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October 18, 1954, Reventin-Vaugris, Isère:

Reference for this case: 18-Oct-54-Reventin-Vaugris.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


On October 21 and 22, 1954, the French press, following a dispatch from the Agence France Presse, had widely reported an incident that occurred on October 18, 1954, in Vienne, in the Isère.

A "Stratojet" aircraft flying over the Rhone Valley every day at an altitude of about 10,000 meters had been interpreted by some people as a flying saucer.

Boeing RB-47 Stratojet.

The monitor president of the Vienne Aero Club had at once explained what was happening to the overly imaginative witnesses, but immediately after the passage of the plane, kinds of "parachutes animated of weird movements" formed in the sky which looked like "lightweight veils that soon reached the ground."

Witnesses grabbed this material, very soft to the touch and having a little the consistency of the rubber; which when falling on the ground started to evaporate, probably under the influence of the temperature.

One of the witnesses put some of the stuff in a box and had it photographed right away. A few hours later, all that remained in the box had evaporated, although the box had been sealed.

The national newspaper Paris-Presse for October 21, 1954, reported this on page 4 with more details:

On Monday, therefore October 18, 1954, on the Reventin - Vaugris airfield in the Rhône valley, shortly after the passage of a Stratojet jet plane, Mrs. Lelandais, wife of a teacher of the base, had believed to see in the sky a certain number of "saucers" in the shape of parachutes, which varied in altitude, aspect, color, and suddenly disappeared.

Half an hour later, a rain of "spider webs" fell heavily on the ground. She and one Mr. Blain, Pont-l'Evêque cinema operator, picked it up with both hands: it was a whitish material, soft to the touch as well as rubbery, agglomerating then melting at the warmth of the hands without leaving a trace.

They had kept some of for five hours in a sealed box, and photographed it.

Mr. Blain explained that this material came from the Stratojets jet engines which flew above the Rhône valley daily.

He or the newspaper suggested that it could also have been "Angel Hair", produced in autumn by various species of flying spiders. The newspaper reports on the cases of "angel hair" from 1952 in Oloron and Gaillac; which also presented all the characteristics of the phenomenon observed by Mr. Blain.

The newspaper also gave an explanation of the formation of this "melting mass" as produced under certain conditions by the Stratojets which led "the technicians to formulate this hypothesis: the trails produced resembling those of ordinary jet planes can be due to the injection of water into the jet engines. At the origin of this phenomenon, there would be the fact that this water, projected in the combustion chambers at nearly 1,800 degrees undergoes a molecular disintegration by contact with the gas. As a result, a chemical reaction takes place which would lead to the formation of the curious matter detected on Monday at Reventin-Vaugris."

The Press in general explained that this phenomenon was due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the "Stratojet" fuel, causing white or iridescent formations which caused "more or less fanciful interpretations."

Ufologist Aimé Michel, who had obviously not understood the case, believed he had debunked the explanation on the grounds that "water vapor cannot condense". Jimmy Guieu on his side had correctly reported the facts, scoffing at those who would generalize this explanation by noting that these condensations were not likely to take the form of the Martians observed in this period.

In recent decades, others, such as Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, Jean Sider, Henri Durrant, Godelieve van Overmeire, Alain Moreau and Luc Chstan, have continued to make of this a mysterious case of "angel hair", ignoring or deliberately concealing the explanation.




"I held a flying saucer fragment but it melted"

It was just a phenomenon of condensation

"The flying saucers? Phew! I know what it is. I held a fragment of it in my hands."

This sensational statement comes from a cinema operator in Pont-l'Evêque, Mr. Blain.

- Monday I was on the airfield of Reventin - Vaugris in the Rhône valley when, shortly after the passage of a stratojet Mme Lelandais, wife of a base monitor believed that a number of "saucers" in the shape of parachutes were moving. They varied in altitude, appearance, color and suddenly disappeared. Half an hour later, a rain of "spider webs" fell heavily on the ground. We picked it up with both hands. It was a whitish material, soft to the touch at the same time as rubbery, agglomerating then melting with the heat of the hand without leaving traces. We were able to keep some of it for five hours in a waterproof box and photograph it.

Solidified steam

This material, Mr. Blain affirms, comes from the jet engines of the Stratojets that daily use the Rhône valley (unless it is filanders, better known under the name of Angel Hair, produced in fall by various species of flying spiders).

Usually, the Stratojets jet engines, unlike those of other jet planes, do not leave a trail behind them. On Monday, however, it formed behind the apparatus, moving at nearly 10,000 meters, a very curious trail, light vapor which solidified in thick volutes two or three kilometers from the place of their formation.

The explanation of the formation of this "melting mass" produced under certain conditions by Stratojets leads technicians to formulate this hypothesis: the streaks produced resembling those of ordinary jet airplanes may be due to the injection of water in the reactors. At the origin of this phenomenon, there would be the fact that this water, projected in the combustion chambers at nearly 1,800 degrees undergoes a molecular disaggregation by contact with the combustion gas. As a result, a chemical reaction occurs which would lead to the formation of the curious matter detected on Monday at Reventin-Vaugris.

This perhaps clarified the mystery of the "saucers" observed two years ago in Oloron and Gaillac and which present all the characteristics of the phenomenon observed by Mr. Blain. But cigars? But the scales? But the Martians? Ah! Who will give us the explanation of the Martians kissing the peasants in the name of the inter-sidereal fraternity?

New look: the "scales"

The latest model of flying saucer is paired. A saucer plus a saucer equals a balance, if they are united by a flail. As well it is a balance with orange and red trays that was seen, in Royan, by Mr. and Mrs. Labassière. These two trays, after being immobilized in the air, separated and landed nearby, in a field. Two little men came out of each ball and changed trays. The two trays then tightened together and disappeared in a dazzling flash.

To tell the truth, saucers, cigars and other interplanetary craft were not very active yesterday. Farmers from Villepinte (the Aude) and surrounding areas; natives of Tréveneuc (C.-d.-N.) and of St-Quay-Portrieux; a metallurgist from Aire-sur-la-Lys and the mayor of Nexon (Hte-Vienne) saw some. This is a topic of conversation for evenings. Unfortunately, no "Martians" were on board.



A strange phenomenon observed after
the passing of a jet airplane

above the valley of the Rhône

Vienne (A.F.P.).
A "Stratojet" plane which, each day, flies over the valley of the Rhone at an altitude of approximately ten thousand meters, was mistaken Tuesday, by certain people, for a flying saucer.

The president instructor of the Aero club of Vienne dissuaded the too imaginative witnesses at once, but a strange phenomenon occurred at once after the passage of the powerful jet. It formed, indeed, in the sky, kinds of parachuts animated of odd movements and having the aspect of light veils which soon reached the ground.

The witnesses of the phenomenon seized this matter, very soft at touching, and having a little the consistency of rubber. While arriving on the ground, this one volatilized, probably under the influence of the temperature.

One of the witnesses put a little of the substance in a box and had it photograph at once. A few hours afterwards, what remained in this box, however sealed, had evaporated.

This phenomenon due to condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere, of certain elements of the fuel of the "Stratojet", can cause white or irrized formations moving at high speed at great altitude and thus giving place to more or less whimsical interpretations.

This observation made above the aerodrome of Vienne is identical to that already reported in its time [1952] by a resident of Oloron.


Bondowoao (Indonesia) (A.P.). A flying saucer caused a disturbance in the town of Bondowoao, at 80 kilometers of the island of Bali. Several inhabitants state to have seen, during one half-minute, a greenish object which crossed the sky in North-western direction.


Saint Privat de Valongues (C.P.).
Mr. Albert Mallet of Fabrègue, city council man, had the surprise, last week, around 21 hours, to see a mysterious apparatus of lengthened form, black, that landed in a field very close to his house: the apparatus took off again all at once, almost vertically, at a vertiginous speed, with a gentle whistling sound like an electric motor, and emitting sharp red colors.



In the Rhone Valley

A strange phenomenon is observed after the passage of an airplane

Is this the explanation of flying saucers?

A "Stratojet" plane which, every day, flies over the valley of the Rhone, at an altitude of approximately 10.000 meters, was mistaken, Tuesday, by hundreds of people, for a flying saucer.

The chairman of the Vienne Aero Club immediately dissuaded the overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. There were, in fact, some kind of parachutes in the sky, animated by strange movements, and having the appearance of light sails, which soon reached the ground.

The witnesses of the phenomenon seized this matter, very soft to the touch and having a little the consistency of the rubber.

One of the witnesses put some of the substance in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, what was left in this box, though it was sealed, had evaporated.

This phenomenon, due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the fuel of the "Stratojet", can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed at high altitude and thus give rise to more or less less fanciful interpretations.



An explanation
of the "flying saucers"

A strange phenomenon observed after
the flight of a jet plane

Vienne (Isère), 20. -- A "Stratojet" plane which, each day, flies over the valley of the Rhone at an altitude of approximately ten thousand meters, was mistaken Tuesday, by certain people, for a flying saucer.

The president instructor of the Aero club of Vienne dissuaded the too imaginative witnesses at once, but a strange phenomenon occurred at once after the passage of the powerful jet. It formed, indeed, in the sky, sorts of parachuts animated of odd movements and having the aspect of light veils which soon reached the ground.

The witnesses of the phenomenon seized this matter, very soft at touching, and having a little the consistency of rubber. While arriving on the ground, this one volatilized, probably under the influence of the temperature.

One of the witnesses put a little of the substance in a box and had it photograph at once. A few hours afterwards, what remained in this box, however sealed, had evaporated.

This phenomenon due to condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere, of certain elements of the fuel of the "Stratojet", can cause white or irrized formations moving at high speed at great altitude and thus giving place to more or less whimsical interpretations.

This observation made above the aerodrome of Vienne is identical to that already reported in its time [1952] by a resident of Oloron.




A strange phenomenon observed after
the passage of a jet plane

A "Stratojet" plane which, every day, flies over the Rhône valley, at an altitude of about 10.000 meters, was mistaken, by some people, for a flying saucer.

The President instructor of the Aéro-Club de Vienne immediately dissuaded the overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. In fact, in the sky, sorts of parachutes were created, animated by bizarre movements and having the appearance of light veils which soon reached the ground.

Witnesses of the phenomenon seized this material, very soft to the touch and having a little the consistency of rubber. On reaching the ground, it evaporated, probably under the influence of temperature.

One of the witnesses put some of the substance in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, what remained in this waterproof box had evaporated.

This phenomenon, due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the fuel of the "Stratojet", can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed at high altitude and thus giving rise to more or less fanciful interpretations.

This observation, made above the Vienne airfield is identical to that already reported in its time by a resident of Oloron.

According to a Belgian astronomer,
the saucers would come
of Uranus

Questioned by Belgian journalists, a border astronomer, who asked to remain anonymous, gave the following advice to the questions asked yesterday:

Saucers and other flying objects would be, according to him, the equivalent of our sounding balloons, but more perfected, because they return to their starting place. This starting place is, in his opinion, not the planet Mars, but Uranus, discovered in 1781 and 70 times larger than Earth.

Basing his deductions on testimonies gathered from numerous witnesses, he deduces that the number of these and the diversity of their profession rejects the hypothesis of a collective hallucination.

Returning to Uranus, he specifies that this planet revolves around the sun and seems the most favorable to gather elements of life analogous to ours.

The flying saucer
spitting sparks
in the sky of Bethune
was seen in Douai

We reported yesterday the strange phenomenon observed Monday evening, around 8:50 p.m., in the sky of Bethune.

However, a municipal councilor of Douai, Mrs. Augustine Mocq and her husband, who were walking on rue du Polygone, in Douai, were able to observe the same effects at exactly the same time.

"It was, says Mrs. Mocq, like a huge lightning bolt that lit up the whole neighborhood. Looking up to the sky, I barely had time to notice in the direction of Piers (so the same as for Bethune) like a hair of very luminous rays coming out of a dark mass. But that lasted only a very short time. My husband was able, like me, to make the same observations. It is by reading in "Nord-Matin" the relation of the Bethune phenomenon that I convinced myself it was the same. I am absolutely certain, and my husband too, that I was not the victim of an hallucination, the craft must have had a great lighting power."

It would never occur to anyone in Douai to question these assertions by Mr. and Mrs. Mocq, who are very rightly esteemed in this city.

"Flying plates"
in Indonesia

The Indonesian agency Antara reports that Tuesday evening, around 9 p.m. (local), the people of Bondowoso, in the state of Java, were struck with terror when they saw a white and green disc which passed at high speed above the city and disappeared in half a minute. Witnesses described the object as a large plate with a rotating movement.

This is the second time that the people of Bondowoso have witnessed such a phenomenon. The first appearance of a "strange object" was said to have taken place on July 25, at the same time.

Luminous craft and lightning
near Aire-sur-la-Lys

Finally near Aire-sur-la-Lys, a worker at the Aciéries d'Isbergues saw a luminous craft of round shape descend slowly. When it touched the ground, the witness continued, nearly 2 km away from me a lightning bolt lit up the sky. Many residents have confirmed that they saw not the bolide, but the sky lit up. As for the object that fell, there is no trace of it.



Do we have an explanation
for flying saucers?

Vienne, October 20.

A "Stratojet" plane which, every day flies over the Rhône Valley, at an altitude of around 10.000 meters, was mistaken yesterday by some people for a flying saucer.

The chairman of the Aéro-Club de Vienne immediately dissuaded the overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. In fact, sorts of parachutes were created in the sky, animated by bizarre movements and having the appearance of light veils which soon reached the ground.

Witnesses of the phenomenon grabbed this very soft to the touch material and having a little the consistency of rubber. On reaching the ground, it evaporated, probably under the influence of temperature.

One of the witnesses put some of the stuff in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, what remained in this waterproof box had evaporated.

This phenomenon, due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the "Stratojet" material can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed at high altitude and thus give rise to more or less fanciful interpretations.



An explanation of the saucers

A strange phenomenon observed
after the passage of a "STRATOJET"

Vienne, 20. -- A "Stratojet" plane which flies over the Rhône valley every day, at an altitude of about 10.000 meters, has been mistaken by some people for a flying saucer.

The president of the Vienne Flying Club immediately dissuaded these overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. In fact, in the sky, sorts of parachutes formed, animated by strange movements and having the appearance of light veils, which soon reached the ground.

The witnesses of the phenomenon seized this material very soft to the touch and having a little the consistency of rubber. On reaching the ground, it volatilized, probably under the influence of temperature.

One of the witnesses put some of the substance in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, what remained in this box, however waterproof, had evaporated.

This phenomenon, due to condensation in the atmosphere


[Photo caption:] at the interplanetary exhibition held in London, one can see the model of an (anticipation) rocket that will perhaps allow in a few years to go to visit the Martians...
A young boy admires the model of this "saucer."


The saucers

(Continued from first page)

rarefied and cold certain compounds of the fuel of the "Stratojet" can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed at great altitude and thus give rise to more or less fanciful interpretations.

This observation, made above the Vienne airfield, is identical to that already reported in its time by a resident of Oloron.


"They persecute me... They come looking for me... I saw them land in a field... saucers, large and small... lights and smokes... The Martians... The Martians..."

It was while shouting these snatches of sentences expressing the disorder of his thoughts that Mr. Bruno Senesi, 34, presented himself to the hospital in Livorno, asking for help.

But when the medic returned with the doctor on duty, Senesi was missing. He was found hidden under the bed, shaking with violent shivers, his expression leaving no doubt about the terror that tormented him and he cried out to the doctor: "Here they are... they are coming...

The nurses offered him their protection against the Martians and Senesi, the first Italian victim of the psychosis of the "flying saucers", was locked up in the mental health asylum of Livorno.


Jakarta, 20. - The Indonesian agency Antara reports that the people of Bondowoso, in East Java, were terrified when they saw a white and green disc that passed at high speed over the town and disappeared in half a minute.

Witnesses described the object as a "large plate" with a rotating movement.

This is the second time that the residents of Bondowoso witnessed such a phenomenon. The first appearance of a "strange object" was said to have taken place on July 23.



The residents of the valley of the Rhone do not believe in flying saucers anymore

since the passage of a "Stratojet" plane

Vienne. --A "Stratojet" plane which, each day, flies over the valley of the Rhone, at an altitude of approximately 10.000 meters, was mistaken, Tuesday, by certain people, for a flying saucer.

The president monitor of the Aréo-Club of Vienne dissuaded at once the witnesses, too imaginative. But a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet. Indeed, in the sky, kinds of parachutes animated of odd movements and having the aspect of light veils formed, and soon, reached the ground.

A very soft material at the touch

The witnesses of the phenomenon grabbed this material, very soft at the touch and having a little the consistency of rubber. While arriving on the ground, it volitilized, probably under the influence of the temperature.

One of the witnesses put a little of the substance in a box and had it photographed at once. A few hours later, what remained in this box, although it was sealed, had evaporated.

The phenomenon, due to condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain elements of the fuel of the "Stratojet" can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed at great altitude and thus generate more or less whimsical interpretations.

This observation, made above the airport of Vienne, is identical to that already reported in its time by an Oloron resident.

The flying "plate" always comes at the same hour

This explanation does not prevent the flying saucers from disturbing the minds of a certain number of people, but the appearances are definitely fewer all the same.

It is today, in Indonesia, that the strangest phenomenon is located. Tuesday evening, the population of Bondowoso, in the state of Java, was struck of terror by seeing a white and green disc which passed at high speed above the city and disappeared in a half-minute. The witnesses described the object as a "large plate" animated a rotary movement.

It is the second time that the residents of Bondowoso witness a phenomenon of this kind. The first appearance of a "strange object" reportedly took place on July 25, at the same hour.



A stratojet plane which, each day, flies over the valley of the Rhone at an altitude of approximately 10000 meters, was mistaken Tuesday [October 18, 1954], by some people, for a flying saucer. The president instructor of the Flying-club of Vienne (Isère) dissuaded the too imaginative witnesses at once, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet. It formed indeed, in the sky, some sort of animated parachutes with odd movements and having the aspect of light veils which soon reached the ground. The witnesses of the phenomenon grabbed this very soft matter which had a little the consistency of rubber. While arriving on the ground, the matter volatilized, probably under the influence of the temperature. One of the witnesses put some of the substance in a box and made a photograph of it at once. A few hours afterwards, what remained in this limps, that was sealed however, had evaporated. This phenomenon, due to condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain elements of the fuel of the stratojet can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed, great altitude and give place, thus, to more or less whimsical interpretations. This observation, made above the Aerodrome of Vienne is identical to that already reported in its time [1952] by an inhabitant of Oloron.


The director of the Roupy airfield (Aisne), gave to a newspaper of this department some explanations on natural phenomena interpreted by some as flying saucers. Here is his statement. It has been fashionable, for some time, to be able to say to have seen a weird machine in the sky, and soon undoubtedly, those who do not have seen anything will themselves be phenomena! As we fear that we are among this category of individuals, we will talk about false "saucers" observed in the area. We do not want to formally deny the existence of such machines, for it seems there are irrefutable observations; but many of the people imagine that they witnessed a mysterious phenomenon, whereas it is something completely ordinary. Thus frequently, when we carry out a survey of the night, the rare passers by who see the lampion provided with a candle which is balanced at the end of a balloon, stop and shout at the miracle, believing to be confronted to an extraterrestrial machine. Almost 15 years ago, these same balloons were for people ill of espionnite [French, illusion that there are spies everywhere], inflated with yperite and one of us had troubles in Orléansville because the Algiers-Oran express train had reversed vapor at the sight of one of these balloons. Other times, we are called at night by nightbirds who see something... Often, it is the planet Mars whose red-orange glare is different to other stars, or more simply a plane and its side-lights. There is also the phenomenon of paraselene. The paraselene is a luminous spot with the colors of the rainbow, the purple red being the most visible, it is roughly at 22° on the right and on the left of the moon. Often only one of these spots is visible. The paraselene is sometimes prolonged to the bottom by a kind of tail called oblique arc of Lowitz which is then mobile and fugacious. The same phenomenon occurs with the sun and then bears the name of parhelion. This phenomenon is related to halation, a large luminous circle which one frequently observes around the moon and the sun, and has the same cause. All these luminous phenomena are due to the scattering of the light emitted or reflected by the star when it crosses a layer of very high clouds, called cirrostratus and made of ice crystals. Solidified water serves as a prism, and depending to the shape and the orientation of the crystals, the nature of the phenomenon varies.




VIENNE, October 20. -- A "Stratojet" plane which, every day, flies over the Rhône valley, at an altitude of around 10,000 meters, was mistaken yesterday by some people for a flying saucer.

The chairman of the Vienna Air Club instructor immediately dissuaded the overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. In fact, in the sky, kinds of parachutes were created, animated by bizarre movements and having the appearance of light veils which soon reached the ground.

Witnesses of the phenomenon seized this material, very soft to the touch and having a bit the consistency of rubber. On reaching the ground, it evaporated, probably under the influence of temperature.

One of the witnesses put some of the substance in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, what remained in this waterproof box had evaporated.

This phenomenon, due to the condensation in the cooled and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the fuel of the "Stratojet" can cause white or rainbow colored formations moving at high speed and at high altitude, and thus give rise to more or less whimsical interpretations.

This observation, made above the airfield of Vienne, is identical to that already reported in its time by a resident of Oloron.



An explanation
of the flying saucer

A strange phenomenon
observed after the passing
of a "Stratojet" plane

Vienne, October 2. -- A "Stratojet" plane which, every day flies over the Rhône Valley, at an altitude of around 10.000 meters, was mistaken yesterday by some people for a flying saucer.

The chairman of the Aéro-Club de Vienne immediately dissuaded the overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. In fact, sorts of parachutes were created in the sky, animated by bizarre movements and having the appearance of light veils which soon reached the ground.

Witnesses of the phenomenon grabbed this very soft to the touch material and having a little the consistency of rubber. On reaching the ground, it evaporated, probably under the influence of temperature.

One of the witnesses put some of the stuff in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, what remained in this waterproof box had evaporated.

This phenomenon, due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the "Stratojet" material can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed at high altitude and thus give rise to more or less fanciful interpretations.

This observation, made above the Vienna aerodrome, is identical to that already reported in its time by a resident of Oloron.



The problem of the day...

The Flying Saucers..!

Flying saucers are the topic of the day. Their presence is reported everywhere, however none of these mysterious craft could be identified with any precision.

The differences are so important both in the form of the craft and in the description of the passengers who would occupy them that it is impossible to give any credit to the majority of the visionaries or supposed such.

Does that mean that everything is pure invention.

We do not believe it and yet it seems essential to reject as fanciful all the details given on alleged craft that would arrive from Planet Mars.

A "Stratojet" plane which, every day flew over the Rhône valley, at an altitude of about 10.000 meters, was mitaken, by some people, for a flying saucer.

The monitor instructors of the Aéro-Club of Vienne immediately dissuaded the overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. In fact, there formed in the sky, kinds of parachutes animated by bizarre movements and having the appearance of light sails which soon reached the ground.

Witnesses of the phenomenon seized this material very soft to the touch and having a bit the consistency of rubber. On reaching the ground, it vanished.

One of the witnesses put some of the stuff in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, what remained in this waterproof box was evaporated.

This scientifically explained phenomenon is due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the fuel of the "Stratojet" that can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed and high altitude and thus give rise to more or less fanciful interpretations.

This observation, made above the Vienne airfield is identical to that already reported in its time by a resident of Oloron.

(Continued on 4th page)


"Flying saucers"

The French Air Ministry, for its part, strongly denied the pursuit of a saucer by jet planes.

Informed of the alleged presence of such a craft, 2 planes took off but... did not notice anything while the whole press orchestrated a purely imaginary pursuit through space.


What else do the saucers and these gentle four-feet-tall "Martians", which appear to us so far as fugitive and peaceful beings, reserve for us? Fortunately, because now the saucers are bursting in flight, which does not prevent them from doing well. Laugh, good people, it will end up disturbing my sleep, especially since I have not had the chance so far to see even in the blink of an eye these cigars of a new age, and these discs of progress... One night will end up being good for me, because the proliferation of always luminous vehicles is a real proliferation, not a proliferation for laughs. At the rate of these last weeks all the French will soon have seen their saucer and the only ones who will be able to stand proud are those who will have known "Martians", will have spoken to them, even, will have kissed them since its charming neighbors are said to be very affectionate.

Enough jokes. Let's be realistic and tell the wonderful story of the Graulhet barrel-maker. Thursday, late afternoon, he said he saw at high altitude a silver craft heading to the northwest. He first believed a jet plane. But these craft from an already very remote era leave a white trail behind them. However, there was no trail. The barrel-maker, a skeptical and common sense man, went to fetch a pair of binoculars (don't forget to always take yours with you if you don't want to miss your saucer or your "Martian").

Optically equipped, he distinctly observed a large flexible disc which undulated on itself, while moving at high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in mid-flight. A silver ball of about one meter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, to disappear from view (I am not surprised given the time required for all these operations and the high speed of the craft. The best things unfortunately have an end).

The rest of the craft fell in several pieces, like sheets of various sizes, hovering in the sky, some of which clung to telegraph wires.

Don't take the Graulhet too fast for a teaser and a joker; around fifteen people testified to this peculiar phenomenon and, even more, fragments of material were collected. They will not be canned and not even in the museum, because these agglomerated silver filaments crumble when touched. Too bad!


After such a demonstration, details and also sensational, how to understand that the English remain skeptical. These gentlemen now come to disturb the party, the great interplanetary ballet of saucers, which does no harm to anyone, feeds conversations, provides themes for good jokes endlessly.

The British Air Department, presumably not to be like everyone else, does not believe in the existence of flying saucers, cigars and other flying craft. They only believe in the flying "cage bed". While refusing to comment on the craft reported in France and in other European countries, the official spokespersons of the ministry declare that 99 times out of 100, natural explanations are found for similar appearances reported in Great Britain. Most often these are weather balloons. When no explanation can be given, it is generally because the testimonies of people who claim to have attended his appearances are insufficient. No such craft has been reported in Britain in recent weeks.

Here are these gentlemen of the air ministry of Great Britain wanting to "deflate" our saucers and cigars (it is true that the "Martians" seem to have a very particular interest in France) in vulgar sounding balloons. What a disillusionment .. But beware, raise your head "your" saucer may be happening right now.




Interplanetary chronicle???


In Audruicq (P.-de-C.), MM. Maurice Ramette and Léon Gégnier saw, high in the sky, an object of round shape and white in color which was moving towards them. Suddenly, the craft tilted and disappeared at breakneck speed.


In Hesdin (P.-de-C.), Mr. Jean Gambier, a police officer, was on his way to his duty when his attention was attracted to a blaze in the sky. Above the forest, a red object seemed to descend from the starry sky. The lower part of the craft left behind a luminous trail.

Many residents of Huby-Saint-Leu, a village near Hesdin, also witnessed this phenomenon.


A resident of the village of Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales), to whom two motorcyclists wanted to request information, fled, the other day, shouting: "The Martians are coming". Caught by the bikers, who, to reassure him, had removed their helmets, the farmer admitted that if he had had a gun in his hands he would have killed them.


A saucer was seen by the supervisor of a penitentiary center in Ecrouves, Mr. Roger Thiriet, residing in Blénod-les-Toul (Meurthe-et-Moselle). The jailer's saucer is not exactly fresh since it would have appeared on October 10. But Mr. Thiriet remained silent for a long time "fearing to be the laughing stock of his colleagues". However, his secret seemed to him too burdensome, and here is the account given to the gendarmes by this balanced man:

- I returned to the center by motorbike, when around 6:30 a.m., near the railway bridge, near Charmes-la-Côte, my headlight lighted an aluminum-colored saucer appearing from the fog, posed on the ground. The craft was 2 meters in diameter and 1.40 meters high. It was surmounted by a dome pierced by two portholes.

"I stopped my engine immediately; but as I approached, the saucer rose without noise."

It turns out that, this same October 10, a machine identical to [Continued on page 3]


A very bright flying disc was seen by a group of workers over a street in Rome. It is one of the innumerable appearances of the "flying saucers" which visit Italy at the moment. Their arrival provokes a strong emotion. In Livorno, a young man, Bruno Senesi, was sent urgently to the mad house. He had presented himself, very agitated, at the city hospital, shouting: "They come to take me... I saw them land in a field... Discs big like that, all in light and in smoke, full of Martians, small and red."


The people of Bondowoso, in east Java, were terrified when they saw a white and green disc, which passed at high speed over the city and disappeared in half a minute. Witnesses described the object as a "large plate" with a rotating movement.


A "Stratojet" plane which flies daily over the Rhône valley, at an altitude of about 10,000 meters, was mistaken the other day, by several inhabitants of Vienna, for a flying saucer.

Indeed, a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. Kinds of parachutes were formed in the sky, animated of strange movements, which soon reached the ground.

The witnesses of the phenomenon seized this matter and one of them put a little of the substance in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, the contents of the box, although waterproof, had evaporated.

It seems that the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the "stratojet" fuel can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed and thus gives rise to various interpretations.

This observation made above the aerodrome of Vienne, is identical to that already reported in its time, by a resident of Oloron.


Interplanetary chronicle???

(continued from page 1)


Aussay, a small town near Dieppe, was overflown by a mysterious craft which emitted a strange whistling sound. It had the shape of a gigantic cigar thay could reach 15 to 18 meters in length; in the center of the craft there was a disc surmounted by a dome.


In Villepinte (Aude), Mr. Henri Rouquet, 22, was returning home when he noticed a luminous form that was moving at high altitude. Suddenly, the craft lands not far from the farm where the young man lives. Mr. Bouquet then hastened to warn his family and several neighbors, who were able to observe the saucer distinctly. After a few minutes, the disc rose silently and quickly disappeared.


In Ham (Somme), three motorcyclists, MM. Marc and Gilles Lemaire, and Jean Ivard, were going to their work when they noticed in the sky a red disc followed by a flaming cone which advanced at the speed of an airplane. At the precise moment when the craft was above the motorcyclists, the engines of their machines stopped suddenly and the headlights went out. Everything returned to normal when the mysterious object moved away.


A motorist in the Cherbonnières region was driving with his 3 and a half year old son on the road from Sérifère to Paillé when, around 9:30 p.m., he and the child experienced painful tingling sensations, similar to electric shocks; which increased as they progressed.

The car engine suddenly stopped and the headlights went out. The child started to cry. A bright glow, passing from bright red to orange, dazzled the occupants of the car, who see a motionless craft in space. Then what they recognized as a flying saucer disappeared in the night.

been seen in Longwy, in the north of the department.

- It must be a secret weapon, said Mr. Thiriet (who does not believe in Martians), built by a foreign power. I think the craft would come from Antarctica.


Two motorists from Royan, Mr. Labestière and his wife, saw in the sky "a kind of waddling balance".

- The scourge was dazzling green, witnesses said. One of the plates was red, the other orange. After remaining motionless, the two plates detached and landed in a field. Two little beings came out of it and, after crossing paths, changed their plates. The "flying balance" then disappeared, plates included, in a dazzling flash.


In Ollainville, near Arpajon, six residents of the locality noticed an incandescent object which at first looked like a star and was revealed as it approached in the shape of a cigar. Coming from the west, the object disappeared to the east.


In Saint-Fiacre, not far from Etampes, several people saw a craft in the shape of a gigantic star spinning above the village for 20 minutes.


The mayor of Nexon (Haute Vienne) saw a very bright metallic hemisphere hovering at breakneck speed, without noise.


A very brilliant disc was even seen in Boulogne-sur-Seine, by a dozen workers from the Régie Renault. The phenomenon had been observed in broad daylight for half an hour.


In Trevedec (C.-du-N.), several people saw a flying saucer hovering over the sea.


Near Aire-sur-Lys, a worker at the steel works in Isbergues saw a luminous sphere descend slowly. When it touched the ground, the sky lit up.




Vienne. --

A "Stratojet" plane which, every day, flies over the Rhône valley at an altitude of about 10,000 meters, has been taken by some people for a flying saucer.

The chairman of the Vienne Flying-Club immediately dissuaded the overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred immediately after the passage of the powerful jet plane. In fact, in the sky, kinds of parachutes were formed, animated by bizarre movements and having the appearance of light veils which soon reached the ground.

Witnesses of the phenomenon seized this material very soft to the touch and having a little the consistency of rubber. On reaching the ground, it evaporated, probably under the influence of temperature.

One of the witnesses put some of the stuff in a box and had it photographed right away. A few hours later, what was left in this waterproof box had evaporated.

This phenomenon, due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere, of certain compounds of the fuel of the "Stratojet", can cause white or irridescent formations moving at high speed at high altitude and thus giving rise to more or less fanciful interpretations.

[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:

Jimmy Guieu indicates that on October 17, 1954, after the passage of Stratojet which flew over the valley of the Rhone, kinds of animated "parachutes" of odd movements and which took the aspect of gossamer-like veils falling slowly towards the ground formed in the sky. The witnesses grabbed this matter, very soft at the touch and a little the consistency of rubber, but it was not long to disappear, volitilizing in contact with the fingers or the ground.

Guieu says that the explanation "brought the technicians to advance this assumption", that it could be water injection in the engines of the planes. This water, in the combustion chambers at nearly 1800 °C undergoes a "molecular disintegration by contact with combustion gas" and there would be a chemical reaction that would produce the strange matter.

Guieu says that it "filled with ease the detractors of the flying saucers" and "delighted the skeptics", who "will be ironical": "That's the flying saucers!" without even wondering how such a chemical reaction could cause the appearance of the living creatures which come out of their spacecrafts.

[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

Aimé Michel writes that the most abundant rain of angel's hair since Gaillac and Oloron, in 1952, was observed at Vienne during the afternoon by numerous witnesses. For example, Mr. Lelandais of the Aero Club of Vienne said:

"We first saw white shapes which seemed to be dancing in the clouds - rising, descending, going up again, changing shape, but very gradually coming nearer the ground."

"About half an hour later, a sort of rain of cobwebs came down on the airfield, as thick as closely-woven cloth. Handfuls were falling on the ground, on the hangar, on the airplanes, and we started to pick up great bunches. It felt like holding rubber threads, very fine, very soft to the touch, which matted together and at once evaporated in our fingers without leaving any sensation at all, any odor, or the least trace. We had the impression that it was the heat of our hands that made the material melt."

Mr. Lelandais shut some of the stuff in a tightly closed bakelite box. But next day, although he had put the box in a cool place, it was empty. On the ground, however, some of this "gossamer" still remained five hours later.

Michel also indicates that stratojet airplanes were seen by the airmen shortly before these white shapes descended. He does however dismiss the explanation that the white stuff is solidified water vapor from the Stratojets" which was issued in the press, commenting on the "experts" who imagined that water vapor does not decompose and solidify in anything like the collected white stuff.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


October 18 [, 1954]

id[=afternoon]: Vienne (Isère): "Angle hair" and osc white shapes

[Ref. snr1:] JEAN SENELIER:

In 1954

- On 20 October, in the region of Vienne (Isère), was observed passing in the sky, at high altitude, a machine on which there was no agreement. Some claimed that it was a plane of the "Stratojet" type, others denied this possibility and opted for an "unidentified object". No evidence could be found in one direction or the other.

What is not disputed by anyone is that after the passage of the object (or plane), a slow drop of packs of whitish threads, soft at the touch, which quickly volatilized, occurred (from "Le Figaro" and "Paris Presse" for 10/21/1954).


French ufologist Fernand Lagarde lists this case in a listing of French cases of observations with "angels hair" within an article about this phenomenon:

October 18, 1954 in Vienne (Isère.)

[Ref. hdt1:] HENRI DURRANT:

In a chapter about the "angel hair" phenomenon, Henri Durrant evoked the article of the magazine "Lumières Dans La Nuit (LDLN), Volume XII, nr 99, p. F.G.H.," in which Mr. F. Lagarde published "on this topic an excellent article of synthesis" and where appears the theory of the threads of migratory spiders was developped. He quotes:

"One of the spectacular manifestations of our MOCs [Mysterious Celestial Objects], which never ceases to intrigue the observers, is the drop of white filaments, said to be melting; which one observes at the passage of some of these craft. They sometimes fall in considerable mass. clinging to trees, roofs, telegraph wires, fences, or spreading on clothes or on the ground, questions arise both about their nature and about the process of their appearance."

Cases are cited as examples, including these four French 1954 cases:

"Sepember 20, 1954, in Saint-Père-du-Retz (Loire-Atl.) [sic]"
"October 13, 1954 in Graulhet (Tarn)"
"October 14, 1954, in Méral (Mayenne)"
"October 18, 1954 in Vienne (Isère)"

[ Ref. snr2:] JEAN SENELIER:

Jean Senelier affirms that on October 20, 1954, in the area of ??Vienne in Isère, one observed the passage at high altitude in the sky of a machine about which one could agree, some "claimed" that it was an aircraft of the "Stratojet" type, the others "denied this possibility" and "opted" for an "unidentified object." The writer assures that no proof could be brought one way or the other.

But, he says, nobody disputed that after the passage of the object or the plane, there had been a slow fall of bundles of soft-touch whitish threads, which quickly volatilized.

He says that in this case of "angel hair" it was pompously announced that it was a molecular disaggregation by contact with the combustion gas (from the plane) producing by chemical reaction the formation of white matter" which is, according to him, "pure gibberish". He regrets that there was no question of performing a laboratory analysis.

The author gives as source Le Figaro and Paris Presse for October 21, 1954.


The two authors indicate that in Vienne in the department of the Isere, on October 18, 1954, at an unknown time, the following event occurred according one of its witnesses, Mr. Lelandais, instructor at the flying-club of Vienne:

"We saw initially white shapes which seemed to carry out in the clouds a sort of ballet, going up, down, up again, changing shape, but approaching the ground little by little. Half an hour afterwards, approximately, it was a kind of rain of like cobwebs which arrived tight as a veil on the airfield. It fell a lot on the ground. We had the impression to hold very fine rubber wire, very soft at touching, which agglomerated at once and then sublimated."

The authors indicate that the source is Aimé Michel in "A Propos des S.V." page 238 and wonder whether this is angel hair that were so often reported.

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

The author indicates that on October 18, 1954 in the afternoon in Vienne in the Isère, Mr. Lelandais noticed white forms going and coming in the sky, changing, performing a kind of air ballet. Thirty minutes later he noticed a rain of "cobwebs" falling on the airfield he was working at.

These "gossamer threads" were very soft at the touch and agglomerated then sublimated. He tried to preserve some of it in an hermetically closed box in the freshness but the next day the box was empty.

Jean Sider indicates that the source is Aimé Michel page 238.


4193: 1954/10/18 14:00 35 4:52:00 E 45:32:00 N 3332 WEU FRN ISR 7:8


Ref# 30 FIGEUT[sic]&RUCHON: OVNI: Le 1er Dossier Page No. 183 : TOWN &CITY

[Ref. hct1:] HERVE CLERGOT:

A few days later, on October 18, 1954 in Vienne, Isère, a "polymorphic" craft also let this substance [angel hair] fall behind it. Once again, analysis is impossible, the filaments of this material falling from the sky sublimating before further analysis is conducted.

[Ref. rlt1:] RENAUD LECLET:


Following the reading of Ufo Log#6, of the article "Deposits left by UFOs" by M. Clergot, on the observation of a UFO in Vienne (Isère) on October 18, 1954, around 4:00 p.m. where a substance could not be analyzed. While researching press clipping on the year 1954 about UFOs in the Haute-Loire, I discovered that the Vienne case had an explanation. (?) Here is what it says for information.

Renaud LECLET.

Are flying saucers produced by jet aircraft? A "stratojet" plane which flies over the Rhone Valley every day at an altitude of about 10,000 meters was mistaken by some people on Tuesday for a flying saucer.

The president monitor of the Aero-club of Vienna immediately dissuaded the too imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of a powerful jet plane. There formed, in fact, in the sky, sorts of parachutes animated by bizarre movements and having the appearance of light sails which soon reached the ground. The witnesses of the phenomenon seized this very soft to the touch material and having a little the consistency of rubber. Upon reaching the ground, it evaporated, probably under the influence of temperature.

One of the witnesses put some of the substance in a box and immediately had it photographed. A few hours later, what was left in this box, although sealed, had evaporated. This phenomenon, due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain elements of the fuel of the "stratojet" can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed, at high altitude and thus give rise to more or less whimsical interpretations. This observation, made above the Vienne aerodrome, is identical to that already reported in its time by the inhabitants of Oloron.

Ref: Le Quotidien de la Haute-Loire for Friday, October 22, 1954.


The Belgian ufologist indicates that in 1954, on October 18, in France, at Vienne (Isère), there is "Observation of a stratojet or a UFO at high altitude. After its passage kinds of parachutes were formed above the valley of the Rhone; which fell slowly towards the ground and were animated of odd movements. Half an hour later a rain of cobwebs came which arrived tight like a veil on the airfield."

The source is indicated as "Henry DURRANT: "Le dossier des OVNI" - Laffont 1973 - p. 149".

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Isère in Vienne on October 18, 1954 at an unknown hour, "We saw initially, the witness reports, a monitor at the flying-club of Vienne, white forms who seemed to carry out in the clouds a sort of ballet, going up, down, changing shape, but approaching the ground little by little. Half an hour later, approximately, it was a kind of rain like cobwebs which arrived tight such as a veil on the airfield. It fell there by handles on the ground. We had the feeling to hold very thin rubber wire, very soft at the touch, which agglomerated and at once sublimated."

The source is indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. mou1:] ALAIN MOREAU:

On October 13, 1954, over Graulhet (Tarn), and on October 18, 1954 in Vienne (Isère), there was the same rain evoking glass wool or cobweb threads.

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 18 October 1954 at 15:00 in Vienne, France, there were "Angel hair." "A hovering object was observed. Telepathic phenomena were said to have occurred. One object was observed in cloudy weather by one witness in a city (Lelandais)."

The sources are indicated as Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002.

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 4 times:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541018 18.10.1954 Vienne France 15.00 CE II
19541018 18.10.1954 Vienne France Afternoon CE II
19541019 19.10.1954 Vienne France CE II
19541020 20.10.1954 Vienne France Morning NL



Fuel, propellants, lubricants, cooling liquids, fire extinguishers liquids from high altitude jet airplane freezing and eventually mixed with water vapor (and not, of course, water vapor alone) can very well be the cause of such matters. The press poorly explained the mechanism, and Aimé Michel stuck to the "solidified water vapor" and did not think of the other substances released by the planes.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Reventin-Vaugris, Vienne, Isère, angel hair, Lelandais, spiders, foam, lubricants, fuels, multiple, Isère, Blain, negative case, fragments, fluid, Stratojet, saucers, sublimation, angel hair


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross October 24, 2004 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross June 7, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [jsr1], [goe1], [lcn1], [uda1].
1.1 Patrick Gross March 13, 2010 Addition [jgu1].
1.2 Patrick Gross July 28, 2010 Additions [lpl1], [ler1].
1.4 Patrick Gross November 25, 2014 Addition [mou1].
1.4 Patrick Gross March 3, 2017 Addition [ubk1].
1.5 Patrick Gross March 10, 2018 Addition [lie1].
1.6 Patrick Gross January 21, 2019 Addition [lhh1].
1.7 Patrick Gross January 22, 2020 Additions [ppe1], [snr2].
1.8 Patrick Gross January 30, 2020 Additions [cpd1], [pat1].
1.9 Patrick Gross February 23, 2020 Addition [nnm1].
2.0 Patrick Gross May 14, 2020 Addition [ipc1].
2.1 Patrick Gross May 18, 2020 Addition [nmn1].
2.2 Patrick Gross June 9, 2020 Additions [nll1], [las1].
2.3 Patrick Gross July 3, 2020 Addition [jdf1].
2.4 Patrick Gross November 1, 2020 Addition [jps1].
2.5 Patrick Gross October 29, 2021 Addition [gqy1].
2.6 Patrick Gross July 5, 2022 Additions [hct1], [rlt1].

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