Colares 1977CasebookHome 

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Colares 1977:

In 1977, the Brazilian island of Colares and the area of the Amazon delta were visited by flying objects of an unknown nature. Nearly all kinds of UFOs were seen, some big, some small, saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped, barrel-shaped, luminous or not. They arrived generally from the North every day, from the sky and also sometimes from underwater, and it lasted for months. Regularly, some Island's inhabitants were targeted by the objects beaming strange lights at them, and many were badly hurt. The Air Force came, investigated, saw, reported. The weird rays hurt thirty-five people, and civilians fled from entire villages. You never heard this before? Well read ahead, then.

Table of content:

Click! The events at Colares, 1977.
Click! The secret 200 pages report by the brazilian military.
Click! A complete investigation report by Daniel Rebisso Gliese.
Click! The investigation by Jacques Vallée.
Click! The journalists experiences.
Click! Colonel Hollanda of the Brazilian Army speaks out.
Click! Doctor Wellaide Cecim of Colares speaks out.
Click! The military involvment.
Click! More in the military involvment.
Click! The French Air Forces.
Click! Pictures.
Click! Newspapers articles.
Click! References.

07.12.1977 - Jornal da Bahia:

Flying object which emits fantastic light frightens Para': Bele'm (AJB) --- A fantastic story of a flying object emitting a strong light and sucking blood from people, circulated from mouth to mouth among the population of the counties of Braganca, Vizeu and Augusto Correa in Para', where many people fear leaving their homes during the night so they won't get caught by the vampire-like light from the strange object which, according to information, already has caused the death of two men. No one knows how the story started, but the truth is that it reached Bele'm and grabbed headlines in the local newspapers.

07.16.1977 - O Liberal:

The UFO photographed in Montevideo, spherical shape, compares in detail with the strange objects seen at several locations in Para', along the Maranha~o side of the Gurupi River and along the entire Para'-Maranha~o border. Just yesterday, these objects were observed at several locations in the interior of Maranha~o, frightening the population, similar to what occurs in the area of Vizeu in Para'.

10.08.1977 - O Liberal:

Sucking animal attacks men and women in the village of Vigia: A strange phenomenon has been occurring for several weeks in the village of Vigia, more exactly in the Vila Santo Antonio do Imbituba about 7 kilometers from highway PA-140, with the appearance of an object which focus a white light over people, immobilizing them for around an hour, and sucks the breasts of the women leaving them bleeding. The object, known by the locals as "Bicho Voador" [Flying Animal], or "Bicho Sugador" [Sucking Animal], has the shape of a rounded ship and attacks people (principally women) in isolation, in spite of it also having attacked some men... One of the victims, among many in the area, was Mrs. Rosita Ferreira, married, 46 years old, resident of Ramal do Triunfo, who a few days ago was sucked by the light on the left breast, and passed out. Increasingly it looked like dealing with a nightmare, feeling as if there were some claws trying to hold her. She was attacked around 3:30 in the morning. Another victim was the lady known as "Chiquita," who was also sucked by the strange object with her breast becoming bloody, but without leaving any marks.

10.16.1977 - O Liberal:

Chupa-Chupa: That was the denomination given by the population of Vigia to an unidentified flying object, which has brought to panic the dwellers of Imbituba, Camaru and Km-25, as well as other localities situated in the vicinity of those cities.

10.20.1977 - A Provincia do Para:

Not available.

11.19.1977 - A Provincia do Para:

"I became frightened. I called my mother and before she arrived, a strong red light enveloped me, making me dazed. At the same time, I felt really fine piercings striking my breast, and fell to the floor fainted."

11.20.1977 - A PROVINCIA DO PARA:

Not available.

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