The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Télégramme de Brest, France, on August 3, 1995.
A "white flying saucer", moving "at high speed, defying the laws of physics", disrupted traffic at San Carlos de Bariloche airport, 1,800 kilometres southwest of Buenos Aires, for about fifteen minutes on the night of Monday to Tuesday, according to a dozen eyewitnesses. So much so that an investigation was opened to try to determine the origin of the mysterious object.
It all started when an Aerolinas Argentinas flight from Buenos Aires with about a hundred people on board was finishing its approach maneuvers to land on the runway of Bariloche, a winter sports resort located in the first foothills of the Andes mountain range.
"The pilot had to make a desperate maneuver to avoid colliding with an unidentified flying object," several members of the Argentine air force say. According to an officer, who also saw the UFO, "at the same time, a power cut occurred throughout the city and the airport's measuring equipment went crazy." Several residents also claim to have seen the craft, just before the power cut.
"Fifteen minutes into the flight from Bariloche, the control tower gave us the normal authorization to begin our instrument approach maneuvers," explains the pilot, Jorge Polanco, who continues: "As I began the final descent, I suddenly saw a white light coming straight at us at full speed, before stopping suddenly about a hundred meters away. When I resumed the maneuvers, the object made a strange turn to accompany our descent turn and remained parallel about a hundred meters away."
The pilot still testifies: "After a while, the saucer, the size of an airliner, changed color, two green lights appearing at the ends with an orange glow in the center that lit up by intermittence. As I was starting my final approach, the lights on the runway and the airport suddenly went out. I had to go back up, doing a maneuver, still accompanied by the UFO that went up at a supernatural speed. I couldn't believe my eyes and I was very worried, like my two teammates." According to Jorge Polanco, this UFO "was not moving according to the known physical and natural laws."
"When the light returned to the ground and I started my descent again, the UFO then disappeared at high speed in the direction of Cerro Otto (a mountain in the region)", concludes the pilot who admits to having stayed after landing "five minutes in the cabin with my heart in my mouth".