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UFOs in the daily Press:

The UFO phenomenon in the newspapers, a collection of newspaper articles reporting UFO observations or UFO related information, by local and national newspapers from all countries. These articles are linked from their respective dossier on this site. This page is to answer the claim "if UFOs existed, they would be in the newspaper." (Other sections of this site answer the claim "people believe in UFOs because of the newspapers.")

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Years 1940 to 1949:

Le Monde France, December 20, 1949 "Where are the flying saucers coming from".
Detroit Free Press USA, November 18, 1949 "Flying discs' little men never there to probers".
Le Provencal France, October 25, 1949 "Lights in the sky of Provence".
Le Provencal France, October 21, 1949 Meteor or jet.
La Croix France, October 21, 1949 "Always the flying saucers".
Tribune de Sherbrooke Canada, October 17, 1949 "Burning flying pancake".
The Bakersfield Californian USA, August 21, 1949 "Pardner, two 'little men' fled 'saucer', miners vow".
Minneapolis Star Tribune USA, August 20, 1949 "Well, y'see, pardener, it was a bit too hot to chase 'em".
Salt Lake Tribune USA, August 20, 1949 "Miner details flying disk spin into sand".
San Francisco Examiner USA, August 20, 1949 "'Little Men' in flying disk".
Wilmington Morning News USA, August 20, 1949 "Insists he saw disk".
Var-Matin - République France, August 1, 1949 "In Portland - A mysterious plane flew over the airfield".
Var-Matin - République France, July 17, 1949 "Flying saucers against aircraft".
Le Figaro France, April 2, 1949 "Flying saucers in the en Dordogne?"
The Daily Press USA, February 1st, 1949 "Flying saucer over Tucson?" B-29 fails to catch object - hundreds witnesses.
L'Aube France, September 22, 1948 "A flying saucer crosses the sky of Châteauneuf".
Var-Matin - République France, August 4, 1948 "Mysteries in the sky of Indochina..."
Denver Post-Register USA, June 23, 1948 "Flying disc excitement started year ago today".
Ce Soir France, April 16, 1948 "Like the Moon".
La Liberté de l'Est France, April 13, 1948 "Venus and the flying saucers".
Le Monde France, March 27, 1948 Obvious meteor.
Post-Register USA, December 30, 1947 "Remember 'flying saucers'? They were Idaho's top 1947 news story; water row among first ten".
Medford Mail-Tribune USA, December 23, 1947 "Flying saucers may have been Russian rockets, Ellsworth says"
Democrat-Herald December 23, 1947 "Soviet saucers, says Ellsworth".
The Los Angeles Times USA, December 23, 1947 "'Flying disks' again linked to Red tests".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, October 16, 1947 "Mexico mystery 'reminds of discs'".
Press and News Bulletin USA, October 3, 1947 "Aerial weather device found on farm".
Rhinelander Daily News USA, September 20, 1947 "Flying saucers are back in news".
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, August 30, 1947 "Sélestat - A celestial observation".
The Deming Headlight USA, August 29, 1947 Dr. Lincoln LaPaz gives his opinion.
The Albuquerque Journal USA, August 29, 1947 "LaPaz says disc reports probably have good basis".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, August 28, 1947 "Flying discs seen by Santa Rosans".
Est Matin France, August 24, 1947 "Lapoutroie - Flying discs in our sky?"
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, August 21, 1947 "Colmar - Was it a flying saucer?"
Times News USA, August 15, 1947 "Heads up, folks! The disks are flying again - Flying Saucer Reported Flashing Down Canyon At 100 Miles Per Hour - Two Others Seen".
Los Angeles Times USA, August 9, 1947 "Tacoma flying saucer story still unverified".
Amarillo Daily News USA, August 6, 1947 "Perryton man displays proof of saucer story".
The Arizona Republic USA, August 6, 1947 "Flying disc story originator crashes".
The Post-Register USA, August 6, 1947 "Flying disc probe seen".
The Rhinelander Daily News USA, August 5, 1947 "Another saucer gag - On the face of it".
The Neosheo Daily News France, August 5, 1947 "Army will explain crash of plane carrying saucer".
Le Méridional France, August 5, 1947 "An American plane in mission to investigate about the 'flying saucers' disappears mysteriously".
The Albany Democrat-Herald France, August 4, 1947 "Plane aids search to extricate body".
Los Angeles Times USA, August 4, 1947 "'Flying disk' reports lost in plane crash".
Los Angeles Times USA, August 3, 1947 "Two killed in crash on 'saucer' mission".
The Philadelphia Enquirer, The Philadelphia Enquirer USA, August 3, 1947 "2 killed in crash had 'disc' clues".
The Pittsburgh Press USA, August 3, 1947 "'Flying saucer' probers killed".
Le Nouveau Rhin Français France, August 3, 1947 "Luminous signals in the sky".
Galveston Daily News USA, August 3, 1947 "'Flying saucers' figure in two air crash death".
The Lawton Constitution USA, August 3, 1947 "Saucer' probers killed in crash".
San Mateo Times USA, August 2, 1947 "'Disc' plane crashes, rumor".
Amarillo Daily News USA, August 1, 1947 "Flying disks get delayed reason".
The Deming Headlight USA, August 1, 1947 "Are we jittery?"
L'Alsace France, July 31, 1947 "'Flying saucers ' in the sky of France?"
Le Progrès France, July 30, 1947 "About a meteor".
The Herald and News USA, July 29, 1947 "Long-time pilot tells of seeing 10 flying saucers".
The Evening Eagle USA, July 29, 1947 "Fiery saucer makes 'passes' at Air Base".
The Post-Register USA, July 28, 1947 "Frenchman offers disc solution".
Le Progrès France, July 28, 1947 "Flying saucers".
Daily Herald USA, July 25, 1947 "'Saucers' held to be some strange type of aircraft".
The Los Angeles Times USA, July 25, 1947 "Whatzit comes to earth; it wasn't flying disk".
Galveston Daily News USA, July 24, 1947 "Falling saucer of fire is reported".
Los Angeles Times USA, July 22, 1947 "They still won't stop flying disks".
The Mexico Ledger USA, July 22, 1947 "Flying disc is no myth to trained ex-Navy observer".
The Chicago Tribune USA, July 22, 1947 "To the tune of 'Mandalay'".
Le Méridional France, July 21, 1947 "A flying saucer was seen in the Gard".
Caller-Times USA, July 20, 1947 "First disk sighter now 'vindicated'".
Sedalia Democrat USA, July 20, 1947 "First man to see saucers is vindicated".
Courier-Journal USA, July 20, 1947 "Flying disks may be just the first of a series of new aerial puzzles".
The Statesman Journal USA, July 20, 1947 "The explanations continue".
Le Méridional France, July 20, 1947 "Flying saucers appear in our region"
The Los Angeles Times USA, July 19, 1947 "Oh, hum! Deputies join disk finders".
The Amarillo Daily News USA, July 17, 1947 "Something in air over Plains today"
The Albuquerque Journal USA, July 17, 1947 "Silly disc business"
Le Parisien Libéré France, July 16, 1947 "Biarritz overflown by flying saucers?".
The Press-Gazette USA, July 15, 1947 "'Flying saucers' found here only weather radar targets".
La Libre Belgique Belgium, July 14, 1947 "Flying discs tour the world".
The Medford Mail-Tribune USA, July 14, 1947 "Trio describes flying saucers".
L'Est Républicain France, July 14, 1947 "At last... in France too 'flying saucers' are reported".
The Post-Dispatch USA, July 14, 1947 "Men from Mars again, this time in flying saucers".
Greenville News USA, July 13, 1947 "Don't worry about the flying saucers".
Ashbury Park Sunday Press USA, July 13, 1947 "Flying discs?"
The Clovis News-Journal USA, July 13, 1947 "Another disc seen above Silver City".
The Longview News-Journal USA, July 13, 1947 "Tinfoil radar reflectors also explain flying disc mystery".
Nevada State Journal USA, July 13, 1947 "Official describes flying objects"
The Daily Press USA, July 13, 1947 "Just illusion, maybe?"
Los Angeles Times USA, July 13, 1947 "They were 'flying hot cakes' when Tokyo saw hem in raid".
The Cumberland Evening News USA, July 12, 1947 "Spinning saucer hoax is exposed".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, July 12, 1947 "See two 'discs'".
Bergen Evening Record USA, July 12, 1947 "One of the discs which were launched yesterday".
The Gallup Independent USA, July 12, 1947 "'flying disc' is dud".
La Libre Belgique Belgium, July 12, 1947 "A flying saucer found at last?"
The News-Herald USA, July 12, 1947 "Science at work".
The Los Angeles Times USA, July 12, 1947 "Silver and gold 'flying disk' puts Twin Falls in tail spin".
The British Columbian Canada, July 12, 1947 "Says 'flying saucers' are pelicans".
The Gallup Independent USA, July 11, 1947 "Flying saucer picks Hollywood for appearance".
The Post-Register USA, July 11, 1947 "No 'disc' on flier's film - Expert doubts camera could have caught object so far away".
The Albany Democrat-Herald USA, July 11, 1947 "Discs Disappear From Northwestern Skies".
Ogden Standard-Examiner USA, July 11, 1947 "This object not a flying disc".
The Austin Statesman USA, July 11, 1947 "Disc explanation given".
The Hope Star USA, July 11, 1947 "Furore over disc amazes rancher".
L'Echo d'Oran France, July 11, 1947 "France also has its saucers".
L'Est Républicain France, July 11, 1947 "'Saucers' in England?".
The Joplin Globe USA, July 11, 1947 "More 'Flying Saucers' reported seen - Cash prize offered for 'real article'".
Statesman Journal USA, July 11, 1947 "We hope they are ours"
The La Grande Observer USA, July 11, 1947 "Flying saucer reports dropping off as public becoming more skeptical".
The Shreveport Times USA, July 10, 1947 "Here's flying saucer to end all flying saucers"
The Las Cruces Sun-News USA, July 10, 1947 "Rancher who thought to have found disc, sorry he mentioned ii"
The Lubock Morning-Avalanche USA, July 10, 1947 "Idaho man claims disc cavorts in sky for 45 seconds"
Tipton Daily Tribune USA, July 10, 1947 "First person to report flying disc sticks to story".
The Mansfield News-Journal USA, July 10, 1947 "Flying discs rapidly whizzing to oblivion".
The Sandusky Register USA, July 10, 1947 "Navy punctures 'flying saucers' in Georgia test".
The Beacon Journal USA, July 10, 1947 "Atlanta saucer scare is navy weather kite".
Atlanta Constitution USA, July 10, 1947 "Balloons lift 'saucer'".
The Press and Sun Bulletin USA, July 10, 1947 "Saucy Soaring Saucers Sinking".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, July 10, 1947 "Fantasy of 'flying disc' is explained here".
The Clovis News-Journal USA, July 10, 1947 "Astronomy prof doesn't think discs are hoax".
The Gastonia Gazette USA, July 10, 1947 "Naval officer believes flying discs are tinfoil screen used in weather balloons to reflect radar rays and detect wind's velocity".
The Chicago Tribune USA, July 10, 1947 "Finder of 'disc' sorry he ever talked about it".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, July 10, 1947 "Two flying discs reported here".
L'Aurore France, July 10, 1947 "The 'flying saucers' keep their mystery".
New York Times USA, July 10, 1947 "Saucers? Maybe a mighty Russian throwing a discus, Gromyko hints. Or else, the Soviet chief Observes, British are exporting too much whiskey to the U.S.".
L'Est Républicain France, July 10, 1947 "Is it the Flying Saucer?".
Corriere della Sera Italy, July 10, 1947 "The 'flying disk' of Roswell was a weather balloon".
Post-Gazette USA, July 10, 1947 "Rebuke reputedly given by AAF to Roswell base for balloon sensation".
Los Angeles Times USA, July 10, 1947 "Angeleno finds 'disk' smoking in flower bed".
The Corvallis Gazette-Times USA, July 9, 1947 "Sighted flying discs".
The Albany Democrat-Herald USA, July 9, 1947 "Films may show disc in flight".
The Minneapolis Star USA, July 9, 1947 "Just balloon?"
The Cincinnati Enquirer USA, July 9, 1947 "Supposed disc id dud, proves weather gauge".
The Odessa American USA, July 9, 1947 "Rancher who found disc is sorry he caused such fuss".
The St. Louis Star and Times USA, July 9, 1947 "Report of finding disc Explodes; it's a weather balloon".
The Del Rio News-Herald USA, July 9, 1947 "Grounded 'flying disc' altitude weather balloon".
The Daily Messenger USA, July 9, 1947 "'Flying disc' is weather balloon".
The Santa Fe New Mexican USA, July 9, 1947 "Latest disc report is phoniest yet".
The Jacksonville Daily Journal USA, July 9, 1947 "Not enough wind targets to be basis for 'saucers'".
Longview News-Journal USA, July 9, 1947 "'Flying disc' is merely for wind test".
Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune USA, July 9, 1947 "Amazed at fuss made over finding of flying disc".
Abilene Reporter-News USA, July 9, 1947 "'Disc' found near Roswell is weather balloon, kite".
Petaluma Argus-Courier USA, July 9, 1947 "Reported disc is balloon".
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin USA, July 9, 1947 "Air field's 'Flying Disc' only a weather balloon".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, July 9, 1947 "Flying disc passes over Carrizozo air field".
The Guardian R-U, July 9, 1947 "A 'flying saucer' found on a ranch in New-Mexico".
Middletown Times-Herald USA, July 9, 1947 "Flying disc reports decline as Army, Navy launch campaign to stop rumors".
The Pampa Daily News USA, July 9, 1947 "'Flying Disc' proves to be weather balloon".
The Daily Tribune USA, July 9, 1947 "Flying saucer turns out to be radar unit".
The Amarillo Daily News USA, July 9, 1947 "It's disc-gusting".
The Galveston Daily News USA, July 9, 1947 "'Disk' revealed as Army device".
The Gallup Independent USA, July 9, 1947 "First captive flying disc turns out to be wind observation balloon".
The Circleville Herald USA, July 9, 1947 "Device like local 'discs' found in West - Pickaway countians believe 'kites' are answer to U.S. 'saucer' tales".
L'Union de Reims France, July 9, 1947 "Marsian bolides or optical illusions? "Saucers" still furrow the American skies".
Le Parisien Libéré France, July 9, 1947 "A "flying saucer" falls into he hands of the Americans".
Chicago Tribune USA, July 9, 1947 "They find a 'saucer' is just a balloon", Roswell etc.
L'Aurore France, July 9, 1947 "It was not an optical illusion... A "flying saucer" lands in a farmyard in New Mexico", Roswell.
The New York Times USA, July 9, 1947 "'Disk' near bomb test site is just a weather balloon - Warrant officer solves a puzzle that baffled his superiors - 'Flying Saucer' tales pour in from round the world", Roswell.
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, July 9, 1947 "US Army has found a 'flying disk'", Roswell.
San Francisco Chronicle USA, July 9, 1947 No headline, the Roswell incident.
L'Est Républicain France, July 9, 1947 "The "flying saucers" produce a "metallic rain"".
Ceylon Observer Sri Lanka, July 9, 1947 "Flying saucers over S. Africa, Canada and Australia? Conflicting reports on mystery objects - "Concrete evidence" in three instances".
Las Vegas Review Journal USA, July 9, 1947 "Flying disc tales decline - as Army, Navy cracks down".
Roswell Daily Record USA, July 9, 1947 "General Ramey empties Roswell saucer".
La Libre Belgique Belgium, July 9, 1947 "A new version of the 'flying discs'".
The Tennessean USA, July 9, 1947 "'Flying saucer' flights seen by hundreds".
L'Alsace France, July 8, 1947 "Eight 'flying saucers' reportedly landed on a mountain".
Dunkirk Evening Observer USA, July 8, 1947 "Einstein silent relative to the theory of the 'flying saucers'".
The Santa Fe New Mexican USA, July 8, 1947 "Editorial".
The Daily Capital Journal USA, July 8, 1947 "'Flying discs' jag in America reels onward".
The Corvallis Gazette-Times USA, July 8, 1947 "Discs definitely not any army experiment".
The Herald and News USA, July 8, 1947 "'Flying saucer' reports continue to pour in from States".
The Vidette Messenger USA, July 8, 1947 "Sky mystery nothing new, public told".
The Abilene Reporter USA, July 8, 1947 "Fragments of two flying disks reported found, more sighted".
The Chronicle-Telegram USA, July 8, 1947 "Offers suggestion on flying discs".
The Tucson Daily Citizen USA, July 8, 1947 "New Mexico Army base finds disc".
The Reno Gazette USA, July 8, 1947 "Flying disc reported found in New Mexico".
The Santa Fe New Mexican USA, July 8, 1947 "???????" (Roswell).
New York Times USA, July 8, 1947 "'Disks' soar over New York, now seen aloft in all colors".
Cincinnati Enquirer USA, July 8, 1947 "Mystery is solved? "Saucer" is found on road at Oxford".
France Soir France, July 8, 1947 "Flying saucers are coming from Russia or from planet Mars, is what Americans think".
L'Est Républicain France, July 8, 1947 "Interception aircraft patrols in pursuit of the "flying saucers"".
San Francisco News USA, July 8, 1947 "Bulletin:" Possession of a "flying disk" was disclosed today by the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of Roswell Army Air Base.
Los Angeles Herald-Express USA, July 8, 1947 "Army finds "Flying Saucer" - General believes it is radar weather target".
Roswell Daily Record USA, July 8, 1947 "RAAF captures flying saucer on ranch in Roswell region" subtitled: Roswell Hardware Man and Wife Report Disk Seen.
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, July 8, 1947 "Flying saucers may be simply a mirage", my regional press echoes.
Le Progrès France, July 8, 1947 "American Aviation in search of the "flying saucers".
Le Monde France, July 8, 1947 "The affair of the "flying saucers"".
L'Aurore France, July 8, 1947 "Jets are chasing the "flying pancakes"- But they are said to be only an optical effect".
The Colombian Canada, July 8, 1947 "Saucers appear near Malardville".
La France France, July 8, 1947 "Eight "Flying disks" are said to have "landed" in Idaho".
La Libre Belgique Belgium, July 8, 1947 "The mystery of the "flying discs" in the United States".
The Post-Gazette USA, July 8, 1947 "Saucer hoax seen by Orson Welles".
Tallahassee Democrat USA, July 8, 1947 "Dr Finner blames saucers on 'post-war nerves' or --."
The Daily Clintonian USA, July 8, 1947 "Pilot says he clocked strange planes at 1,200 miles an hour"
Daily Courier USA, July 8, 1947 "Flying saucers now reported from nearly all states, Canada, Mexico".
The Tennessean USA, July 8, 1947 "He Invented Flying Saucers, Chattanooga Man Asserts".
The Idaho Morning Tribune USA, July 8, 1947 "First day of find saucers assignment proves 'dud' for newspaperman-pilot".
Abilene Reporter-News USA, July 7, 1947 "Abilene flier reports to City News Desk he saw a man on a flying disc".
The Gallup Independent USA, July 7, 1947 "Is it the flying saucer?".
Standard-Examiner USA, July 7, 1947 "Montana has tangle with 'flying yo-yo' - Boise man started It".
The Independent Record USA, July 7, 1947 "Aerial search".
Mauch Chunk Times-News USA, July 7, 1947 "Saw flying discs over Mt. Pisgah".
The Post-Register USA, July 7, 1947 "Pilot to photograph 'saucers'".
The Amarillo Daily News USA, July 7, 1947 "Army primes planes for 'saucer' chase".
The Gallup Independent USA, July 7, 1947 "'Orange Balloon' hits high speed over Gallup area".
The Vidette-Messenger USA, July 7, 1947 "May be 'flying disc'".
The Bakersfield Californian USA, July 7, 1947 "Many see "saucers," but not aerial patrol".
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin USA, July 7, 1947 "Army planes to air in 'flying saucers' search".
La France France, July 7, 1947 "Flying disks in the US skies", explanations by scientists.
L'Est Républicain France, July 7, 1947 "'Flying Saucers' concerns in America... and much comments".
The Oakland Tribune USA, July 7, 1947 "Switchboards loaded as 'saucer' reports pour in".
The Baltimore Sun USA, July 7, 1947 "U. S. Planes Patrolling Skies For Disks".
The Estherville Daily News USA, July 7, 1947 "Flying saucers reported seen in 38 states".
The Las Cruces Sun-News USA, July 6, 1947 "Reports of seeing flying saucers grow; Government officials want to see one".
Los Angeles Times USA, July 6, 1947 "Disks baffle science as reports pour in".
The Medford Mail-Tribune USA, July 6, 1947 "'Flying saucer' mystery still lacks explanation".
Sunday Herald USA, July 6, 1947 Arnold off on another flight.
Post-Register USA, July 7, 1947 "More flying saucer reports add to mystery that has baffled nation".
The Daily Eagle USA, July 6, 1947 "Scientists Brand Flying Saucer Tales Merely Bad Case of Jitters"
The Greenville News USA, July 6, 1947 "More Reports On Pancake-Like Objects Sailing Through The Sky".
The Providence Journal USA, July 6, 1947 "Eight saucers land in Idaho".
The Post-Register USA, July 6, 1947 "Saucer like objects maneuver in air; Over West, reported larger than aircraft".
The Columbus Citizen USA, July 6, 1947 "Flying saucer", another Roswell.
The Columbus Sunday Dispatch USA, July 6, 1947 Weather balloon radar target crash in Ohio, USA.
The Albuquerque Journal USA, July 6, 1947 "Veteran hospital patients report flying disc here".
The Clovis News-Journal USA, July 6, 1947 "Another flying disc".
Var-Matin - République France, July 6, 1947 "Mystery in the USA - Strange objects furrows the skies at a vertiginous pace".
Le Monde France, July 6, 1947 "Space or aeronautics?".
Providence Journal USA, July 6, 1947 8 saucers land near Spokane.
Le Monde France, July 6, 1947 "Cosmos or aeronautics?"
The Miami News USA, July 6, 1947 "Behavior experts thinks 'saucers' are phantasy"
The Pittsburgh Press USA, July 6, 1947 "Fred in his cups sees saucers".
The Nevada State Journal USA, July 6, 1947 "They could be navy planes; or perhaps stomach trouble".
The Miami Daily News USA, July 6, 1947 "'Saucers' seen in Kansas area".
The Journal and Courier USA, July 5, 1947 "Signals from Mars?".
The Palm Beach Post USA, July 5, 1947 "'Flying discs' get attention of Air Forces".
The Oregonian USA, July 5, 1947 "View of 'flying saucers' over Ontario dumbfounds veteran pilot, other crew member of airliner".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, July 5, 1947 "Flying saucers cross the sky at 2000 km/h", my regional press echoes Kenneth Arnold's sighting.
La Libre Belgique Belgium, July 5, 1947 "In the American sky: mysterious 'flying saucers'".
The Evening Times USA, July 5, 1947 "'Whirling discs' reported by air lines crew, others".
The News-Herald USA, July 5, 1947 "Reports pouring in of 'flying saucers;' scientists skeptical".
The Minneapolis Star USA, July 5, 1947 "'Flying Whizzits' Whizz All Over Country".
The Lincoln Star USA, July 5, 1947 "'Flying saucer' mystery reaches fever pitch as veteran UAL pilots spot them in flight".
The Oregonian USA, July 5, 1947 "View of 'flying saucers' over Ontario dumbfounds veteran pilot, other crew member of airliner".
The Clovis News-Journal USA, July 4, 1947 "'Flying Discs' facts vague AAF reports".
Los Angeles Times USA, July 4, 1947 "'Mystery disks' light beams, oberervers say".
Salt Lake Telegram USA, July 3, 1947 "Bulletin".
Daily Register USA, July 3, 1947 "'Flying saucers' seen again in West".
Daily Freeman USA, July 3, 1947 "Here they are again, those flying saucers; Lt. Gov. sees them".
The Los Angeles Times USA, July 3, 1947 "Flying whatzits reported seen in southland sky".
The Daily Herald USA, July 3, 1947 "Army Air Forces to investigate 'flying discs'".
Washington Villager USA, July 3, 1947 "'Flying discs' are seen here".
Post-Register USA, July 3, 1947 "Army probes flying discs".
Arizona Daily Star USA, July 2, 1947 "Hardy Westerners stick to fast flying saucer stories".
The Gallup Independent USA, July 2, 1947 "'Flying saucers' only dishwasher's nightmare - maybe".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, July 2, 1947 "Discs main topic of 'Disc-Ussion' in State since skygazing began".
The Las Cruces News USA, July 2, 1947 "Max Hood sees mystery disk".
The Denver Post USA, July 2, 1947 "Plane vet reports seeing 'Flying Saucers' June 23".
The Gallup Independent USA, July 2, 1947 Tinfoil in the New Mexico desert.
The Philadephia Evening Bulletin USA, July 2, 1947 "Veteran Airman Joins Ranks of 'Flying Saucer' Witnesses".
La Grande Observer USA, July 1, 1947 "This flying saucer said real article".
The Corsicana Daily Sun USA, July 1, 1947 "Many Texans Report Seeing Mysterious Disks Flying Through Skies; One Said Found As Army Officers Differ On Possibility".
The Odessa American USA, July 1, 1947 "Texans see disks; New Mexico man nabs 'saucer'".
The Statesman Journal USA, July 1, 1947 "Leave it to a Texan - He 'found' flying disk; world's end predicted".
The Post-Register USA, July 1, 1947 "Flying Disc Deal 'Solved'".
The Gallup Independent USA, July 1, 1947 "El Pasoan trails shining disc and finds it tinfoil".
The Los Angeles Times USA, July 1, 1947 "Report on the progress of our military research"
Pendleton EAst Oregonian June 30, 1947, USA "Two Pendleton residents tell of mystery discs".
Klamath Falls Herald and News June 30, 1947, USA "Two Pendleton residents tell of mystery discs".
Press and Sun Bulletin USA, June 30, 1947 "More 'flying saucers' add to controversy".
Harrisburg Telegraph USA, June 30, 1947 "Opinions differ in mystery of 'flying saucers'"
The Los Angeles Times USA, June 30, 1947 "Flying discs reported seen in Vancouver".
The Herald and News USA, June 30, 1947 "Discs nay be jet exhaust".
The Herald-Tribune USA, June 30, 1947 "More flying discs reported in West".
The Cincinnati Enquirer USA, June 30, 1947 "West coast folk see bright discs zipping 1,200 miles an hour - Guided missiles?".
The News-Review USA, June 30, 1947 "'Flying saucers' mean world's end, preacher warns".
The Clovis News-Journal USA, June 30, 1947 "Another reports seeing mystery objects in sky".
The Gallup Independent USA, June 30, 1947 "Daytime 'Star' is Seen at Newcomb".
Abilene Reporter-News USA, June 30, 1947 "Ho, hum! Here's more flying saucers; fact or fancy! Geez, we give it up!".
Star-Tribune USA, June 30, 1947 "'Disc' rumors mount".
Gazette and Daily USA, June 30, 1947 "Mystery missiles seen flying at 1,200 mph".
Herald and News USA, June 30, 1947 "Two Pendleton residents tell of mystery discs".
Dixon Telegraph USA, June 30, 1947 "'Flying saucer' controversy is continued; new witnesses report".
Dunkirk Evening Observer USA, June 30, 1947 "Flying saucers were probably jet ships says rocket expert".
The Ottawa Journal Canada, June 30, 1947 "Get new reports on 'flying saucers'".
The Lawton Constitution USA, June 29, 1947 "More reports of 'flying saucers' being received".
The Daily World USA, June 29, 1947 "Those flying saucers".
The Des Moines Register USA, June 29, 1947 "Pilot fussed; FBI won't check into flying saucers".
The Nevada State Journal USA, June 29, 1947 "Mystery 'discs' reported sighted speeding through sky over Illinois".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, June 29, 1947 "Flying disc tales bring 2 reports from Engle area".
The Odessa American USA, June 29, 1947 "200 MPH 'flying saucers' reported seen in northwest".
Sunday Herald USA, June 29, 1947 "Saw strange sight".
Arizona Republic USA, June 29, 1947 "Disc spotter".
The Arizona Daily Citizen USA, June 28, 1947 "Flying disc tale stands".
The Idaho Statesman USA, June 28, 1947 "Harassed saucer-sighter would like to escape fuss".
The Daily Citzen USA, June 28, 1947 "Flying disc tale stands".
The Arizona Republic USA, June 28, 1947 "Mysterious air objects cause widespread comments".
The San Mateo Times USA, June 28, 1947 "More witnesses of 'flying discs'".
The Corvallis Gazette-Times USA, June 28, 1947 "Group of 'bright objects' reported seen over corvallis on day of first flying disc report".
The Amarillo Daily News USA, June 28, 1947 "Sailing discs may be jets".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, June 28, 1947 "Flying saucers maybe just jets, says rocket chief".
El Paso Times USA, June 28, 1947 "New Mexicans add to mystery reports".
Sheboygan Press USA, June 28, 1947 "Skygazers still insist they saw 'Flying Saucers;' Army skeptical".
The Green Bay Press-Gazette USA, June 28, 1947 "Officer's story of jet planes conflicts with other observers".
The Los Angeles Times USA, June 28, 1947 "'Flying disks' could be just jet airplanes"
The Logansport Pharos Tribune USA, June 28, 1947 "Mysterious flying objects seen in many parts of U.S."
Albany Democrat-Herald USA, June 28, 1947 "Rocket expert figures 'flying saucers' merely jet planes, but more witnesses tell of strange discs".
The Bend Bulletin USA, June 28, 1947 "'Flying Saucers' reportedly seen at many places across country; no explanation made".
Salt Lake Tribune USA, June 28, 1947 "Sky 'objects' seen en Utah".
Chicago Tribune USA, June 27, 1947 "2 others tell of mysterious 'aerial train'".
Los Angeles Times USA, June 27, 1947 "Folks elsewhere in U.S. tell of flying 'whatsits,' but others still doubt"
The Courrier-Journal USA, June 27, 1947 "Reports of flying disks spread through west".
The Palm Beach Post USA, June 27, 1947 "Reports of 'disc-like' objects brings arguments for, against".
The Eugene Guard USA, June 27, 1947 "Interest in 'flying discs' mystery mounts".
The Tennessean USA, June 27, 1947 "Reports support 'flying saucer' story, but skeptics have plenty of explanations - 'Out of this planet', experts say.".
The Post-Register USA, June 27, 1947 "Missile mystery deepens; Oregon photo shows 'flying objects' in air".
The Press Democrat USA, June 27, 1947 "'Buck Rogers' flight stirs conjecture".
The Statesman-Journal USA, June 27, 1947 "'Flying discs' sighted at Salem, Eugene, Oklahoma, Kansas, etc.".
The Albuquerque Journal USA, June 27, 1947 "Flying saucer mystery deepens as eyewitness descriptions increase".
The Medford Mail-Tribune USA, June 27, 1947 "Report of 'flying saucers' causes furor; Texas preacher calls flock for world's end".
St. Louis Post-Dispatch USA, June 27, 1947 "Whole thing has gotten out of hand, he says - No peace since he told it.".
La Grande Observer USA, June 27, 1947 "Pilot who spotted 'flying saucers' gets tired of commotion caused by story".
The Albany Democrat-Herald USA, June 27, 1947 "Furor over mystery missiles increases".
The Clovis News-Journal USA, June 27, 1947 "Whizzin Whatzit In New Mexico Too".
The Las Vegas Daily Optic USA, June 27, 1947 "Luminous disc seen in state sky".
Gallup Independent USA, June 27, 1947 "Silver City folks report sighting of mystery disc".
The Harrisburg Telegraph USA, June 27, 1947 "Army doubts story of flight at 1200 mph".
The Daily Herald USA, June 27, 1947 "'Flying saucers' mystery story gets complicated".
The Daily News-Record USA, June 27, 1947 "Pilot still puzzled by aerial objects".
The Oregon Journal USA, June 27, 1947 "Arnold insists tale of flying objects O.K.".
The Democrat and Chronicle USA, June 27, 1947 "Pilot tells of missiles seen in sky".
Dunkirk Evening Observer USA, June 27, 1947 "Pilot sees strange 1200 m.p.h. planes, military is silent"
Munster Times Munster, Indiana, USA "Pilot who saw mystery planes 'mirage victim'"
Tipton Daily Tribune USA, June 27, 1947 "Report of swishing 'aircraft' doubted"
The Lawton Constitution USA, June 27, 1947 "Strange flying object also is seen over Oklahoma City".
The Lead Daily Call USA, June 27, 1947 "Military authorities have no comment on story of amateur"
The Muncie Evening News USA, June 27, 1947 "Fast-flying discs in sky also seen by rail engineer"
Santa Rosa Press Democrat USA, June 27, 1947 "Others confirm sky mystery".
Fort Lauderdale News USA, June 26, 1947 "CAA skeptical on mysterious air bbjects".
The Montreal Gazette Canada, June 26, 1947 "Pilot sees 'saucer-like objects' flying at 1,200 m.p.h. in Oregon".
The Hartford Times USA, June 26, 1947 "'Flying pies' stir skepticism".
The Herald and News USA, June 26, 1947 "Strange flying objects pose mystery for pilots".
The Chicago Tribune USA, June 26, 1947 "Sees mystery aerial 'Train' 5 miles long".
The Des Moines Register USA, June 26, 1947 "Pilot startled by mystery missiles".
The Star-Tribune USA, June 26, 1947 "Nine 'saucers' whiz by pilot at 1,200 mph".
The La Grande Observer USA, June 26, 1947 "Pilot sees planes from other world".
The Daily Times-News USA, June 26, 1947 "Army experts skeptical on 'whiz planes'".
The Times Herald USA, June 26, 1947 "Spots before his eyes - Air experts doubt flyer saw mysterious aircraft".
The Lubbock Evening Journal USA, June 26, 1947 "Nine strange planes, flying at estimated speed of 1,200 miles an hour, said sighted".
The Lansing State-Journal USA, June 26, 1947 "Reports mysterious objets over Pacific northwest".
The Sacramento Bee USA, June 26, 1947 "Pilot reports seing mystery aircraft over coast range Pendleton".
The Plain Speaker USA, June 26, 1947 "Discredit air mystery yarn".
The Bradford Era USA, June 26, 1947 "Nine Fast-Flying Objects Sighted By Pilot in Oregon".
The Statesman Journal USA, June 26, 1947 "Mystery Missiles Reported Over Cascades".
The Danville Bee USA, June 26, 1947 "Reports nine mysterious objects in sky".
The Eugene Guard USA, June 26, 1947 "Pilot says 'objects' flying at 1200 mph - Local man asserts flight seen here".
The Daily Capital Journal USA, June 26, 1947 "Doubt tale of mystery flight".
The Dayton Daily News USA, June 26, 1947 "Fast 'flying pie-pans' stump army CAA men".
The Altoona Tribune USA, June 26, 1947 "Flier Reports Mysterious Speeding 'Saucers'".
The Neosho Daily News USA, June 26, 1947 "Pilot claims nine mystery planes fly 1200 miles an hour".
Los Angeles Times USA, June 26, 1947 "Pilot tells of seeing saucerlike objects flying at 1200 m.p.h.".
The Abilene News-Reporter USA, June 26, 1947 "Pilot says he clocked strange planes at 1,200 miles an hour"
The Muncie Evening Press USA, June 26, 1947 "Mysterious flying objects reported sighted".
The Palladium Item USA, June 26, 1947 "Army skeptical about reported objects flying at 1,200 mph".
The Rushville Republican USA, June 26, 1947 "Army and CAA skeptical of report about mysterious flying objects".
The Oakland Tribune USA, June 26, 1947 "Experts scoff at airman's tale of 'flying saucers'".
The News Review USA, June 26, 1947 "Mysterious objects seen by private flyer whizzing over Cascades draw skepticism".
Albuquerque Journal USA, June 26, 1947 "Strange Things Seen Flying High, 1200 Miles an Hour by U. S. Pilot".
The Medford Mail-Tribune USA, June 26, 1947 "Amateur aviator reports seeing 'saucer' planes".
The Arizona Republic USA, June 26, 1947 "Pilot reports weird objects".
The Daily Press USA, June 26, 1947 "Saw mysterious objects flying at 1200 m.p.h.".
Moberly Monitor USA, June 26, 1947 "Mysterious objects whizzing over U.S.? Officials skeptical".
Post-Standard USA, June 26, 1947 "Pilot reports weird objects".
Press and Sun Bulletin USA, June 26, 1947 "Mystery objects whiz through air".
The Chillicothe Constitution USA, June 26, 1947 "Increditable Speed By Saucer-Like Objects Reported In Oregon".
The Hayward Daily Review USA, June 26, 1947 "Man reports 'saucer-shape plane' flight".
The Chicago Sun USA, June 26, 1947 "Supersonic flying saucers sighted by Idaho pilot".
Joplin Globe USA, June 26, 1947 "Mysterious objects sighted over Oregon".
Duluth News-Tribune USA, June 25, 1947 "'Flying saucers,' up in air 10,000 ft puzzle pilot", Kenneth Arnold's sighting.
Gazette-Times USA, June 25, 1947 "'Mystery airplanes' seen near Mt. Rainier".
The East Oregonian USA, June 25, 1947 "Impossible! Maybe, But Seein' Is Believin', Says Flier".
The Age Australia, June 24, 1947 "Rocket trip to Mars".
Le Méridional France, April 30, 1947 "A ghost plane toys RAF".
L'Est Républicain France, September 14, 1946 "The sky of Lorraine crossed by mysterious meteors".
Council Bluffs Nonpareil USA, September 13, 1946 "Mysterious Lights Seen in French Skies".
Council Bluffs Nonpareil France, September 11, 1946 Ghost rocket, Copenhaguen.
Stockholms Tidningen Sweden, November 2, 1945 "A luminous phenomenon..."
Guinea Gold Papua - New-Guinea, April 20, 1945 "Tokio's New Air Defence Weapon".
The Telegraph Australia, April 16, 1945 "Pilots puzzled by balls of fire over Tokyo".
Current Science and Aviation USA, January 22, 1945 "Foo-Fighters".
Newsweek USA, January 15, 1945 "Foo-Fighters", different types.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch USA, January 10, 1945 "Foo Fighters are just static, says tranport pilot".
Army News Australia, January 9, 1945 "'Balls of fire' chased fighters".
Gazette and Daily USA, January 4, 1945 "Balls of fire that tag night pilots stump scientists".
The Sidney Sun Australia, January 3, 1945 "Fee Fi 'Foo' Fum!"
The Wilkes-Barre Record USA, January 2, 1945 "Weird new nazi weapon chases yanks pilots in air".
The Era USA, January 2, 1945 "Foo-Fighter" joins weird fight in skies".
Post-Dispatch USA, January 2, 1945 "Mysterious 'Foo Fighters,' balls of fire, trail U.S. night flyers".
Morning Call USA, January 2, 1945 "Mysterious fire balls follow Yanks fliers".
Detroit Free Press USA, January 2, 1945 "Raiders over Reich pursued by weird balls of fire".
Decatur Herald USA, January 2, 1945 "U.S. pilots encounter new nazi weapon 'Foo-Fighter'".
Sayre Evening Times USA, January 2, 1945 "Mystery lights follow aircraft".
Newsweek USA, December 25, 1944 "The silver spheres puzzle."
New York Times USA, December 21, 1944 "Silver spheres above city have no effect."
Melbourne Weekly News Australia, December 20, 1944 "Silver balls in the sky".
Stars and Stripes Europe, December 16, 1944 "New German Secret Weapon?"
The New York Times USA, December 14, 1944 "Floating mystery ball is new german weapon".
The Shreveport Journal USA, December 13, 1944 "Pilots Spot New Nazi 'Device'".

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