This article was published in the daily newspaper El Correo de Andalucia, Spain, on January 30, 1976.
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Miguel Fernandez' grease stains of disappeared with a simple alcohol friction
He will probably leave San Lazaro Hospital today
About the strange case of the appearance of a UFO to a boy of Benacazon, Miguel Fernandez Carrasco, whereas he returned to his village, in the night of Wednesday, from Sanlucar La Grande, where his fiancee Carmen Alvaro Saenz lives, we could establish that he is a normal boy, rather a little "old school", who has nothing extravagant about him, neither in its conduct nor his clothing; a worker, with no alcoholic antecedents nor mental anomaly of any kind. In addition, we are informed at the Hospital of San Lazaro, that Miguel Fernandez is completely quiet and that he will come out probably today, oncethe nervous symptoms which he presented have disappeared, and that the grease stains on his face were eliminated with simple alcohol frictions. Miguel Fernandez had been apparently locked up in absolute silence with regard to the case, limiting himslef to stating that it arrived at his home like hypnotized, without being able to give more explanations.
For their part, his accointances make thousand conjectures about the case, since, as we told in the beginning, Miguel is nobody who would indulge in acts that would likely compromise his reputation, this why they doubt that this can be a lie to hide something unavowable. They reject the possibility of an aggression to steal from him, since he is not the type who ealkd with any significant money on him, and if Miguel does not decide to clarify the event, all this will remain surrounded by this nebulosity that until now generally surrounded all this UFO stuff.
See my case file here and how it was found it was a hoax.
A Miguel Fernandez le han desaparecido las machas de grasa con una simple friction de alcohol
Posiblemente sera dado de alta hoy en el Hospital de San Lazaro
En relacion con el extraño caso de la aparicion de un ovni a un chico de Benacazon, Miguel Fernandez Carrasco, cuando regresaba en la noche del pasado miercoles a su pueblo, desde Sanlucar la Mayor, donde vive su novia, Carmen Alvaro Saenz, hemos podido averiguar que se trata de un chico normal, mas ben "un poquito a la antigua", nada extravagante, ni en su conducta ni en el vestir; trabajador, sin antecedentes alcoholicos ni anormalidades mentales de ninunga clase. Por otro lado, nos informan en el Hospital de San Lazaro, que Miguel Fernandez esta completamente tranquilo y que posiblemente hoy sera dado de alta, una vez desaparecidos los sintomas nerviosos que presentaba al ser ingresado y haberie sido eliminadas las machas de grasa que presentaba en la cara, lo que se ha conseguido con unas simples fricciones de alcohol. Miguel Fernandez parece ser que se ha cerrado en un mutismo absoluto respecto al caso, limitandose a manifestar que el llego a su casa como hipnotizado, sin poder dar mas explicaciones.
Por sur parte, sus convecinos se hacen mil conjeturas sobre el caso, ya que, como decimos al principio, Miguel no es persona dada a cometer actos que pongan en entredicho su condicta, por lo que dudan de que esto pueda ser un ardid para encubrir algo inconfesable. Descartada la posibilidad de un atraco para robarle, puesto que no es persona de llevar consigno cantidades de consideracion, y si Miguel no se decide a aclarar el suceso, todo quedara envuelto en esa nebulosa que hasta ahora suele rodear todo este asunto de los ovnis.