The article below was published in the daily newspaper La Bourgogne Républicaine, Dijon, France, on December 2, 1953.
To solve the mystery, it is equipping 75 fighter bases with special cameras
New York, 1st (ACP, AFP). -- The Air Force has just equipped 75 of its bases around the world with special photographic cameras to try to force the mystery of the flying saucers.
The air bases have been instructed to record with these devices, all aerial phenomena reported in their sector. The Air Force's decision was made after studying reports on flying saucer appearances sent by several bases. The device in question essentially consist of a binocular camera. While one of the lenses records the photograph of a flying object, the second, equipped with a prism, decomposes the light, before projecting it onto the film. From a spectrographic analysis of the light recorded on the film, it will be possible to identify the composition of an object or to define whether the phenomenon is only the reflection of an object on the ground.