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The Varginha affair:

Read all about the unbelievable story of a UFO crash in the city of Varginha, in Brazil, April 1997, the capture of aliens by the military, the participation of the U.S. Government and more. Despite the black-out on this spetacular event, the news spread all around the world vers fast, only to dissolve in mediatic oblivion. Here his a collection of documents and testimonies about this case.

Drawing of the Varginha EBE


Dr. Palhares affirms in a conference he will be able to speak freely on this subject in a question of years. And more: the first evidences of 4 secret underground, UFO-related labs in Brazil. This new report is by ufologists Claudeir Covo and Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues.

Translation by P.H. Andrade.

The article:


Up to now, we suspect of the existence of 4 (four) restricted access, military-use laboratories, being 2 at UNICAMP - University of Campinas [in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil] - and 2 at the CTA (brazilian Air Force Technical Center). All of them are underground labs. Only a few civilians are allowed inside these labs, only those with the proper clearance.

The two CTA's labs lie at Tamoios Highway, one located at Km #6 and the other at Km #12, that perhaps have received the strange metals recovered from the crash of the spaceship.

The UNICAMPS's labs are located, one at the Institute of Biology, and the other at Hospital das Clinicas. According to the witnesses, who don't want to identify themselves to the press, these labs have received the bodies of the strange creatures captured in Varginha.

A witness affirms that an important person in the research sector took him/her to the restricted access laboratory underneath the Institute of Biology, at UNICAMP. The witness described the lab as hexagonal and having metallic walls.

An employee who works with Dr. Badan Palhares [Note from T.: the scientist who was accused of having autopsied the creatures ] said one of the bodies arrived at Hospital das Clinicas in a metallic box with holes, transported by two military men. They went until a room with a corridor with many doors. In one of the doors the woman and the two military men were barred. It was asked for them to put the box on the floor and they had to come back. The box was then removed to the underground level by other military men who were already installed down there.

Another person, friend of Dr. Palhares, informed that Dr. Palhares himself said that:

- " At the time the doors will open, I want to see who can stand for one minute face to face with this creature..."

... referring to the live creature, who has a horrible aspect and a strong ammoniac smell.

Now in the end of the year [Note from T. : 1996 ], Dr. Palhares spoke as a lecturer at one College of Law in Campinas. In the end of his talk, a student asked him if it was true he had autopsied the creatures captured in Varginha, to what he answered:

" If you make me this question in a few years, maybe I can answer you with more freedom."

An employee of the Amarais Cemetery in Campinas informed that one of the bodies of the strange creatures remained stored and strongly guarded by the military, from February to April, 1996, in one of the freezers of the IML [Note from T. : Institute of Legal Medicine] - located at an annexe building to this cemetery.

Another curious fact is that after we've started to divulge the existence of an underground, restricted access laboratory at Hospital das Clinicas, in UNICAMP, quickly all the heliographic copies with the drawings of this hospital's structures' projects were removed. Very strange...

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This page was last updated on February 6, 2005.