The article below was published in the daily newspaper Palladium-Item, Richmond, Indiana, USA, page 2, on October 11, 1954.
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By International News Service
A sudden wave of flying saucer reports came simultaneously Monday from persons in at least five different parts of the world, including one from a German who claimed to have seen creatures less than four feet tall disembark from a cigar-shaped craft.
Persons in Germany, Belgium, Egypt, Argentina, Lebanon, and the French Cameroons claimed they saw mysterious disks in the sky.
In Muenster, Germany, 42-year-old movie projectionist Franz Hoge told the news agency DPA that he saw a "flying saucer" land in a field and peculiarly-shaped creatures get out.
Hoge said he noticed a bright blue light and thought at first it came from a crashed airplane. On closer examination, he declared, he discovered a "cigar-shaped" craft hovering a few feet above the ground and giving off a brilliant blue light that nearly blinded him.
Sees 4 Creatures
Then, the movie projectionist added, he suddenly noticed that four beings had stepped out of the craft. He said they had "thick-set bodies, oversized heads and delicate legs," and wore rubber-like clothing.
Hoge said he observed the craft and its occupants for about ten minutes from a distance of about 200 feet, but did not have the courage to approach any closer.
Also in Germany, pilots and pupils at a glider school near Frankfurt claimed to have seen a "slightly swollen silvery disc" moving noiselessly over their field.
Agence France Presse said the 13 witnesses, some of them former Luftwaffe (German air force) men, denied that they were the victims of an optical illusion.
A mail carrier in the Belgian village of Huy, near Namur, reported that he spotted a flying "cigar" which rose into the sky at a fantastic speed. He claimed to have seen two silhouettes "roughly human in shape" aboard the craft.
Hundreds Are Witnesses
Several hundred persons in Alexandria, Egypt, reported they had the thrill of seeing a luminous round object circling in color from red to blue to green and white through the sky. Later, the mysterious object turned grey-blue and disappeared.
The British observatory near Cairo was notified, and instruments and cameras were set up to observe the phenomenon. But Egyptian observatory officials said it could have been a natural phenomenon caused by a recent electrical storm.
Three motorists in Buenos Aires claimed they saw a luminous craft with hung motionless above their cars for one or two minutes and then rose vertically into the air at tremendous speed. The motorists said the "saucer" made no noise, although it trailed a stream of flames.
Reports Vertical Takeoff
The Beirut newspaper L'Orient quoted Max Favell, a representative of a German firm, as saying he saw a disc hang motionless over the seashore while giving out an intense white light. Favell told the newspaper the craft landed for a few seconds and then took off vertically.
Abdelkarim Natour, an Agence France Presse employee in Beirut, said he saw a light red ball-shaped object hovering about 600 feet above the sea.
The report from the Cameroons mentioned a "brilliant" object which hovered over the Yaounde area for about fifteen seconds and then zoomed off rapidly in an eastern direction.
The witnesses included the director of the Yaounde hospital and several government officials.