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UFOs in the daily Press:

UFOs in Canada:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Journal de Montréal, Québec, Canada, on September 5, 1998.

A UFO in Piedmont?

The four witnesses are Mélanie, 22, Martin, 21, Natacha, 19, and Mélanie and Natacha's mother, Joyce, 46. "The observation began around 8:30 p.m. when Joyce, sitting in her living room, saw out of the corner of her eye through the window a very bright light above Mount Gabriel about 10 km from the witnesses' house," says investigator Gilles Milot of the AQU.

Intrigued by this unusual light, she called her two daughters and Natacha's friend who were at the scene. "The witnesses all observed this UFO through binoculars and said that it was oval in shape with two white lights at the ends and a red one in the center. However, the closer the UFO got, the more it seemed to change shape, possibly caused by the change in viewing perspective."

According to the investigator who interviewed the witnesses at length, the UFO was approaching at a speed similar to that of an airplane, but no sound was heard. The trajectory of the UFO (southwest to northeast) brought it to a distance of about 500 feet from the house at an altitude of 300 feet. The object then showed a triangular configuration and Joyce, going to the front of the house, was able to observe the UFO more precisely as it flew over a mountain behind which it disappeared.

"According to the witnesses, the observation lasted 10 minutes. The sky was clear and the temperature was 20 degrees."

The investigation has shown that there were no aircraft in the vicinity during this period and no event in the area could have caused this phenomenon. "However, we ask anyone who may have observed this UFO to contact us at 865-0546," said Milot, whose non-profit association is dedicated to researching UFO-related events.

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