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UFOs in the daily Press:

Flying saucers in France, 1952:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Bien Public, Dijon, France, on July 18, 1952.


Saucer over Dijon?

A strange luminous object was seen yesterday at noon, above the city

Mr. Rauscher, residing at 18, rue du Champ-de-Mars, was yesterday around noon in the courtyard of Mr. Royer, engine manufacturer, rue Jules d'Arbaumont.

Vampires ["Vampire" jet fighter planes] were flying above Dijon, Mr. Rauscher was looking for them, when he suddenly saw a luminous dot in the sky, speeding at a dizzying speed, from West to East. "It was," he told us, "a spherical body of an apparent size roughly equal to a two-franc coin. It shone with a bright silvery glow and I thought I could distinguish, on the circumference, a succession of scintillations."

Mr. Rauscher was able to follow the craft for a few seconds. He saw it fly in a semicircle, then suddenly lost sight of it.

The witness is very affirmative. According to him, the saucer was moving at a speed five to six times faster than that of a jet plane, and was at a considerable height, which is difficult to assess precisely, but which can be estimated at a minimum of 15,000 meters.

This observation is to be compared with those made during the day of Tuesday in the region of Chaussin and Bourbonne-les-Bains, where several people saw a mysterious flying object similar to "two plates overturned on top of each other."

The apparitions are multiplying. Is there a real increase in the flights of "flying saucers", or, with the help of the fine weather, are we witnessing an increased offensive of "sauceritis"?

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