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UFOS where I live?

I wondered if there are UFO reports in my own area, Alsace, in France. What are the cases? How many are there? Were they investigated, mentioned in the local or national media? What is the proportion of hoaxes, misinterpretations? Time to start to investigate...

A green light:

Again an undocumented case. There is only a mention during an interview of an amateur ufologist, in the regional daily newspaper "Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace" of Sunday 12, April 1998.

The interviewed person mentions that he saw a green light above Strasbourg on March 29, 1998, during one second. The green light flew above the center of the town then turned right at a sharp angle and at very high speed.

The interview:

Originating from Nantes, West of France, Ludovic is 22 years old and investigator in Strasbourg for the National Observatory for Studies of Scientific Enigmas (Tel.: 03 88 35 38 35). Since many years already, he is interested in strange aerial phenomena.

- What started this passion?

- Actually I am one of the rare persons who came to this discipline without having seen something before. I simply wanted to check out facts by myself. Now, I have more questions than answers.

- But, in Strasbourg, you recently observed something strange.

- On March 29, at 09:37pm, I spotted during one second a green lights flying over the center of the city, and take a sharp turn to the right at a very high speed. In Nantes, in approximately a year, we gathered a hundred cases, including 35 very recent cases. On each occasion, we investigated, contacted the police stations...

- Is your goal to check or to prove?

- First we want to detect the hoaxes. It is not simple. Do not believe that we are easily contacted. Very often, people think we are military people, or government services, they sometimes believe we are the IRS.

- Are there many sightings on April 1st?

- It is true that we often believe that jokes are made. Even our close relationship do not take us seriously sometimes. Or, they just do not care at all.

- Are there reasons to worry about it?

- There are serious cases of phenomenon which should really worry us. As a matter of fact, there is a governmental service, the SEPRA, and they investigate all that stuff very seriously.

- What is you motivation when you investigate? Scientific curiosity, mysticism, sheer curiosity?

- It is interesting to follow a case, to meet people, despite the fact that most of the time people slam their doors at our face. There will always be skeptics.

- What is your opinion on people like Jean-Claude Bourret? (*)

- It is just crap. He compiles old observations, and presents them again.

- How do you explain the phenomenon you observe?

- This is not just about little green men. There are theories about parallel universes, living masses of energy, military prototypes. Our goal is not to give an interpretation, but to observe and analyze.

(*) One of the most popular news presentator on the biggest French TV channel some 10 years ago, expressed publicly his interest in the UFO phenomenon and made some money writing books, which, as the interviewed person states, are mostly cases compilations with no new information. He quickly became the laughing stock, the whole nation ridiculed him. The average French, if you mention UFOs, will laugh and tell you: "Ah, Jean Claude Bourret, the little green men..."

Jean Claude Bourret's career is totally burned out now, both as TV presenter and author of UFO books. No French media personality will ever even mention a belief in UFO reality now.

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This page was last updated on May 20, 2001.