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Frequently asked questions:

I gathered here answers to ufo related questions sent to me, and answer and thanks to everyone who helps me or makes suggestions. Do not hesitate to send me an email, I will not publish your address on the page, I'll just keep it anonymous.

Table of contents:

Click!English.Your questions and my answers, please send questions!
Click!French.Your questions and my answers, the French questions and answers, for those among you that are bilingual.
Click!English.My Mailbag, in English, the emails you sent me about this site.
Click!French.My Mailbag, in French, the emails French speaking persons sent me about this site.

Your questions, my answers:

Why are there no UFOs seen in Africa? 04.01.2001:

There are. See this page for information.

I had the same questionning myself: why are there no UFO cases in my region, Alsace, France? I know only vaguely of one case...

After some research, I found more than 800 cases from 1945 to 2000!

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This page was last updated on June 23, 2001.