The article below was published in the daily newspaper La Bourgogne Républicaine, Dijon, France, le 19 juillet 1952.
On July 17, at 1 p.m., a violent eddy of air passed over the village, shaking the trees. At the same time, two luminous discs were seen at quite a height, then they separated, rose vertically and disappeared over the horizon. Since no plane was above the village, it is to be presumed that they were flying saucers. After the discs disappeared, the wind immediately stopped.
Washington, 18. -- An engineer of one of the Washington radio stations, who was working last night at the transmitting station of that station located in the suburbs of Washington, saw, about 2 o'clock, in the sky, a group of seven or more orange discs following one another in single file. This engineer, Mr. Elmer Chambers, claimed to have seen the flying saucers pass by for about 5 seconds, then suddenly they turned almost at right angles and disappeared in a few seconds, gaining altitude at an extraordinary speed.
Buenos Aires, 18. -- Six flying saucers were seen by a group of residents of the village of Veronica, near Plata. Six luminous bodies are said to have flown over this village at high altitude and at very high speed last night, to have described circles and then to have moved away in single file towards the coast. The observatory of La Plata, when questioned, could not give any confirmation.