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October 21, 1954, Pouzou, Charente-Maritime:

Reference for this case: 21-Oct-54-Pouzou.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


Headlining "Picoti, picota...", something like "tickle tickle", many French newspapers for October 22 and 23, 1954, reported that a motorist from Cherbonnières who was driving on the road to "Souzou" - actually Pouzou, in the Charente-Maritime, with his 3-year-old son, felt tingling like electric shocks all over his body as his car advanced.

The child, who apparently felt the same discomfort, began to cry. Soon the engine stopped, the headlights went out, and at the same time a sharp glow changing color from bright red to the orange blinded the motorist who however distinguished a craft "motionless in the space" for a few moments.

The craft "disappeared soon", and immediately after, the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

The very "skeptical" ufologists Gérard Barthel and Jacques Brucker, in 1979 - when the case had been republished in many ufological books and journals and dated October 21, 1954 - assured that the case has been "distorted." They say the son was 4-years-old, they change Cherbonnières to Charbonnières.

Giving the same narrative as the Press, they then said that almost nothing corresponds to what the witness told them: the latter said the stall, and the feeling of minimal heat that he felt, were due to the emotion and surprise at the passage of a phenomenon that he described as brief, very fast, a luminous body with a slight trail.

The case continued to be presented without mentioning the words of Barthel and Brucker by a very large number of French and foreign sources.

In his 1997 book "Le Dossier 1954 ou l'imposture rationaliste", intending to refute the investigations - real or imaginary - of Barthel and Brucker, author Jean Sider rejected what they told: the name of the witness had benevr been disclosed in the press or elsewhere, so it was not possible that Barthel and Brucker could have heard his version.





Melun, 22. -- Many witnesses, residents of the communes of the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery, said they saw a strange phenomenon after dark: an oval-shaped object, yellow orange in color, measuring more than 20 meters, at 300 or 400 meters of altitude. Clarification: the 20 meters would be the real measure of the object and not its size as it appeared to them.

The craft remained motionless for a while and disappeared at breakneck speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L..., a weather specialist, who lives in Thomery, believes that the speed of machine was of the order of 10,000 km.p.h, quite simply. Mr. L... clarified:

"I am absolutely certain, because I know this question well, that it is neither an airplane nor a weather balloon."

In Melun itself, several young girls coming out of an evening class claim to have seen an almost similar craft in the sky; which, after having stopped for ten minutes, would have risen very quickly in the sky.

However, a luminous ball resembling a car headlight would have appeared, six times, to two industrialists from Melun who were traveling on the road national Melun-Rubelles. The appearance of this luminous hearth would have caused each time a very large flash illuminating the region.

Finally, several horsemen from a horse center in La Rochelle claim to have seen a character flee from their park. "He was strange", they said, "he could only be a Martian".

La Rochelle. -- A motorist from Cherbonnières was driving on the road to Souzou with his three-year-old son when he felt all over his body tingling sensations similar to electric shocks which increased as his car moved forward. The child, who felt the same discomfort, began to cry. Soon the car engine stopped and the headlights went out.

At the same time, a bright glow was seen, going from bright red to orange. Blinded, the motorist could however distinguish a craft stationary in space, for a few moments and then it would disappear soon. Immediately afterwards, the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

... and from Italy

Rome, 22. -- Many discs, saucers and flying cigars were seen in the sky of Italy. Several people saw these craft move over Milan. While inhabitants of Perugia, Bologna, and other localities in the north of the Peninsula were also eyewitnesses to these incursions of flying discs or cigars.

The most precise testimony was collected in Naples, where two workers who were in the suburbs of the city clearly distinguished an apparatus, of circular shape, moving in the sky at an altitude of 800 meters approximately following a North-East direction. The phenomenon lasted three minutes and the two workers were able to specify that the metal carcass of the disc was painted red and that white smoke escaped from it.

[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":


Saucers, cigars, etc.

A motorist from Cherbonnière (Charente-Maritime) was driving with his 3-year-old son, when he felt all over the body tingling similar to electric shocks that got worse as his car moved forward.

The child who felt the same stings began to cry. Soon the engine of the car stopped and the headlights went out.

At the same time, a bright glow passing from bright red to orange blinded the motorist who was however able to make out a motionless craft in space for a few moments, then it soon disappeared. Immediately afterwards the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

It's getting hot!

On the national road 393, near Turquestein (Moselle), the engine of a truck was again suddenly stopped by a bright apparition. The driver, Mr. Schonbrenner, his hands riveted to the wheel as if he were paralyzed, saw a sort of phosphorescent-based cone, the tip of which was yellow-orange. Mr. Schonbrenner said he had felt a sensation of warmth, as already other people had in similar circumstances.

Always faster

Many witnesses, inhabitants of the municipalities of the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thoméry, stated they had seen, at nightfall, a strange phenomenon: an oval-shaped craft, yellow-orange in color, measuring more than 20 meters, at an altitude of 300 or 400 meters.

The craft stood still for a while and vanished at breakneck speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L., weather specialist, who lives in Thoméry, estimates that the speed of the craft was of the order of 10,000 kilometers per hour, quite simply.

Mr. L. clarified:

"I am absolutely certain, because I am familiar with this issue, that it is neither an airplane nor a weather balloon."

A Pekinese dog
victim of a "saucer"

Several workers at a factory in Pozzuoli, near Naples, said a Pekinese dog died of fright upon seeing a "flying saucer."

The workers and the dog saw a motionless silver object in the sky. Suddenly the object rose vertically, with a shrill hissing sound. The Pekinese dog barked and fell dead to the ground.


Observed by hundreds of witnesses


Melun. -- Hundreds of witnesses, living the communes of the areas of the Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret and Thoméry say they have seen, Thursday evening, a strange phenomenon: a machine of oval shape, orange yellow color, measuring more than twenty meters, at 300 meters of altitude.

The machine remained motionless during a certain time and disappeared at a vertiginous speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L..., a weather specialist, who lives in Thoméry, estimates that the speed of the machine was about 10.000 kilometers per hour, quite simply. Mr. L... specified:

"I am absolutely certain, because I know this matter well, that this was neither a plane nor a weather balloon."

Tickle, tickle...

A motorist of Cherbonnières (Charente-Maritime), drove on the road of Souzou in company of his three year old son, when he felt on all the body ticklings similar to electric discharges which were accentuated as his car advanced.

The child, who felt the same annoying sensation, started to cry. Soon the engine of the car stopped and the headlights died out. At the same time, a sharp gleam passing from a sharp red to the orange color dazzled the motorist who could nevertheless distinguish a craft, motionless in space during a few moments. Then, the latter soon disappeared. At once afterwards, the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

Same phenomenon in Critreuil-la-Magdeleine (Charente), where Tuesday around 8 p.m., Mr. Sion had the headlights of his car extinct and his battery emptied by a red ball of two meters in diameter, which rose from road causing a violent displacement of air volume.

In Italy, saucers and cigars are reported everywhere, while in Sweden, a "disc in rotation" was seen in various points of the area. It was said to be a meteor.



saw an "oval craft"

MELUN, October 22. -- Numerous witnesses, residents of municipalities in the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery, declared to have seen, at nightfall, a strange phenomenon: an oval shaped object, of yellow orange color, measuring more than 20 meters, at 200 or 400 meters of altitude. Note: the 20 meters would be the real measure of the object and not its size as it appeared to them.

The craft remained motionless for a while and disappeared at breakneck speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L..., weather specialist, who lives in Thomery, estimates that the speed of the craft was of the order of 10,000 km/hour, quite simply.

Mr. L... said: "I am absolutely certain, because I know this question well, that it is neither an airplane nor a sounding balloon."

In Melun itself, several young girls coming out of an evening class, claim to have seen an almost similar craft in the sky which, after having stopped for ten minutes, would have risen very quickly in the sky.

Also, a luminous ball resembling a car headlight appeared six times to two industrialists from Melun who were traveling on the Melun-Rubelles national road. The appearance of this luminous focus would have caused each time a very large flash illuminating the region.

Finally, several riders from a horse racing center in La Rochelle (Seine-et-Marne) [sic], claim to have seen a character run away in the park. "He was strange, they say. He could only be a Martian."

In the Charente-Maritime, on the other hand, a motorist from Cherbonnières was driving on the road to Sousou with his 3-year-old son, when he felt tingling all over his body similar to electric shocks, which increased as his car moved. The child, who felt the same discomfort, began to cry.

Soon the car engine stopped and the headlights went out. At the same time, a bright glow was seen, going from bright red to orange.

Blinded, the motorist could however distinguish a craft stationary in space for a few moments, then this one will disappear soon. Immediately afterwards, the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

An optical illusion

In the department of Isère, in recent days, motorists claim to have seen, in the Morestel region, a mysterious craft which must have landed near this location.

Continued on 2nd page under the title Flying Saucers


Flying saucers

(Continued from 1st page)

However, the next morning, a farmer from a neighboring hamlet noticed that a strange device was in a field. What increased his surprise was that an intermittent light emanated from the device.

It was actually a sounding balloon with its recording devices which included bulbs, whose light would vary, it is said, according to certain temperature conditions.

The farmer shipped the balloon and the devices to the address indicated on the attached sheet, that is to say the Observatory of Trappes (Seine-et-Oise).

It is probably the luminous "saucer" seen the previous evening by motorists victims of an optical illusion.

In the Italian sky

Many discs, saucers and flying cigars were seen yesterday in the sky of Italy. Several people saw these craft moving above Milan, while residents of Perugia, Bologna and other localities of the North of the peninsula were also eyewitnesses of these incursions of flying discs or cigars.

The most precise testimony was collected in Naples, where two workers who were in the suburbs of the city, clearly distinguished an apparatus, of circular shape, moving in the sky at 800 meters of altitude, following a northeast direction.

The phenomenon lasted 2 minutes and the two workers were able to specify that the metal carcass of the disc was painted red and that white smoke escaped from it.

In Norway

Around Kongsvinger, a town about 80 km northeast of Oslo, several people said they saw several luminous objects crisscrossing the sky last night at an extraordinary speed, from west to southeast, disappearing on the horizon after a few minutes,

Some witnesses claim that these fireballs exploded in their course.

According to most observations, it is a giant fireball that ignites on contact with the atmosphere.



still appear
in the sky of France

Melun, October 22.

Numerous witnesses, residents of municipalities in the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery declared to have seen, at nightfall, a strange phenomenon: an oval shaped object, yellow orange in color, measuring more than 20 meters, at 300 or 400 meters of height. Clarification: the 20 meters would be the real measure of the object and not its size as it appeared to them.

The craft remained motionless for a while and disappeared at breakneck speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L ..., weather specialist, who lives in Thomery, estimates that the speed of the craft was of the order of 10,000 km per h., quite simply. Mr. L ... clarified:

"I am absolutely certain, because I know this question well, that it is neither an airplane nor a weather balloon."

In Melun itself, several young girls coming out of an evening class claim to have seen an almost similar craft in the sky, which, after having stopped for ten minutes, would have risen very quickly in the sky.

However, a luminous ball resembling a car headlight would have appeared, six times, to two industrialists from Melun who were traveling on the national road Melun-Rubelles. The appearance of this luminous focus would have caused each time a very large flash illuminating the region.

Finally, several riders from an equestrian center in La Rochelle claim to have seen a character flee from their park.

"He was strange, they said. He could only be a Martian."

The driver feels

La Rochelle, October 22.

A motorist from Cherbonnière was driving on the road to Pouzou with his five-year-old son when he felt all over his body tingling sensations like electric shocks which increased as his car moved forward. The child, who felt the same discomfort, began to cry. Soon the car engine stopped and the headlights went out. At the same time, a bright glow was seen, changing from bright red to orange. Blinded, the motorist could however distinguish a craft hovering in space for a few moments and then it soon disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

In the Italian sky

Rome, October 22.

Many discs, saucers, and flying cigars were seen yesterday in the sky of Italy. Several people have seen these craft move over Milan. While residents of Perugia, Bologna, and other localities in the north of the peninsula were also eyewitnesses to these incursions of flying discs or cigars.

The most precise testimony was collected in Naples, where two workers who were in the suburbs of the city clearly distinguished a circular craft, moving in the sky at about eight hundred meters of altitude, following a direction to the northeast. The phenomenon lasted three minutes and the two workers were able to specify that the metal casing of the discs was painted red and that white smoke escaped from it.

In the Norwegian sky

Oslo, October 22.

Around Kongsvinger, a city about eighty kilometers northeast of Oslo, several people said they saw several luminous objects flying in the sky last night at an extraordinary speed, from the west to the southeast, to disappear on the horizon after a few seconds.

Some witnesses claim that these balls of fire exploded in their course.

According to most observations, it is a giant fireball that ignites on contact with the atmosphere.




IT IS, in our region, in Noyon, in Morenval, and in Mesnil-en-Thelle, in the rest of the country, in the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thoméry, Melun and the Rochelle, that "saucers", "cigars", "disks" and other flying craft - with and without "Martians" have been reported in the past 24 hours.

In Noyon they are young people and several other reliable people who claimed to have seen Tuesday evening, around 9 pm, "a mysterious luminous craft, having the shape of a cigar tapering at both ends and representing rather well the profile of a saucer."

The craft; which according to the statements of the witnesses was "of variable color, brilliant and indefinable", carried out, they say, vertical oscillations above the village of Vauchelles.

The phenomenon concludes the witnesses could be observed for half an hour, then the saucer seemed to dive towards the ground and disappeared behind the hills of Porquericourt.

Other witnesses

Tuesday evening, Mssrs. Baquet, a schoolteacher in the hamlet of Morenval, and Letombe, his neighbor, took advantage of the moonlight to hunt for wild boars.

Both leaving, rifles on their shoulders, they reached around 9:30 p.m. a cornfield located at the place "la pointe de Blérancourt" along the Tracy-le-Mont-Blérancourt road.

Suddenly, Mr. Letembe, looking up, saw a luminous craft in the shape of an "elongated spheroid"; which moved horizontally in the sky, at a dizzying pace. Mr. Letombe, calling for the attention of Mr. Baquet, the two hunters were able to follow for about ten seconds, the course of the craft which, without the slightest noise, continued its course from east to west, until it disappears on the horizon.

The same phenomena was reportedly also seen more or less at the same time, by residents of Attichy and Carlepont.

For their part, Mssrs. René Didelet, technical agent at the S.N.C.F., and Omer Van de Sompaele, farmer, living in Mesnil-en-Thelle, declared that they saw "towards the south, a red sphere the size of a fist, which moved horizontally at breakneck speed, leaving behind an incandescent trail."

Numerous witnesses living in the municipalities of the regions of Bray-sur-Seine, Lagny, Moret, Thomery, also declared having seen, at nightfall, a strange phenomenon: an oval-shaped machine, yellow-orange in color, measuring more than 20 meters, at an altitude of 300 or 400 meters.

The craft stood still for some time and disappeared at breakneck speed.

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L ..., a weather specialist, who live in Thomery, estimates that the speed of the craft was of the order of 10,000 kilometers per hour.

Mr. L ... specified:

"I am absolutely certain, because I am familiar with this matter, that it is neither an airplane nor a weather balloon."

In Melun itself, several young girls coming out of an evening class, claim to have seen a similar machine in the sky, which, after stopping for ten minutes, would have risen very quickly in the sky.

A luminous ball

However, a luminous ball resembling a car headlight reportedly appeared, on six occasions, at two industrialists from Melun who were circulating on the national road Melun-Rubelles. The appearance of this luminous focus would have caused each time a very large flash of lightning illuminating the region.

For their part, several riders from a horse riding center in La Rochelle, claim to have seen a character flee from their park.

"He was strange, they say, he could only be a Martian."

Strange discomfort

Finally, a motorist from Cherbonnières was driving on the road to Souzou, near La Rochelle, with his 3-year-old son, when he felt a tingling sensation all over his body similar to electric shocks which increased as his car moved forward. The child, who felt the same discomfort, began to cry. Soon the engine of the car stopped, and the headlights went out. At the same time, a bright glow was seen, going from bright red to orange. Blinded, the motorist was however able to distinguish a machine motionless in space for a few moments then it soon disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

Many disks, saucers and flying cigars were also reported yesterday in the skies over Italy. Several people said they saw these craft flying over Milan, while residents of Perugia, Bologna, and other localities in the north of the peninsula also claimed to have seen incursions of discs or flying cigars.



"Stacks" of saucers in the sky of Ile-de-France

"One of them was moving at 10.000 km/h", a witness estimates

Paris. -- The gentle sky of Ile-de-France was crisscrossed over the past twenty-four hours by many mysterious craft.

All of them did not appear until dark, but the witnesses brought a lot of details and they are now on the long list of "those who have seen it". In Bray-sur-Seine like in Lagny, in Moret like in Thomery, many inhabitants have seen at nightfall, an oval-shaped craft, of orange-yellow color, measuring more than 20 meters at 300 or 400 meters of altitude. Precision: the 20 meters would be the real measure of the object and not its dimension as it appeared to them.

The craft remained stationary for some time and disappeared at a dizzying speed. It could only be a Martian!

One of the witnesses, Mr. André L..., a weather expert, estimated that the craft was traveling at ten thousand Kms-hour approximately. So he must have, at the same time, a good view and a precise idea of the speed. Mr. L... specified: "I am absolutely certain of what I am saying, because I know the question well." But no one doubts it.

In Melun itself, several young girls, coming out of an evening class, claim to have seen in the sky, a similar craft which, after stopping for about ten minutes, would have gone up very rapidly in the sky.

Meanwhile, a luminous ball resembling a car headlight appeared six times to two industrialists of Melun who were traveling on the national road Melun-Rubelles. The appearance of this luminous spot caused every time a very wide flash illuminating the area.

Finally, several riders from a horse racing center in La Rochelle say they saw a character escape from their park. "He was strange," they said. "It could only be a Martian." These are witnesses who are not devoid of a certain sense of humor.

Tickle, tickle...

Much more disturbing, if not funny, is the testimony of a motorist of Cherbonnières (Charente-Maritime). He was driving along the road to Souzou with his son, aged three, when he felt tingling like electric shocks all over his body which increased as his car moved on. The child who felt the same discomforts, began to weep. Soon the engine stopped and the headlights went out. At the same moment a bright glow "changed" from a bright red color to an orange color.

Blinded, the motorist was able, however, to distinguish a stationary machine in space for a few moments, then the latter disappeared soon. Immediately after that, the driver was able to restart the engine of his car.

Italian disk

Numerous discs, saucers and flying cigars have, moreover, been seen in the Italian sky, above Milan as well as Perugia or Bologna.

The most precise testimony was taken in Naples, where two workers who were in the suburb of the city, clearly distinguished a craft, circular in shape, moving in the sky at about eight hundred meters, in a northeasterly direction. The phenomenon lasted three minutes and both workers were able to specify that the metal carcass of the disc was painted red and that a white smoke came out of it.

... and Swedish fireball

Finally, a luminous object having, according to certain witnesses, of the appearance of a rotating disc, and according to Others that of a violently lit aircraft, was seen over several cities in the center-west of Sweden. The object was surrounded by sparks. It is assumed to be an aerolite of exceptional brightness.



Counter-offensive of the saucers?


THE SAUCERS abandoned our skies so lenient this week. They are found again. Indeed, Norway and Sweden know in their turn the suspended luminous ball turning on itself and spinning at an incredible speed.

The Swedish Defense Service has reported that unusual celestial phenomena, believed to be meteors, have been observed at various places in the west, center and south of Sweden.

Eyewitnesses observed two globes which moved close to each other from west to east, projecting a very bright white light which became reddish at the edges. Suddenly the objects gained altitude and disappeared.

Several people said they saw four globes that moved two by two from northwest to southwest. They specified that these objects were "bigger than the biggest stars" and left streaks behind them.

In the Norwegian sky, around Kongavinçer, located about 80 kilometers northeast of Oslo, several people saw several luminous objects crisscrossing the sky at an extraordinary speed, from west to southeast, to disappear on the horizon after a few seconds.

Some witnesses claim that these fireballs exploded in their course.

It was, according to most observers, a giant fireball that would have ignited on contact with the atmosphere.


A farmer from Morestel (Isère) noticed that a strange device was in a field.

What increased his surprise was that an intermittent light emanated from the device.

It was a sounding balloon with its recording devices which include bulbs whose light would vary, it seems, according to certain temperature conditions.

The farmer shipped the balloon and the devices to the Trappes Observatory (S.-et-O.).


A motorist in the Cherbonnières region (Charente-Maritime) reports that, while driving in the company of his son, aged 3 and a half years old, he suddenly felt on his body "tingling sensations like electric shocks which worsened as he advanced."

The car engine suddenly stopped and the headlights went out.

The child then started to cry and at the same time a bright gleam passing from bright red to orange blinded the motorist. They saw a craft which remained motionless in space. Then the flying saucer disappeared and the driver had no difficulty in starting the engine.



Interplanetary chronicle???


In Audruicq (P.-de-C.), MM. Maurice Ramette and Léon Gégnier saw, high in the sky, an object of round shape and white in color which was moving towards them. Suddenly, the craft tilted and disappeared at breakneck speed.


In Hesdin (P.-de-C.), Mr. Jean Gambier, a police officer, was on his way to his duty when his attention was attracted to a blaze in the sky. Above the forest, a red object seemed to descend from the starry sky. The lower part of the craft left behind a luminous trail.

Many residents of Huby-Saint-Leu, a village near Hesdin, also witnessed this phenomenon.


A resident of the village of Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales), to whom two motorcyclists wanted to request information, fled, the other day, shouting: "The Martians are coming". Caught by the bikers, who, to reassure him, had removed their helmets, the farmer admitted that if he had had a gun in his hands he would have killed them.


A saucer was seen by the supervisor of a penitentiary center in Ecrouves, Mr. Roger Thiriet, residing in Blénod-les-Toul (Meurthe-et-Moselle). The jailer's saucer is not exactly fresh since it would have appeared on October 10. But Mr. Thiriet remained silent for a long time "fearing to be the laughing stock of his colleagues". However, his secret seemed to him too burdensome, and here is the account given to the gendarmes by this balanced man:

- I returned to the center by motorbike, when around 6:30 a.m., near the railway bridge, near Charmes-la-Côte, my headlight lighted an aluminum-colored saucer appearing from the fog, posed on the ground. The craft was 2 meters in diameter and 1.40 meters high. It was surmounted by a dome pierced by two portholes.

"I stopped my engine immediately; but as I approached, the saucer rose without noise."

It turns out that, this same October 10, a machine identical to [Continued on page 3]


A very bright flying disc was seen by a group of workers over a street in Rome. It is one of the innumerable appearances of the "flying saucers" which visit Italy at the moment. Their arrival provokes a strong emotion. In Livorno, a young man, Bruno Senesi, was sent urgently to the mad house. He had presented himself, very agitated, at the city hospital, shouting: "They come to take me... I saw them land in a field... Discs big like that, all in light and in smoke, full of Martians, small and red."


The people of Bondowoso, in east Java, were terrified when they saw a white and green disc, which passed at high speed over the city and disappeared in half a minute. Witnesses described the object as a "large plate" with a rotating movement.


A "Stratojet" plane which flies daily over the Rhône valley, at an altitude of about 10,000 meters, was mistaken the other day, by several inhabitants of Vienna, for a flying saucer.

Indeed, a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. Kinds of parachutes were formed in the sky, animated of strange movements, which soon reached the ground.

The witnesses of the phenomenon seized this matter and one of them put a little of the substance in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, the contents of the box, although waterproof, had evaporated.

It seems that the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the "stratojet" fuel can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed and thus gives rise to various interpretations.

This observation made above the aerodrome of Vienne, is identical to that already reported in its time, by a resident of Oloron.


Interplanetary chronicle???

(continued from page 1)


Aussay, a small town near Dieppe, was overflown by a mysterious craft which emitted a strange whistling sound. It had the shape of a gigantic cigar thay could reach 15 to 18 meters in length; in the center of the craft there was a disc surmounted by a dome.


In Villepinte (Aude), Mr. Henri Rouquet, 22, was returning home when he noticed a luminous form that was moving at high altitude. Suddenly, the craft lands not far from the farm where the young man lives. Mr. Bouquet then hastened to warn his family and several neighbors, who were able to observe the saucer distinctly. After a few minutes, the disc rose silently and quickly disappeared.


In Ham (Somme), three motorcyclists, MM. Marc and Gilles Lemaire, and Jean Ivard, were going to their work when they noticed in the sky a red disc followed by a flaming cone which advanced at the speed of an airplane. At the precise moment when the craft was above the motorcyclists, the engines of their machines stopped suddenly and the headlights went out. Everything returned to normal when the mysterious object moved away.


A motorist in the Cherbonnières region was driving with his 3 and a half year old son on the road from Sérifère to Paillé when, around 9:30 p.m., he and the child experienced painful tingling sensations, similar to electric shocks; which increased as they progressed.

The car engine suddenly stopped and the headlights went out. The child started to cry. A bright glow, passing from bright red to orange, dazzled the occupants of the car, who see a motionless craft in space. Then what they recognized as a flying saucer disappeared in the night.

been seen in Longwy, in the north of the department.

- It must be a secret weapon, said Mr. Thiriet (who does not believe in Martians), built by a foreign power. I think the craft would come from Antarctica.


Two motorists from Royan, Mr. Labestière and his wife, saw in the sky "a kind of waddling balance".

- The scourge was dazzling green, witnesses said. One of the plates was red, the other orange. After remaining motionless, the two plates detached and landed in a field. Two little beings came out of it and, after crossing paths, changed their plates. The "flying balance" then disappeared, plates included, in a dazzling flash.


In Ollainville, near Arpajon, six residents of the locality noticed an incandescent object which at first looked like a star and was revealed as it approached in the shape of a cigar. Coming from the west, the object disappeared to the east.


In Saint-Fiacre, not far from Etampes, several people saw a craft in the shape of a gigantic star spinning above the village for 20 minutes.


The mayor of Nexon (Haute Vienne) saw a very bright metallic hemisphere hovering at breakneck speed, without noise.


A very brilliant disc was even seen in Boulogne-sur-Seine, by a dozen workers from the Régie Renault. The phenomenon had been observed in broad daylight for half an hour.


In Trevedec (C.-du-N.), several people saw a flying saucer hovering over the sea.


Near Aire-sur-Lys, a worker at the steel works in Isbergues saw a luminous sphere descend slowly. When it touched the ground, the sky lit up.


The file of the US Air Force UFO investigation project "Blue Book" include a number of Press reports about the flying saucers in France in 1954, including this one, with no source reference:

A motorist of Cherbonnières was driving along the road from Souzou together with his 3-year-old son, when he felt pricklings all over his body, feeling like electrical sparks, which became more pronounced as his car moved onward. The child, who felt the same symptoms, began to cry. Presently the motor of the car stopped and the headlights went out. At this moment, the motorist saw a brilliant light changing from bright red to orange. Though blinded by it, he could make out a machine hovering motionless in midair, which after a few moments disappeared. Immediately thereafter, the driver was able to start his engine.

[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:

Jimmy Guieu indicates that on October 21, 1954 in the area of La Rochelle, a motorist of Cherbonnières drove on the road of Souzou with his 3-year-old son when he felt prickling on the body similar to electric discharges which were increasing as the car advanced.

The child felt the same faintness and started to cry. Soon the engine stopped and the headlights died out, and at this very time a sharp gleam was seen, passing from the sharp red to the orange color.

The motorist was dazzled but however distinguished a circular craft during a few moments before it flew away.

As soon as the machine disappeared the faintness of the driver ceased and he was able to restart the car's engine.

[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

Aimé Michel indicates that on October 21, 1954, a motorist who drove with his three year old son on the road Inter Communale I.C. 20 close to Pouzou, a village near La Rochelle, suddenly felt an impression of increasing heat and electrification of all his body.

The child started to cry, as he experiences the same symptoms.

The car's engine stalled and the headlights died out.

At the same time, a machine which had first appeared to them as dark appeared in front of them, almost instantly became luminous, sharp red, then orange, and then flew away at high speed. The symptoms disappeared then.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


October 21 [, 1954]

? [= unknown hour]: Road of Pouzou-Nuallié(near Les-Eglises-d'Argenteuil) to Cherbonnières (15 km ENE.Saint-Jean-d'Angely) (Charente-Maritime): lenticular craft dark then lumin. on the ground/+tickling, engine stop, headlight failure and heat


The author indicates that on October 21, 1954 in Charente-Maritime, an inhabitant of La Rochelle and his three year old son, "Car. Craft stopped on the road, initially dark then luminous. Witness feeling heat and electrification. Stalled engine. Extinct headlights. (M. II, p.341)."

[Ref. jve4:] JACQUES VALLEE:

October 21, 1954, 09:30 p.m.. Pouzou (France, between Sérifère and Paille):

A man and his four-year-old son, coming from Charbonnières, suddenly felt painful tingling, similar to those produced by an electric shock; the child began to cry. The intensity of the pain increased as the car moved on, until the engine stopped suddenly and the lights went out. They were blinded by a powerful red light that turned orange; it emanated from an object that moved over the road. As soon as the object had disappeared, everything returned to normal (L'Aurore, 22 oct. 1954).


A man, accompanied by his 4-year-old son, suddenly felt painful tingling sensations, similar to those produced by an electric shock, while the child began to cry. The intensity of the pain increased as the car moved forward, until the engine suddenly stopped and the headlights went out. They were then blinded by a powerful red light coming from an object which moved above the road. Everything returned to normal as soon as the object disappeared (21.10.1954, France: 14, case 300).

The source "14" is detailed in the references as "J. Vallée, Chronique des Apparitions Extraterrestres, Denoël, 1972."


10/21/1954 Pouzou (Charente) (09:30 p.m.)

A man and his son felt unpleasant tingling like electric shocks of increasing intensity. Then the engine of their car stalled and the headlights went out. A dark object on the road then lit up and took off.

V.c N300 - Centre-Matin for 10/23/1954

The case of Pouzou allows us to introduce another type of phenomena sometimes related to "paralysis". These are motor vehicle stopping (cars, trucks, mopeds...) with or without the extinction of the headlights. These testimonies tend to prove that electrical phenomena would be involved.

But there is a much more important point, in our opinion:

All "paralyzed" motorists saw, without exception, their vehicle immobilized. But the opposite is not true and many vehicles were stopped without their driver being deprived of movement (Pouzou for example).

All this shows that the occupants of "Flying Saucers" have an absolute respect for human life. Suffice it to think about what would happen if a motorist was suddenly "paralyzed" at the wheel of his vehicle launched at 100 km / h. Any comment seems superfluous.


10/21/1954 Pouzou (Charente Maritime).

A man and his son, by car, felt an impression of electrification combined with a feeling of increasing heat (engine stalled, headlights went off).

[Ref. nip1:] NICAP:

22. October 21, 1954; near La Rochelle, France. Motorist and child felt shock and heat, motor and headlights failed; then luminous UFO became visible ahead of car.

[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:

Jacques Vallée indicates that on October 21, 1954, in the department of Charente, a man from Cherbonnieres was driving his car toward Pouzou. With him was his three-year-old son. Suddenly he felt prickling all over his body, similar to electric discharges; this painful feeling became more intense as the car kept going. Soon the child started to cry and, as the car proceeded, the engine died and so did the headlights. At the same time the witness noticed a bright, glowing red color changing to orange, soon becoming of a blinding intensity. For a few seconds he saw an object hovering; it disappeared soon afterward. He was then able to start his engine again.

[Ref. lcp1:] LEONARD G. CRAMP:

The author indicates that in the night of October 21, 1954, a motorist and his three-year-old son were driving in the vicinity of La Rochelle, near Pouzou, when the child began to cry. At the same instant the driver felt an electric shock and increasing heat pass through his body. The engine stopped and the lights went out, revealing a glowing object on the road directly ahead, which until then had been invisible. Instantly the thing became brilliantly luminous, first bright red, then orange as it took to the air. Everything then returned to normal.

[Ref. lcp2:] LEONARD G. CRAMP:

("Fig 48. Table of some typical UFO effects on cars and people at varying distances.")

Seine-Inferieure France. October 1954 'Electric shock', car engine & headlamps went out same time. 300 feet.

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

384 000.42128 45.99000 21 10 1954 POUZOU-lcp20-CH.N F 001233 G
386 21 10 1954 21 30 1 RTE SERIFERE-PAILLE F 301 A

[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:

N° 153. October 21. Pouzou: a man of Cherbonnières, who had with him his 3-year-old child in his car, is seized with painful tickling similar to electric shocks. It is more and more painful as the car moves on; suddenly the engine stops, the headlights go off and the child starts to cry. They are blinded by a strong red light that changes to the orange color. It came from an object hovering on the road. The object flies away fast.

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:



300) October 21, 1954, 09:30 p.p., Pouzou (Francem between SérifèRe and Paille:

Between Serifere and Paille, a man from Cherbonnieres suddenly felt painful prickling similar to electric shocks and his 4-year-old child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and suddenly the engine died and the lights went off. They were blinded by a strong red light, which turned orange. It came from an object hovering above the road, and everything returned to normal when it went away. (L'Aurore, 22 oct 1954) (80; M 341).


In a list of 1954 French cases that need to be reinvestigated, the magazine noted the case "21-10-54 Pouzou, between Sérifère and Paille".

[Ref. gab1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "G.A.B.R.I.E.L.":

10/21/1954 Pouzou (Charente Maritime)

Around 9:30 p.m., a motorist and his son felt an electric shock combined with a growing sensation of heat. The car's engine stalled and the headlights went out. The two witnesses then discovered across the road a dark craft which became instantly luminous, changing from bright red to orange before taking off. In the car, everything went back to normal. (J. Giraud; "Centre Matin" of 10/23/1954)


The two authors indicate that in Les Eglises d'Argenteuil in the Charente-Maritime, on October 21, 1954 at 09:30 p.m., a motorist and his three years old son which came from Cherbonnières drove on the departmental road D220.

Near Pouzou, they felt tickling on the body, similar to electric discharges which were accentuated as the vehicle advanced.

The child started to cry. The engine of the car stopped and the headlights died out.

At the same time, a sharp gleam was seen, changing color from sharp red to orange, gleam which came from a lenticular object evolving at low altitude above the road.

This object took altitude while accelerating. As soon as it disappeared, all became normal again.

They indicate as sources the newspaper "L'Aurore" for October 22, 1954, the catalogue by Jacques Vallée, "Black out sur les soucoupes volantes" by Jimmy Guieu, page 228, and "A propos des S.V." by Aimé Michel page 224.


The two authors affirm that "the purists of the saucer know well" of the case of October 21, 1954 in the Charente-Maritime in Pouzou. They indicate that the case was adulterated, and give this summary:

"A man and his son, 4 years old, coming from Charbonnières [sic; Cherbonnières] suddenly felt painful tickling, similar to those produced by an electrical shock; the child started to cry. The intensity of the pain increased as the car advanced until the sudden stopping of the engine and the extinction of the headlights. They were dazzled by a powerful red light which changed to orange; it emanated from an object which evolved above the road."

They say then that nothing or almost nothing in this text corresponds so what the witness told. He allots the fact of having stalled, and the feeling of heat, unimpressive, which he felt to the emotion and surprise at the passage of a phenomenon that he describes as brief, very fast, a luminous body with a trail of light.



October 21, 1954 CHARENTE MARITIME

A UFO is posed on a road: the engine of a car stalls.

Headlights off.

(réf. Aimé MICHEL - "M0C")


479 21 October 1954 21 30 hrs

POUZOU (FRANCE) A resident of Cherbonniers [sic] was driving from La Rochelle with his 3 year old son on Route IC20 when between Serifere and Paille, they suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to electric shocks and the child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and suddenly the engine died and the lights went off. They were blinded by a strong red light which turned orange. It came from an object hovering above the road and everything returned to normal when it went away at high speed. (M3OO: L'Aurore 22 Oct 54; Michel II, 204)

[Ref. mbd1:] MICHEL BOUGARD:

The Belgian ufologist indicates that in France, on October 21, 1954, a man suddenly felt painful prickling similar to electric shocks and his 4-year-old child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and suddenly the engine died and the lights went off. They were blinded by a strong red light, which turned orange. It came from an object hovering above the road, and everything returned to normal when it went away.

The source is indicated as case 300 of the Vallée catalogue.

[Ref. mrr1:] MARK RODEGHIER:

Oct. 21, 1954

Night. FRANCE, La Rochelle:

A man and his three-year-old son were out on a drive when the man felt an electric shock all over his body. He also had a sensation of increased heat, and his son began to cry. The engine of the car then died and the headlights went out. Suddenly an object on the road directly in front of the car became very bright. The witness had not seen it before. It was red in color, which changed to orange as it rose into the air. The car could then be restarted and the physical symptoms disappeared. (Michel)

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:

This ufologist noted:

248 CE0-2 10 21 1954 09.30 p.m. Pouzou 17400 E4 NI, OVNI: p. 194


10/21/1954 17 Pouzou between Sérifère and Paille

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

Jean Sider discusses the case he calls "of Cherbonnières", in the Charente-Maritime, on October 21, 1954, an observation reported in the local press in the following manner, he says: "A motorist from Cherbonnières, Charente-Maritime, was driving towards Pouzou with his three-year-old son when he suddenly felt a tingling similar to electric shocks which increased as the car moved forward. Then the engine stopped and the headlights went out. At the same time a bright glow changing from bright red to orange blinded the witness who could nevertheless distinguish a motionless craft in space for a few moments. Just after its disappearance, the engine could start again."

"The same phenomenon occurred in Criteuil-la-Magdeleine, Tuesday around 8:00 p.m. Mr. Sionneau had the headlights of his car extinguished and his battery emptied by a red ball of two meters in diameter which rose from the road causing a violent displacement of air ".

He reports that all the versions of this case published in different newspapers cite this, leaving the witness in total anonymity, and the AFP dispatch taken up by certain press pubications even quotes a motorist from Cherbonnières, version on which Barthel and Brucker [bbr1] leaned on to write page 190:

"Nothing, or almost nothing, in this text corresponds to what the witness told us...".

Jean Sider exclaims: "What witness? His name, no more than the locality where he could have been found, are given. Given the anonymity of this motorist both in the original version of La République de Bordeaux and of Sud-Ouest for October 23, 1954, page 6, as well as in the AFP dispatch, there is not the slightest chance that he could have been discovered and contacted by our two censors, especially at ChArbonnières, a town that does not even exist in the Charente-Maritime!

He indicates that according to Barthel and Brucker, the side effects are due to the "emotion and surprise" caused by the sight of a phenomenon that Barthel and Brucker do not even bother to define, leaving the reader to guess that they may be thinking of a meteor, "their favorite escape route..."

He then quotes what Evry Schatzman wrote in his preface to the Barthel and Brucker book: "UFO literature is not just some particular brainwashing; it contributes to degrading fundamental research in the eyes of the public which is done in public institutions..." "(page 9)".

He returns the compliment by explaining that cramming is "a specialty of rationalists. Ufologists collect testimonies and if they interpret them in their own way (even if they are in error), the responsibility in this lies with the obscurantist Science which rejects them systematically without even examining them. That's all!"

[Ref. jsc1:] JOHN F. SHUESSLER:

1954/10/21 FRANCE, POUZOU

Source: Official UFO, Feb 76

Two witnesses felt painful prickling and heat all over their bodies. The car engine and lights failed.

EFFECTS: Electric shock
Prickling sensation
EM effects on car

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:


October 21st. Near Pouzou, France, (no time known)

Painful prickling.

A glowing red mass positioned itself over a road near Pouzou, in the department of Charente. In the distance an auto approached. At the wheel was a resident of the town of Cherbonnieres on his way to Pouzou. A passenger in the vehicle was the driver's young son, a three-year-old. The driver noticed the red mass up ahead, and as his auto got nearer and nearer, a prickling like an electrical shock swept over his body and kept increasing in intensity. The young child evidently felt the same pain because the toddler began to act up. Soon after the auto's headlights went out and the engine stopped turning over. Once the auto lost power, it rolled to a stop. The red mass down the road turned an orange color and emitted a blinding brilliance. Suddenly the strange object vanished and at the same time the auto's headlights and engine returned to normal operation. 187.


4239: 1954/10/21 21:30 8 0:25:20 W 45:59:20 N 3333 WEU FRN CHM 8:7


RefN° 2 VALLEE:UFOS IN SPACE:Anatomy/phenon. Page No. 178 : PAYS DE FERMES


4239: 1954/10/21 21:30 8 0:25:20 W 45:59:20 N 3333 WEU FRN CHM 8:7


Ref# 2 VALLEE:UFOS IN SPACE:Anatomy/phenon. Page No. 178 : FARMLANDS


The Belgian ufologist indicates that in 1954, on October 21, in France, in Pouzou "At 09:30 p.m., a man coming from Cherbonnières (Charente Maritime) accompanied by his 4 year old son suddenly felt painful tickling, while the child started to cry. The intensity of the pain increased until the sudden stopping of the engine of the car and the extinction of the headlights. They were then dazzled by a powerful red light emanating from an object moving above the road."

The sources are given as "L'Aurore, 22 oct 1954"; "Jacques Vallée: 'Chronique des apparitions ET' - DENOEL 1972 - COLL. J'AI LU - p. 288"; "Michel BOUGARD: "Des S.V. aux OVNI" - SOBEPS 1976 - p. 215".

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:

Jérome Beau published the Mark Rodeghier [mrr1] text in English.

[Ref. jbu2:] JEROME BEAU:

Thursday, October 21, 1954


09:30 p.m.: In Pouzou (France), 1 man and his son (4 year old), coming from Charbonnières, suddenly feel painful prickling, similar to those produced by an electrical shock, the child starts to cry. The intensity of the pain increases as the car advanced, until the sudden stopping of the engine and the extinction of the headlights. They are blinded by a powerful red light which turned orange, it emanated from an object which moves above the road. A son as the object disappeared, all becomes normal again.


The sources are indicated as "L'Aurore, October 22, 1954".

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:

October 21

1954 - Pouzou, Charente-Maritime, France. At 9:30 p.m. a man from Cherbonnieres who was driving between Serifere and Paille suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to electric shocks and his 4-year-old child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and suddenly the engine died and the lights went off. They were blinded by a strong red light, which turned orange. It came from an object hovering above the road, and everything returned to normal when it went away. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 204; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 74; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 236-237, case 300; Michel Carrouges, Les Apparitions de Martiens, p. 129; Gregory Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Report, p. 8; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 4).

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Charente Maritime in L'Eglise d'Argenteuil on October 21, 1954 at 21:30 hours, "a motorist and his son (three years old), coming from Cherbonnières (17) drives on the D220. Near Pouzou, they feel on the body tickling similar to electric discharges that increase as the vehicle advances. The child starts to cry. The car's engine stops and the headlights die out. At the same time, a sharp gleam is seen, passing from the sharp red to the orange color. It comes from a lenticular object moving at low altitude above the road. This object takes altitude more and more quickly while accelerating. As soon as it disappeared, all becomes normal again."

The source is indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... par Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. dcy1:] DIDIER CHARNAY:

Didier Charnay indicates that the newspaper Sud Ouest for July 29, 2009, in their section "Sacrés Ovnis", published the case of Les Eglises-d’Argenteuil on October 21, 1954, on their [fee requested] website at

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 21 October 1954 at 21:30 in Pouzou, France, "An object was observed. Electromagnetic and physiological effects were noted. One object was observed by two male witnesses on a highway briefly."

The sources are indicated as *Guieu, Jimmy, Flying Saucers Come from Another World, Citadel, New York, 1956; Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1965; Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Cramp, Leonard G., Piece for a Jig-Saw, Somerton, Isle of Wight, 1966; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Carrouges, Michel, Les Apparitions de Martiens, Fayard, Paris, 1963; Hall, Richard H., The UFO Evidence, NICAP, Washington, 1964; Flying Saucers, Flying Saucers Magazine, (Palmer); Rodeghier, Mark, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, CUFOS, Chicago, 1981; Falla, Geoffrey, Vehicle Interference Project, BUFORA, London, 1979; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 21 October 1954 at 21:30 in Pouzou, France, Motorist and child felt shock and heat, motor and headlights failed; then luminous UFO became visible ahead of car".

And: "Pouzou, France. Between Serifere and Paille, a man from Cherbonnieres suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to electric shocks and his 4-year-old child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and suddenly the engine died and the lights went off. They were blinded by a strong red light, which turned orange. It came from an object hovering above the road, and everything returned to normal when it went away."

And: "Between Serifere and Paille, a man from Cherbonnieres suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to electric shocks and his 4-year-old child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and suddenly the engine died and the lights went off. They were blinded by a strong red light, which turned orange. It came from an object hovering above the road, and everything returned to normal when it went away."

And: "An object was observed. Electromagnetic and physiological effects were noted."

And: "One orange-red object was observed by two male witnesses on a highway briefly."

The sources are indicated as "Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01)".

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

(143) Oct. 21, 1954 - Pouzou, Charente-Maritime, France. At 9:30 p.m. a man from Cherbonnieres who was driving between Serifere and Paille suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to electric shocks and his 4-year-old child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and suddenly the engine died and the lights went off. They were blinded by a strong red light, which turned orange. It came from an object hovering above the road, and everything returned to normal when it went away. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 204; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 74; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 236-237, case 300; Michel Carrouges, Les Apparitions de Martiens, p. 129; Gregory Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Report, p. 8; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 4).

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 10 times instead of one:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541000 00.10.1954 Pouzou France CE II
19541021 21.10.1954 Pouzou France 21.30 CE II
19541021 21.10.1954 Pouzou France 21.30 CE II
19541021 21.10.1954 Pouzou France 21.30 CE II
19541021 21.10.1954 Pouzou France 21.30 CE II
19541021 21.10.1954 Pouzou France 21.30 CE II
19541021 21.10.1954 Pouzou France 21.30 CE II
19541021 21.10.1954 Serifere Paille France 21.30 NL
19541021 21.10.1954 Serifere France 21.30 CE II
19541021 21.10.1954 Pouzov [sic] France


October 21 1954. 2130hrs.


A resident of Cherbonniers [sic] was driving from La Rochelle with his three year old son on Rte 1C-20, when, between Serifere and Paille they suddenly felt painful pricklings, similar to electric shocks, and the child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car rolled on and, suddenly, the engine died and the lights went out. They were blinded by a strong red light, which turned orange. It came from an object hovering above the road. Everything returned to normal when it went away at high speed

Michel 1958b p204

Ramp [sic, Cramp] 1966 p153

Vallee Case 300 citing L'Aurore 22 October 1954.



A source without reference says that on October 21 in Pouzou, a man and his 4-year-old son, coming from Charbonnières, suddenly felt painful pricklings, similar to those produced by an electrical shock. The child started to cry. The intensity of the pain increased as the car advanced, until the sudden stall of the engine and the extinction of the headlights. They were blinded by a powerful red light which changed to orange, it emanated from an object which evolved above the road. As soon as the object had disappeared, all became normal again.

Pouzou, not "Souzou", is in the territory of Les Eglises d'Argenteuil, 17400, and a little more than 10 kilometers by the D220 road coming from Cherbonnières.


Paille exists, Sérifère is unknown.


Possible meteor.

Update on September 10, 2021:

Jean Sider's argument that the witness could not be interviewed by Barther and Brucker since his name had not been released is not as good as it looks.

I note indeed, in 2021, that his name did not appear in any source of my knowledge before 1979, and that moreover that no one has yet been able to find or wanted to find this name since.

But there was an indication that he lived in Cherbonnières. In the context of the time, it would have sufficed to go to this village to find out who the motorist in question was, and it is reasonable enough to think that in 1979, one could still have learned who he was by asking around in Cherbonnières.

Now, regarding Barthel and Brucker's writing on this case, their "investigation" may have been valid, but their publication is substandard, having all the flaws they wanted to denounce in the "literature" of their opponents.

They hide the name of this witness (admissible if he had asked them to do so, but we are not told about that), they do not say when their alleged interview of this witness took place, and above all, their alleged rectification of the original report is limited to claiming that "nothing, or almost" of what the press had reported was correct. I think it is difficult to practice a worse ufology than that.

Jean Sider is right on another element: the explanation of Barthel and Brucker shines by its vagueness. I myself think that it could have been a meteor, but the "investigation" of Barhel and Brucker which could have confirmed it, if not for Sider, at least for me, provides absolutely nothing useful.

The criticisms that I am making or taking up here do not apply only to their treatment of this only case, their book quite generalized this practice of affirmation of investigation without anything very specific coming out of it.

A criticism of Jean Sider is reversible, that relating to the erroneous orthograph "Charbonnières" instead of Cherbonnières. First of all, it could have been a simple typo, which absolutely does not allow us to claim that the village thus became untraceable to Barthel and Brucker, but also, it is enough to reread the sources that I present here to find Cherbonnières (correct), Cherbonnière, Charbonnière, and Cherbonniers (this last spelling by the British "skeptical" ufologist Peter Rogerson [prn2]). Barthel and Brucker are certainly not the only ones to misspell a place name or suffer a typo.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Pouzou, Charente-Maritime, Charbonnières, pricklings, effects, electricity, electric, motor, engine, car, stall, failure, pain, headlights, light, red, orange, object, road


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross April 21, 2003 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross December 23, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [mrr1], [goe1], [lcn1], [uda1], [uda2], [dcy1].
1.1 Patrick Gross January 12, 2010 Addition [jbu2].
1.2 Patrick Gross March 13, 2010 Addition [jgu1].
1.3 Patrick Gross June 30, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.4 Patrick Gross July 3, 2010 Additions [jve3] [lcp2].
1.5 Patrick Gross July 17, 2010 Additions [usa1].
1.6 Patrick Gross October 25, 2014 Additions [nip1].
1.7 Patrick Gross November 28, 2016 Additions [ler1], [jve2], [ldl1], [ubk1].
1.8 Patrick Gross December 14, 2016 Addition [lgs1].
1.9 Patrick Gross February 11, 2017 Additions of the Summary and the two maps. Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet."
2.0 Patrick Gross December 25, 2018 Additions [ous1], [prn1], [mft1], [lhh1], [prn2].
2.1 Patrick Gross October 14, 2019 Additions [ous2], [cnu1].
2.2 Patrick Gross January 31, 2020 Additions [pat1].
2.3 Patrick Gross April 5, 2020 Addition [ner1].
2.4 Patrick Gross May 7, 2020 Addition [cpd1].
2.5 Patrick Gross June 11, 2020 Addition [nll1].
2.6 Patrick Gross July 6, 2020 Addition [jps1].
2.7 Patrick Gross January 4, 2021 Addition [lcx1].
2.8 Patrick Gross May 14, 2021 Addition [lon1].
2.9 Patrick Gross August 23, 2021 Addition [ufa1].
3.0 Patrick Gross September 10, 2021 Additions [gqy1], [jsr1].
3.1 Patrick Gross June 29, 2022 Addition [amn1].
3.2 Patrick Gross July 16, 2022 Addition [gab1].

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