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October 16, 1954, Maubeuge, Nord:

Reference for this case: 16-oct-54-Maubeuge.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.




The round of saucers
now flies
in the sky of the Basin
of the Sambre

Saucers and other flying cigars hitherto had seemed to ignore the often obscured sky of the Sambre Basin.

Did they take advantage of the nice days that this early Autumn gave us? We cannot say, but dozens of people in turn claim to have seen craft moving. The most curious story was told to us by Mr. Gilbert Mozin, butcher in Louvroil, who is known throughout the region.

A saucer
on the road to Avesnes

"I was coming back from Avesnes, last Saturday, around 11 p.m., said the popular butcher when, a little beyond the cafe run by Mr. Rina, my wife, who accompanied me, pointed out to me that something abnormal was happening far ahead of us. "It was an accident," I replied, and I slowed down. I was going very slowly," continues Mr. Mozin. "About ten meters from where something was actually happening, my headlights went low. In the passing, my wife and I had time to detail this something: in this case, a bizarre apparatus posed on the grass between the ditch and the road. It had no wheels and had no headlights. Inside a dazzling clarity reigned. In front of this craft, it seemed to us, was a man not very tall, but wide. My headlights turned on normally "au Violin." Mr. Mozin added: "Last Sunday, accompanied by a supporter of the soccer team, and passing on this same road, I stopped at this place. We noticed several small holes forming a circle inside which the grass was flattened. I believe, concludes the butcher, in secret craft."

Saturday, a bit everywhere

A trustworthy person, living on rue Anatole-France, in Boussois, saw on Saturday around 9 p.m. in his garden, a silent craft moving at a very fast speed and accompanied by sparks. Several people from the region, notably from Ferrière-la-Grande, from Louvroil, saw a saucer, the same evening and at the same hour.

Monday evening at Ferrière

Monday evening, between 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., several people from Ferrière witnessed a rare and dazzling spectacle that could be compared to an atmospheric phenomenon. Mr. Maxime Liénard, a guard-apparitor, accompanied by two neighbors, MM. Decruck father and son, saw, leaving his home, a large luminous ball moving above the city. Shortly after, several people passing by La Digue: Mr. Roneid Maufry, who was accompanied by his sisters-in-law, Solange and Gisèle Sauvage; of her brother-in-law, Pierre Sauvage, and of a neighbor, Mrs. Mireille Buivestre, were dazzled by a ball which gave them the impression that it was bursting, causing a reddish gleam seen by other people circulating at the same time in the streets of the town.

All of this, of course, cannot keep us from thinking about the more down-to-earth problem that plagues us and that it is up to us to fix to get a better life. Saucer or not saucer, the wages have to be increased and the rearmament of Germany not to be accepted.



The cation reads:

7) 1,20 m (11-54) Maubeuge: Nord (book to be published).

[Ref. fle1:] FRANCOIS LAGarDE:

The authors indicate that the event occurred around Maubeuge, on the R.N. 2 (Paris-Brussels), between Avesne and Louvroil (Maubeuge), Michelin map #53, fold 6, and was the subject of an investigation by ufologists Bigorne and Mathieu.

One Saturday of November 1954, the Mozin couple had visited a patient at parents in Dourlers. About midnight, they were on the road back in direction to Maubeuge. The road was deserted, the weather was dry, rather frozen and it was clear. They drove at a good pace, when Mr. Mozin said to his wife: "Hold on, look at the gleams over there! What is it? You would say a serious car crash!" The gleam was at the top of a small hill at approximately 800 meters of their car.

While driving at 120 km/h, they quickly crossed this distance and arrived at the top of the small hill and from there they saw within 100 meters on the right side of the R.N. 2, a machine posed with an opened door, and inside the machine a "Michelin guy" appearing to move slowly on the threshold of this door.

The craft had the form of a sort of large shell and rested on feet. It had a white metallic aspect, of coated sheet aspect, and on the walls were visible, vertical lines at intervals of 10 cm.

The being was high of 1.20 meters approximately, very fat, with rolls around the arms and legs. Fitted with large boots, it had a bulky helmet, almost as broad as its shoulders, which made him a large head.

The seen light came from the opened door, and was diffused on the road. The interior was of an intense white, not dazzling. The two witnesses saw there what they supposed to be pipes, or large cables, which went down in the machine, with kinds of handles or switches.

The Mozins managed to begin their observation a hundred meters before arriving close to the object, where they passed in the immediate vicinity, i.e. to 4 or 5 meters.

The headlights of the car ceased functioning as soon as they were at a hundred meters, at the time when the witnesses saw the object. The engine did not stop. The driver then slowed down, and it is more slowly than it crossed the machine: at 70 km/h approximately. A hundred meters after, the headlights suddenly re-ignited without his intervention. Mr. Mozin stopped in the intention to go to see the strange object more closely, but due to the insistence of his frightened wife, he resumed his trip towards Louvroil and reached their home in Maubeuge.

The following day, a Sunday, going to Rheims to attend a fussball game with his friend Mr. Houssières (deceased, [in date of publication]), he stopped at the place of the landing to seek traces, and to prove to his skeptical friend that he had not dreamed. Three prints were visible, and in the center of the triangle which they formed, there was a carbonized round of 15 to 20 cm of diameter releasing an indefinable odor, reminding of benzine. The three traces were laid out on a circle of more or less 1.40 meters of diameter, and were in the form of half-circle, deep of 8 to 10 cm. The spacing of the traces seemed smaller than the diameter of the craft evaluated as of 2 meters. The craft was posed on a narrow space between the ditch and the road.

All the friends of Mr. Mozin laughed at what they thought of being an enormous joke, and the gendarmerie did not intervene.

The witnesses never forgot that night, it remained engraved for ever in their memory. Mrs. Mozin suffered from insomnia during eight days, and she still saw the "Michelin bibendum" at the foot of her bed. Each time that she saw a gas station with the Michelin advertisement she reminded her husband of their strange encounter.

The authors specify that the credibility to be granted to this account appears complete. The Mozina were known in their vicinity for "their kindness and their good moral and intellectual behaviour. They are simple people to whom a cat is a cat; and a flying saucer a flying saucer." They enjoy a very good sight and never had any serious illness.

Sixteen years afterwards, day for day, the witnesses acted their adventure for the investigators, who indicate that their account has notes of sincerity which would be quite difficult to fake. They became again astonished, curious or apprehensive and, on the contrary to her husband, the wife stated that she would not like to see that any more, as she had been so much frightened.


Mr. and Mrs Mozin were interviewed by André Darcheville for a radio broadcast of 1974 on the french national radio France Inter.

[Voice] - "We will begin the approach of the humanoïdes, thanks to found witnesses, who agreed to entrust their fantastic adventure at the microphones of France-lnter. So, Mr. and Mrs. Mozin who tell one of our reporters, André Darcheville, what they saw in November 1954..."

[M. Mozin] - "I was returning from Montournère. arrived at the "Belle Hôtesse", at the top of the coast, I saw very sharp lights on the roadside. To me, this was an accident. I was within two kilometers approximately of these huge lights: I thus accelerated. I descended the hill very quickly, to see the accident. Within a hundred meters, suddenly, my headlights die out! I was driving at 120 km/h. At this point in time I saw the being."

[A. Darcheville] - What did it look like?"

[M. Mozin] - "It resembled the bibendum of the Michelin publicity. A large helmet, large gloves, boots, a size of an average man. Its silhouette cut out in a door which made about 1 meter 80 high. Behind the door I saw like controls, sort of stems and electric wires. It should be said that all was perfectly lit, very white. You could see a in daylight. I thus passed in front of the machine. Fifty meters further, the light came back in the car. The headlights again functioned normally. A little further, I stopped because I wanted to go back there. At that time, I had a revolver on board. I said to myself: "We'll see." My wife started to shout: "No, I do not want to go there!" So, I continued. The following day, I was to go to assist a football game, in Rheims. I was the president of the U.S.M., here in Maubeuge. I was go there with a friend, a tobacconist. He died since, otherwise he would have testified. Before leaving I told him: "Yesterday evening, I saw a saucer!" He answers me: "It's not true!" "Good, since you don't believe me, I will show you while going to Rheims." We hit the road, and arrived at the place in the basin, we get out of the car. I show him the ground. Indeed, there were traces. "Looks at this: there are three naked feet, one there and another there and in the middle, that's odd!" My friend was amazed. "It's true, I lost!" he answered me."

[A. Darcheville] - "You did bet with him?"

[M. Mozin] - "I bet a bottle of champagne and a supper. And I won."

[A. Darcheville] - "Let's go back to this famous night. What was the shape of the craft of have seen?"

[M. Mozin] - "It had the shape of a cigar of three meters in diameter. The door in which the little man was seen had about a meter eighty of height. There remained a space of approximately fifty centimeters between the top of the door and the head of the being. This being, I saw him move. He was going to get out at the time when I arrived. It walked like this. He had difficulties moving. In my opinion, the objects which he had on him were very heavy."

[A. Darcheville] - "The inside was brightly lit I believe, did you see it well?"

[M. Mozin] - "The interior was illuminated with an exceptional strength. White, very white, like those chairs over there."

[A. Darcheville] - How long have you seen it?

[M. Mozin] - "It happened very fast, about fifty seconds."

[A. Darcheville] - "Mrs. Mozin, what impression did it make on you?"

[Mme Mozin] - "I was afraid! All that I can say, is that I was afraid! In the beginning, I believed in an accident, a terrible accident, inasmuch the lights were so strong. But when I saw the being, I was afraid! I did not sleep because of that!"

[A. Darcheville] - "And it is you who saw the being with the maximum of details since you were on the right side of the car, i.e. [the side] of the UFO?"

[Mme Mozin] - "Oh! Yes, I saw him well. I still see him when I close my eyes!"

[A. Darcheville] - "But, in the beginning of your vision, when you realized that this was not a car accident, what did you think of?"

[M. Mozin] - "I thought of a flying saucer! They were discussed at the time. A gate-keeper of the S.N.C.F. [National railway company] had seen a saucer landing on railroad track [See Quarouble Oct. 10.]. I thus thought of a saucer.

[A. Darcheville] - "Why didn't you want your husband to go back?"

[Mme Mozin] - "Oh! no, I didn't want to! I didn't know what was going to happen. Moreover since the car's lights had dies out! Afterwards, when the car's light came back, I said: "No, no! No way we go back there!"

[A. Darcheville] - Mr. Mozin, when did your engine start to function again?"

[M. Mozin] - "It never stopped functioning!"

[Mme Mozin] - "No, only the headlights went out."

[A. Darcheville] - "For how long?"

[M. Mozin] - "It's hard to say. During seventy to eighty meters. I had a new aronde. It was a fast car!"

[A. Darcheville] - "Without the headlights, did you get enough light?"

[M. Mozin] - "Oh! Much more light than if the headlights had functioned!"

[A. Darcheville] - "Were you alone on the road? No other car?"

[M. Mozin] - "No. I was alone at this time. At midnight, there were not many cars which were driving, especially at that time, when there were much less cars than now. It was twenty years ago! But we would have loved to meet another vehicle, believe me!"

[A. Darcheville] - "What was your occupation at that time, Mr. Mozin?"

[M. Mozin] - "I was a butcher."

[A. Darcheville] - "What were you doing so late on a deserted road?"

[M. Mozin] - "I had gone to visit to a relationship which had just given birth. We had started from Maubeuge after my work, around 10 hours of the evening. We returned around 11 and a half, midnight. It is at the return trip that we saw the "thing"."

[Ref. noa1:] "NOSTRA" MAGAZINE:

[... Other cases ...]

It is a small and stoky being that the Mozin husbands saw inside a gigantic shell-shape, in November 1954. "- It resembled the Michelin man", they specified.

[... Other cases ...]

Credit: The Nostra magazine articles for 1974 were scanned and shared on the web by ufologist Patrice Seray in 2011.



? November 1954 MONTOURNERE

Mr. and Mrs. MOZIN, in the car, go down a hill and see very bright lights on the edge of the road; at a hundred yards, the headlights go out. The aforementioned witnesses saw a bizarre silhouette standing out in front of a "door" which was approx. 1.80 m high. Five hundred meters further on, beyond the scene of the incident, the headlights are working normally again...

(ref. JC. BOURRET "La nouvelle vague de soucoupes volantes")

[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:


Case # Date Time Locality Department Witness(es) name
069 11/1954 23.30 Maubeuge. 59 Mozin (+).

[Ref. hjn1:] HENRI JULIEN:

The author indicates that there are cases with "Bibendum", the exact counterpart of the character which symbolized a tire brand, seen for example on October 18, 1954 in Fontenay (Oise) and in November 1954 between Avesne and Louvroie (Maubeuge). This humanoid has rolls around the arms. He is small (less than one meter), stocky, wears a helmet as broad as his shoulders. He was observed at a distance of four meters.



1954 Addenda

November, 1954 2400 Maubeuge (Nord), France Type A

M. & Mme. Mozin were traveling to Maubeuge by car when they saw a light by the road ahead. As they approached, they saw that it came from the interior of an object shaped like a fat shell. This object was about 6 ft m diameter and 7.5 ft high, and rested on 3 1-foot legs. It was of a whitish metallic color. A wide opening gaped in it on the side facing the road; within could be seen thick cables and a very stout space-suited being about 4 ft tall, apparently about to step out. He was encased in "rolls" like the "Michelin tire man" and wore boots & a very broad helmet. (Source has sketch.) His face was not seen. The Mozins passed within 15 ft of the object. The car's headlights went out when it came within 300 ft of the object, and came on again 300 ft past it.

The next day, at the site, M. Mozin found an 8" carbonized spot "giving off an odor reminiscent of benzine" & surrounded by 3 inprints 4" deep, on a circle of about 4.5 ft diameter.

Investigators: MM. Bigorne & Mathieu.

Source: Fernand Legarde, Mystérieuses Soucoupes Volantes (Albatros, 1973), pp. 110-122.


The two authors indicate that at an unknown date of November 1954, at midnight, at the locality "Belle Hotesse", close to Beaufort, Mr. and Mrs. Mozin returned from a visit to a patient at parents in Dourlers and were driving on the N2 road in direction to Maubeuge. The road was deserted, and Mr. Mozin said to his wife: "Hold on, look at the gleams over there! One would say a serious accident."

Driving at 120 km/h, they quickly crossed the distance which separated them from the craft posed between the road and the ditch. The craft was a cylindrical object ending in a cone of low height of a diameter which was to be two meters approximately, and a 2.30 to 2.40 meters height. It rested on three 30 cm high feet and comprised an opened door in its center. Its color was white metallized. They observed a being of 1 m 20 to 1 m 40, a sort of Michelin bibendum, carrying a helmet, which was visible, silhouetted in the opening. The inside was luminous and this light diffused on the road.

They see what they supposed being pipes or large cables which went down in the craft, with kinds of handles or switches.

The headlights of their car, a Simca aronde, ceased functioning within 100 meters of the object. The engine did not stop.

The driver slowed down close to the machine and it is rather slowly, at 70 km/h approximately, that they observed it. The headlights re-ignited without intervention afterwards. Mr. Mozin stopped in the intention to go to see the strange object more closely, but facing the insistence of his wife he resumed the trip towards their residence in Maubeuge.

The authors note that J.-C. Bourret quotes in the report of Andre Darcheville that the witnesses would have been returning from Montournère but in fact they were returning from Mont-Dourlers.

The authors indicate that the books by François Lagarde and by Jean-Claude Bourret are their sources.

[Ref. gni1:] GNEOVNI:


November 1954 - MAUBEUGE type I

The Mozin couple returned by car around midnight. Perceiving a gleam in the distance Mr Mozin thinks of an accident. Arrived at the top of a small hill, they discover at 100 meters from there, on the edge of the road a posed craft, and by a kind of door they perceive inside a "Michelin snowman" appearing to move slowly on the threshold of this door. The shell-shaped object rested on feet and had a white metallic appearance with vertical lines visible on the walls. The being, about 1 m 20 tall, looked like a "bibendum", he was very big, had big boots and wore a bulky helmet. The light inside was an intense white not dazzling. Arrived at 4 or 5 meters from the craft the headlights of the car went out; the engine did not stop. The headlights came back at a hundred meters after passing the craft.

The next day back on the place with a friend Mr. Mozin found 3 footprints and in the center of the triangle they formed was a charred circle of 15 to 20 centimeters giving off an indefinable odor.

(Mystérieuses S.V. - LDLN page 119)


The author suggests that the humanoïd with the roved diving-suit is a French speciality inspired by the Michelin man.



Beaufort - Nord -

Telephone inverstigators:

October 16, 1954

An erroneous statement runs and prints, regarding the case cited in title. The latter would be "phony" and to be put out of the 1954 wave, like all its brothers! Objection! Error changes sides!

This observation by Mr. and Mrs. Mozin, of a humanoid in an unknown object, and the discovery of traces on the ground the next day, remain solid...

Two counter-investigators, who have a reputation for using the phone, wrongly questioned a journalist, taking him for the investigator who had observed with me in 1970. Fatal error, they had a simple negative opinion, but purely gratuitous, which they transformed into certainty. I was the main interested party, seeing the witnesses very closely for 10 years, to find a possible flaw: they failed to consult me. Yet, I would have facilitated their counter-investigation work by bringing them to the scene and to the witnesses...

You don't sign a contract over the phone, nor do you counter-investigate by telephone, you go on site, and you try to work objectively. It was not done for Beaufort. Being there, I can testify; I have the witnesses, my investigator friend at the time, the journalist interviewed, all that remains is to translate the "counter-investigators" to reconstruct the miscarriage of justice!

Anyone can use error and lies.

Here the conclusion is simple: investigate on the spot, you will avoid wallowing in prefabricated conclusions, unless it suits you! Where is the objectivity then?

Beaufort, October 16, 1954, remains unidentified to this day.


(Note: Text of the field investigation in "Mystérieuses Soucoupe Volantes", Albatros publisher, 1973, p 119 to 122).

[Photo caption:] Mr. MOZIN one of the main witnesses of the landing with a humanoid in Beaufort (Nord) on October 16, 1954, Photo taken in May 1979 during a new counter-investigation by Mr. BIGORNE.


This field ufologist investigated the case shortly after the events, and interviewed again the witnesses 16 years later to make sure that they had not changed their story, they did not. He published a report on the case in the French ufology magazine "Lumières Dans La Nuit," the report gives the following information.

Between Avesne and Louvroil, in the vicinity of Maubeuge on National Road RN 2 which joins Paris and Brussels in Belgium, on October 16, 1954, at about midnight, Mr. and Mrs. Mozin were driving back from a visit to relatives in Dourlers. The road was empty, it was cold and dry, almost freezing, the sky was clear, they drove at a speed of 120 km/h.

M. Mozin indicates to his wife on gleams in the countryside, on top of a small hill, at a distance which they estimated at 800 meters away. Mr. Mozin tells his wife that he thinks that there has been a car accident.

The distance is quickly covered by their car and when they are at the top of the hill, they discover at 100 meters away on the right side of the road a craft on the ground, which has a cylindrical form of two meters in diameter with a cone of low height at the top.

The witnesses experienced that when their car was still at a hundred meters of the object, the headlights of the cars died out spontaneously while the engine continued to function normally. Mr. Mozin however slowed down at this time and brought the speed to 70 km/h. While continuing to drive they arrived at some four or five meters of the object.

They can then see that it is resting on feet. The feet seem to have some thirty centimeters in height. It has a white aspect like coated metal sheet and vertical lines separated by 10 centimeters on its surface.

The craft has a broad opening, and in this opening, which seems deprived of a door, a silhouette appears to move slowly. They thought it was quite similar to the well-known silhouette of the "Michelin dummy." This being seems to have a height of one meter and twenty centimeters, very large, broad of 0m90 to 1 meter, with rolls around the arms and legs, and carrying a bulky helmet almost as broad as its shoulders. Its face is not distinguished. It seems to move slightly and very slowly, like if getting ready to come out, trailing its feet which appear fitted heavy boots. Its hands are not visible.

The luminosity of the opening diffuses on the road, the interior of the machine seems of an intense white but not dazzling. Some sort of conduits or large cables go down in the machine in its interior and some sort of handles or switches are seen.

When the car passed the object by a hundred meters, its headlights functioned again spontaneously. Mr. Mozin then stopped the car, as he gad decided to walk to the object for a closer look, but his frightened wife dissuades him and they drive away and return to their home in Maubeuge. They thus did not see a departure of the craft.

The next day, Mr. Mozin, while going to Rheims to attend a fussball game with his friend Mr. Houssière, stops at the place where he saw the object the day before to check if there are any traces left, hoping to prove to his friend that he did not dream. In a narrow space between a one meter broad and 50 centimeters deep ditch and the road, three 8 to 10 centimeters deep prints in half rings were visible with, in the center of the imaginary circle formed by these three prints of approximately a meter forty, a carbonized round, 20 centimeters in diameter, releasing an odor that the witness compared to that of benzene. The car had to pass at between three and five meters of the object.

The gendarmerie did not carry out any investigation and Mr. Mozon's friends made fun of him, estimating that it was all a big joke, but the witnesses never forgot the incident. Mrs. Mozin suffered from insomnia during eight days and imagined the Michelin "bibendum" near her bed at night.

J.M. Bigorne re-interrogated the witnesses 16 years after the facts. He notes that the witnesses had both a good sight, did not suffer from any disease and were favorably known in their vicinity for their kindness and good morality. Mr. Mozin remained very calms in connection with this event, while Mrs. Mozin insisted that she would rather never had lived such a frightening experience.

Drawing from "Lumières dans la Nuit."


Bibendum, the "Michelin man", an advertising symbol of this tyres trademark.


Because the two debunkers Gerald Barthel and Jacques Brucker had published that "the case was null" according to a journalist whom they had questioned, Jean-Marie Bigorne who had been the first investigator published a firm answer in the ufology magazine "Lumières Dans la Nuit."

It indicates that Barthel and Brucker had wrongly taken this journalist for the investigator who had accompanied him in 1970 at the time of the first investigation by the witnesses. The journalist had simply given a negative but purely unaware opinion that Barthel and Brucker changed into a certainty.

Jean-Marie Bigorne reminds that he was the principal interested, that he has seen the witnesses very closely for 10 years, to find a possible fault, and that Barthel and Brucker did not even consult him, whereas he would have facilitated their work of counter-investigation by bringing them on the location and to the witnesses.

Jean Marie Bigorne charges on the relevance of their telephone investigations, blames them for not having gone to the site, not having met the witnesses and for not having worked objectively. For him, the case remains unidentified to date.



5. Beaufort (Nord), October 16, 1954. B&B version [bbr1]: ... we did extensive research.. the opinion of an investigator as in Beaufort... there was nothing serious. (p. 100). LDLN Version B&B interviewed a journalist with the same name as the lead investigator at the time; the journalist, who does not believe in UFOs (it is his right) and who knows nothing about the case of Beaufort, expressed his skepticism to them on the subject. They neither questioned Mr. Mozin, still alive at the time, and who confirmed his observation, nor the investigator J.M. Bigorne, who took the trouble to meet the witness. (LDLN 191 January 1980).

Mr. Mozin, photographed by Jean-Marie Bigorne in May 1979. He confirms! But it was not with him that B&B investigated, it was with someone who knew nothing about the case!

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

Jean Sider indicates that the counter-investigation by Barthel and Brucker on the CE3 case in Beaufort ine the Nord, is "imaginary."

He indicates that on Saturday, October 16, 1954 at abou midnight the Mozin couple drove by car on National Road 2 when their attention was caught by a gleam which proved to be emitted by a machine posed on the rim of the road. It had an opened door letting see a being of the "Michelin man" type.

They note that on page 100 of their book, Barthel and Brucker write that they repeat to have made extensive investigations for each case where it was possible and that always, something came to disturb their "conviction" [they say they initially "believed"], and that in the case of Beaufort it is "the opinion of an investigator" who convinced them that the case was not serious at all.

Jean Sider indicates that the investigator in question is in fact Jean-Marie Bigorne, correspondent of the Lumières Dans La Nuit magazine, customs inspector, and well-known investigator "experienced and well-known for honest spirit". Sider ensures that Barthel and Brucker confused him with a journalist friend of his, who merely delivered a negative and unargumented personal impression to them; which Barthel and Brucker "changed into a final truth", an "irrefutable proof of the lack of credibility of the incident."

Jean Sider estimates that Barthel and Brucker did not even try to talk on location or by phone with Mr. Mozin, whereas the latter was still alive in 1979. He adds that Jean-Marie Bigorme on the contrary met him and all the details of the case were confirm, and that a photograph of Mr. Mozin as well as a correction appeared in LDLN #191 on page 34.

Further on in his book, he wrote:

72 - October 16, around midnight, near Beaufort, Maubeuge.

The Mozin couple.

The couple returns to their home by taking the RN2, towards Maubeuge. Suddenly, Mr. Mozin draws his wife's attention to lights visible at 800m along the road, suggesting that an accident occurred. Approaching, the couple see that it is something quite different: a kind of huge shell resting on feet, of metallic white, stands on the right side of the roadway. About a hundred meters from the "shell", the car's headlights go out, but the engine continues to run, which allows Mr. Mozin to continue his journey and pass four or five meters from the thing before going beyond it. Arriving at the height of the "shell", Mr. Mozin noticed that an opening, like a door, gaped in the object, revealing a strange figure resembling a Michelin man. One hundred meters after passing the craft, the headlights came back on by themselves. Mr. Mozin wanted to stop for a moment to see the spectacle more closely, but the fright shown by his wife dissuaded him. The next day, the witness returned to the scene and discovered three triangular holes in the center of which was a charred circle fifteen to twenty centimeters in diameter.

Source: Mystérieuses soucoupes volantes, Fernand Lagarde, Albatros publishers, Paris 1973, p. 119-122. See O.D. 4 to 7.

Note: Case rehabilitated chapter 1 #4, following the nonsense by Barthel & Brucker. Another Michelin man was described in June 1970 about an incident that took place in May 1955 in Dinan. In addition, on July 31, 1968, a third "bibendum" was seen by Luce Fontaine in the plain of Caffres, on the high plateau of Reunion Island. A description provided twice, therefore, before the publication of the Beaufort affair.

The Beaufort investigators are MM. Mathieu and Jean-Marie Bigorne, the latter being a researcher recognized for his great seriousness who has been collaborating with the journal LDLN for many years.


1954, November

FRANCE, Belle Hôtesse near Beaufort.

The Mozin couple were on their way back to Maubeuge around midnight. In the distance there were lights at the top of a small hill: they thought there had been an accident. They quickly cross the distance that separates them from this light and they discover, placed 100 m away, on the edge of the R.N.2, a craft, door open, and inside a "Michelin man" appearing to move slowly on the doorstep. The craft, a sort of large shell, rested on feet, was of a metallic whitish color like galvanized sheet metal and on the walls vertical lines 10 cm apart. The being, about 1.20m high, looked like the Michelin bibendum: it was very big, with sausages around its arms and legs. Wearing heavy boots, he wore a bulky helmet almost as wide as his shoulders, which gave him a big head. The light came from the open door and diffused on the road. The interior was non-glare white. The witnesses saw conduits or large cables there which descended into the craft with sorts of handles or switches. They began their observation from a distance of 100 m and passed in the immediate vicinity, either at 4 or 5 m. The car's headlights stopped working as soon as they got a hundred meters away, the engine did not stop. The driver braked lightly but did not stop. When they had passed the thing a hundred meters, the headlights came back on without the intervention of the driver. (L.D.L.N. "Mystérieuses Soucoupes Volantes" - ALBATROS-ETAPES 1973 - p. 119 to 122)


4166: 1954/10/16 23:40 3 3:58:20 E 50:14:00 N 3333 WEU FRN NRD 8:7


Ref#194 LUMIERES dans la NUIT.(LDLN France) Issue No. 191 : PASTURE

[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:


Location. Maubeuge Nord France

Date: November 1954

Time: 2400

M & Mrs Mozin were traveling to Maubeuge by car when they saw a light by the road ahead. As they approached, they saw that it came from the interior of an object shaped like a fat shell. This object was about 6 ft in diameter and 7.5 ft high, and rested on 3 1-foot legs. It was a whitish metallic color. A wide opening gaped in it on the side facing the road; within could be seen thick cables and a very stout space suited being about 4 ft tall, apparently about to step out. He was encased in "rolls" like the "Michelin tire man" and wore boots & a very broad helmet. His face was not seen. The Mozins passed within 15 ft of the object. The car's headlights went out when it came within 300 ft of the object, and came on again 300 ft past it. The next day, Mr. Mozin found an 8" carbonized spot "giving off an odor reminiscent to benzene" & surrounded by 3 imprints 4" deep, on a circle of about 4.5 ft diameter.

Humcat 1954-34

Source: Jean Marie Bigorne & Fernand Legarde [sic]

Type: A


November 16, 1954 Beaufort 59

The fact occurred around Maubeuge on the R.N. 2 (Paris-Brussels), between Avesnes (59) and Louvroil (59), Michelin map #53, fold 6.

The Mozin couple had gone, this Saturday, November 16, 1954, to visit a patient at parents in Dourlcrs (59). About midnight, they were on the road of the return in direction of Maubeuge. The road was deserted, dry weather, rather frosty. It was daylight. They crossed kilometers briskly, when Mr. Mozin called to his wife: "Hey, look at the gleams over there! What is it? You would say" a serious accident!" They saw this gleam on the top of a small hill, approximately 800 meters of their car.

Driving at 120 km./hour, they cross the distance quickly and arrived at the top of the small hill, they discover within 100 meters from there, on the right edge of the R.N. 2. a craft posed, an open door and inside the craft a "Michelin man" appearing to move slowly on the threshold of the door.

The craft, a kind of large shell, which rested on feet, had a metallic white aspect, kind of coated metallic sheet and on the walls of the visible, distant vertical lines between them of 10 cm. The approximately 1 m 20 tall being resembled the "Michelin man".. It was very large, with rolls around the arms and legs. Fitted with large boots. it carried a bulky helmet, almost as broad as its shoulders, which made him a large head.

The light seen came from the opened door, and was diffused on the road. The inside was of an intense white not dazzling. The two witnesses saw there what they supposed being pipes, where large cab1es which went down in the craft with kinds of handles or switches.

The Mozin couple managed to begin their observation a hundred meters before arriving near the object, where they passed in the immediate vicinity, i.e. at 4 or 5 meters.

The headlights of the car ceased functioning as soon as they were at a hundred meters, at the time when the witnesses saw the object. The engine did not stop.

The driver then slowed down, and it is more slowly than he crossed 1he craft: at 70 km./h. approximately. One hundred meters further, the headlights were suddenly re-ignited without his intervention. Mr. Mozin stopped with the intention to go to see the strange object more closely. At the insistence of his frightened wife, he continued his travel towards Louvroil and reached his Maubeuge home.

The next day, a Sunday, going to Rheims to attend a soccer game with his friend Mr. Houssières (deceased), he stopped at the place of the landing to seek traces, and to prove to his incredulous friend that had not dreamed. Three prints were visible, and in the center of the triangle which they formed a carbonized round from 15 to 20 cm. of diameter was seen releasing an indefinable odor, a bit like benzine. The three traces, laid out on a circle of more or less 1 m 40 in diameter, was in the shape of a half-circle, deep from 8 to 10 cm. The spacing of the traces seemed smaller than the diameter of the craft evaluated as 2 meters. The machine was posed on a narrow space between the ditch and the road.

All the friends of Mr. Mozin laughed a lot at what they thought of being an enormous joke and the gendarmerie did not intervene.

The witnesses never forgot that night, it remained engraved for ever in their memory. Mrs. Mozin "suffered insomnia during eight days and always saw again "the Michelin man" at the foot of her bed. Each time that she crosses a gaz service station showing the Michelin advertisement she recalls their strange meeting to her husband.

The credit to be granted to this account appears total. The Mozin couple is known in the vicinity for their kindness and their good moral and intellectual behaviour. They are simple people to whom a cat is a cat and a F.s. is a D.s.. They enjoy a very good sight and never had a serious illness.

Sixteen years later, day for day, the witnesses lived again their adventure for us. Their account has notes of sincerity which would be quite difficult to imitate. They become again astonished, curious or apprehensive and contrary to her husband, his wife says that she would not like to see this again, so much frightened she had been by it.

Some additions to the investigation.

The craft was on the edge of the road, between the road and the 1 meter broad and 50 cm deep ditch. The car passed between 3 and 5 meters from there.

Its form was cylindrical ended by a cone of low height. Its diameter was to be 2 meters approximately. and its height cone included 2 m.30 to 2 m. 40. It seemed to have undulations or vertical lines of approximately 10 cm distance between them. It comprised it seems an open opening, almost as large as the object, but no door was noticed only the opening.

It rested seemingly only on two feet (there were three of them which actually were observed thanks to traces found). The traces were compared with those of a bath-tub feet.

The height of the feet between the ground and the machine was evaluated as of 30 cm. The size of the occupant was to range between 1 m. 20 and 1 m. 40. It appeared very broad between 0 m. 90 and 1 meter. The arms were stuck to the body and close to the edges of the opening. Large boots broad feet, no memory of the hands. Large helmet almost as broad as the shoulders, nonapparent face. It appeared to move very slowly, by trailing the feet to move as if it wanted to come out.

The witnesses did not attend the departure of the machine.

The craft was located at a few meters near near a geodetic spot indicated on an 1/40.000th English map of 1918 with the denomination of "conspicuous trigono­metrical spot". The place was deserted at the time and at the crossing of two roads.

Reference: Investigation by Mssrs. BIGORNE and MATHIEU L.D.L.N.
Book: "Mystérieuses soucoupes volantes" par LDLN éditions Albatros 1973

[Ref. jbn1:] JEROME BEAU:

Saturday, October 16, 1954

24:00 Between Avesne and Louvroil, around Maubeuge on the Road RN 2 which joins Paris to Brussels, on October 16, 1954, about midnight, a couple returned by car of a visit at relatives in Dourlers. The road was empty, the weather was close to cold and dry, the sky was clear, they drive at 120 kmh. The man draws the attention of his wife to gleams in the countryside, on top of a small coast, at a distance which they estimated as 800 meters of them. The witness indicates to his wife that it thinks that there was an accident.

The distance is quickly crossed by the car and when they are at the top of the hill, they discover within 100 meters of them on the right side of the road a craft posed on the ground, which has a cylindrical form about two meters in diameter with a cone of low height at the top.

The witnesses in the car managed to see that when their car was still at a hundred meters of the object, and at this time, the headlights of the car died out spontaneously while the engine continued to function normally. The driver however slowed down at this time and the speed of the car is brought back to 70 kmh. While continuing to drive, they arrived at some four or five meters of the object. From this distance, they can see that the object rests on feet. The feet seem to have about thirty centimetres in height. It has a white aspect like coated sheet and vertical lines separated by 10 centimetres on its wall. The machine has a broad opening, and in the framing of this one which seems deprived of door, a silhouette appears to move slowly and it will evoke for them the silhouette of the "Michelin man." This being seems to them high of one meter twenty, very large, broad of 0m90 by 1 meter, with rolls around the arms and legs, fitted with large boots and wearing a bulky helmet almost as broad as its shoulders. Its face is not apparent. It seems to move slightly and very slowly, like preparing to come out, by trailing its feet which appear fitted of heavy boots. Its hands are not distinguished.

The luminosity of the opening is diffused on the road, the inside of the machine seems of an intense white not dazzling. Kinds of conduits or large cables go down in the machine in its inside and kinds of handles or switches are seen.

When the car exceeded the object by a hundred meters, its headlights are re-ignited spontaneously. The driver stops the car then, decided to go to see the object closely by foot, but his frightened wife dissuades him and they resume the trip and reach home in Maubeuge. They thus do not attend the departure of the machine. The next day, the witness, while going to Rheims to attend a football game with a friend, stops at the place where he saw the object the day before to check if there are traces, hoping to prove to his friend that he had not dreamed In a narrow space between a one meter broad ditch and 50 centimetres of depth and the road, three prints in half rings and 8 to 10 centimetres deep were visible with in the center of the imaginary circle of approximately a meter forty formed by these three prints, a carbonized round 20 centimetres in diameter releasing an odor that the witness compared to bemzine odor.

The source is indicated as "LDLN N.191, p.34".

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Nord in Maubeuge on October 16, 1954 at 23:55 hours "Between Avesne and Louvroil, around Maubeuge on the Road RN 2 which joins Paris to Brussels, on October 16, 1954, about midnight, a couple returned by car of a visit at relatives in Dourlers. The road was empty, the weather was close to cold and dry, the sky was clear, they drive at 120 kmh. The man draws the attention of his wife to gleams in the countryside, on top of a small coast, at a distance which they estimated as 800 meters of them. The witness indicates to his wife that it thinks that there was an accident."

"The distance is quickly crossed by the car and when they are at the top of the hill, they discover within 100 meters of them on the right side of the road a craft posed on the ground, which has a cylindrical form about two meters in diameter with a cone of low height at the top."

"The witnesses in the car managed to see that when their car was still at a hundred meters of the object, and at this time, the headlights of the car died out spontaneously while the engine continued to function normally. The driver however slowed down at this time and the speed of the car is brought back to 70 kmh. While continuing to drive, they arrived at some four or five meters of the object. From this distance, they can see that the object rests on feet. The feet seem to have about thirty centimetres in height. It has a white aspect like coated sheet and vertical lines separated by 10 centimetres on its wall. The machine has a broad opening, and in the framing of this one which seems deprived of door, a silhouette appears to move slowly and it will evoke for them the silhouette of the "Michelin man." This being seems to them high of one meter twenty, very large, broad of 0m90 by 1 meter, with rolls around the arms and legs, fitted with large boots and wearing a bulky helmet almost as broad as its shoulders. Its face is not apparent. It seems to move slightly and very slowly, like preparing to come out, by trailing its feet which appear fitted of heavy boots. Its hands are not distinguished."

"The luminosity of the opening is diffused on the road, the inside of the machine seems of an intense white not dazzling. Kinds of conduits or large cables go down in the machine in its inside and kinds of handles or switches are seen."

"When the car exceeded the object by a hundred meters, its headlights are re-ignited spontaneously. The driver stops the car then, decided to go to see the object closely by foot, but his frightened wife dissuades him and they resume the trip and reach home in Maubeuge. They thus do not attend the departure of the machine. The next day, the witness, while going to Rheims to attend a football game with a friend, stops at the place where he saw the object the day before to check if there are traces, hoping to prove to his friend that he had not dreamed In a narrow space between a one meter broad ditch and 50 centimetres of depth and the road, three prints in half rings and 8 to 10 centimetres deep were visible with in the center of the imaginary circle of approximately a meter forty formed by these three prints, a carbonized round 20 centimetres in diameter releasing an odor that the witness compared to bemzine odor."

The source is noted "Les OVNI vus de près by Gross Patrick **".

[Ref. lcn2:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Nord in Beaufort in November 1954 at 00:00, "A couple circulates on the N2 coming from Dourlers and going towards Maubeuge. A little before the place called "Belle Hôtesse", the man observes a gleam, thinking of an accident. The car goes at 120 km/h, they arrive at the level of the gleam and then observe a cylindrical object finished by a cone of low height of a diameter estimated aa 2 meters and a height of 2m30 to 2m40. It rests on three feet of 30 cm heightt. An open opening is visible in its center. The object iso f metallized white color. In the medium of the opening lit by a light coming from the inside, they observe a being of 1m20 to 1m40 resembling a Michelin bibendum and helmeted. Pipes or bigg wires are visible with kinds of handles or switches. At a hundred meters of the object the headlights of the vehicle stop. The driver slows down, the car passes the object, the headlights are re-ignited. The driver stops, wanting to go to see closser, but his wife prevents him to, and they drive away."

La source est notée "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... par Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The author indicates that on 16 October 1954 at 23:40 in Beaufort, France, "Bullet-shaped UFO lands on three legs in ditch. Lights are turned off. Figure exits." And: "Close encounter with an unidentified craft and its occupants. One bullet-shaped object was observed by two witnesses in a pasture for over three minutes."

The sources are noted as Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002.

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that in November 1954 at 24:00 Maubeuge, Nord, France, "M and Mrs Mozin were traveling to Maubeuge by car when they saw a light by the road ahead. As they approached, they saw that it came from the interior of an object shaped like a fat shell. This object was about 6 ft in diameter and 7.5 ft high, and rested on 3 1-foot legs. It was a whitish metallic color. A wide opening gaped in it on the side facing the road; within could be seen thick cables and a very stout space suited being about 4 ft tall, apparently about to step out. He was encased in "rolls" like the "Michelin tire man" and wore boots and a very broad helmet. His face was not seen. The Mozins passed within 15 ft of the object. The car's headlights went out when it came within 300 ft of the object, and came on again 300 ft past it. The next day, Mr. Mozin found an 8" carbonized spot "giving off an odor reminiscent to benzene" and surrounded by 3 imprints 4" deep, on a circle of about 4.5 ft diameter."

The source is a link to a non-existing web page.

[Ref. uda3:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 6 January 1954 in Eauforte, France, there was a "Close encounter with an unidentified craft and its occupants. An unidentified object at close range and its occupants were observed by two witnesses on a road (Mozin)."

The source is noted as Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports.

[Ref. djn2:] DONALD JONHSON:

Donald Johnson indicates that in 1954, there was one report of a "Michelin Man" uniform which would occur in subsequent years.

[Ref. prn1:] PETER ROGERSON:

November 1954. 0005hrs.


Mr and Mrs Mozin were driving back to Maubeuge from Montourners, when, as they reached the ‘Belle Hotesse’ inn, they saw some very bright lights by the side of the road, about 2km away. Thinking it was an accident, they hurried to the scene at 120kph. Suddenly, at a distance of 100m or so from the spot, the car lights went out. Silhouetted in a doorway in a cigar shaped machine, 3m long, was a little man, 1.3m tall. He was dressed in a very big helmet, with big gloves and boots, and a “Michelin Man” suit. The being walked towards them, with a clumsy gait, like that of a diver. From the 1.8m high doorway came a light that illuminated the countryside. Through the opening they saw various controls and wires. The couple drove rapidly away, and 50m on, their lights came on again. The observation perhaps lasted for only 10 seconds.

Bourret 1977, p.81, citing Andre Darchville.


Location: Maubeuge Nord France

Date: November 1954

Time: 2400

M & Mrs Mozin were traveling to Maubeuge by car when they saw a light by the road ahead. As they approached, they saw that it came from the interior of an object shaped like a fat shell. This object was about 6 ft in diameter and 7.5 ft high, and rested on 3 1-foot legs. It was a whitish metallic color. A wide opening gaped in it on the side facing the road; within could be seen thick cables and a very stout space suited being about 4 ft tall, apparently about to step out. He was encased in “rolls” like the “Michelin tire man” and wore boots & a very broad helmet. His face was not seen. The Mozins passed within 15 ft of the object. The car’s headlights went out when it came within 300 ft of the object, and came on again 300 ft past it. The next day, Mr. Mozin found an 8” carbonized spot “giving off an odor reminiscent to benzene” & surrounded by 3 imprints 4” deep, on a circle of about 4.5 ft diameter.

Source: Jean Marie Bigorne & Fernand Legarde

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded the case 5 times:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19540000 00.00.1954 Manbeuge [sic] France
19541100 00.11.1954 Maubeuge France Night CE III
19541100 00.11.1954 Maubeuge France 23.30 CE III
19541100 00.11.1954 Maubeuge France Nights CE III
19540106 06.01.1954 Eauforte France CE III


October 16 1954. 0005hrs.


Mr and Mrs Mozin were driving back to Maubeuge from Doulers, after visiting sick relatives, when, as they reached the "Belle Hotesse" inn, they saw some very bright lights by the side of the road, about 2km away. Thinking it was an accident, they hurried to the scene at 120kph. Suddenly, at a distance of 100m or so from the spot, the car lights went out. Silhouetted in a doorway in a cigar shaped machine, 3m long, was a little man, 1.3m tall. He was dressed in a very big helmet, with big gloves and boots, and a "Michelin Man" suit. The being walked towards them, with a clumsy gait, like that of a diver. From the 1.8m high doorway came a light that illuminated the countryside. Through the opening they saw various controls and wires. The couple drove rapidly away, and 50m on, their lights came on again. The observation perhaps lasted for only 10 seconds.


Investigator Jean-Marie Bigorne has photographed Mr. Mozin in May 1979 while he interviewed him again.



Possible extraterrestrial visitors.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Maubeuge, Nord, Beaufort, Avesne, Louvroil, Mozin, occupant, humanoid, Michelin, Bibendum, cylinder, foot, feet, trace, multiple, car, electro-magnetism, metallic


Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross April 17, 2006 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross December 28, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [jbn1], [lcn1], [uda1].
1.1 Patrick Gross February 14, 2010 Addition [tp1].
1.2 Patrick Gross February 28, 2010 Additions [uda2], [djn2].
1.3 Patrick Gross March 8, 2010 Addition [lcn2].
1.4 Patrick Gross March 18, 2010 Additions [hjn1], [uda3].
1.5 Patrick Gross July 9, 2010 Addition [dj1].
1.8 Patrick Gross October 19, 2011 Addition [noa1].
1.9 Patrick Gross August 14, 2013 Addition [prn1].
2.0 Patrick Gross January 12, 2017 Additions [tai1], [ubk1].
2.1 Patrick Gross March 15, 2020 Additions [gni1], [lhh1], [prn2].
2.2 Patrick Gross March 30, 2020 Addition [lib1].
2.3 Patrick Gross September 30, 2021 Additions [ufa1], [tbw1].
2.4 Patrick Gross March 17, 2022 Addition [ldl2].
2.5 Patrick Gross June 7, 2022 Addition [agd1].
2.6 Patrick Gross July 2, 2022 Additions [ldl1], [goe1].

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