The index page for the 1954 French flap section of this website is here.
Reference for this case: 15-oct-54-Le-Quillio.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.
Newspapers of October 20, 1954, reported an observation that appeared to have taken place on October 18, 1954, in Uzel:
Mr. and Mrs. Perrichon had said that they saw an orange flying saucer in the evening, the same thing having been observed in several neighboring communes.
However, in 2021, ufologist Dominique Caudron found in the press clippings collected by the ufologist Michel Jeantheau an article in Le Courrier Indépendant, from Loudéac, in the Côtes-d'Armor, for October 23, 1954, on page 3, reporting:
Friday of last week, around 8:30 p.m., the Perrichon couple, of Le Quillio, accompanied by their son and their maid, were on their way to Mr. Bertho's, in St Guen, when they saw in the distance in the sky a fireball with orange reflections alternating with pink heading towards Merléac.
The phenomenon lasted about a minute.
The sighting was therefore not in Uzel but between Le Quillio and Saint-Guen, and did not occur on October 18 but on October 15, 1954.
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Paris, 19. -- The only new accounts of the overflight of France by mysterious craft come from the west.
In the Côtes du Nord, in Uzel, Mr. and Mrs. Perrichon said they saw an orange-colored flying saucer on Sunday evening. The same fact was observed in several neighboring municipalities.
In the Vendée in Pont l'Abbé d'Arnoult, a mysterious craft which rose vertically behind a hedge, has been seen by Mr. Meunier, site manager in a masonry company.
Finally, in Luçon, Mr. Boulineau observed a large luminous ball of which a crescent-shaped part was red in color. The ball was moving quickly rotating on itself and disappeared in seconds.
Rome, 19. -- While flying saucers disdain England, they continue their dance in the Italian skies. In Capri, one of these mysterious craft landed on the terrace of the villa of the writer Curzio Malaparte.
It was a painter, Mr. Castello, who, during a night walk, carried out at Cape Massulo, saw a huge disc about five meters in diameter, which was moving at a hundred meters of altitude. The craft descended slowly and landed on the terrace of the writer's villa. Mr. Castello who at first thought it was a helicopter approached the summer residence of Curzio Malaparte and was very surprised to see four "men" of small stature descending from the disc. The passengers of the craft, who were wearing an outfit, remained around the disc for about half an hour.
"I had the impression, said the witness of this landing, that they did not speak, or they did so in a low voice, because from where I was, I could not hear no sound. What is certain is that bluish gleams kept coming out of the disc, like pins and lightning fast, going in all directions."
"After a while, about half an hour, the four "men" entered the disc which, with a slight purring sound, rose slowly, perpendicularly, and then quickly gained altitude".
The painter only has to paint on the canvas the fantastic scene he witnessed. The painting will sell for a good price. Its author will become famous as a "science fiction" specialist.
(This genre already has its writers and filmmakers. Why wouldn't it have its painters?).
And Mr. Castello will be happy and he will be making a lot of money. All this for having seen a saucer...
Lisieux, 19. -- Several people were running across fields in Moyeux, in the direction of a flying saucer, surrounded by white and black smoke, which had been reported to them by a child.
One of these people, a farmer, Mr. Filate, did not take his eyes off the sky: he fell into a deep pond where he almost drowned. His companions managed to save him.
Foix, 19. -- Following numerous appearances of flying machines of unknown type, currently reported in all regions of France, Mr. René Dejean, deputy of Ariège (socialist), addressed to Mr. the President of the Council a written question asking him in particular:
"Whether or not a service has been set up to collect the documentation existing to date and to study the nature and origin of the said machines; if the information currently obtained so far absolutely excludes the hypothesis of craft piloted or built by living beings of unknown species and origin; if the Government has, on the contrary, sufficient information to attribute the production of these craft to the industry of a foreign state; if in this last case the international agreements signed by France have already allowed consultations relating to the use of such craft in a possible conflict."
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Lisieux, 19. -- Several people were running through the fields in Moyeux, in the direction of a flying saucer, surrounded by smoke and black white, which had been reported to them by a child.
One of them, a farmer, Mr. Filate, did not take his eyes off the sky: he fell into a deep pond where he almost drowned. His companions managed to save him.
Paris. -- The only new testimonies on the overflight of France by mysterious craft come from the West.
In the Côtes-du-Nord, at Uzel, Mr. and Mrs. Perrichon stated having seen an orange flying saucer. The same fact was observed in several neighboring municipalities.
In the Vendée, in Pont-l'Abbé-d'Arnoult, a mysterious craft which rose vertically behind a hedge, was seen by Mr. Meunier, site manager in a masonry company.
Finally, in Luçon, Mr. Boulineau observed a large luminous ball of which a crescent-shaped part was red in color. The ball moved rapidly spinning on itself and disappeared in a few seconds.
[Ref. lae1:] NEWSPAPER "L'ALSACE":
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Rome, Oct. 19. -- The flying discs continue their dance in the sky of the peninsula and in Capri, one of these mysterious machines landed on the terrace of writer Curzio Malaparte's villa.
It is a painter, Mr. Raffaele Castello, who, during a night walk carried out at cape Massulo, saw an enormous disc approximately five meters in diameter, which moved at a hundred meters of altitude. The apparatus went down slowly and landed on the terrace of the villa of the writer.
Mr. Castello who initially thought it was a helicopter approached the summer residence of Curzio Malaparte and was very suprised to see four men of small size going down from the disc. The passengers of the machine, who were clad in an outfit, remained around the disc approximately half an hour.
"I had the impression, the witness of this landing said, that they did not speak, or then they spoke with low voices, as from place where I was, I was unable to hear any sound. What is certain, is that bluish gleams escaped without stop from the disc, similar to pins and fast like lightinings, leaving in all the directions. "After some time, half an hour approximately, the four men returned into the disc which, with a gentle humming, rose gently, perpendicularly, and took altitude quickly".
Livourne, Oct. 19. -- Bruno Senesi, 34 years old, who entered yesterday evening at the hospital of Livourne, ducked under a bed while shouting for help.
He states that Martians had just gone down from a saucer and were chasing him.
Paris, October 19. -- Several testimonys on the overflight of France by mysterious machines come from the West.
In the Côtes-du-Nord, in Uzel, Mr. and Mrs. Perrichon stated to have seen, yesterday evening, a flying saucer of orange color. The same fact was observed in several nearby cities.
In the Vendée, in Pont l'Abbé d'Arnoult, a mysterious machine which rose vertically behind a hedge, was seen by Mr. Meunier, site foreman in a building firm.
Lastly, in Luçon, Mr. Boulineau observed a large luminous ball of which a part in form of crescent was of red color. The ball moved quickly, while rotating and disappeared in a few seconds.
Lisieux, October 19. -- Several people ran through fields in Moyeux, in direction of a flying saucer, surrounded of white smoke, which had been reported to them by a child.
One of them, a farmer, Mr. Filate, did not leave the sky from his eyes; He fell into a deep pond
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CURZIO MALAPARTE missed the book of his life.
A flying saucer stuffed with "Martians" like a subway train at six in the evening landed on the terrace of his summer villa in Capri. And Malaparte was not there! Disappointed, the Martians who probably wanted to have "The Skin" signed off, left.
It was a painter, Raffaele Castello, who saw them. He was walking at night at Cape Maroulo when he saw a huge disc five meters in diameter delicately landing on the Malapartean villa. Four of the Martians - they were short, dressed in overalls and speaking in low voices - entered the writer's house. Half an hour later, they left without having even taken a book. They climbed back into the craft which, casting classic bluish gleams, rose as perpendicular as it was silent and disappeared towards Sicily. Farewell Martians!
Various saucers and cigars have flown all over Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Spain (these are the first, the Franco regime seemed to intimidate the Martians so far) and naturally in France. Our happy compatriots who were favored with their vision are Pierre Pouquet in Saint-Germain-les-Belles (Haute-Vienne), Perrichou and Mrs., in Uzel (Côtes-d'Armor), Meunier in Pont-l'Abbé-d'Arnoult (Vendée) [Charente-Maritime], Boulineau in Luçon, Jean Aufard in Sisternes-la-Forêt (Pas-de-Calais), Perrault and Villerot in Brain, near Decize, Decréquy, marshall of the gendarmerie in Pommier (Pas-de-Calais), Filatte, farmer in Noyeux (Eure).
This Mr. Filatte, running across the fields to observe the saucer, fell into a pond and almost drowned.
LIVORNO. October 19. (AFP.) - "They are persecuting me... They are coming to get me... I saw them land in a field... Saucers, large and small... Lights and smoke... The Martians... The Martians...", it is by shouting these pieces of sentences expressing his deep agitation that Mr. Bruno Senesi, 34, came to the hospital in Livorno, asking to be helped. But when the nurse returned with the doctor on duty, Senesi was gone. He was found hidden under a bed, shaken by violent shivers.
At the asylum, his condition causes concern.
[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:
The author indicates that on October 18, 1954, in Uzel in the Côtes-d'Armor, "one does not know what they saw." He indicates that only Paris-Presse for October 20 mentions this case without giving even one detail, that it is impossible to go up to the source and not even possible to check the date.
[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:
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October 18 [,1954]
[... other cases...]
? [= unknown time]: Uzel (Côtes-du-Nord): lumin. obj.
[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":
This database recorded this case twice:
Case Nr. | New case Nr. | Investigator | Date of observation | Zip | Place of observation | Country of observation | Hour of observation | Classification | Comments | Identification |
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Uzel | France | |||||||
19541018 | 18.10.1954 | Uzel | France |
Dominique Caudron tells me by email having just completed a study of the October 18, 1954, meteor, and having found corrigenda to do in my catalog. For this case, he indicates to me:
18 octobre 1954, Uzel, Côtes-d'Armor:
Le nom des temoins correspond au cas de Le Quillio (Cotes d'Armor) du 15 octobre 1954, et ce n'est donc pas le bolide du 18.
Vendredi de la semaine dernière, vers 20h 30, les époux Perrichon, du Quillio, accompagnés de leur fils et de leur bonne, se rendait chez M. Bertho, à St Guen, lorsqu'ils aperçurent au loin dans le ciel une boule de feu aux reflets oranges alternant avec le rose qui se dirigeait vers Merléac.
Le phénomène dura une minute environ.
(Le Courrier indépendant, Loudéac, 23-10-1954, p. 3, transmis par Michel Jeantheau). Le Quillio est à 12 km à vol d'Oiseau de Loudéac
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Totally insufficient information, possible meteor or cloud.
(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)
Uzel, Côtes-d'Armor, Perrichon, saucer, orange, multiple
[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.
Version: | Created/Changed by: | Date: | Change Description: |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | June 10, 2009 | First published. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | 8 juin 2010 | Addition [lae1]. |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | March 3, 2017 | Addition [ubk1]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | January 20, 2019 | Addition of the Summary. Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet." |
1.4 | Patrick Gross | January 15, 2020 | Addition [ppe1]. |
1.5 | Patrick Gross | February 21, 2020 | Addition [nnm1]. |
1.6 | Patrick Gross | September 4, 2021 | Additions [gqy1], [dcn1]. Case date changed from October 18 to October 15. Case place changed from Uzel to Le Quillio. In the Summary, addition of the information from [dcn1]. Explanations changed, were "Totally insufficient information, probably the 08:45 p.m. meteor." |
1.7 | Patrick Gross | June 11, 2022 | Addition [jps1]. |