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UFOs in the daily Press:

Flying cigar, France, 1952:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Bien Public, Dijon, France, on October 3, 1952.


A "flying cigar" leaves traces of its passage...

Oloron, October 19. -- Residents of Oloron (Basses-Pyrénées) were able to see, yesterday afternoon, flying over the Sainte-Croix district, the Cathedral square and the municipal stadium an aerial craft whose shape was similar to a cigar. This craft was flying in an east-west direction.

Hearing an unusual noise, Mssrs. Paris, principal of the municipal college, Pringent, supervisor in the same establishment and Pardiès, caretaker, distinguished by means of binoculars, at an altitude that they could not determine, a long object which left behind it, thousands of multi-colored circles quickly dissipated in the atmosphere.

The day was beautiful and sunny. It was then noticed that the craft was dropping a large quantity of threads behind it. Mr. Pringent's son was able to recover some samples which will be examined by a physicist.

The "flying cigar" was also seen by inhabitants of the Joshaig Valley.

All confirmed the shape of the craft and the luminous phenomena already described.

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