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This page provides information on the latest events, observations, and news of interest. Click on the dates to read the news items.

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September 2018:

09.25.2018About UFOs filmed from the Internationa Space Station.
23.09.2018A Brazilian singer thinks he filmed a UFO near Rio de Janeiro.
09.23.2018Believe there is an alien face on asteroid Ryugu.
19.09.2018Twitter as a source of "UFO revelations".
09.14.2018Witness reports having seen a UFO in Valensole, France.

August 2018:

08.10.2018It is said UFOs are seen in Sicily, Italiy
08.02.2018A "UFO" spotted in the region of Mons, Belgiium.

July 2018:

07.31.2018A Martian UFO.
07.30.2018A so-called yellowish UFO filmed in the northwest of Turkey.
07.29.2018Liquid water ponds under Mars ice had already been theoretically found in 1987.
27.07.2018A so-called possible UFO over Belfort, France.
07.29.2018Liquid water ponds under Mars ice had already been theoretically found in 1987.
07.25.2018Mars Express detects liquid water pond under Mars' South Pole ice layer.
07.23.2018New study suggest deep dig may not be necessarily to find evidence of life on Europa.
07.22.2018Alleged humanoid encounter in Queensbury, New York, USA.
07.15.2018Ross 128B, one of the closest exoplanets, may be habitable.
07.09.2018UFOs or balloons filmed in the area of Lyon, France.
07.06.2018UFO reported at Disneyland, France.
07.05.2018Complex organic molecules found on Saturns moon Enceladus.
07.04.2018"UFOs" in Provence, France, this year again.

June 2018:

06.27.2018UFOs in Firenze, Italy?
06.03.2018"Classic UFO" reported from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

May 2018:

05.27.2018UFO reported from Nurnberg, Germany.
05.26.2018French ufologist Francine Fouéré died.
05.24.2018Rimor of UFos over the Fessenheim nuclear plant, France.
05.20.2018Allegation of close encounter or the 3rd kind, Stillwell, USA.

April 2018:

04.24.2018New stupidities on the so-called Aurora crash of 1897.
04.23.2018Claims that a UFO was seen several times in Switzerland.
04.20.2018New stupidities published about astronauts and UFOs.
04.14.2018A "UFO video" in Michigan, USA.
04.14.2018Alleged UFOs spotted over Mexico City airport.
06.04.2018UFO seen in the Tourne, Gironde, France.
04.06.2018A broken stone flying saucer on Mars.
04.05.2018Donut-shaped UFO in Croydon, U-K.
04.04.2018Blue lights in the British sky reported on tabloid website.
04.03.2018Three orange orbs in Washington, USA.

March 2018:

03.29.2018Observation in Hyères, France.
03.28.2018Trail filmed from a plane above the Aegean sea.
03.24.2018Alleged "Men in Black" in Britanny, France.

February 2018:

02.28.2018John "The Black Vault" Greenewald saves loads of US Air force Blue Book ufo documents supposed to go to the trashcan.
02.27.2018New evidence of the "Moonhoax"? Of course not.
02.24.2018Pilots sighting over the Sonoran desert, USA.
02.24.2018It is claimed a UFO crashed in Saint-Ghislain, Belgium.
02.12.2018It is said the "twittosphere" buzzes as a "great light" crosses the Western France sky.
02.10.2018On the US MUFON website, a "UFO" sighting with a video taken in Houssen, Alsace, France.

January 2018:

01.20.2018Curiosity rover spots weird tiny structures on Mars.
01.12.2018Crucial ingredients for life found in meteorites that fell to Earth
01.12.2018Organic molecule benzonitrile detected in space
01.06.2018A "jellyfish-like" object allegedly filmed hovering over a Chinese train station.
01.06.2018Flying object seen and filmed above Rome, Italy.
01.04.2018UFOs reported from the Valensole area, France.

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This page was last updated on September 28, 2018.