The index page for the 1954 French flap section of this website is here.
Reference for this case: 7-oct-54-Hennezis.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.
Henri Buch, member of the ufology group "Ouranos", carried out an investigation into an event of October 7, 1954, in Hennezis, in Eure, the report of which was published in the ufology magazine Ouranos #12 of the 4th quarter of 1954.
The witnesses were Claude and Françoise Lansselin, aged 10 and 9. It was overcast, it was 6:30 p.m., twilight, and the sighting lasted 10 minutes.
Claude told Henri Buch:
"It might have been 06:30 p.m., the day was beginning to fall, we were returning from catechism in Hennezis. The church is an hour's drive from our home, which is located in the middle of the woods, our father being a forester guard. To get there, we have to follow dirt tracks through fields and woods."
"It was overcast, and we were hurrying to get there before the rain started to fall."
"We were walking along a newly plowed and rolled field, when turning my head, I saw, about 200 m. from the Pavillon de la Marette, an object in the shape of an "egg," of red color, the top pointed towards the sky, which protruded from a depression in the ground separating the field from a small wood."
"I immediately drew my little sister's attention to this bizarre object, which did not look like any known agricultural machine."
"Leaving my sister on the side of the path, I approached within 100 m. of the object, and from the small hill on which I had climbed, I could distinguish that the object in "red egg" shape, rested on a sort of black colored cover."
"At that moment, I clearly saw and so did my sister, two men of normal height come down from the egg. They were dressed all in black, and their faces seemed so too (sic). They walked to the underside of the "lid".
"The night having fallen, we were seized with fear, and we fled to our parents, without looking back."
"Our father returned with us to the place, but nothing remained of our observation."
Henri Buch specifies that the father of the two children was a game warden, a man well regarded in his community. His children attended the municipal school; they went to church, and "nothing in their words foreshadowed the telling of such a story."
He specifies that the regional daily Paris-Normandie had mentioned in an article of October 12, 1954, that a "flying cigar" had landed in Hennezis. But it turned out after additional explanations from the Lansselin children, and supporting sketch, that in reality it was a circular object, surmounted by a dome, and not an oblong object. Henri Buch notes that it is the expression "in the form of an egg" of Claude which had caused confusion; he simply meant the red dome, which had intrigued him and caught his attention.
Regarding the two men, Claude said:
"I left my sister on the side of the road, and I approached within 100 m. of the object... At this moment I clearly saw two men coming down from "the egg". My sister too".
Henri Buch explains that one might wonder how, mounted on a hill less than 100 m. of the object, Claude could have seen exactly "the same" as his sister who had remained on the edge of the path located below, therefore much further, with very reduced visibility.
But Claude had specified "We were going along a newly plowed field.., when, turning my head, I saw an object in the shape of an "egg" of red color, the top pointed towards the sky, which protruded from a ground depression." The verb "exceeded" proves that a person placed at the edge of the path, and another placed in the field could have the same view on the dome, and at the same time see what was happening around.
Buch published his dialogue with Claude. It turns out that for the red color of the dome, it did not seem possible to know whether it was due to the lighting by the setting sun, one by lighting specific to the craft.
Claude described the men as "tall like you" (1 m. 70), "dressed in black"; with nightfall they had been unable to notice what clothes they were wearing, but they did not have a diving suit anyway, "they were dressed like us".
Claude did not know if the men got out of the craft through a door, they just saw them come down from the "red egg". They did not hear them talk.
He says that the craft "rested on a kind of cover", of black color, that he did not see what there could have been under this cover because the slope of the ground hid the lower part.
They hadn't seen a landing or a take-off. With their father, later, they found no traces on the ground, the earth "had just been freshly rolled up, and our feet did not mark."
Claude said he had not read anything about "flying saucers", that they had only heard about them from people and other children at school, and repeated that he was sure he had seen an object on the ground, and to have seen two men around this object; which made them very scared, and that now "all the people are laughing at us."
Subsequently, very brief summaries of the case appeared by the usual authors, Harold Wilkins, Jimmy Guieu, Aimé Michel, Jacques Vallée...
In 1979, Gérard Barthel and Jacques Brucker, ufologists who had become "skeptics", thought of explaining all the French cases of 1954 in their book "La Grande Peur Martienne". About this case, they wrote only: "Hennezis - 27 - 6.30 pm: witnesses not found after investigation. Have left the territory, settled abroad." This was apparently sufficient to them to reject the affair. They cite in an article that, "after investigation", they classify as "sinister joke", "grotesque, absurd and aberrant", a certain number of cases, including this one.
In yet another article, Barthel and Brucker said of this case: "Hennezis, no more credibility", which remains to be justified, since they themselves had assured that they could not find the witnesses as they went abroad!
In 1997, author Jean Sider intended to reply to Barthel and Brucker in his book "Le Dossier 1954 et l'Imposture Rationaliste". He evoked the case based on the 1979 version by Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, restored certain aspects based on the version of Henri Bruch, noted that the affair "has been trivialized by Barthel & Brucker", that their claim that the witnesses went abroad should be taken with a grain of salt "given their propensity to lie." In his opinion, this was "perhaps the first case of MIB (Men-in-Black) observed in France in a ufological context."
The case will again be published many times in rather short summaries, nothing else will be learned, it seems to me.
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Eye Witnesses | LANSSELIN Claude et Françoise, âgés de 10 et 9 ans. |
Time | 06:60 P.M. (sunset). |
Atmospheric Conditions | Cloudy weather |
Shape of Object | Disc. |
Colour: | Red and Black. |
Dimensions: | Undefined. |
Duration of Phenomenon: | 10 minutes. |
With the night having arrived down now, we were seized with fright, and we fled up to our parents, without looking back.
Our father wen back with us on the location, but there remained nothing of our observation.
(It is the young person, Claude LANSSELIN, who speaks, his sister Francoise confirms his statements.)
"It may have been 06:30 P.M., the day started to end, we were returning from catechism in Hennezis. The church is within an hour of walk of our residence, which is located in full wood, our father being a gamekeeper. For us to return there, we must follow dirt tracks through the fields and wood.
The weather was overcast, and we hastened to arrive before the rain started to fall.
We skirted a recently plowed and worked on field, when, turning the head, I saw at approximately 200 meters of the house of Marette, an object in the shape an "egg," of red color, the top pointed towards the sky, which exceeded from a depression separating the field from a small wood.
I immediately drew the attention of my younger sister to this odd object, which did not resemble any known farming machine.
Leaving my sister on the edge of the path, I approached to less than 100 meters of the object, and from the small eminence on which I was standing, I managed to distinguish that the object in the "red egg" shape rested on a sort of lid of black color.
At this time, I clearly saw, and my sister too, "two men of a normal size getting down from the egg." They were clothed all in black, and their face also seemed so (sic). They moved towards the lower part of the "lid".
Mr. LANSSELIN [sic], Gamekeeper, father of the two children witness of the landing of a "S.V." [soucoupe volante, i.e. flying saucer], is a well-considered man in the community where he lives.
His children attend the elementary school; they go to the church. Nothing in their talk let predict the narration of such a story.
The journalist of the regional daily newspaper "PARIS-NORMANDIE" had mentioned in his article of current October 12, that a "flying Cigar" had landed in Hennezis.
It happens, after complementary explanations by the Lansselin children, with a supporting drawing, that is was actually a CIRCULAR OBJECT, topped with a dome, and not of an object of oblong shape.
The description of the object by the young Claude as egg shaped thus created confusion. He simply wanted to indicate the red dome by that, which had intrigued him and drawn his attention.
A detail may have seemed odd in the account of the two children: that of the appearance of the two men.
Young Claude declares indeed:
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"I left my sister on the edge of the road, and I approached within 100 m of the object... At that moment I clearly saw two men coming down from the "egg", my sister too."
At first glance one may wonder how young Claude climbed on a hill at less than 100 m of the object, was able to see exactly "the same" as his sister remained on the edge of the path located below so much further, with a very reduced visibility.
Yet nothing is strange in this part of the story. If we refer to its second paragraph, we read:
"We were walking along a newly plowed field, when, turning my head, I saw an object in the form of an "egg" of red color, the top pointed at the sky, which exceeded a depression of the ground. The verb EXCEEDED, explains everything. It proves indeed that a person placed at the edge of the road, and another placed in the field could have the same vision, as regards the famous dome, and see at the same time what was happening around.
The absence of light may seem extraordinary, if we know that dusk was drawing to an end.
Nothing, however, prevents us from thinking that what the children have taken for red paint is actually light illuminating the interior of the "cockpit". However, they cannot specify anything on this subject.
For the sake of clarity, I will retrace below the course of the interrogation of the children. (I note that only the young Claude answers my questions).
- Are you sure you've seen an object on the ground? Could you draw me the shape?
- We saw this object in the form of an "egg", it slightly exceeded the level of the plowed land; it was resting on a kind of lid. I can draw it for you.
- Very well, but what was there below what you call the lid?
- I could not see it, the object showed me its upper part, the slope of the ground hid the lower part to me.
- Was the object lit up?
- I do not think, I only noticed that the part exceeding the level of the ground was like painted in red, the cover was black.
- Did the two men come out of what you call the "egg"? Did they open a door?
- I cannot say if they opened a door. What is certain is that we saw them descend from the "red egg".
- How were these men? how were they dressed?
- They were as big as you (I measure 1m.70). They were dressed in black; with falling night we could not notice what clothes they wore. I can, however, assure that they were not covered with a diving suit, they were dressed like us.
- Did you hear the two men speak?
- We did not hear anything,
- Did you see the object move? or fly away?
- No. We did not see it land nor fly away.
- When your father came with you to the scene, did you find footprints on the ground?
- No. The earth had been freshly rolled, and our prints did not mark.
- Have you ever read books or stories about "F. S."?
- No. We only heard about it from people and other children at school. In any case we are sure to have seen an object placed on the ground, and to have seen two men around this object. I must tell you that we were very scared, and it is with angst that we follow our path. All people make fun of us.
Henry BUCH.
[Ref. hws1:] HAROLD T. WILKINS:
The author indicates that on October 7, 1954, at 06:00 a.m., Claude "Lasselin", aged ten, and his sister, Francoise, nine, of Henzies [sic], France, were on their way home, passing a lonely field, newly plowed, when they saw in a hollow about 600 feet away, an object shaped like an egg, red in color, with its top pointing upwards.
They silently approached it, and at about 300 feet away, they saw that it had a sort of black lid, or cover. The boy said: "At this moment, I saw, and so did my sister, two men of normal height come out of the 'egg.' They were all in black, and their faces seemed black. We were seized with fear and flew home, and did not turn our heads."
Their father came back to the field, but the object had gone. Questioned by local authorities, the boy stuck to his story. "Everybody laughs at us, but we saw what we saw."
Wilkins indicates that his source is M. Marc Thirouin of the flying saucer journal "Ouranos".
[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:
The same evening [October 7, 1954], at 6 p.m. 30, a spacecraft and its occupants were seen by two children, Claude Lansselin (10 years old), and his sister Françoise (9 years old), in Hennezis (Eure). The investigation was led by our investigator Henry Buch.
His report, addressed to our commission (and published in Ouranos #12), was partly written in the form of a dialogue, thus making the accounts of the witnesses more "lively."
- It moght have been 6:30 p.m., stated young Claude Lansselin whose statements were confirmed by his sister Françoise. Day was beginning to fall; we were returning from catechism at Hennezis. The church is an hour's drive from our home, which is located in the middle of the woods, our father being a game warden. To get there, we have to follow dirt roads through fields and woods. The weather was overcast and we hurried to get there before the rain started to fall.
"We were walking along a newly plowed and rolled field when, turning my head, I saw about 200 meters from the Marette pavilion, an egg-shaped object, red in color, the top pointing towards the sky, which protruded from a depression in the ground separating the path from a small wood. I immediately drew my little sister's attention to this strange object, which did not resemble any known agricultural machine. Leaving my sister on the side of the road, I approached within 100 meters of the object, and from the small eminence on which I had climbed, I could distinguish that the object in the form of a "red egg" rested on a sort of black lid. At that moment, I clearly saw, and my sister too, two men of normal size descending from the "egg". They were dressed all in black and their faces seemed to be so too (sic). They headed for the underside of the "lid." Night had fallen, we were seized with fright and fled to our parents without looking back. Our father returned with us to the scene, but there was nothing left of our sighting.
Following the investigation: Mr. Lansselin, game warden, father of the two children who witnessed the landing, is a well-regarded man in the town where he lives. His children attend the communal school; they go to church. Nothing in their words foreshadowed the telling of such a story.
"The reporter for the regional daily Paris-Normandie, specifies the investigator H. Buch, had mentioned in his article of October 12, 1954 that a "flying cigar" had landed in Hennezis. It turns out, after additional explanations from the Lansselin children, drawing in support, that in reality it is a circular object, surmounted by a dome and not an oblong object. The description by the young Claude of the he egg-shaped object therefore led to confusion. He simply wanted to designate the red dome, which had intrigued him and had drawn his attention. A detail could seem odd in the story of the two children: that of the appearance of the two "men."
The young Claude indeed declares:
- I left my sister on the side of the road and I approached less than 100 meters from the object... At this moment, I clearly saw two men coming down from the "egg." My sister too.
One may wonder, at first sight, how the young Claude, standing on a hill less than 100 meters from the object, was able to see exactly "the same" as his sister who remained on the side of the path below, therefore, much further, with less visibility. However, nothing is strange in this part of the story. If we refer to its second paragraph, we can read:
- We were walking along a newly plowed field, when, turning my head, I saw an object... the top pointing towards the sky, which protruded from a depression in the ground..." The verb EXCEEDED explains everything. It indeed proves that a person placed at the edge of the road, and another placed in the field, could have the same vision, with regard to the famous dome, and see at the same time what was happening around.
The absence of light may at first seem extraordinary, if we know that the twilight was drawing to an end. Nothing, however, prevents us from thinking that what the children took for red paint was in fact the light illuminating the interior of the cockpit. However, they cannot specify anything on this matter. For greater clarity, our investigator adds, I retrace below the course of the interrogation of the children; I note that only the young Claude answers my questions:
- Are you sure you saw an object on the ground? Could you draw me the shape?
- We did see this egg-shaped object, it was slightly protruding from the level of the plowed ground; it rested on a sort of lid. I can draw it for you.
- Very good; but what was underneath what you call the lid?
- I could not see it, the object showed me its upper part, the slope of the ground hid the lower part from me.
- Was the object illuminated?
- I don't think so, I only noticed that the part above ground level was like painted red; the lid was black.
- Did the two men really come out of what you call "the egg"? Did they open a door?
- I can't tell if they opened a door. What is certain is that we have seen them come down from the red "egg."
- How were these men? How were they dressed?
- They were tall like you {I'm 1.70 m tall.). They were dressed in black; with night falling, we didn't notice the clothes they were wearing. I can, however, assure you that they were not covered with any diving suit; they were dressed like us.
- Did you hear the two men talking?
- We haven't heard anything.
- Did you see the object move? or fly away?
- Nope. We did not see it land or fly away.
- When your father came with you to the scene, did you notice any footprints on the ground?
- No. The earth had just been freshly rolled, and our footprints did not mark.
- Have you ever read books or stories about flying saucers?
- No. We had only heard about it from people and from other children at school. In any case, we are sure to have seen an object posed on the ground and to have seen two men around this object. I must tell you that we were very scared and that it is with apprehension that, since then, we followed our path. All the people are laughing at us."
(Report signed: Henry Buch)
All people are laughing at us! This is the classic reaction, the stupid reaction of the homo (so-called) sapiens who, on the pretext that his race has not yet reached the stage of "Astronautics", refuses this possibility to an intelligent species from elsewhere!
[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:
Aimé Michel indicates that on October 7, 1954, in Hennezis in the department of the Eure, Claude Lansselin, aged 10, and Françoise Lansselin, aged 9, witnessed the landing of a machine. Claude Lansselin thought that he saw two men, normal by the size and the aspect, close to the machine, but Michel says that the late hour, the clouded weather and the distance of a hundred meter were at play. He indicates that the two children "nevertheless" describe the machine as a kind of red and luminous half-egg.
[Ref. aml2:] AIME MICHEL:
Aimé Michel explained that since December 1957, he was convinced that the "alignments" of cases on straight lines, such as those of October 7, 1954, are inexplicable, or more exactly, that they can only be explained "by the reality of the flying saucers", and that his opinion "is also that of a large number of scientists, among whom several are world-renowned."
He published a map of these alignments for this date, indicating that all the observations of October 7, 1954, are reported there:
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For the case of this file, he noted:
7. HENNEZIES: ..A "spaceship" and its occupants seen by two children.. Egg-shaped object, red, the top pointed to the sky.. ("Black out sur les soucoupes volantes", Jmmy GUIEU, Editions du Fleuve Noir).
[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:
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October 7 [, 1954]
[... other cases...]
06:30 p.m.: Hennezis(7km SE of the Andelys--Eure): black disc with luminous red dome on the ground + 2 men dressd. in black, 1m70 approximately
[... other cases...]
[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:
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October 7, 1954: Hennezis (7 km ISL in the SE of the Andelys--Eure):children Claude and Françoise Lansselin, son and daughter of a gamekeeper: full wood(black disc with red dome + 2 "men" dressed in black, normal size)
[Ref. mcs1:] "MICHEL CARROUGES":
Michel Carrouges indicates that the Lansselin observation was made at a distance of 100 meters.
[Ref. jve8:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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7 Oct., 1954 | Hennezis | France | Lanselle | 2 beings | 2 |
[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:
267 | -001.46511 | 19.19400 | 07 | 10 | 1954 | 24 | 00 | 2 | HENNEZIS SE.ANDELYS | F | 0212 | C | 249 |
[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:
Oct. 07, 1954 Hennezis (France).
The two Lanssellin [sic] children witnessed the landing of a luminous, red object shaped like a half-egg, and saw two occupants who looked like normal men. (M 145)
[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:
The author indicates that on October 7, 1954, in Hennezis in the Eure, the Lansselin children witnessed the landing of a round and luminous object which had the form "of a half of an egg." Two "pilots" were seen, who were of a normal size.
This ufology bulletin published a map supposed to show alignements of cases of October 7, 1954, and it included a cas in Hennezis:
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This magazine published in list of cases that needed an investigation or new investigation by their invesigators, including:
"203 7-10-54 Hennezis"
PLACE OF INVESTIGATION | Date of the observation | Nr. or the magazine | |
[... other cases...] | |||
HEUNEZIS [sic] - Atterrissage avec occupants | 07.10.1954 | Enquêteur : H. Buch | Ouranos n° 12 |
[... other cases...] |
[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:
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Case # | Date | Time | Locality | Department | Witness(es) name |
040 | 07/10/1954 | - | Hennezis. | 27 | Lanssellin (+) |
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54-52 October 7, 1954 2000 Hennezis, France Type C
Claude (10) and Françoise (9) Lansselin saw a red-luminous "half-egg" on the ground; Claude also saw two normal-looking men near it.
Source: Michel, Straight-Line Mystery, p. 145.
October 7, 1954 2000 Hennezis, France
The time should be 1830 (not 2000) and the type B (not C.) The object appeared like a "red egg", its small end uppermost, resting upon a black "lid". The 2 men who were seen to descend from this "egg" were clad in black.
Investigator: Henry Buch, for C.I.O. Ouranos.
Source: J. Guieu, Black-Out, pp. 174-177.
The two authors note this case of October 7, 1954:
"Hennezis -27 - 06:30p.m.: witnesses untraceable after investigation. Have left the country and settled in a foreign country."
After investigation, our deductions are identical [= "sinister joke", "grotesque, absurd and meaningless"] for the following cases: Hennezis, Monbazens [sic], Saint Pardou le Neuf [sic], Fréjus and many others.
For the day of October 7, Aimé Michel noted among others, two alignments: Hennezis-Montlevicq-Bompas and Plozevet-Montlevicq-Beauvoir; which was conform to the theory of the star-shaped networks.
That is to say: in the center of the stars that appeared by the crossing of several orthotenic lines, always appeared a cigar or a sphere of clouds. It is so here, with the observation of Montlévicq, sometimes recorded at Saint Plantaire (Indre).
Let's go back to the first line: Hennezis, no credibilitay at all anymore; Bompas doubts on the date, Jacques Vallée gives October 7, the "Figaro" for October 13gives the 9th, Quincy says it is in the night from the 7th to the 8th. As of the second one: Plozevet recorded by Quincy at about 0 o'clock, investigation is impossible; Beauvoir, the weather balloon cannot be excluded. These two alignments intersect over the department of the Indre. So we find here the observation noticed by Aimé Michel. Only here, on the admission of a witness, the affair is a hoax. Aimé Michel was right, in the center of a network one always observes a cigar of clouds or a sphere... devoid of any interest.
The two authors indicate that on October 7, 1954 at 06:30 p.m. close to Hennezis, Claude and Francoise Lansselin, aged 10 and 9, saw a black disc surmounted of a red cupola posed in a field, and two men of a normal size of 1.70 meters dressed in black "and their face also seemed likt this (sic)", which were covered with no diving-suit but dressed like us.
The authors quote this:
"It might have been 06:30 p.m., the day started to fall, the weather was cloudy, we returned from catechism in Hennezis. The church is at one hour of travel from our home which is located in full wood. For us to get back there, we must follow the dirt tracks through woods and fields. We hastened to arrive before the rain fell."
"We skirted a recently plowed and flattened field; when, turning the head I saw within approximately 200 meters of the house of 'La Marette' an object in the shape of 'eggs', of red color, resting on a kind of lid of black color."
The authors note that it happens after complementary explanations from the children and supporting sketches that actually it was a circular object, surmounted of a red dome.
"I immediately directed my sister's attention to this weird object, which did not resemble any known farming machine. Leaving my sister on the edge of the way, I approached at less than 100 meters of the apparatus, and from the small hillock on which I climbed, I was able to distinguish the object. At this time I clearly saw, and my sister too, two men of normal size, going down from the red cupola. They were dressed in black, and their face seemed like that also. They moved towards the lower part of the black disc."
"As the night had fallen, we were seized by fright and we ran to parents' without looking back."
The authors note that the description of the object by young Claude lent to confusion because he wanted "simply wanted to tell about the red dome" which had puzzled him and drawn his attention, and that the main black part he called a "lid" was hidden by the terrain slopes.
The authors note that the witnesses saw neither the craft land nor take off and did not hear the conversation between the two men. They note that their father, gamekeeper, returned with them on the spot and did not find any trace, "their footprints left no mark" [in the recently flattened ground.]
The authors note that the witnesses had heard about flying saucers, that in the following days they were anxious when they passed again at the location, and that many people scoffed at them.
The authors indicate that the sources are the Vallée catalogue, case 203; Jimmy Guieu in "Black Out sur les Soucoupes Volantes" page 199 to 202; Aimé Michel in "A Propos des S.V." page 182; an investigation by Mr. Henri Bruch.
[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":
10/7/54 | (06:30 p.m.) | Hennesis (Eure) | i | 407VX |
049 | 1050 | HENNEZIS | RF27 | 541007 | 203 | 267 | CE3 |
[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:
Nr of the J. C. Fumoux list | Nr of Francat list | Localization | Date | Class | Credibility | Sources | Number of W |
049 | 146 | Hennezis près de St-Etienne-sous-Barbuise | 07/10 | CE3 | D mais NI | 2-p. 132 | 1 T |
[Ref. mft2:] MICHEL FIGUET:
146 | CE3 | 07 10 1954 | 18.30 | Hennezis | 27700 B5 | NI OVNI: p. 132 |
The authors indicate that on October 7, 1954, a strange vision took place in the end of the afternoon close to Hennezis in the Eure, where two children of 9 and 10 years old saw a black disc topped of a red cupola which was posed in a field.
Besides were two "men" of apparently normal size but dressed in black and with also black faces, who moved towards "the lower part of the disc."
The children observed the scene a moment, then seeing the night coming, they became frightened and run home "without looking back", a detail found in many testimonys of children and sometimes of adults which shows that the strange aspects of the lived displays which initially inspire curiosity start a panic very quickly.
The authors indicate that the sources are A. Michel, "à propos des S.V.", page 182; and J. Guieu, "Black Out sur les S.V." pages 199 to 202.
[Ref. rcn1:] ROBERT CREPIN:
In a catalog of observations in the department of Creuse [!], a brief record relates to this case. Nothing particular appears in it compared to the Ouranos report above. Lansselin was changed in Masselin and Hennezis in Hennesis.
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The magazine published an article consisting of verifications of claims of case explanations of1954 in France by Barthel and Brucker in their 1979 book [bbr1]. For this case, the magazine wrote:
13. Hennezis (Eure), on October 7, 1954. B&B version: witnesses not found after investigation. Have left the territory, settled abroad. p. 195.... After investigation our deductions are identical for the following cases: Hennezis...: Hennezis, no more credibility... (Inforespace Hors Serie #3, p. 43). LDLN version: same remark as for Roumaziere, if B&B could not find the witnesses, on what do they base themselves to refute the observation? On the fact that the witnesses did not see the machine land or take off? But it is said in the investigation of the time (Ouranos n. 12, interview of Claude and Françoise Lansselin by Mr. Henry Buch) that the young Lansselin saw the machine posed in a field, and that with his sister they left without looking back.
[Ref. lgs2:] LOREN GROSS:
October 7th. Henzies [sic], France. (6:00 a.m.)
"Everybody laughs at us."
Two young French children were questioned by police after they claimed to -have seen something extraordinary 6:00 a.m. October 7th. The oldest of the two, ten-year-old Claude Lasselin, protested: "Everybody laughs at us, but we saw what-we saw." According to Claude, he and his nine-year-old sister Francoise were walking home when they saw a big, red-colored, egg-shaped, object resting in an open field. Curious, the children crept up on the object and when about 100 yards away, saw that the top of the "egg" had what appeared to be a dark-colored hatch, and no sooner had they noticed that particular feature, they witnessed something startling. Said Claude: "At this moment, I saw, and so did my sister, two men of normal height come out of the 'egg.' They were all in black, and their faces seemed black. We were seized with fear and flew home, and did not turn our heads." 76.
[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:
Jean Sider indicates that the counter-investigation by Barthel and Brucker on the CE3 case in Hennezis in the Eure is "imaginary."
He indicates that on October 7, 1954, the children C. and F. Lansselin saw a black disc surmounted of a red cupola, posed in a meadow, and two men of normal size dressed in black.
He indicates that Barthel and Brucker write in their book that the witnesses are "untraceable after investigation" and that they "settled abroad".
They also write in Inforespace special issue #3, page 43, that, after investigation their deductions indicate that the case of Hennezis does "have no credibility anymore."
Jean Sider wonders on which basis this conclusion rests, the more so as an investigator of the Ouranos group, Mr. Henri Buch had been able to meet the witnesses who confirmed to him the CE3 version that we know [ous1]; which Sider reproduces in his book.
Furtehr in his book he give his "restored" version of the case:
He indicates that on October 7, 1954 at 06:30 p.m. in Hennezis, Eure, two children, Claude and François Lansselin, were walking to their homes by dirt roads and through fields and woods, when at the level of the locality Marette, they saw an egg-shaped object resting on a sort of black cover which was actually a domed circular object, according to the sketch made by one of the children.
The boy decided to approach the craft and then noticed two normal-sized men dressed in black, heading for the bottom of the disc.
Frightened, the children ran away.
He says his source is Figuet, pages 132-133.
He notes again that the case was trivialized by "Barthel & amp; Brucker" but rehabilitated by him, and that it is "perhaps the first case of MIB (Men-in-Black) observed in France a UFO context."
He invites to see the investigation made at the time by a member of the Ouranos group, Mr. Henry Bruch where it is said that all the people of the village mocked the Lansselin children; "which should not surprise the reader," and therefore, we can understand the family was fed up and maintained witnesses to "a certain distance, for not to say a huge distance between them and an environment became painful to bear, because it was said to Barthel & Brucker that she emigrated abroad.
Jean Sider adds that "given their propensity to lie," this statement by Barthel and Brucker must also be taken with a grain of salt.
[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:
7 October. Hennezis, France. (no time)
"Half an egg?"
Michel wrote:
" ... the witnesses were children, Claude and Francoise Lansselin, aged 10 and 9 years. Both described something like 'half an egg,' red and luminous, 300 feet or more away from them; Claude thought he had seen two men of normal height and appearance near the object. It was late in the day, and the sky was overcast." (xx.)
(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery. p.145.
4010: 1954/10/07 18:30 10 1:28:00 E 49:11:40 N 3333 WEU FRN EUR 9:6
Ref#194 LUMIERES dans la NUIT.(LDLN France) Issue No. 260 : PASTURE
The Belgian ufologist indicates that on October 7, 1954, in Hennezies (Eure), "the two Lanssellin children were witnesses of the landing of a red and luminous object having the shape of an half-egg and saw two occupants who resembled normal men."
She indicates that the source is "unknown source cfr Wim van Utrecht".
She adds that another version is: "Towards 18:30 the two Lansellin children were witnesses of the landing of a red and luminous object having the shape of an egg posed on a black lid, and saw two occupants who resembled normal men, dressed in black and their face also (sic). Seized of fright they flee home."
She indicates that the source of the above is "Jimmy GUIEU: 'Black-out sur les S.V.' - FLEUVE NOIR- p. 199".
She adds that still another version is: "These children are 9 and 10 years old. It is 18:30. The sun is setting at with 17:17 and the night had fallen. The children saw at a hundred meters a red sort of egg, posed on a black lid and, near it, two men of normal size, dressed in black. They did not wear diving-suits. The witnesses did not see it land of take off, thus it is not proven that it is a flying machine."
She indicates that the source of the above is "Michel Carrouges : 'Les apparitions de Martiens' Fayard pub., 1963, p. 98".
[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:
Location. Hennezis France
Date: October 7 1954
Time: 1830
Claude, 10, and Francoise, 9, Lansselin saw a red luminous object resembling a "red egg," on the ground; Claude also saw two men clad in black and appearing normal looking descend from the object. The witnesses left the scene.
Humcat 1954-71
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Type: B
[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:
On this Day
October 7
1954 - Hennezis, France. At 6:30 p.m. Claude and Francoise Lanssellin, ages 10 and 9, witnessed the landing of a luminous, red object. It was shaped like a half egg (sliced lengthwise), They saw two occupants who looked like normal men. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 219; Jimmy Guieu, Black Out sur les Soucoupes Volantes, pp. 199-202; Aime Michel, A propos des Soucoupes Volantes, p. 182; Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 132-133).
[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:
Thursday, October 7, 1954
In Hennezis (France), the 2 Lanssellin children are witnesses of the landing of a red and luminous object having the shape of an half-egg and see 2 occupants resembling normal men.
[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:
Luc Chastan indicates that in the Eure in Hennezis on October 7, 1954, at 18:30 hours, "Two children tell their observation: 'IT night be 06:30 p.m., the day started to fall, the weather was covered, we returned from catechism in Hennezis. The church is at one hour of road of our home which is located in full wood. For us to return there, we must follow the dirt tracks through the fields and woods. We hastened to arrive before the rain starts to fall. We skirted a recently plowed and flattened field; when, turning the head, I saw, at approximately 200 meters of the house of "La Marette ", an object in the shape of an "egg", of red color, resting on a kind of lid of black color. (IT proves, after complementary explanations by the children, sketch in support, that actually it is a circular object, surmounted of a red dome.) I immediately drew the attention of my sister to this weird object, which did not resemble any known farming machine. Leaving my sister on the edge of the way, I approached the apparatus at less than 100 meters, and from the small hillock on which I climbed, I managed to distinguish the object. At this time, I clearly saw, and my sister too, two men of normal size, go down from the red cupola. They were dressed in black, and their face seemed so too. They moved towards the lower part of the black disc. The night having fallen down, we were seized by fright and we ran to our parents' without looking back." The father who came back on the spot did not find any trace. The ground had been just flattened recently, and their footsteps prints did not leave any trace."
Luc Chastan indicates that the source is "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... par Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979" et "Black-out sur les Soucoupes volantes par Guieu Jimmy ** Fleuve Noir 1956 omnium 1977".
[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that 7 October 1954 at 18:30 in Hennezis, France, "The two Lanssellin children witnessed the landing of a luminous, red object shaped like a half-egg, and saw two occupants who looked like normal men."
The website adds: "Hennezis, France. At 6:30 p.m. Claude and Francoise Lanssellin, ages 10 and 9, witnessed the landing of a luminous, red object. It was shaped like a half egg (sliced lengthwise), They saw two occupants who looked like normal men."
And: "Close encounter with an unidentified craft and its occupants. One red star was observed in overcast weather by two male witnesses, typical age 10, in a pasture for ten minutes. Two 5.4-foot-tall humanoids, each wearing a helmet, were seen. Claude, 10, and Francoise, 9, Lansselin saw a red luminous object resembling a "red egg," on the ground; Claude also saw two men clad in black and appearing normal looking descend from the object. The witnesses left the scene."
The sources are indicated as "Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; Guieu, Jimmy, Flying Saucers Come from Another World, Citadel, New York, 1956; Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Wilkins, Harold T., Flying Saucers Uncensored, Citadel, 1955; Pereira, Jader U., Les Extra-Terrestres, Phenomenes Spatiaux, Paris, 1974; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Carrouges, Michel, Les Apparitions de Martiens, Fayard, Paris, 1963; Delaire, J. Bernard, UFO Register Volume 7 (1976), Data Research, Oxford, 1976; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002; Rosales, Albert, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database".
[Ref. prn1:] PETER ROGERSON:
October 7 1954, 1800hrs.
Claude (10) and Francoise (9) Lansselin were returning home an on an overcast evening. They were passing a newly ploughed field, when, in a hollow 200m away, they saw a red, luminous egg shaped object with its top pointing upwards. As they approached with 100m they saw a black “lid”, and at the same time two men of normal height appeared from the object. They were dressed in black and had black faces. The youngsters fled. When their father came to the field the machine and the men had vanished, leaving no traces.
Michel 1958, p 145.
Wilkins 1967b, p.242.
Heiden citing Carrouges 1967, p.129.
The author indicates that there was a close encounter of the third kind in Hennezis, in the Eure, on October 7, 1954 at 6:30 p.m.
He indicates that the witnesses are Claude and Françoise Lansselin, aged 10 and 9, and quotes:
"It might have been 6:30 p.m., the day was beginning to fall, the weather was cloudy, we were coming back from catechism in Hennezis. The church is an hour's drive from our home which is located in the middle of the woods. To go home, we must follow the dirt roads through fields and woods. We hastened to arrive before the rain began to fall. We were walking along a newly plowed and rolled field; when, turning my head, I saw, about 200 meters from the "Marette" pavilion, an object in the shape of an "egg", red in color, resting on a sort of black cover." (It turns out, after additional explanations from the children, sketch in support, that in reality it is a circular object, surmounted by a red dome.)
"I immediately drew my sister's attention to this bizarre object, which did not resemble any known agricultural machine. Leaving my sister by the side of the path, I approached within 100 meters of the apparatus, and from the small eminence on which I was mounted, I could distinguish the object. At this moment, I clearly saw, and my sister too, two men of normal height (1.70 m), come down from the red dome. They were dressed in black, and so were their faces. They walked towards the underside of the black disc. The night having fallen, we were seized with fear and we ran to our parents' home without looking back."
Julien Gonzalez gives as "additional information", that the two young witnesses did not see the craft neither land nor take off, that they did not hear a conversation between the two men, that the father of the children, Mr. Lansselin, game warden, returned with them to the scene, and that he found no trace, that the earth had just been freshly rolled, and that their footprints left no mark.
He adds that the witnesses had heard of the "flying saucers", that during the days which followed their sighting, they passed near the field where the object had landed with apprehension, and that many people laughed at them.
He indicates as sources: "Jimmy Guieu: Black out sur les Soucoupes Volantes, p. 174-177; Ouranos, nr 12, pages 4-5 (investigation by Mr. Henry Buch); Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochées en France, pages 132-133; Jean Sider, Le dossier 1954 et l'imposture rationaliste, pages 188-189."
Location: Hennezis France
Date: October 7 1954
Time: 1830
Claude, 10, and Francoise, 9, Lansselin saw a red luminous object resembling a “red egg,” on the ground; Claude also saw two men clad in black and appearing normal looking descend from the object. The witnesses left the scene.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source; Magonia 203
[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":
*Oct. 7, 1954 - Hennezis, France. At 6:30 p.m. Claude and Francoise Lanssellin, ages 10 and 9, witnessed the landing of a luminous, red object. It was shaped like a half egg (sliced lengthwise), They saw two occupants who looked like normal men. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 219, case # 203; Jimmy Guieu, Black Out sur les Soucoupes Volantes, pp. 199-202; Aime Michel, A propos des Soucoupes Volantes, p. 182; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 132-133).
[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":
This database recorded the case 14 times instead of one:
Case Nr. | New case Nr. | Investigator | Date of observation | Zip | Place of observation | Country of observation | Hour of observation | Classification | Comments | Identification |
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezies | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | Dawn | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III | |||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezies | France | |||||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezies | France | |||||||
19541007 | 07.10.1954 | Hennezis | France | 18.30 | CE III |
October 7 1954. 1800hrs.
Claude (10) and Francoise (9) Lansselin were returning home from church on an overcast evening. They were passing a newly ploughed field, when, in a hollow 200m away, they saw a red, luminous egg shaped object with its top pointing upwards. As they approached with 100m they saw a black "lid", and at the same time two men of normal height appeared from the object. They were dressed in black and had black faces. The youngsters fled. When their father came to the field the machine and the men had vanished, leaving no traces.
[*] "Gross 1954" is supposed to be my present page. No link is given, my page does not boil down to that, and I did not quote "Marc Thirouin citing his own investigation" but I gave the investigation report by Henry Buch!
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With the absence of physical proof, the young age of the witnesses, the observation distance which would be around 100 meters, the weak lighting, the door is open to many possible solutions: a misinterpretation, an invention...
Concerning the possibility that this was an alien craft and its two occupants, the description of these occupants as "humans" would dismiss this. At the same time, distance and poor lighting also allows to suggest that maybe they were not human but humanoid.
A striking aspect of the matter is that the craft is not seen in flight, nor seen to land, nor to take off. Talking about a flying machine would therefore not be justified.
I would have liked to think of an agricultural machine, some tractor, but the young Claude thought of this and excluded it, which hardly gives this explanation much value. In addition, the field would have already been plowed, but there was nothing yet to harvest. So tractor or harvester seems somewhat irrelevant - without being "impossible", of course.
We still have the possibility of n helicopter. Its description would be rather odd, though, with this "black cover" on which it would rest.
So I have no way of "pronouncing" a well-argued explanation on this affair. I will stay for the moment on "unidentified, possible misinterpretation, low strangeness."
There are gaps in Henri Buch's investigation - we will not throw stones at him, this is one of the very rare French cases of 1954 for which there was at least some investigation. Nothing is said of what Françoise told, only Claude is quoted. And, unfortunately, mentioned the sketch(es) was/were not published.
With Barthel and Brucker, it is not just a question of "gaps", but of a farcical treatment of the case. Supposed to be "better" than the ufologists they scoff at constantly, they do not cite a source, they do not give any description, they do not say when or how they learned of the (invented?) departure of the witnesses abroad, they do not seem not to have deigned to interrogate the one who would have given them this information (a neighbor, the father?) etc.
Note about the witnesses name:
According the the Insee [French national statscitc office], since 1890, were born in France:
Lanselin: 0
Lansselin: 0
Lanssellin: 0
Lansellin: 0
Lassellin: 0
Lasselin: 1551.
Thus the correcte spelling is certainly "Lasselin", "Lansselin" is likely a misprint in Ouranos.
(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)
Hennezis, Eure, landing, object, occupant, occupants, black, humanoid, humanoids, dressed, red, lid
[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.
Version: | Created/Changed by: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | March 12, 2004 | First published. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | May 5, 2009 | Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [fru1], [goe1], [djn1], [jbu1], [lcn1], [uda1]. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | March 14, 2010 | Addition [mcs1]. |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | June 28, 2010 | Addition [jve5]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | August 14, 2013 | Addition [prn1]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | October 7, 2014 | Additions [lgs1], [tai1], [nip1]. |
1.5 | Patrick Gross | December 19, 2016 | Additions [lgs2], [ubk1]. |
1.6 | Patrick Gross | August 30, 2021 | Additions [aml2], [pis1], [agd1], [bbr2], [bbr3], [jge1], [mft1], [mft2], [lhh1], [prn2], [tbw1], [jgz1], Summary. Explanations changed, was "Not looked for yet." |
1.7 | Patrick Gross | October 28, 2021 | Addition [ous2]. |
1.8 | Patrick Gross | March 17, 2022 | Addition [ldl2]. |
1.9 | Patrick Gross | April 28, 2022 | Addition [gqy1], [gqy2], [gep1]. |
2.0 | Patrick Gross | June 21, 2022 | Additions [jgu1], [jve8]. |