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UFOs and the military:

Click! Hundreds of declassified documents prove that UFOS are for real, and that the US military personal was interested.
Click! Project Blue Book published a list of UFO observations that this military investigation stopped in 1969 considers 'unknowns'.
Click! The 700 officially "unexplained cases of Project Blue Book 1949 - 1668, summaries, names, dates.
Click! The Bentwaters 1956 case: the scientific proof that UFOs are worth more than a shrug of shoulders. A comprehensive dossier. on this multiple ground radar, airborne radar, ground visual and airborne visual case that even the infamous Condon report conceded "unexplained".
Click! The Ellsworth AFB 1953 case: A comprehensive dossier on this on this multiple ground radar, ground visual and airborne visual case.
Click! The Tremonton, Utah, films, 1952: Delbert C. Newhouse filmings, the events, the analysis, the debate, letters.
Click! The Haneda AFB sightings, Japan, 1952.
Click! The RB-47 case, 1957: a visual multiple witness, radar, multiple device observation.
Click! The Bethune case, 1951: giant disc rushes towards US Navy R5D transport in North Atlantic. NEAC, ATIC reports and more.
Click! UFOs spying on nuclear weapon storage space of the Strategic Air Command, USA 1975.
Click! There was a filming by automatic radar guided video camera in 1994 at the Nellis AFB test range. The film has been smuggled out and shown on TV.
Click! Recently the USAF issued a statement that all UFO related observations were caused by top secret aircrafts under test or in use by the USAF. As a first step to investigate the correctness of this statement, a guided tour of the known or alleged secret aircrafts would be a good start.
Click! The Rendlesham incident, a cover-up by the military of an unsuccessful chase of UFOs in the night by RAF Phantoms fighters.
Click! An observation in the Canary Islands in 1976, in which the Spanish army was a key witness, lead the investigations and released a report including an incredible encounter of the third kind.
Click! The Muroc AFB incident in 1947 is a case of great interest because the testimonies of military witnesses have been declassified.
Click! US senator and aide de camp sees UFOS in URSS in 1955, 12 declassified documents exist.
Click! Captain Thomas Mantell dies in aircraft crash after attempting to intercept a misidentified flying object, USA, 1948.
Click! The Fukuoka, Japan, radar visual case of 1948.
Click! The foo fighters observed and reported by allied pilots in 1944-45.

Some of the classic cases:

Click! Giant UFO over Phoenix, Arizona, May, 1997.
Click! Coast guard encounter giant ellipse, Lake Erie, March 4, 1988 in the USA.
Click! The Hudson Valley UFO invasion, USA 1982-1985.
Click! The Varginha affair, a UFO crash an alien hunt in 1996.
Click! The Cash Landrum close encounter, 1980.
Click! 4 police cars chasing a UFO, an 86 miles long case, Ohio and Pennsylvania, 1966.
Click! Close encounter of the 1st kind with multiple witnesses including 2 policemen over the city of Beverly, Massachusetts, USA, 1966.
Click! Patrol car illuminated by UFO, Damon, Texas, September 1965.
Click! UFO in Dorset, UK, 1967.
Click! Close encounter and physical traces, Everglades USA, 1965.
Click! Police officer Lonnie Zamora's famous observation, New Mexico 1964.
Click! Red Bluff UFO observation, 1960.
Click! Gerry Irwin's close encounter, USA 1959.
Click! Trindade Island visual and photographic case, Atlantic, 1958.
Click! The flying saucers invasion in France in 1954.
Click! UFO over city of Tananarive seen by thousands in broad daylight, 1954.
Click! Air force bomber encounter with disks Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona, May 1, 1952.
Click! US UFO flap over Washington, 1952.
Click! Formation of disc below airliner, Virginia, July 14, 1952.
Click! Sid Coleman's radar and visual observations of UFOs, USA, 1952.
Click! Nick Mariana records two UFOs on 16mm color films, Montana, USA, 1950.
Click! The Kenneth Arnold sighting of June 24, 1947.
Click! Cases database, reports on many other cases...

Cases of little fame:

Ancient traces of alleged alien visitors?

Unbelievable stories:

Mysteries that may have received too much fame:

UFOs in the past

Well-known witnesses:

Click! Astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek was totally skeptic about UFOs. USAF asks him to help them to show that UFOs are astronomical natural phenomenon. Hynek finds out they are not.
Click! Jimmy Carter, ex US president sees a UFO and testifies.
Click! Joe Firmage, CEO of billion dollars company, quits to study UFOs.

NASA astronauts talk about UFOs:

What they said:

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This page was last updated on March 9, 2012.