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The Kenneth Arnold sighting, June 24, 1947:

The 1967 article in FSR:

This is the article about Kenneth Arnold's sighting published in the Bristish Flying Saucer Review (FSR) in Volume 32, No 5, pp 2-12, 1967. Use the buttons below to browse though the pages of the article.

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4AF 1208 I
16 July 1947


1. On 12 July 1947, a call was made at the newspaper office of the "Idaho Daily Statesman", Boise, Idaho. The [...] of the paper, [...], was interviewed in regard to how he knew [...] of Boise, Idaho, and as to the credibility of any statement made by [...]. The purpose of this interview was an attempt to verify statements made by [...] on 26 June 1947, to various national news services to the effect that he, [...], had seen9 objects flying in the air above the Cascade Mountain Range of Washington. These objects were subsequently referred to as flying saucers or flying disks and will here-in-after be referred to as such in this report. [...] stated that he had known [...] for quite a period of time, having had relations with [...] on various occasions, due to the fact that both he, [...] and [...] were private fliers and frequently got together to talk shop. [...] stated that as far as he was concerned anything [..] said could be taken very seriously and that he, [..], actually believed that Mr. Arnold had seen the aforementioned flying disks. [...] stated that after [...] reported having seen the flying disks, that the editor of the paper had assigned him [], the assignment of taking the airplane belonging to the newspaper and exhausting all efforts to prove or disprove the probability of flying disks having been seen in the northeast area. The result of this assignment to [...] and what he subsequently saw is put forth in a sworn statement signed by [...] attached to this report as Exhibit 8.

AGENT'S NOTE: [...] is a man of approximately 33 to 35 years of age. From all appearances he is a very reserved type of person. [...] has logged 2000 hours of flying time in various types of airplanes up to [?] including multi-[] aircraft. During part of the war years, [...] as the [...] being assigned to the twentieth USAAF and assigned on Tinian Island, in the Pacific. It is the personal opinion of the interviewer that [...] actually saw what he states that he saw in the attached report. It is also the opinion of the interviewer that [...] could have much more to lose than gain and would have to be very strongly convinced that he actually saw something before he would report such an incident and open himself for the ridicule that would accompany such a report.

1 Incl: Exhibit "8"


Photostat as Document 2 (Interview with Editor of Idaho Daily Statesman)

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