Colares 1977CasebookHome 

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Colares 1977:

In 1977, the Brazilian island of Colares and the area of the Amazon delta were visited by flying objects of an unknown nature. Nearly all kinds of UFOs were seen, some big, some small, saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped, barrel-shaped, luminous or not. They arrived generally from the North every day, from the sky and also sometimes from underwater, and it lasted for months. Regularly, some Island's inhabitants were targeted by the objects beaming strange lights at them, and many were badly hurt. The Air Force came, investigated, saw, reported. The weird rays hurt thirty-five people, and civilians fled from entire villages. You never heard this before? Well read ahead, then.

Table of content:

Click! The events at Colares, 1977.
Click! A secret 200 pages report by the Brazilian military.
Click! A complete investigation report by Daniel Rebisso Gliese.
Click! The investigation by Jacques Vallée.
Click! The journalists experiences.
Click! Colonel Hollanda of the Brazilian Army speaks out.
Click! Doctor Wellaide Cecim of Colares speaks out.
Click! The military involvement.
Click! More in the military involvement.
This page In a French Defense report (This page).
Click! Pictures.
Click! Newspapers articles.
Click! 2004: Finally, the military reports are available.
Click! References.

Colares 1977 mentionned in a French Defense UFO file in 1995:

In 1995, a report (*) has been written by an organization that is an official emanation of the Ministry for the Defense dealing with the problem of UFOs, and presenting in an up to date manner the official position of the French Military of this issue. The file is not exactly secret, a French citizen might obtain it by asking for it at the Ministry of Defense. But on the other end the text is copyrighted, and it is illegal to reproduce it.

The aforementioned file devotes a paragraph about the events at Colares under a section dealing with the possibilities of direct threats related to UFOs. The case is quoted as an example that such threats do exist, that some cases are not just observation of objects but present facts of a much more worrying nature.

The French Defense in the presents the case by a summary in a dozen lines of what Jacques Vallée, quoted as the source, learned when he investigated the phenomenon. The medical effects on the witnesses are mentioned, including five deaths caused by the "Chupa-chupas", and, still quoting Jacques Vallée as source, the report of the Defense mentions that the Brazilian Air Force carried out a study mission in the area, which lead to a written report.

(*) Not the well known "COMETA" report which was not an official report.

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