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Tananarive, 1954:

The sources:

Some commentators on this sighting argue that it was just a meteor; others wonder about it. As the story of Edmond Campagnac includes indications which do not fir at all with the meteor explanation, some say that this story was "distorted", that the strangest features were added over time. So I found it important to publish all the sources that were published over time; in which I have so far found no contradiction, no addition that would have taken place over time.

A summary of 1976:


August 1954 05:45 p.m. TANANARIVE

An unidentified flying machine flies over the city of Tananarive and, when it passed over an apartment or a store, the lights went out; when it had passed, they would light up again.

(ref. J.-C. BOURRET - "La nouvelle vague des SV. 11)

Reference for this source:

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This page was last updated on August 12, 2021.