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UFOs in the daily Press:

Lubbock sghtings, Texas, USA, 1951:

This article was published in the daily newspaper The Lubbock Morning Avalanche, of Lubbock, Texas, on September 1, 1951.


'Strange Aircraft'
Seen at Matador

MATADOR, Aug. 31. (Special) -- A "noiseless aircraft, flying at low altitude without aid of propellers and wings," was reported seen early this afternoon by two Matador district woman and a 5-year-old child.

Mrs. Tom Tilsom, her daughter Mrs. M. G. Bethard and little Noilene Bethard were driving on State Highway 70, one and one half-miles north of here about 12:45 p.m. when the wingless craft passed 150 feet in front of their car.

The slow-moving machine "shaped somewhat like a helicopter," began circling as Mrs. Bethard stopped the car. As the craft rose "it gained speed and was out of sight within a few minutes."

The women were near enough to spot one door, or porthole, in the side of the gleaming metal, they said. When first seen, it was moving at the rate of a commercial airliner taking off, they said. It had no exhaust showing.

Mrs Bethard, whose husband sailed for Korea recently, has lived near several Air Force bases, and reported the machine she saw today wasdifferent from any she had seen before.

Note: US Air Force personal investigated this sighting.

Case file on Lubbock lights here.

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