The article below was published in the daily newspaper La Bourgogne Républicaine, Dijon, France, on August 19, 1953.
Flying saucer or weather balloon? In any case, a mysterious aerial object was observed all day Monday above the Beaune region.
Some witnesses discovered it at 9 am! At 8 pm it was still visible, motionless, in the same place in the sky, seeming to hover at a fantastic height.
Hundreds of people saw it. Some observed it through binoculars. It appeared as a shiny metallic object the size of a 5 franc coin. Through binoculars, it reached the size of a small saucer.
Reliable people claim to have seen it disappear around 8 p.m., splitting in two, the two parts moving away at breakneck speed, followed by condensation trails.
There is much speculation about the nature of the phenomenon.