The article below was published in the daily newspaper Dernières Nouvelles du Haut-Rhin, France, on June 1, 1952.
Colmar. -- In yesterday's issue we mentioned, just before closing, the curious observation made??by two residents of Colmar Friday night north of the city.
Yesterday , Mr. F, the night watchman with his colleague S. who witnessed this strange apparition, brought us some details:
It was exactly 10:35 p.m. (not 11:30 p.m. ) when they saw a white disc at high speed coming from the Black Forest in a horizontal path toward the West, only to disappear two or three seconds later above des Vosges, in the direction of Hochkœnigsburg.
The disc was followed by a tail in the colors of the rainbow, like drops of water raised by the rapid passage of a car's wheel.
The witness confirmed once again that the object had the appearance of a flying saucer seen recently in a weekly publication.
In addition, a third witness came forward, Mr. F. J. , who had left Mr. M .F. and S., to return home shortly before observing the same phenomenon.