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Pictures by amateurs from France:

Photographs taken in Valensole on June 17, 1973:

On June 17, 1973, in Valensole, in the Basse Alpes, three that were outside and watched the sky saw a luminous phenomenon travelling at the speed of an airliner in complete silence and in a perfectly clear starry sky.

They said that when observing it with the naked eye, they could distinguish that it was an elongated object with a bulge on its upper part and a lower part of sharp orange yellow color. Then, using 60 mm bioculars, they said they distinguished that the object had a probable lenticular form with a bump at its bottom.

One of the witnesses could take these two photographs with his Canon Dial 35.2 camera, with a probable aperture of 1,9, a shutter speed of 1/30s. Another of the witnesses also tried to take photographs with his Praktika Nova 1B equipped with a teleobjective, and an exposure time of 15 seconds, as well as with a third camera which was not described; but these other two series of photographs revealed nothing.

UFO photograph

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