A poor and perhaps illiterate farm laborer, Miguel Fernandez Carasco, aged 24, of Benacazon in Spain, told in the middle of a flap of UFO sighting reports a story of his close encounter with the extraterrestrials in the night from January 27 to January 28, 1976, at 00:30 a.m..
At this time, Carrasco was returning home from his fiance's place in Sanlucar, on a 5 kilometers walk in the cold.
He said that he had initially seen a kind of shooting star crossing the sky, then another one second later. He had thought that he had just been lucky to see two shooting stars in the same night and continued his walk.
15 or 20 minutes later depending on the sources, on a way close to the station of Benacazon which at the time was close to the village, he observed, amazed, an unknown object in the shape of a phone both come down from the sky and land within a few meters of him, according to estimates by a ufologist. It was a 2 meters broad and 4 meters high greenish craft with a kind of rotating cupola at its top flashing red and white luminous rays, and sorts of legs or semicircular ailerons of 0.50 meters length which were spread also at its top. The craft was posed on a tripod.
There was an annoying and deafening buzzing sound during the observation, that he compared with the noise of a caterpillar tractor, but louder, which disorientated him.
A door on hinges opened in the side of the machine and by a tilted plan and in a dazzling luminosity, two occupants of 2 meters size and human appearance emerged. They wore a tight-fitting suit like Lycra, of obscure color and however shining, called phosphorescent in certain ufological sources, and at their belt, there was a broad buckle which projected an intermittent red light in its center, which almost blinded the witness when these beings approached with a few meters of him. He thus protected his face with his hands, and indicated that he thus could not see the face of the two occupants.
These men appeared to talk between them in a language with very human tones but in a language he said he did not recognize.
Initially frozen on the spot by the surprise, Carrasco feared for his life and started to run.
The occupants went up on board and the craft took off in a blinding flash and a smoke which stained Carrasco's right cheek, palms, hair, moustache and the right side of its jacket. The craft then gave chase to him while flying obliquely, whereas he wondered whether he would be able to reach Benacazon which was still 1.5 kilometers away.
The craft projected a strange ray of light on him, which left him half unconscious on the ground, with short breath, feeling burned.
He ended up returning at his place almost at dawn and arrived at the doorstep of his house of the 81, general Franco street (today Nr.21) in a state of panick attack, smeared of a "strange substance." His brothers dealt with him as they could and barricaded the door with a chair because Carrasco feared that the extraterrestrials were still after him.
After a few hours, he was brought on recommendation by Benacazon's MD to the San Lazaro Hospital in Sevilla, where his statements on what he said happened to him were recorded. As his story was incredible, the psychiatrist of the hospital complex, Doctor Jorge Troano, was called, and practised a neurological examination, noting in his report a great agitation, nervous and psychomotor disorders and a temporary psychosis. Carrasco stayed in observation, was reassured and suitably cleaned, the substance which stained him and his clothes was sampled for analysis, and returned home once the improvement of his state was established.
His statement was brought to the Court of Instruction number 6 of Sevilla in the Prado of San Sabastian, as well as the Doctor in duty Monsalve Blanc's report which indicating that the witness claimed to have been attacked by two extraterrestrial. Judge Bouza Gil, by application of the law, ordered an investigation and summoned the victim and the doctor in duty, but facing the impossibility of charging the infringement to any known attacker, he ordered the withdrawal of the case and closed the file, which had been the first court file in Spain relating to assault by extraterrestrials.
The case was given considerable echo in the local, regional and national press, in particular in the ABC newspaper of Sevilla on several occasions, which ensured credibility and a broad diffusion. It was also presented on television. Ufologists such as Manuel Osuna, Joaquin Mateos Nogales, members of the RNC (National Network of Correspondents), Ignacio Darnaude, Miguel Peyro and later Juan Jose Benitez, investigated or write about the case, and Carrasco was visited by an enormous crowd of curious people and ufologists.
Ufologist Manuel Osuna managed to adding to the story that according to the witness, the aliens had wanted to abduct him and had handed him "an unknown object." The substance which stained him was described as "an unknown substance", and the case is said to have then become a classical case of Spanish ufology.
Many considered that this too incredible story had to have been invented by the witness, described as an ignorant and almost illiterate person according to testimonies of the time, and that he must have mislead the doctors. Several medias digged into his private life but did not find anything suspicious, except that as Carrasco said, that night, he had consumed two beers. The analyses had however shown that he was had not been in a state of alcoholic intoxication.
Thirty years later, the socio-psychological theory proponent ufologist Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista grabbed the case again whereas he took part in the realization of a TV show, "It happened in Sevilla."
Bautista read the ufological literature, the accounts in the press, found the official lawsuits, visited the location. It seems he tried to meet the witness, but the latter and his family refused to speak to the medias.
He found in the analyses of the mysterious substance extracted from the clothes and body of Miguel Fernandez Carrasco, that it was only some mineral, vegetable or animal oil, and coal traces, without anything abnormal or strange about it.
He noted that the medical report established without doubt that the witness underwent a real trauma, but there was nothing more abnormal, no symptoms of alcoholic intoxication or anything else, only the symptoms of somebody who had been very frightened and traumatized.
He noted that the legal report signed by judge Bouza Gil indicated only the opening of an investigation, and contained the witness statement and the report by Doctor Monsalve Blanc which reported the witness' claims without too many contradictions.
Bautista then managed to meet Doctor Monsalve Blanc, who had a clear memory of the case as he had actually made his own investigation for his own curiosity, finding the same explanation as that the one Bautista was to hear while questioning people of the village: Carrasco had in fact been attacked by relatives about some unspecified family conflict, and had invented the story of the encounter with the extraterrestrial probably just to hide the reason of the embarrassing family quarrel. The idea of extraterrestrials was to come to him because there had been UFO sighting reported around Benacazon on January the 9th and 10th that year and the villagers, including Carrasco, had abundantly talked about it. The coal and oil traces on his body and clothes happened because his attackers had dragged him in a charbonnery.
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The mystery of the case of the "UFO" that attacked a youth of Benacazon continuesMiguel Fernandez' grease stains of disappeared with a simple alcohol friction He will probably leave San Lazaro Hospital today About the strange case of the appearance of a UFO to a boy of Benacazon, Miguel Fernandez Carrasco, whereas he returned to his village, in the night of Wednesday, from Sanlucar La Grande, where his fiancee Carmen Alvaro Saenz lives, we could establish that he is a normal boy, rather a little "old school", who has nothing extravagant about him, neither in its conduct nor his clothing; a worker, with no alcoholic antecedents nor mental anomaly of any kind. In addition, we are informed at the Hospital of San Lazaro, that Miguel Fernandez is completely quiet and that he will come out probably today, oncethe nervous symptoms which he presented have disappeared, and that the grease stains on his face were eliminated with simple alcohol frictions. Miguel Fernandez had been apparently locked up in absolute silence with regard to the case, limiting himslef to stating that it arrived at his home like hypnotized, without being able to give more explanations. For their part, his accointances make thousand conjectures about the case, since, as we told in the beginning, Miguel is nobody who would indulge in acts that would likely compromise his reputation, this why they doubt that this can be a lie to hide something unavowable. They reject the possibility of an aggression to steal from him, since he is not the type who ealkd with any significant money on him, and if Miguel does not decide to clarify the event, all this will remain surrounded by this nebulosity that until now generally surrounded all this UFO stuff. |
Continua el misterio del caso del "ovni" que ataco a un joven de BenacazonA Miguel Fernandez le han desaparecido las machas de grasa con una simple friction de alcohol Posiblemente sera dado de alta hoy en el Hospital de San Lazaro En relacion con el extraño caso de la aparicion de un ovni a un chico de Benacazon, Miguel Fernandez Carrasco, cuando regresaba en la noche del pasado miercoles a su pueblo, desde Sanlucar la Mayor, donde vive su novia, Carmen Alvaro Saenz, hemos podido averiguar que se trata de un chico normal, mas ben "un poquito a la antigua", nada extravagante, ni en su conducta ni en el vestir; trabajador, sin antecedentes alcoholicos ni anormalidades mentales de ninunga clase. Por otro lado, nos informan en el Hospital de San Lazaro, que Miguel Fernandez esta completamente tranquilo y que posiblemente hoy sera dado de alta, una vez desaparecidos los sintomas nerviosos que presentaba al ser ingresado y haberie sido eliminadas las machas de grasa que presentaba en la cara, lo que se ha conseguido con unas simples fricciones de alcohol. Miguel Fernandez parece ser que se ha cerrado en un mutismo absoluto respecto al caso, limitandose a manifestar que el llego a su casa como hipnotizado, sin poder dar mas explicaciones. Por sur parte, sus convecinos se hacen mil conjeturas sobre el caso, ya que, como decimos al principio, Miguel no es persona dada a cometer actos que pongan en entredicho su condicta, por lo que dudan de que esto pueda ser un ardid para encubrir algo inconfesable. Descartada la posibilidad de un atraco para robarle, puesto que no es persona de llevar consigno cantidades de consideracion, y si Miguel no se decide a aclarar el suceso, todo quedara envuelto en esa nebulosa que hasta ahora suele rodear todo este asunto de los ovnis. |
[Ref. mf1:] MICHEL FIGUET:
Michel Figuet, in his investigation report on the case of St-Just-en-Claix in France on January 9, 1976, discusses similarities with other cases, including that of January 28, 1976, at 00:30 in Benacazon in Spain having as witness Miguel Fernandez Carrasco.
This witness was returning to his village by foot after having visited his fiancee. He heard a noise "resembling that of a tractor with caterpillars, but louder." He saw an extremely powerful light at low altitude. He said that this "star" landed at the edge of the road within six meters. It was a machine which resembled a 2-meters-broad by 4 meters in height phone booth, of dark green color, equipped at its top with a kind of cupola or rotating light emitting red and white flashes.
The top part of the craft had semicircular ailerons of 0.50 meters in length, and the whole rested on three feet.
A door swiveled on its hinges and delivered "two beings of human appearance" of approximately 2 meters in height, carrying tight-fitted and phosphorescent suits. The loop of their broad belt emitted rays of red and white light which almost blinded the witness.
They moved without haste up to 4 meters of the witness who was blinded and protected his face with his hands. He could not see the face of the two humanoids, who were talking between them in an incomprehensible language.
The witness fled in panic, and at this time the two beings went back in the craft which took off in oblique, this operation being accompanied by a flash and emission of a smoke which stained his right cheek, his palms, his hair, his moustache and the right side of his jacket.
He lost consciousness. The marks were gone after a few hours.
The authors indicate that the source is Inforespace #32, pages 41-42.
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MD and ufologist Jacques Costagliola list the case, as of January 28, 1976, Spain, Benacazon, with Miguel Fernandez Carasco, aged 26, as witness, who had black marks on the face and the palms, during several hours. The indicated source is the Flying Saucer Review, 22.1.
In his catalogue, the Belgian ufologist records the case of January 28, 1976 in Spain in Benacazon, indicating that the source is the magazine Stendek N.24, for June 1976.
She indicates that about 00:30, Miguel Fernandez Carasco, 24 years old, walked back to his village after having visited his fiancee, when at 1 km from the entry of the village, he heard a strong noise of "tractor with caterpillars" and as he looked back, he saw a very powerful light at low altitude, approaching him.
He was afraid and started running while the light approached and moved away from him several times.
Finally the machine landed within 6 meters of him, and it is said that it "resembled a 2 meters broad by 4 meters in height phone booth, dark green, with a cupola or rotating light at the top emitting red and white flashes. Right under the cupola, 50 cm long semi circular ailerons, the whole resting on the ground on a tripod."
A door swiveled on its hinges, releasing a slope which delivered two humans, 2 meters tall, in tight-fitting phosphorescent diving suits. Their broad belt was equipped with a buckle which emitted blinding red and white rays. These beings approached the witness up to 4 meters approximately, he was blinded, protected his face with his hands and thus could not see their faces.
They spoke an incomprehensible language but of perfectly human tone.
Panicking again, Carasco fled while the beings went back in their craft which took off at once in oblique, in a photographic flash and smoke which stained the cheek, the palms, the hair and the jacket of the witness on all his right side.
He then lost consciousness, then without knowing how, he found himself in front of his place in such a state of confusion that his relatives called a doctor.
In introduction of the article by Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista on this case, it is indicated that in 1976 one of the most famous cases in the Hispanic ufology occurred, with for the first time a judge had written legal lawsuits for assault by a UFO, documents that remained in the cellars of the courts of Sevilla during decades. It is indicated that the magazine managed to see these documents in exclusivity, and managed to locate, interview and photograph in exclusivity the protagonist in the case.
It is said that their author José Manuel Garcia Bautista now brings a new version of the incident of Benacazon, with "a very reasonable alternative hypothesis."
It is then said as that a few days of the beginning of the year 1976, the front pages of many local, regional and national newspapers reported news which would cause a commotion in the public opinion, "a farmer of Benacazon attacked by the extraterrestrials", and that the newspaper which published this was not an eccentric newspaper but quite to the contrary, nothing less than ABC in their Andalusia issue under the well-known signature of Benigno González, who at the time of the recent dictatorship and that of social fears in Spain, published in a newspaper with the weight and the popularity of ABC, made it a bit as true as godspell.
In the middle of circumstantial remarks, Miguel Fernandez Carrasco is then described as a 24-years-old man just managing to earn enough to survive with farm work and having a fiancee in Sanlucar and "certain more important family concerns", when he returned home house, after midnight, on some five kilometers of night walk in the cold.
He initially had its attention drawn by a fugacious sort of star which "cross the heavens of Sevilla in front of his disbelieving glance." This happened again one second later. Carasco thought that he had just seen two shooting stars in the same night and he resumed his walk.
Hardly 20 minutes afterwards according to the newspaper ABC for January 29, 1976, but actually only some 15 minutes afterwards, he observed in amazement an unknown object in the shape of a phone booth, according to his statements, descend from the sky and land.
Carasco was then on a path close to the station of Benacazon which at the time was close to the village. The craft landed at only a few meters of him, Sevilla ufologist Joaquin Mateos Nogales having quantified the distance as of 5 meters. The object was greenish, more than 2 meters broad and 4 meters high, at its top was a sort of rotating cupola which emitted rays of red and white colors, and at its sides were sorts of legs which were spread like ailerons. When this craft landed, firmly resting on the ground on "a 'sui generis' tripod as landing gear," a door opened and by a tilted plan and in a dazzling luminosity, two humanoids of the considerable height of 2 meters and in tight-fitting suits like lycra of dark yet shining color, emerged.
During all this time there was an annoying and deafening buzzing sound which disorientated the amazed witness. The "men" had a belt with a broad buckle which had the characteristic to have a red intermittent light in its center. They appeared to chat between themselves in an unknown language while Miguel remained frozen on the spot by surprise, then feared for his life and started to run.
But the beings went up on board and the machine then started to flying obliquely. The witness panicked because he did not think he would manage to arrive at the village 1.5 kilometers away.
The craft projected a strange ray of light at him, which left him half unconscious on the ground, with a short breath. He felt burned, or roasted by "something" incomprehensible to him.
He finally arrived home near twilight, arriving at the doorstep of his house of 81 general Franco street (today number 21) in a state of panic, stained by a strange stuff. His brothers dealt with him as they could and closed the door by wedging it with a chair because Carasco feared that the humanoids were still after him. It is said in the article that his brothers did not know what to do, and that after a few hours it was decided to carry him to the San Lazaro Hospital in Sevilla on recommendation of the Benacazon doctor, where his "statement" on what happened to him was recorded.
Because his story was unbelievable, the hospital's psychiatrist Doctor Jorge Troano was called and practiced a neurological examination, observing a great agitation, a great psychomotor nervous deterioration and a temporary psychosis, this being reported by ABC journalist Gonzalez Benigno in the January 29, 1976 issue.
He stayed in observation, was reassured and suitably cleaned. A substance which was described as unknown by the most sensationalists was extracted from his clothes, and he left after the improvement his condition was noted.
His statement was brought to the Justice Court number 6 of Sevilla at the Prado of San Sebastian where Doctor Monsalve Blanc, the doctor in duty, gave the file where he approximately stated that the witness claimed to have been assaulted by two extraterrestrials. Under the terms of the Law of Committal for Criminal Trial, article 789 of 1976, the examining magistrate, Bouza Gil, ordered an investigation and summoned the victim and the doctor in duty. Facing the impossibility of charging the infringement on any known attacker, the judge ordered the withdrawal of the case and closed the file, which was published by the daily newspaper ABC of Sevilla on February 12, 1976.
There was an echo of the case in the local news of the Spanish TV in the "Telesur" show.
Many considered that the incredible history had to be hoaxed by the witness, described as an ignorant and almost illiterate person according to testimonies of the time, and that he must have mislead the doctors. Several medias searched his private life but found nothing abnormal, except that that night, as he told them, he had consumed two beers. The analyses had however shown that he had not been in a state of alcoholic intoxication.
Ufologists such as Manuel Osuna, Joaquin Mateos Nogales, members of the RNC (National Network of Correspondents), Ignacio Darnaude, Miguel Peyro and later Juan Jose Benitez in his UFO books, have investigated. Carrasco was visited by an enormous crowd of curious people and of investigator and his version of the events was included in Manuel Osuna's report in which the victim is supposed to comment that the extraterrestrials had wanted to abduct him and had given him "an unknown object."
Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista then tells that 30 years later, as he was a member of the editorial team of the Television of Sevilla and Punto Radio of Sevilla, he had the opportunity to re-examine the case for the show "It happened in Sevilla" hosted by journalist Silvia Verde and advised by Javier Ronda. He thus started by getting the documentation and studying and analyzing all that could be of interest in the clinical reports, legal reported, journalistic and media reports of interest on the case. He then visited the location of the event, then located and met the witnesses of the events.
He found in the analyses reports on the mysterious substance extracted from the clothes and body of Miguel Fernandez Carrasco, that it was only mineral, vegetal or animal oil, and the rest were coal traces, with nothing abnormal or strange about it.
In the clinical report, he found that the witness really underwent a trauma, undoubtedly, but nothing more abnormal, and no symptoms of alcohol or other stuff, just the symptoms of somebody who had been very frightened and traumatized.
The legal report signed by Judge Bouza Gil revealed only the opening of an investigation, the witness statements and the report by Doctor Monsalve Blanc which did not differ too much from what was initially told.
Miguel Fernandez Carrasco did not want to speak to any media people and his relatives also respected that. Doctor Monsalve Blanc on the other hand spoke about the event, of which he had a clear memory and about which he had made its own investigation for the satisfaction of his own curiosity, finding the same explanation as the author did.
In the village of Benacazon, the version which circulated was very different from that told by the witness, and it was however concealed during more than 30 years.
The article then goes on a number of pages about ufological morals, fustigating the ufologists who would believe in extraterrestrial without ever checking the facts at all.
Finally, the author indicates that Miguel Fernandez Carrasco knew that in the area of Benacazon, on January the 9th and 10th of 1976, there had been a series of UFO sightings with witnesses from the area of the village, thus being commented a lot in the village, and he was among the curious who participated in these comments. The author indicates that there was in those years a large number of UFO sightings with descriptions, and that nobody could have been unaware of that.
It then states that for Miguel Fernandez Carrasco, that night, something very different than a UFO sighting had occurred, according to the statement of the interviewed people in Benacazon and even according to the opinion of Doctor Monsalve Blanc, "another version of the facts that nobody wanted to say or that all preferred to omit... " including its own family," and "he added" "off the record": Miguel was returning from his fiancee Carmen Alvarado's home when, because of a family problem, he was attacked by political parents [?] who almost led it to traces to a close charbonnery which was in the area, and there Carrasco managed to break free from his attackers but was systematically dragged and attacked, in remainders of oil, coal and tar... which would leave traces on all his its body. When Carrasco was free, he painstakingly undertook the return home in Benacazon and told the ufological version which was then known by all, avoiding the family story which perhaps caused this aggression, whose truth was more painful than the "truth" that he tried to make people believe in... a "truth" which was withheld from the knowledge of the facts which occurred in the zone of Aljarafe."
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It is notable that in this case where there were really no encounter with extraterrestrial visitors, the invented extraterrestrial beings has, as often in false tales, the appearance of human beings. They also talk like humans.
Id: | Topic: | Severity: | Date noted: | Raised by: | Noted by: | Description: | Proposal: | Status: |
Sans. |
* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.
Main Author: | Patrick Gross |
Contributors: | None |
Reviewers: | None |
Editor: | Patrick Gross |
Version: | Created/Changed By: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | June 23, 2007 | Creation, [mf1], [go1], [jc1], [jb1], [an1]. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | June 23, 2007 | First published. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | August 23, 2007 | Addition: [ca1]. |