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The Varginha affair:

Read about the stunning story of a UFO crash in the city of Varginha, in Brazil, April 1997, the capture of aliens by the military, the participation of the U.S. Government and more. Despite the black-out on this spetacular event, the news spread all around the world vers fast, only to dissolve in media oblivion. Here his a collection of documents and testimonies related to this case.
Drawing of the Varginha EBE

The event:

In January 1996 [a1] several persons witness a ufo crash in the city of Varginha, Brazil. The local firemen, and then the Brazilian army take over. In the following days, alien beings are spotted by other witnesses, trying to escape, as they are hunted and even fired at by the military. One of the alien body is reported dead and autopsied at the local hospital, then taken away to another location. Revelations on Varginha Case are aired on Brazilian TV and reach the rest of the world. In May, 1997 a scientist accused of having autopsied the alien(s) states in a conference he will be able to speak on the subject in a question of years. In June 1997, fifteen witnesses confirm involvement of soldiers in alien capture. Another witness reports he was offered money to keep his mouth shut.

The Varginha Case is unique in many ways. First of all, it's an once-in-a-lifetime shot for UFO-researchers to have a really "hard" case in their hands. Ufologists such as Stanton T. Friedman and John Carpenter, who to many represent the "famous elite". But also well renowned men like the local investigators Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues and Vitorio Pacaccini (who were the first two to investigate and blew the case right open), and A.J. Gevaerd (MUFON's representative in Brazil). Men like Stanton T. Friedman who is an expert in the legendary Roswell-incident and knows how the secret-machine works, an insight that will be vital when it comes to finding out what has happened to the EBE's (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) that are supposed to have been transferred alive to Albrook Airforce Base in Panama.

The articles:

Click! Summary of the Varginha events.
Click! Report of a close encounter of the third kind in Varginha.
Click! Dr. Palhares affirms he will be able to speak freely in a question of years.
Click! The autorities speak at a UFO summit.
Click! Witness speaks on Brazilian TV.
Click! Firemen deny involvement in the EBEs' capture.
Click! Risking life to investigate the case.
Click! Military vehicles and planes movements described by witness.
Click! UFO and alien sightings continue in Varginha.
Click! Witnesses receive offer of money to deny.
Click! Media has an important role in the case.
Click! Planeta article.
Click! Policeman dies of infection, the doctor speaks.

Varginha case files:

Click! The Varginha case chronology.
Click! Latest news on the Varginha case.
Click! The ufologists investigations.
Click! Opinions of the Brazilian ufologists.

Pictures, illustration video:

At least one ufo video originating from Varginha has been published an can be found within the South American ufo videos section of this site.

At this time, no ET pictures can be found, but witnesses descriptions allowed some drawings to be made.


Credit must be given to these researchers, associations and magazines:

Claudeir Covo - INFA (Instituto Nacional de investigacao de Fenomenos Aeroespaciais) - Sao Paulo;
Edson Boaventura Jr. and Jamil Vilanova - GUG (Grupo Ufologico do Guaruja) - Sao Paulo;
Oswaldo and Eduardo Mondini - CEPEX (Centro de Pesquisas Exologicas) - Sumare - Sao Paulo;
A.J.Gevaerd , CBPDV (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas de Discos Voadores) and Revista UFO - Campo Grande - Mato Grosso do Sul;
Marco Antonio Petit de Castro - AFEU (Associacao Fluminense de Estudos Ufologicos) - Itaipava - Rio de Janeiro;
Rafael Cury - ANUB (Associacao Nacional dos Ufologos do Brasil) - Curitiba - Parana;
Irene Granchi - CISNE (Centro de Investigacao sobre a Natureza dos Extraterrestres) - Rio de Janeiro;
Marco Antonio Rodrigues Silva - GEOANI (Grupo de Estudos de Objetos nao Identificados) - Sao Paulo;
SEE (Sociedade de Estudos Extraterrestres) - Florianopolis - Santa Catarina;
UBPDV (Uniao Brasileira para Pesquisa de Discos Voadores) - Rio de Janeiro;
CPE (Centro de Pesquisas Exologicas) - Rio de Janeiro;
GPAZ (Grupo de Pesquisas Aero-espaciais Zenite) - Salvador - Bahia;
APUC (Associacao de Pesquisas Ufologicas do Campo) - Manaus - Amazonas;
GEPU (Grupo Espirita de Pesquisa Ufologica) - Nova Iguacu - Rio de Janeiro;
Michael Lindemann - ISCNI;
Paulo H Andrade;
Ricardo Varela Correa;
Pedro Cunha;
Alves Elesbao Anderson;
Hugo Peter Steiner;
Rogerio Porto Breier;
and Brazilian UFO Magazine (Revista UFO) team.


Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues (INFA) - E-mail:
Rua Belo Horizonte 131, Jardim Andere.
37006-370, Varginha , MG, Brazil.

Vitorio Pacaccini (CICOANI) - E-mail:
Rua Tupis 265 / 804 , Centro.
30190-060, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.

Notes / Errata:

[a1] On September 1st, 2000, when I published these pages, they comprised several mistakes in the dates that a gentle reader pointed out to me on on January 29, 2009, and I corrected those the next day. One was in the list of case, where I wrote 1987 thinking I was writing 1997. Then, overall, I gave the date as April 1997, and in the chronology, January 1997. A big mess, as my reader noted it. He also informs me that investigator Ubirajara is mistaken sometimes also in his book "O Caso Varginha", for example on page 75, where he indicates January 22, 1997 instead of 1996 as in the remainder of the book.

As my reader told me, the case indeed takes place in January 1996.

My reader also informs that Revista UFO published a special issue on the case in July 1996 and that their website has just pubilshed article on this case at : "The date of January 1996 is once again confirmed there, and the article is very interesting, mentioning 'weird' events which occurred in the area during the week before January 20, 1996 (UFO sightings, anomalous creatures...)"

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This page was last updated on January 29, 2009.