".
Le Méridional France, July 29, 1952 "Jet fighters have hunted strange "objects" reported for one week in the sky of Washington DC".
The Alexandria Gazette USA, July 29, 1952 "Flying saucers circled the Northern Virginia area again this morning:" observations in North America around the famous 1952 Washington flap.
The Washington Post USA, July 29, 1952 ""Saucer" outran jet, pilot reveals - Investigation on in secret after chase over capital - Radar spot blips like aircraft for nearly six hours - only 1.700 feet up".
Timmins Daily Press USA, July 29, 1952 "More "flying saucers" are watched by many".
The Bridgeport Post USA, July 28, 1952 "Jet interceptors fail to contact ghostly 'saucers' over capital".
Grand Haven Tribune USA, July 28, 1952 "See odd objects in Michigan skies".
Observer-Dispatch USA, July 28, 1952 "New reports of saucers above state and Washington".
Wilkes Barre Record USA, July 28, 1952 "Air Force jet fighters fail to catch objects flying over Washington".
Ypsilanti Press USA, July 28, 1952 "'Things' in sky here sunday appear like flying saucers".
The Alexandria Gazette USA, July 28, 1952 "Jet fighters outdistanced by "Flying Saucers" over Mt. Vernon and Potomac", radar sightings and UFO jet chase, the July 1952 flap.
Le Méridional France, July 26, 1952 "New appearances of "soucoupes volantes" above Côte d'Or and the Netherland and La Habana".
Le Méridional France, July 25, 1952 "A flying saucer has been photographed in the Auvergne".
New York Times USA, July 22, 1952 "Strange objects in US sky, observed by radar", the famous 1952 Washington flap.
L'Alsace France, July 10, 1952 "Two 'flying saucers' in the sky of Thann".
Le Méridional France, July 8, 1952 "A flying saucer in the Gard".
Le Figaro France, July 7, 1952 "The "Sunday Graphics" publishes the "sketches" of the flying saucer that would have been discovered on the ground in Eastern Germany".
Le Méridional France, June 21, 1952 "A ship commander and his crew saw a mysterious machine in the sky of Black Africa".
Le Méridional France, June 1, 1952 Probable meteor, Colmar.
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, June 1, 1952 "A flying saucer observed north of Colmar (Continued)".
Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin France, May 31, 1952 "Flying saucers observed in Colmar?".
Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest France, May 12, 1952 La Roche-sur-Yon.
The New York Times USA, February 19, 1952 USAF will research into reports of B-29 crews encounters with orange spherical UFOs over North Korea.
Unknown UK, date unknown, 1952 "Flying saucer joins operation Mainbrace:" observation by RAF personal of a UFO during large scale NATO manoeuvers.
La Liberté de l'Est France, October 19, 1951 "A meteor in Alsace".
Edwardsville Intelligencer USA, March 34, 1951 "Flying saucer balloon shown at Okawville."
Evening Telegraph USA, February 13, 1951 "If you saw 'em you were right, they Were saucers", Skyhook balloons to explain all saucers except those "whimsical" reports.
Independent Journal USA, November 23, 1951 "Flying hub cap?", a hoaxed picture.
Lubbock Morning Avalanche USA, September 2, 1951 "Opinion divided over reports of objects seen in Lubbock skies".
Lubbock Morning Avalanche USA, September 1, 1951 "'Strange aircraft' seen at Matador".
The Ashburton Guardian New Zealand, December 29, 1950 "The flying saucers seen for the first time by a New-Zealander" (in 1931)
Domenica del Corriere Italy, November 26, 1950 "Where are the ice discs coming from?"
Telephone-Register USA, June 8, 1950 "At Long Last - Authentic Photographs of Flying Saucer [?]", the Trent UFO photographs, McMinnville, 1950.
L'Alsace France, May 3, 1950 "Flying saucer... or meteorite ?.."
La Liberté de l'Est France, April 26, 1950 "Flying saucers around Metz".
The Daily Independent Journal USA, April 11, 1950 "More About Discs".
The Idaho State Journal USA, April 10, 1950 "Boise man connects flying saucers with submarines off California coast".
The Lowell Sun USA, April 10, 1950 "Boise man connects flying saucers with submarines off California coast".
Le Provençal France, April 10, 1950 "A red ... saucer in the sky of Tarbes".
Le Provençal France, March 30, 1950 "Parade of "flying saucers" on Italy".
Le Provençal France, March 26, 1950 "From Meyrargues, from Venelles and from Marseilles flying saucers have been seen".
Le Provençal France, March 26, 1950 "Flying saucers in the European sky".
Le Monde France, March 18, 1950 "Four mexican airmen state to have chased a "flying saucer"".
Farmington Daily Timese USA, March 18, 1950 "Huge saucer armada jolts Farmington".
New York Times USA, March 11, 1950 "American again see visions - Little men in flying saucers", sightings in California, in Denver, rumours of saucer crashes with bodies of UFO pilots.
Le Provençal France, February 16, 1950 "Saucer or meteor?"

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