The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Nouveau Nord Maritime, France, page 8, on October 15, 1954.
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Montluçon, 14. -- The saucer file has been further increased by several testimonies, the most important of which seems to be that of an employee of the railway station of Montluçon, Mr. Langère, who made contact on Sunday evening with a mysterious individual who had emerged from a torpedo-shaped craft.
Mr. Laugère was leaving his job and was crossing the tracks near the S.N.C.F. bridge, when he saw a metallic apparatus posed a short distance from a diesel tank intended to supply railcars. Beside the apparatus, which had the shape of a torpedo and might have been four meters, stood a man covered with hair, unless he was dressed in a rather long-haired coat. Mr. Laugère, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The stranger answered him in unintelligible words, but the railwayman seemed to distinguish the words "diesel."
Mr. Laugere asked him no more and went off to alert his comrades. No sooner had he gone a hundred meters than he saw the craft rise vertically without any noise. It soon disappeared from his eyes. Only the fear of the irony of his comrades had prevented him until yesterday, Wednesday, from telling his adventure.
Melun, 14. -- A second testimony was collected from a young 17-year-old man, Marc Germain, living in Pontault, who declared to the police station of this locality that had seen, this night, during approximately half an hour, a craft which was a flying saucer in his opinion. This craft was in the sky at an altitude of 200 or 300 meters and had the shape of a very bright disc. It remained motionless for 3 minutes then set off at breakneck speed, leaving behind a trail of fire. The young man declared to himself that he had not rather alerted the police station, because he had insisted on staying there in case the saucer would land.
Limoges, 14. -- In Saint-Marc de Lombaud (Creuse), residents of Vallières saw in the night from Monday to Tuesday, a white ball which was moving in the sky. The ball changed color, disappeared and reappeared before finally disappearing.
Evreux, 14. -- Also, an update has just been made today by a person about the "saucer" which was seen above the region of Saint-André, at the border of the departments of Eure and Eure-et-Loir, Saturday around 6:30 p.m.
Mrs. Omonis, from Groth-Soret said the object was just a balloon. "A design," she said, "appeared to be painted in red color on the top of the balloon and ropes held the basket."
Toulouse, 14 -- Mr. Jean Marty, 42, mechanic, living in Leguevin (Haute-Garonne), stated that he had seen in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday land in the middle of a field a luminous disc measuring from 6 to 7 meters in diameter and 2.50 meters in height. The disc was of orange color.
Mr. Marty was working around 10:30 p.m. in his workshop located on the road to Toulouse, in front of a field, 1 kilometer 500 meters from Leguevin. Looking up, he saw the luminous object. Intrigued, he got out, crossed the road and walked towards the disc which then rose into the air, silently, vertically, and disappeared at a prodigious speed. Mr. Marty went to the middle of the field to examine the place where the craft had landed. He found no trace but found laying on the grass, two sheets of glossy white paper covered with block letters.
The pages, commercial size type, were not soiled, neither damp, nor wrinkled, but absolutely crisp as if they had just been torn from a new brochure. Mr. Marti handed them over to the gendarmerie. They were examined today by a former multilingual soldier who spent many years in Indochina and who lives in retirement in Leguevin, Mr. Maggy. He declared that it was a text in Kuoc-Nu, an Annamese dialect, and that this text was about issues of interest to the Vietminh and Vietnam.
The text would be recent but could only be imperfectly translated. It was specified that it was the pages numbered 9-10 and 59-60 of a brochure reproducing in offset a typewritten document. The sheets were entrusted to the military authority. One was previously able to take pictures that would be entrusted this morning to a translator.
Metz, 14. -- During the Metz fair-exhibition, a military projector, installed at the army stand, swept, every evening, the Metz sky with its light beam. Sunday evening, the servants of the apparatus saw, at an estimated height of more than 10,000 meters, a luminous circle which remained motionless above their heads for several hours. The radar set, also mounted at the army stand, tried in vain to capture the unusual circle in its device.
A local newspaper having reported the facts, the governor general commanding the 6th military region, ordered an investigation which, so far, has not been successful. General Navereau awaits the report of Commander Cottel, responsible for the army stand.
According to the first information gathered yesterday, it seems impossible that the projector installed at the Metz fair could have catched any object so high up. Indeed, this projector only has a range of 6,000 meters, a distance at which, on a very clear day, it would perhaps make it possible to distinguish something. The circle of light captured in the projector beam could be explained by the presence, at a great height, of a swirling cumulus cloud illuminated by the moon, full at this time, and hidden behind a curtain of clouds. One remains skeptical, in the meantime, anout the presence of a round object which would have been, it was estimated, 50 meters in diameter, and which would have remained perfectly still for several hours.
However, the military services are continuing their investigations and will draw the conclusions of this case as soon as they are in possession of Commander Cottel's report.