This article was published in the daily newspaper La Charente Libre, France, page 3, on October 18, 1954.
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If a power failure had not occurred Friday at the fall of night, in Ronsenac, Mr. Jean Deret, farmer with the hamlet of Latrie, would not have had the occasion to see, around 9 in the evening, whereas he was going to close (the power having come back) the switches of his stable, a strange phenomenon.
Within a hundred and fifty meters approximately of the farm, which is the property of Mr. Rouchaud, director of hospital of Angouleme, Mr. Deret saw indeed at the edge of the neighbouring small wood, while the dogs of the neighbourhoods were barking in unison, an intense gleam, of orange color, appearing to come from an object having the shape and the approximate size of a half-barrel who appeared to oscillate from the right to the left, at ten meters approximately of the ground.
To be sure that he was not the object of an hallucination, the farmer called at once his brother and his sister-in-law.
Those being long in coming and the minutes running out, Mr. Deret returned while running to the house and was more persuasive:
"Come quickly, this has never been seen..."
Mrs. Deret did not ask further invitation and at the same time as his brother-in-law, arrived at the fence of the property right in time to see the strange gleam going down suddenly on the ground, and then all is dark again.
The Deret brothers, two strong solids chaps in their early forties, are not timorous, but after having made a few meters in direction of the place where the mysterious gleam had appeared, they grained way, because, you never know!...
Saturday, at the first hours of the morning, Mr. Jourdain, mayor of Ronsenac, who was hunting in the vicinity, was informed of the odd appearance and, accompanied by the Deret brothers, went to the site. But he saw only grass pressed by the cows which feed daily in this field.
What can we conclude from that? Mr. Deret and his sister-in-law are of absolute good faith and their testimony is formal. But this additional version in the chapter of the flying saucers made - you can guess - the talk of Ronsenac.
One cannot obviously link together the appearance of this orange "barrel" and the discovery the day before by Mr. Robert Deret, at a few twenty meters of the place where the mysterious gleam disappeared. while crossing the wood, the farmer of Latrie had indeed found there a mushroom of a form absolutely unknown in the area. This cryptogamme of a milky white, with the form and the size of an orange (again) surmounted of a spongy cone of twenty centimetres length approximately which end resembles two lips and comprises a kind of internal membrane appearing intended to grab small insects. The interior of the ball is made up of a viscous matter releasing a strong and unpleasant odor.
Of course, this mushroom was shown to all the inhabitants of Ronsenac and some are not far to think that it is a Martian experiment!!!
We rather believe that a botanist would give another version of this "mystery"...
[Photo caption:] M. Deret showing the place where he saw the strange luminous ball.