UFOs where I live?
I wondered whether there are UFO sighting reports in my own area, Alsace, in France. What are the cases? How many are there? Were they investigated, mentioned in the local or national medias? What is the proportion of hoaxes, misinterpretations? Time to start to investigate...
I wrote what appears below long ago. Please note that much more is now available in my ALSACAT catalogue !
Case listing:
I am currently constructing a listing of UFO sighting reports in Alsace, I link the related information in this list when I find it out.
1856: Cigar shaped UFO over Colmar, says Inforespace.
1944: Haguenau : 2 orange lights observed from US plane, Foo Fighter or Me163 Komet?
1952: June 1 , probable meteor in Colmar.
1953: Strasbourg, 1st December in the afternoon, a flying disk has been seen by a lone witness.
1954: Heiteren.
1954: Mulhouse, August 25 , four young people report a shiny disc zigzaging in the evening sky.
1954: Jettingen, October 8 , a single witness observation on October 7 is mentioned in national newspaper "France Soir".
1954: October 11, in Heimersdorf , Anny Pracht her sister Roselyne and 2 other people see a luminous object on the ground. It turns red and flies away when they get near. Article in national newspaper Figaro on October 13.
1954: In Issenheim, October 20 , Lucien Fisch sees a luminous object land near road N83. Quincy report, Paris-Presse, October 22.
1954: October 26, 09:30pm, two people see a UFO at Heiteren .
1954: October 14, a cigar shaped UFO near Andlau .
1954: Obersdorf, September 19 , a UFO with a silhouette in front of it.
1954: At Vanderling, September 19, an electrician, Mr. P. saw an object comparable to a fluorescent tube.
1954: Galfingue , a luminous sphere landed in a crop field, with "little beings" around, scares a witness who runs away.
1954: Kembs , between Niffer and Kembs.
1967: Firemen observe a UFO over their chalet at the Champ du Feu, the observation remains "unexplained" .
1968: Ufo lands at Merxheim, remembers a friend of mine.
1971: Mulhouse, June 26 , at 11:00pm two witnesses make a 2 minutes observation of a metallic looking sphere.
1971: Mulhouse and Wolschwiller, October 25 , a probable meteor.
1972: Chalampé, May 7 , luminous sphere.
1973: Mulhouse.
1975: August, 03:30pm at Kertzfeld, close encounter of the 1st kind between several witnesses and a metallic disc, lasted 10 minutes.
1975: Confirmed by the army: at Merxheim, on June 11, 10h00pm, 3 witnesses have a 15 minutes close encounter with a sphere.
1976: At Bouxwiller June 22, 01h00, 4 witnesses observe a multicolor flying cigar. Article in regional newspaper DNA.
1976: At Saverne le June 22, 06:00, several witnesses observe a multicolor flying cigar. Article in regional newspaper DNA.
1977: Red-orange luminous rectangle with portholes witnessed by 3 at Andlau.
1977: Youngster sees orange ball over farmhouse in Blotzheim at age 13, in winter, and is now a field ufologist.
1978: Several sightings in the Press in March.
1978: Press asks about a UFO in Bourtzwiller.
1983: Cigar shaped object above the Rhine.
1987: In July at Bellefosse, 11:00pm 4 witness a sphere, duration 3 minutes, says LeBihan.
1990: November 5, 07:00pm in Colmar, LDLN says one witness saw a flying triangle.
1990: November 5, 11:00pm in Bellefosse, says LeBihan, 3 witnesses see a flying blue-yellow triangle.
1993: March 8, in the evening in Mulhouse , says Ufoweb and the police, several people witness an orange luminous spot for 15 minutes.
1996: Sierentz.
1996: 1st of August, 10:04pm at Sierentz, LDLN says, a sphere has been observed.
1996: 1st of August, 11:03pm at Obernai, LDLN says an observation occurred.
1997: Misinterpretation: a discotheque's laser ray fooled two who reported a UFO to the gendarmes.
1998: Ufologist spots green light over Strasbourg town center.
1998: Ufology association reports testimonies to the regional press, August 14, 1998.
1998: At Horbourg-Wihr, Francoise Petermann observes a ufo.
1998: At Sainte Croix En Plaine, Francoise Petermann's sister-in-law reports her observation.
1998: A fast moving flickering lenticular cloud over the Colmar region.
1998: A UFO witness invited on a UFO debate on regional TV.
1998: September 18 08:00pm, Kunheim, several people report a flying saucer, article in regional newspaper "L'Alsace".
1998: September 18 08:00pm, Bisheim, several people report a flying saucer, article in regional newspaper "L'Alsace".
1998: September 18 08:00pm, Neuf-Brisach, several people report a flying saucer, article in regional newspaper "L'Alsace".
1998: November 15, 09:45pm, a person at Dorlisheim observes a ring shaped objects during 59 seconds, says LeBihan.
1998: December 22, 06:05pm, Rosheim, a witness observes for 7 seconds several circles colored in blue and red, says LeBihan.
2000: September 10, a formation of orange luminous spots over Strasbourg.
2000: January 2nd, V shaped formation of orange luminous spots over Strasbourg.
2000: Three luminous spots over Erstein, August 16.
2000: 20km of Strasbourg , August 27, greenish meteor.
2000: Night observation in Strasbourg, September 10.
2002: Near Mulhouse , July 5, triangular shaped object with lights. Investigation processing.
2002: Above Strasbourg, August 21, huge triangular shaped low flying object, 30+ witnesses. Investigation processing.
UFOS as seen by the regional press .
This is an ongoing research, I have just started on January 13, 2001. There is much more to come.
I now started to set up this much more extensive Alsatian reports catalogue .