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UFOs in the daily Press:

The 1954 French flap in the Peess:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper L'Est Républicain, Nancy, France, on OCtober 9-10, 1954.

See the case file.


Is it a saucer?

On Thursday, around 10 a.m., Miss C. A., 17, from Chennevierres, was busy tending her cows on the Malaincourt plateau when she saw a rather pale yellow disc in the sky that seemed to oscillate for a few moments. Abandoning her herd, she ran to warn Mr. Malingrey Emile, from Bavioles, who was plowing nearby; at the place called "Le Boucher," the luminous phenomenon was still there, and two other people from Chennevierres saw this globe flood the entire sky with blue and purple reflections, in the direction of Naix-aux-Forges. This play of lights lasted a good five minutes. "I couldn't look anymore," Mr. Malingrey told her, "it made my head hurt. I saw everything blue, my hair was blue, the woods were blue." This unusual glow then disappeared, giving way, alas, to heavy rain that lasted all day.

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