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UFOs in the daily Press:

UFOs in France, 1997:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Parisien, France, le 29 octobre 1997.

DAMPIERRE: A couple witnessed a strange phenomenon

"The flying saucer was 50 meters from us"

A couple had a disturbing adventure while crossing the forest of Maincourt-sur-Yvette, on the border of Yvelines and Essonne.

He is convinced that he crossed paths with a flying saucer, what specialists call a UFO (unidentified flying object). The events date back to last weekend, but the couple only decided to tell what they experienced yesterday, and even then, under cover of anonymity, for fear of being taken for lunatics.

Bruno is responsible for an association in the new town of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. Last Saturday, early in the morning, he took the road to Dampierre to accompany his wife to his work. "It was around 6:30 in the morning and the road was deserted. We crossed the forest of Maincourt-sur-Yvette, a rather impressive place. From a distance we could see something bright above the woods, but we thought it was a plane. They fly by here quite often," says Bruno.

But the closer the couple got to the object, the weirder it looked to them. "The object was motionless about fifty meters above the woods. We were able to observe it quite clearly. I couldn't believe my eyes! It didn't look like a plane at all, but more like a flying saucer. The craft was round, a little bigger than a helicopter. We could clearly see a red light rotating in the center of the object, and four other white lights located on the circumference," Bruno continues.

Convinced that he was in the presence of a flying saucer, he decided to stop on the side of the road to observe it in detail.

"It took off at breakneck speed"

"As soon as we parked, the craft took off at breakneck speed. It passed a few dozen meters from us, above the iron house and then over the castle of Dampierre, before disappearing towards the forest," said the witness who spoke to the police.

"The police had no other witnesses. It must be said that at that time, not many people pass by on this road. But there may be people who saw it and who do not dare to say so. It is not the kind of thing that is easily told. As far as I am concerned, fortunately I was with my wife, otherwise I am sure that I would have been taken for a madman," continued Bruno, still upset by what he saw. He also drew the craft that he observed, and now he has a camera in the car at all times.


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