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Ufology magazines:

UFO Chile #1 - October 1967

Here is ufology bulletin of Chile "UFO Chile" No. 2, page 8, published in Chile in October 1967. Impossible to find so far outside Chilean ufological circles, the newsletter was sent to me with mayn other treasures by an 87-year-old veteran Chilean ufologist in 2018, and is presented here for the first time with reproduction of the original pages, and my transcripts in Spanish, French, and English.

No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. 3 No. 4

UFO Chile No. 2, page 8, October 1967

Transcription translated in English:

UFO Chile, October 1967

Page 8

CASE No. 7

9-5-67 - 5.30 am


A mysterious fireball, which is supposed to have fallen early yesterday morning south of the Baquedano station, prompted an investigation by the Carabineros staff until the last hours of the night.

The longitudinal train driver, who was heading from La Calera to the north, Alberto Lopez, reported seeing the fall of a giant fireball that could also be a plane as he approached Baquedano station. , seventy kilometers from Antofagasta. The news until the last hours of the night had not been proved; but the Baquedano riflemen patrolled the pampas, especially in the mining sector of Lomas Bayas, towards the mountain range.

(From El Mercurio of Antofagasta 10-5-67)

(To be continued)

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UFO Chile
PO Box 13202
Santiago, CHILE

Transcription in Spanish:

UFO Chile, Octubre de 1967

Pág. 8


9-V-67 - 5,30 hrs.


Una misteriosa bola de Fuego, que se presume cayó ayer en la madrugada al sur de la estación Baquedano, trataban de comprobar hasta las últimas horas de la noche el personal de Carabineros.

El maquinista del tren longitudinal, que se dirigía desde La Calera al norte, Alberto López , informó que había visto la caída de una gigantesca bola de fuego que también podría ser un avión, en los momentos en que se acercaba a la stación de Baquedano, que dista setenta kilómetros de Antofagasta. La noticia hasta las últimas horas de la noche no había sido comprobada; pero carabineros de la tenencia Baquedano salieron en patrullas hacia la pampa, especialmente al sector minero de Lomas Bayas, hacia la cordillera.

(De El Mercurio de Antofagasta 10-V-67)


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UFO Chile
Casilla 13202
Santiago CHILE

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This page was last updated on April 14, 2018.