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Ufology magazines:

UFO Chile #1 - January 1968

Here is ufology bulletin of Chile "UFO Chile" No. 3, page 8, published in Chile in January 1968. Impossible to find so far outside Chilean ufological circles, the newsletter was sent to me with mayn other treasures by an 87-year-old veteran Chilean ufologist in 2018, and is presented here for the first time with reproduction of the original pages, and my transcripts in Spanish, French, and English.

No. 1 No. 2 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. 4

UFO Chile No. 3, page 8, January 1968

Transcription translated in English:

UFO Chile, January 1968

Page 8

about 25 minutes. Witnesses of this phenomenon were several entirely credible people, among them the Major of the Carabinieros and Acting Prefect Don Francisco Riffo and his wife.

The previous day, in the same newspaper, the following had already been reported: "Osorno 13. In recent nights, which have been clear, many people have observed throughout the region "fireballs" that cross the sky without it is possible to specify if it is one of the famous "flying discs" of which the news speak.

20.20 hours 14-7-47 Atacama

Vallenar, 15. - At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, anchored in the port of Huasca, the steamer "Santa Cruz", commanded by Captain Ricardo Stawhas, informed the maritime authorities that last night, at 8:20 p.m., as the ship sailed between Caldera and Huasco, they saw a luminous disc with a diameter of about 5 meters.

The disk crossed the sky at high speed, in a northwesterly direction and could be observed for 5 minutes.

The same version was later given by three fishermen returning from their tasks.

(From "El Mercúrio" 'of Santiago, July 16, 1947)

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UFO Chile
PO Box 13202
Santiago, CHILE

Transcription in Spanish:

UFO Chile, Enero de 1968

Pág. 8

alrededor de 25 minutos. Testigos de este fenómeno fueron vari as personas de todo crédito, entre otras el mayor de carabineros y prefecto interino don Francisco Riffo y su esposa.

El día anterior, en el mismo diario, se había informado ya lo siguiente: "Osorno 13. En las últimas noches, que han estado despejadas, numerosas personas han estado observando en toda la región unos «aerolitos» que cruzan el cielo in que pueda precisarse aún si se trata de uno de los famosos «discos voladores" de que informa el cable".

20.20 hora 14-7-47 Atacama

Vallenar, 15. - A la 1 P.M. fondeó en el puerto de Huasca el vapor "Santa Cruz" al mando del capitán Ricardo Stawhas, que informó a las autoridades marítimas que, anoche, a las 8.20 P.M., mientras el barco navegaba entre Caldera y Huasco, vió un disco luminoso de un diámetro aproximado a 5 metros.

El disco se desplazaba por el cielo a gran velocidad, en dirección al nor-oeste y pudo ser observado durante 5 minutos.

Igual versión dieron, posteriormente, tres pescadores que regresaban de sus faenas.

(De «El Mercúrio»' de Santiago, 16 de julio de 1947)

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UFO Chile
Casilla 13202
Santiago CHILE

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