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UFOs in the daily Press:

Alleged flying saucer photo, Denmark, 1953:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper La Bourgogne Républicaine, Dijon, France, on August 20, 1953.


A 14-Year-Old Dutch Boy Captures a Photograph of a Flying Saucer

The Hague, 19. -- Daan Visser, a high school student from Schiedam, near Rotterdam, has managed to photograph a "flying saucer."

A few days ago, the young boy, who is fourteen years old, spotted a mysterious flying craft in the area.

At first, the object remained stationary, but then it suddenly vanished at an extraordinary speed. Yesterday afternoon, while he was photographing his dog and cat, waiting for the clouds to clear and let the sun shine through, he once again saw the flying disk that he had spotted a few days earlier. This time, young Daan Visser managed to photograph the object.

Today, the Dutch press is publishing this photographic evidence. The image is very clear, showing a large black disk appearing motionless in the sky. Daan Visser is convinced that he has photographed a "flying saucer."

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