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News 2006:

This page provides information on events, observations, and news of interest for 2006. Click on the dates to read the news items.

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12.26.2006UFO above Comédie square, Montpellier, France.
12.25.2006Woman says she saw and photographed a UFO in Angles, France.
12.07.2006Alleged UFO recovery in Brazil.
12.06.2006Weird creature seen in Peru.
12.06.2006MGS provides proof of liquid water flow on Mars again.


11.30.2006News from the famous Tagish Lake meteorite.
11.23.2006Flying triangle reported in France.
11.22.2006Lights go down near motorway, Arles, France.
11.16.2006Mysterious lights in the Algarve skies, Portugal.
11.13.2006Flying saucer reported in Chihuahua, Mexico.
11.07.2006UFO spotted at O'Hare airport, USA.
11.05.2006Two daylight objects in the sky of Nice, France.
11.04.2006Two luminous balls on Seaton, U-K.
11.01.2006Fast green ball, France.


10.30.2006UFO sighting in Cumberland, Wisconsin, USA.
10.26.2006Radio reports about aliens on a farm near Bismark, ND, USA.
10.04.2006Hubble finds more extrasolar planets, far away in the galaxy.
10.03.2006Lights in the sky above Norwich, U-K.
10.01.2006Forming habitable worlds with giant planet migration.
10.16.2006Observation of a pilot, Lake Tequesquitengo, Morelos, Mexico.
10.01.2006Airline pilot reports UAP, Denver, USA.


09.28.2006Man films light in the night in Burnley, U-K.
09.26.2006Sound and light phenomena, white stuff on the ground, in the North of France.
09.25.2006Progress in fundamental physics at Fermilab.
09.25.2006Sightings counts in Italy.
09.23.2006Nocturnal light, Saverne, France.
09.23.2006Lights in the sky in Newbury, U-K.
09.19.2006Mutilated cow in General Acha, Argentina.
09.16.2006Pilot reports tubular flying object, Mexico.
09.15.2006UFOs reported in La Pampa, Argentina.
09.11.2006UFO reports in Tennessee, USA.
09.10.2006Website claims to have found Moncla's jet and a strange objet near it in Lake Superior, USA.
09.03.2006Weird phenomenon in the sky, France.

AUGUST 2006:

08.26.2006UFO reported at Springbank airport, Alberta, Canada.
08.26.2006UFO in Santa Rosa, Argentina.
08.23.2006UFO above Norwich, U.-K.
08.20.2006Oval orange nocturnal light in Wissembour Haguenau area, France.
08.15.2006UFO in Québec, Canada.
08.14.2006Group of nocturnal light in the woods near Chandler, Canada.
08.06.2006UFO sightings in New Jersey, USA.
08.05.2006UFO near ground and weird aircraft in the sky near Marignane, France.
08.05.2006Nocturnal lights, Enfield, Middlessex, U-K.
08.02.2006Nocturnal lights in Ohio, USA.
08.01.2006Deep blue sphere seen in Texas, USA.
08.01.2006Circular objects in the State of New York, USA.
08.01.2006UFO and flash of light in the night sky, Pittsfield, USA.

JULY 2006:

07.30.2006Fast luminous dot near Saint-Nazaire, France.
07.30.2006Sighting in Argentina.
07.29.2006Firemen see mystery lights in the sky in Seaham, England.
07.28.2006Four fast grouped nocturnal lights in Quebec, Canasa.
07.27.2006Low flying silent nocturnal object in the Palemela region, Portugal.
07.24.2006Woman encounters weird creature, Puerto Rico.
07.20.2006Two nocturnal lights, Oleron island, France.
07.16.2006Manoeuvring spherical object in U-K.
07.14.2006Fast moving nocturnal lights in Lens, France.
07.13.2006Six round lights converging in Georgia, USA.
07.13.2006UFO filmed in Russia.
07.10.2006Rocket-like silver triangle in California, USA.
07.06.2006Nocturnal lights photographed in the Lubéron were the French aerobatics team.

JUNE 2006:

06.30.2006Formation of amber lights in Illinois, USA.
06.27.2006Space junk called UFO.
06.24.2006Crater where water ran spotted on Mars.
06.17.2006Man says Polish artist met aliens in 1981 in Germany.
06.16.2006Zigzaging point in the evening sky, France.
06.06.2006Man says he spotted UFOs in Floriday, USA.

MAY 2006:

05.31.2006Nocturnal lights in Rennes-le-Château, France.
05.29.2006UFO spotted by Oakland witness, California, USA.
05.18.2006Solar system lookalike discovered.
05.07.2006The Press says ET was just a puff of plasma.

APRIL 2006:

04.06.2006The alleged alien autopsy fim: Ray Santilli confessions.
04.01.2006April's fool.

MARCH 2006:

03.21.2006Nocturnal lights in Indiana, USA.
03.20.2006Blurry Disc in Massachusetts, USA.
03.14.2006Unexpected comet composition.
03.14.2006Cepheids with cocoons.
03.10.2006Saturn's moon Encelade may have liquid water and hot spots.
03.08.2006Flying triangle or airplane, New York, USA.
03.07.2006Weird lights on the road in Argentina.
03.02.2006GEIPAN opens their website.
03.01.2006Cassini on the look for subsurface ocean and methane ice on Titan.


02.28.2006Strange light in Illinois, USA.
02.28.2006UFO and occupants seen in Puerto Rico.
02.14.2006Cigar seen in California, USA.
02.13.2006Veil across the sky in Texas, USA.
02.13.2006Bright light seen in Texas, USA.
02.12.2006Sighting in Canada.
02.12.2006Nocturnal lights, Texas, USA.
02.12.2006Mars: Spirit discoveries continue.
02.08.2006Objects chased by fighters in Florida, USA.
02.07.2006Another alien-in-a-jar.


01.29.2006UFO seen in Dera tribal area, Pakistan.
01.25.2006European Space Agency reports the detection of an earth-like exoplanet.
01.24.200618 police officers claim having faced strange light, El Salvador.
01.17.2006Low-flying UFO in Georgia, USA.
01.16.2006UFO in Ithaca, New York, USA.
01.11.2006Low-flying UFOs above Hertford, U-K.
01.10.2006Two orange bright lights in Kentucky, USA.
01.02.2006Strange traces in a swiming pool, Argentina.

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This page was last updated on June 7, 2018.