The index page for the 1954 French flap section of this website is here.
Reference for this case: 27-sep-54-Perpignan2.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.
On September 28, 1954, the regional newspaper L'Indépendant had published an article on a sighting made the day before, September 27, 1954, by a group of seven workmen that the newspaper judged to be "in good faith. "
The newspaper noted that the clock showed 03:10 p.m., that the workmen were unable to describe the shape of "the apparatus" because it flew much too fast, in the sky of Perpignan, going towards Spain on the area of Le Perthus.
The seven workmen said that the craft made no noise, but that it shone enormously in the sky.
Ufologist Aimé Michel indicated in his 1958 book that the workmen were at a factory a few kilometers in the South of Perpignan.
Aimé Michel also stated that in Breusy, which is in the suburbs of Perpignan, vintagers had seen a circular object coming fast, and then getting out of sight in the clouds. This might perhaps have been the same case, perhaps another case.
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PERPIGNAN. -- It is not a "saucer", it is not a "cigar", but an odd apparatus which, yesterday afternoon, was seen in the sky of... Perpignan. Where? It was difficult to obtain a precision by the group of workmen who warned us of this crossing of the heavens of our area.
However, the clock, at this time there, showed 03:10 p.m.. The odd craft flew, moving towards Spain, on the area of the border of Le Perthus. Its shape? We could not obtain any precision insomuch the apparatus went quickly, quickly...
And the seven workmen added that the machine did not make noise, but that it shone enormously in the sky of the Roussillon.
This information, after so many others of the same kind, may be one more proof that up there, on our heads and on our craft, strange craft fly.
Can we affirm it? Can we deny it? It appears difficult to us to be formal with regard to one of these two question marks. We will simply say that our informers appeared to us of very good faith. Will other testimonies come to confirm their say?
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We are no longer surprised by the statements of witnesses, who allegedly saw Flying Saucers in the sky, or Flying Cigars.
There are many pranksters and their imaginations are fertile.
Despite everything, some testimonies, cannot be doubted and it therefore seems that there is a side of truth, both in all these collective... or individual hallucinations.
Thus, for a few weeks now, appearances of bizarre craft in the skies of France have been more and more numerous and more and more curious. See for yourselves:
A 19-year-old young man, Mr. Roland Marchand, made the following statement to the gendarmes:
- Around 11 p.m. on the 15th, I was about 200 meters from Fort Feyson (Isère), when my attention was drawn by a white light. I was then amazed to see standing out in the sky, about ten meters above the ground, a dark spot, surmounted by a dome from which emerged a bright light similar to the combustion of a magnesium torch.
The black "shape" appeared to be slightly elliptical.
"Arrived about fifty meters from this 'space ship', I was amazed to hear a dull sound like that made by a wet rocket. I saw at the same time a shower of sparks shoot up from below the craft. Then suddenly, like a rocket, it rose at a blazing speed, perhaps 4,000 or 5,000 km.-h.
Yesterday morning, Mrs. Mallet and Miss Lucienne Yriex, 71 route de Daumont, in Montmorency, stateded that they had seen the day before, at 5 p.m. a yellow oval craft, accompanied by a luminous trail and swaying from right to left.
Mr. Hébert, butcher, avenue de la liberation, in Petit-Clamart, saw the same phenomenon, at 9 p.m., moving from east to west.
A baker from Canet-Plage, Mr. Etienne Err, declared that upon returning from a delivery round with his van, he had seen above this locality a shining disc, which, after having flown in large circles, moved away in the direction of the sea.
Also, seven workers in a factory in the suburbs of Perpignan claim to have also seen an object of an indefinite color, evolving at high speed and which would have crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
Mr. Valéry, director of an auditorium, in Paris, who was traveling to Lyon with his wife, said he saw a flyind [sic] machine.
- It was around 6 p.m. We were walking around when we saw this craft, at about 700 or 800 meters above the ground and it was climbing, vertically without making the slightest sound of an engine.
Behind it left a wide trail of white smoke.
It could not be, in my opinion, a jet plane, of which I would have heard the hissing, because of the proximity of the craft.
Besides, this cigar didn't have the shape [of a jet plane].
Mr. Valéry was carrying an 8mm camera. He hastened to film the moves of the aerial object.
A film, which could undoubtedly be of real value, if Mr. Valéry really saw the strange craft.
If one can conceive even with some reluctance, the presence in the sky, of luminous objects which can
See more on page THREE
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well be fireballs, the statements of certain witnesses having indeed seen strange individuals, Martians, for example, are otherwise questionable.
This is how a female resident of Chabeuil, in the Drôme, most seriously in the world, came to declare that she had met in a certain field, something that looked like a kid locked in a cellophane bag... It is claimed that after this meeting, she had to go to bed with a fever of 40°C... That is understandable.
Even better, is the encounter, made by Mr. Yves David, 28, farmer in Les Brouloux, commune of Vouneuil-sur-Vienne, who stated he had seen advancing on him, on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil, on September 19, at 10 p.m. a sort of diver. The latter, he said, came to stroke his arm, emitted incomprehensible sounds and withdrew towards a craft which Mr. David cannot describe. A green light beam was projected in its direction, pinning him on the spot, then the craft disappeared in the sky, vertically, without any noise.
Mr. David states that he initially did not want to say anything about this bizarre encounter, for fear that he would be laughed at. However, he shared it with a friend asking him whether other people had seen the diver. This is how the whole country knew about it.
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LYON, September 30. -- In the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie, many people claim to have seen, in recent days, with more or less clarity, craft having either the shape of cigars or that of discs.
In the Arbresle region, one of these witnesses, director of a Parisian music hall, even filmed a of these mysterious craft which evolved at a height estimated by him at around 700 meters. We will thus know, after development of the film, whether or not it is an optical illusion.
Near Feyzin (Isère), a young man reportedly saw in the country, not far from the ground, a machine having the shape of a dome and from which came a very bright light.
The witness compared it to that caused by the combustion of magnesium. The craft suddenly went up vertically, leaving behind a shower of sparks and disappeared.
In the Drôme, a resident, Mrs. L ... who was walking near Chabeuil, claims to have met, in the path that she followed, a small being dressed so oddly that she thought at first that it was a cellophane scarecrow.
The dog accompanying the walker barked furiously, overcome with terror. As for Mrs. L..., also terrified, she hid behind a hedge.
It was then that she saw rising from the cornfield which bordered the path, a disc from which came a whistling sound. Shortly after, the witness and some peasants went into the field where, according to them, a circular trace approximately 3 meters in diameter was clearly distinguished, with ears of corn lying down and broken branches at the edge.
Other residents of Chabeuil also said they saw a flying saucer that day.
Finally, in Savoy, near Lac du Bourget, above Mont Revard, several motorists, a total of fifteen people, simultaneously saw a craft moving for about four minutes in the shape of a disc, -tes [sic], then suddenly disappear.
Continued at the 2nd page under the title:
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One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted the observations and drew a diagram reproducing the path of the craft.
MM. Gérard, mechanic, and Paroux, driver, who were driving a high-speed machine coming from Nantes, saw, last night, while they were passing at a place called "La Butte du Rouge", commune of Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon (Ille-et-Vilaine) a craft which rose from the neighboring marshes.
This contraption, of some length, which was followed by a luminous trail, flew during ten seconds above the machine and disappeared in the sky.
Whereas the mechanic kept calm, the driver, however, was frightened, he fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination this morning.
Mr. Yves David, 28, a farmer in Brouloux, commune of Vouneuil-sur-Vienne, said he saw advancing on him, on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil, on September 10 at 10 p.m., a kind of "diver".
The latter, he said, came to caress his arm, uttered unintelligible sounds and withdrew towards a craft (that Mr. David cannot describe). A green beam of light was projected in its direction, nailing him on the spot, then the craft disappeared in the sky, vertically, without any noise.
Mr. David declares that he did not want to say anything about this bizarre encounter, lest someone makes fun of him. However, he shared it with a friend, asking him whether other people had seen the "diver". That's how the whole country learned about this.
A baker from Canet-Plage, said that when he returned from a delivery tour with his van, he saw above this locality, a brilliant disc which, after having flown in large circles, moved away towards the sea.
Also seven workers from a factory in the suburbs of Perpignan claim to have also seen an object of indefinite color evolving at high speed; which reportedly crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
Three residents of Lanta, near Villefranche-de-Lauraguais (Haute-Garonne), Mr. and Mrs. Brunet, and Mr. Gadra, local school teacher, say they saw an orange disc yesterday evening above the village.
The object moved at a great height and moved in a north-south direction.
After being visible for thirty to forty seconds, the luminous disc disappeared on the horizon.
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Châtellerault, 29. -- Mr. Yves David, 28, farmer in Les Brouloux, commune of Vouneuil-sur-Vienne (Vienne), said he saw advance towards him on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil, on September 19 at 10 p.m., a kind of "diver".
The latter, he said, came to caress his arm, made unintelligible sounds and withdrew towards a craft (which Mr. David cannot describe). A green beam of light was projected in his direction, nailing him on the spot, then the craft disappeared in the sky, vertically, without any noise.
Mr. David declares that he told nothing about this bizarre encounter for fear of being laughed at. He did, however, share it with a friend, asking him if anyone else had seen the "diver". That's how the whole country found out.
Stockholm, 23. -- A luminous sphere, which left behind a trail of fire, was photographed last night in Djuv, in the south-east of Sweden. The object, which was moving north, said the witness, was flying quickly, "as high, he said, as a jet plane but without making any noise".
At the Lund Observatory, it is stated that no meteor was observed at the time when the witness photographed the said phenomenon with the telephoto lens.
Perpignan, 29. -- A baker from Canet-Plage, Mr. Etienne Err, said that after returning from a tour of delivery with his van, he had seen above this locality, a brilliant disc which, after having flown in large circles, moved away in direction of the sea.
Also, seven workers from a factory in the suburbs of Perpignan claim to have also seen an object of indefinite color, moving at high speed and which would have crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
Toulouse, 29. -- Three residents of Lanta, near Villefranche du Laurageais (Haute-Garonne), Mr. and Mrs. Brunet and Mr. Garda, a teacher in the locality, claim to have seen, last night, above the village, a luminous disc of orange color.
The object moved at a great height and moved in a North-South direction.
After being visible for thirty to forty seconds, the luminous disc disappeared on the horizon.
Lisbon, 29. -- "Travelers from another world", whose visit to Portugal was announced by a Lisbon newspaper, were not even born from an imagination exacerbated by the countless visions of flying saucers. They were just the creation of hoaxers, which the same newspaper denounced yesterday.
Boulogne-sur-Mer, 29. -- Mr. Raoul Baptiste, 72, a retired entrepreneur domiciled in Wimereux, said he saw a craft, around 11 p.m. Sunday, which could be a flying saucer, heading very low to the north.
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A rain of flying saucers crossed all the skies of France for a few days, that of the Dauphiné in particular, where a real aerial carousel has attracted the attention of many observers.
In the Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie departments, many people claim to have seen, in recent days, with more or less clarity, craft in the shape either of cigars, or of discs.
One of these witnesses, director of a Parisian music hall, said that he had filmed a mysterious craft which was moving at a height estimated by him at around 700 meters. We will thus know, after development of the film, whether or not it is an optical illusion.
In the Drôme, a resident of Valence, Mrs. L ..., who was walking by Chabeuil, claims to have met in the path she was following, a short being, strangely dressed in some sort of cellophane.
She saw a maize field bordering the edge of the path, a whistling disc. Shortly after, the witness noticed in the field a circular trace of about 3 meters in diameter with lying ears and broken branches. Other residents of Chabeuil confirmed these observations.
Finally, in Savoy, fifteen people simultaneously saw a craft in the shape of a disc move for about four minutes.
One of the witnesses, a former artillery observer, drew a sketch reproducing the path of the mysterious craft.
A baker from Canet-Plage, Mr. Etienne Err, said that after returning from a delivery tour with his van, he had seen above this locality, a brilliant disc which, after having followed large circles, moved away in direction of the sea. Seven workers of a factory of the Perpignan suburbs confirmed his statements.
Three residents of Lanta, near Villefranche-de-Lauraguais (Haute-Garonne), Mr. and Mrs. Brunet, and Mr. Gadra, local teacher, say they saw, last night, for 30 to 40 seconds, above the village, a bright orange disc.
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Lyon, September 29.
In the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie, many people claim to have seen, in recent days, with more or less clarity, craft having either the shape of a cigars or that of discs.
In the Arbresle region, one of these witnesses, director of a Parisian music-hall, even filmed a of these mysterious craft which moved at a height estimated by him, approximately 700 meters. We will thus know, after development of the film whether or not it is an optical illusion.
Near Feyzin (Isère), a young man reportedly saw in the countryside, not far from the ground, a craft in the shape of a dome and from which sprung is a very bright light. The witness compared it to that caused by the combustion of magnesium. The craft suddenly went up vertically, leaving behind a shower of sparks and disappeared.
In the Drôme, a resident of Valence, Mrs. L..., who was walking near Chabeuil, claims to have met on the way that she was following, a being of small stature and dressed so oddly that at first thought it was a cellophane scarecrow. The dog accompanying the walker barked furiously, overcome with terror. As for Mrs. L..., also terrified, she hid behind a hedge.
It was then that she saw rising from the field of maize that bordered the path, a disc from which came a whistling sound. Shortly after, the witness and some peasants went into the field where, according to them, a circular trace approximately three meters in diameter was clearly distinguished, with ears of maize lying down and broken branches at the edge.
Other residents of Chabeuil also said they saw that day a flying saucer flying over the countryside.
Finally, in Savoie, near Lac du Bourget, above Mont Revard, several motorists, a total of fifteen people, simultaneously saw a craft in the shape of a disc, move for about 4 minutes, then suddenly disappear.
One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted the observations and drew a sketch reproducing the path of the mysterious apparatus.
Redon, Sept. 29
MM. Gérard, mechanic and Paroux, driver, who were driving a high-speed machine coming from Nantes, saw last night as they passed at a place called "La Butte du Rouge", commune of Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, (Ille-et-Vilaine), a craft that rose from the neighboring marshes.
This craft, of a certain length, which was followed by a luminous trail, flew during ten seconds above the machine and disappeared in the sky.
Whereas the mechanic kept his cool, the driver however was so frightened that he fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination this morning.
Read on page 8: The Chronicle of Heaven.
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Stockholm, September 29.
- A luminous sphere, which left a trail of fire behind it, was photographed last night in Bjuv, in the south-east of Sweden. The object, which was moving north, said the witness, was flying quickly, "as high, he said, as a jet plane but silenttly."
At the Lund observatory, it is stateed that no meteor was observed at the time when the witness photographed the phenomenon in question on the telephoto lens.
Perpignan, Sept. 29 -- A baker from Canet-Plage, Mr. Etienne Err, said that after returning from a delivery tour with his van he had seen, above this locality, a brilliant disc which, after having described large circles, moved away towards the sea.
On the other hand seven workers from a factory in the suburbs of Perpignan claim to have also seen an object of an indefinite color, moving at high speed and which would have crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
Toulouse, 29 Sept. -- Three inhabitants of Lanta, near Villefranche de Lauraguais (Haute-Garonne), Mr. and Mrs. Brunel and Mr. Gadra, a teacher in the locality, claim to have seen, last night, above the village, a luminous disc of orange color.
The object moved at a great height and moved in a north-south direction.
After being visible for 30 to 40 seconds, the luminous disc disappeared on the horizon.
Châtellerault, 29 Sep. -- Mr. Yves David, 28, farmer in Les Brouloux, commune of Vouneuil sur Vienne (Vienne), said he saw advancing on him on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil, on September 19 at 10 p.m. a sort of "diver."
The latter, he said, came to caress his arm, emitted unintelligible sounds and withdrew towards a craft (which Mr. David cannot describe). A green light beam was projected in his direction, nailing him on the spot, then the craft disappeared in the sky vertically without any noise.
Mr. David declares that he did not want to say anything about this bizarre encounter, lest someone make fun of him. He did, however, share it with a friend, asking if anyone else had seen the "diver." That's how the whole country found out.
LYON - In the Rhône. Isère, Drôme and Savoy departments, many people claim to have seen, these last days, with more or less sharpness, craft having either the shape of cigars or that of disks.
In the region of the Arbresle, one of these witnesses, director of a Paris music hall, even filmed one of these mysterious craft that was evolving at a height estimated by him at about 700 meters, so we will know, after development of the film, whether or not it is an optical illusion.
Near Fezin (Isère) a young man reportedly saw a dome-shaped craft in the countryside, not far from the ground from where a very bright light sprang up. The witness compared it to that caused by the burning of magnesium. The craft suddenly climbed vertically leaving behind a shower of sparks and disappeared.
In the Drôme, a resident of Valence, Mrs. L ... who was walking near Chabeuil, said to have met in the path she followed a being of small size who was dressed so oddly that she thought at first that it was a cellophane scarecrow. The dog that accompanied the walker barked furiously, in terror. As for Mrs. L..., also terrified, she hid behind a hedge.
It was then that she saw a disk rising from the cornfield along the road, whistling. Shortly thereafter, the witness and some peasants went to the field where, according to them, there was clearly a circular trace of about 3 meters in diameter with corn stalks laid down and broken branches on the edge.
(See more at the 6th page)
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Other residents of Chabeuil also said they saw a flying saucer flying over the countryside that day.
Finally, in Savoy, near the Lake of the Bourget, above Mount Revard, several motorists, in total about fifteen people, saw simultaneously a craft having the shape of a disc, moving for about four minutes, then disappearing suddenly.
One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted the observations and drew a diagram reproducing the path of the mysterious apparatus.
Mr. Yves David, 28, farmer at the Brouloux, municipality of Vouneuil-sur-Vienne (Vienne) said he saw advance at him on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil on September 19 at 10 p.m. a kind of "scuba diver".
The latter, he said, came to caress his arm, uttered unintelligible sounds and withdrew to a craft (which Mr. David cannot describe). A green light beam was projected in his direction, nailing him on the spot, then the craft disappeared vertically in the sky without any noise.
Mr. David declares that he did not want to say anything about this strange encounter, lest anyone scoff at him. He told a friend, however, asking if other people had seen the "scuba diver". This is how the whole country learned about it...
PERPIGNAN - A baker from Cannet-Plage, Mr. Err, said that when he returned from a delivery tour with his pickup truck, he saw above this locality a brilliant disc which, after having flown in large circles, moved towards the sea. Also, seven workers of a factory of the suburb of Perpignan claim to have also seen an object of an indefinite color, moving at high speed, and which would have crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
Three inhabitants of Lanta, near Villefranche-de-Lauragais (Haute-Garonne), Mr. and Mrs. Brunet and Mr. Gadra, teacher of the locality, claim to have seen last night, above the village, a luminous disc of orange color. The object was moving at a great height and was moving north south.
After being visible for 30 to 40 seconds, the luminous disc disappeared on the horizon.
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THE Martians follow each other and are not alike. In Corrèze, they are small and helmeted. In Portugal, they are gigantic and clad in aluminum.
Schoolchildren in the Lot in turn assure that they saw one yesterday, near Figeac.
The children were on their way to school when it appeared to them.
- He spoke to us, they said, but we didn't understand what he was saying...
Whereupon he went down to a meadow, below the road from Figeac to Cahors. The children saw him climb into a small craft which rose vertically.
- It was a machine that looked like a box, they said.
After the saucers, cigars and flying discs, here is the flying box!
In Vienne, a resident of Montgadé, Mr. Yves David, also encountered, he says, a Martian. It happened on Friday September 17, around 10:30 p.m., on the road from Vouneuil to Cenon when he saw in front of him, placed on the path a bizarre craft about 3 meters wide. A small being descended from it, approached Mr. David and tapped him on the shoulder. After that, he returned to his machine which rose and disappeared, leaving behind a green light.
Saucers are reported everywhere. In Saint-Bazeille (Lot-et-Garonne), two people saw a phosphorescent disc, of bluish tint, crossing the sky. Another, orange in color, was seen in Lanta, near Villefranche-de-Lauraguais. A third, "of an indefinite color", flew over the Perpignan region; seven workers saw it; according to one he went away towards the sea; others say it crossed the Pyrenees.
In the Dauphiné it's a real carousel. Near Feyzin (Isère), it is an object in the shape of a dome; in the Drôme, near Chabeuil, it is a whistling disc. Same thing in Savoy, not far from Bourget Lake, where one of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, former artillery observer, noted his observations and draw a sketch.
In Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, finally, a mechanic and a driver who drove a locomotive, MM. Gérard and Paroux, see a mysterious object rising from the neighboring marshes. Mr. Paroux fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination.
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Dozens of flying saucers were seen in the last 24 hours in the skies of France, North Africa, the Netherlands and even as far as Denmark and Sweden.
Some believe they have met "Martians"; a witness, manager of a Parisian music hall even went so far as to film one of these mysterious craft which he said was moving at around 700 meters of height, in a sky clear of clouds, for once.
The film is not yet developed and it will only be in a few hours that we will know whether the witness has been the victim, or not, of an illusion.
The craft was one of the many "flying cigars" or "discs" that witnesses said they saw in the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie.
In this latter region, 15 witnesses saw, for a few minutes, an apparatus in the shape of a disc moving near Lac du Bourget above Mont Revard, then suddenly disappearing.
One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted his observations and drew a sketch showing the path of the mysterious craft.
Another group which claims to have seen "an object of an indefinite color moving at high speed", seven workers in a factory in the suburb of Perpignan specified that the craft would have crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
In the Haute-Garonne, three residents of Lanta, near Villefranche-de-Lauraguais, saw Tuesday evening above the village a luminous disc of
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orange color. The object, they said, was flying at a great height and moving in a North-South direction.
In Kourigra, a locality located about 130 kilometers from Casablanca, reliable witnesses said they saw the day before yesterday, a circular-shaped craft of red color moving at a high altitude and at a high speed.
In Denmark, many residents of the town of Strib also said they spotted a "cigar" while in Sweden a luminous sphere that left a trail of fire behind was photographed Tuesday evening in Bjuv, in the south-east of the country, by a witness.
It is in the Netherlands, where the testimonies relating to the passage of "saucers" multiply, that one is most currently passionate about these aerial phenomena. The curiosity of the population was carried to its maximum by the impressive story given by the captain of a freighter, Mr. J. P. Boshoff of the Holland-United States line. The captain says in fact that with five of his officers and using all the optical equipment on board, he was able to observe at leisure an object "the size of a half-moon" which finally disappeared on the way up, at an altitude of about 14,000 meters.
Such sightings are apparently not without danger to human nature judging by the adventure of Mssrs. Gérard, mechanic and Paroux, driver, who, driving a locomotive coming from Nantes, said they saw, while passing near Saint-Nicolas de Redon, in the Ille-et-Vilaine, a craft that rose from nearby swamps to quickly disappear into the sky.
The mechanic said he had kept his cool but the driver was so scared, said the A.F.P. dispatch recounting the incident, that he fell sick and had to undergo a medical examination the next day.
There are also reports of new encounters with strange beings.
The first case is that of Mr. Yves David, 28, farmer in Les Brouloux, commune of Vouneuil-sur-Vienne, in Vienne, who declared - belatedly - to have seen on September 19, at 2 o'clock, a sort of diver who came to stroke him on the arm while emitting unintelligible sounds before flying away inside a saucer.
In the Drôme, a resident of Valence who was walking near Chabeuil also lived, she said, an encounter with a small being which she at first took for a "cellophane scarecrow".
She took refuge, in the company of her dog, as terrified as herself, in a thicket. A few minutes later, she witnessed, she clarified, the start of a disc from which a whistling sound came.
This upsurge in testimonies obviously does not fail to excite public opinion. Will it be possible one day to unravel the mystery of the "saucers"?
[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:
According to ufologist Aimé Michel, on September 27, 1954, at about 09:40 P.M., in Perpignan, a small village near the city of Montélimar, three people witnessed two luminous objects crossing the sky in the West and disappearing towards the South.
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A baker from Cannet [sic] Plage, Mr. Etienne Err said that coming back of a delivery tour with his van, he had seen above this town a brilliant disc, which after describing large circles, moved away towards the sea. On the other hand, seven workers from a factory in the suburbs of Perpignan claim to have seen also an object of an indefinite color moving at high speed and which would have crossed the Pyrenées towards Spain.
The source is said to be the newspaper Le Bien Public.
[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":
09/27/54 | (AM) | Lassus-Perpignan (spain+) F | i 100X2 |
[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:
Luc Chastan indicates in his database that in the Pyrenees Orientales (66) on September 27, 1954 at an unknown hour, "at some distance in the South of Perpignan, seven workmen of a factory observed a circular object in the sky which disappears at high speed in direction of Spain."
The sources are indicated as: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979" and "M.O.C. by Michel Aimé ** Arthaud 1958".
The information by [lcn1] is not precise: for the observation of the seven workmen, the hour is known, see [int1]; for that of Breusy, only Aime Michel writes about it, Figuet and Ruchon do not mention it.
It is not completely impossible however that the seven workmen in the south of Perpignan and the vintagers of Breusy are in fact the same witnesses of the same observation; unfortunately, for the vintagers there is no trace of the hour of observation. It will be noted that for Aimé Michel these are two distinct observations.
To still add to the confusion, I sought in vain in 2016 the place "Breusy" as a suburb or proximity of Perpignan.
As for the craft, description is obviously too vague so that a plane, or a meteor, for example, cannot be excluded.
Let's note all the same for the same date the alleged CE3 of Lassus, suburb of Perpignan, for which unfortunately the hour is given as "in the afternoon" without any precision.
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(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)
Perpignan, Pyrénées-Orientales, object, craft, shining, fast, multiple
[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.
Version: | Created/Changed by: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | April 13, 2004 | First published. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | February 5, 2010 | Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Addition [lcn1]. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | October 11, 2016 | Addition [int1], Summary, Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet." |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | July 27, 2019 | Additions [ads1], [via1] |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | January 20, 2020 | Addition [ppe1]. |
1.4 | Patrick Gross | February 20, 2020 | Addition [cpd1]. |
1.5 | Patrick Gross | March 1, 2020 | Addition [nnm1]. |
1.6 | Patrick Gross | April 19, 2020 | Addition [vdn1]. |
1.7 | Patrick Gross | June 13, 2020 | Addition [nll1]. |
1.8 | Patrick Gross | January 25, 2021 | Addition [lgp1]. |
1.9 | Patrick Gross | May 5, 2021 | Addition [lon1]. |
2.0 | Patrick Gross | April 14, 2022 | Addition [gep1]. |