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News and observation reports, June 2004:

Some of the UFO observations and ufology news in June 2004 are listed on this page. Please note that these are not studies, but second hand observation reports, although mostly obtained from reliable and well known sources.


The witness reports on July 2, 2004:

"In the evening of Tuesday to Wednesday, around midnight, I watched the sky from my balcony and suddenly I saw a group of luminous balls (faint) passing in triangular formation. During one second or a second and a half I did not believe my eyes, but I ended up telling my wife to come see it. She arrived too late, but only 15 seconds afterwards, whereas I explained her what I had just seen, another triangle, completely different, appeared on the other side of the balcony and turned behind a building!! And she did see this one."

"I had time to look at it with the binoculars but that did not resemble a plane at all, whereas I am used to watch planes fly over!! "

"For better explaining here are two two photographs I altered so that it better resemble the night."

"What was that ???!!!???"


Residents of the village of Güllübag Ibrahim Uysal, aged 71 and Ismet Gün, aged 49 claimed to have seen objects radiating lights over the minarets of their village on Friday.

Another villager, Mustafa Çakiroglu, aged 36, working in the early morning in his field at the nearby village of Konak at the same time said that he also saw the same objects.


The SCI FI Channel announced that they will publish with Pocket Books a non-fiction paperback, "The Roswell Dig Diaries" on July 6, 2004.

The book will be based on SCI FI's original documentary, "The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence," which dealt with the archaeological excavation of a supposed crash site of a UFO near Roswell, New Mexico, 1947.

The channel said the book will reveal never-before-seen information about the 1947 incident at Roswell and will contain the first public release of the final archaeological report on the landmark dig. The book will have a special foreword by New Mexico governor Bill Richardson. Contributing authors include ufologists Don Schmitt and Tom Carey, and University of New Mexico archaeologist Bill Doleman. The main editor is Michael McAvennie, a freelance writer from New York.


"A considerable number of locals witnessed one of the most significant sightings of recent times over the capital city of the province of LimarÌ, This event is a successor to the well-known and enigmatic case that occurred in 1998 over Las Mollacas in Paihuano."

"OVALLE - On Saturday, June 19, hundreds of people took to the streets of Ovalle to witness--in shock and expectation - a strange circle of lights positioned in the skies over the city."

"The characteristics suggested the circle was at least 100 meters in diameter; it blinked and rotated uninterruptedly in the night sky."

"Likewise, certain locations on the city's outskirts attracted large numbers of people who reported seeing the same thing. Radio station telephone switchboards did not stop receiving calls, creating a sense of alarm, even among those who had not left their homes."

""We received so many calls that we had to interrupt our regular programming and present a special on the subject, in order to offer an explanation about the phenomenon and provide answers to our listeners," said Carlos Ossandun, director of the Comunicativa FM radio station."

"Comunicativa obtained its highest number of listeners in recent months on that evening. However, there are also witnesses who claim having seen strange lights on preceding days, which would suggest a small UFO wave in the skies over Ovalle."

"Chile's 4th Region has been prolific when it comes to sightings of this kind. In November 1967, several fishermen witnessed a UFO engulfed in flames crashing into the sea off Pequelas [Webmaster's note: a meteor?]. More recently, another unidentified flying object collided against a hill in Paihuano before the startled gaze of several witnesses [Webmaster's note: a meteor?]."

Translation Spanish/English © 2004 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology.
Special thanks to Christin Quintero, PlanetaUFO.


Nick Pope reports:

"The United Kingdom's first scientific study into alien abductions started earlier this year. The study is being carried out by psychologists from Goldsmiths College, University of London. It involves administering a range of standard psychological tests, and testing for the psychic abilities often reported by abductees. Identical tests will be given to a control sample matched by age and gender. Finally, detailed interviews will obtain data that may inform subsequent studies." "I've had feedback from a few participants, all of whom told me that they were treated with respect and empathy, and said that they welcomed the opportunity to speak frankly about their experiences."

"Witness confidentiality is guaranteed and pseudonyms may be used if requested."

"Any abductees interested in taking part are invited to discuss the matter with Julia Santomauro, either by emailing her at or by telephoning her on 020 7919 7171, extension 4389."

"Best wishes,
Nick Pope"

Webmaster note: Nick Pope is an employee of UK's Ministry of Defense, where he was in charge of its UFO bureau. Author of "Open skies, closed minds" he has a constant interest in UFO matters.


SAN FRANCISCO. - A witness saw a cylinder shaped craft on June 11th, 2004, around 11:30 AM, while walking to his home in Potrero Hill. He states: "I was looking at the Bernal Heights Hill, south of San Francisco when I saw a shiny object in the sky that caught my attention. What struck me as odd was it seemed to be diving too steeply toward the ground. Then I noticed there were no wings on the object. A passing thought that occurred to me was that it might be some strange metal capsule dropped from somewhere. It looked like a missile in how it was moving and shape. Then almost immediately one of those planes with the long contrails quickly flew in the direction of where the object has last been seen."

Thanks to Brian Vike, HBCC Director,


The witness writes on June 8, 2004:

"hello, my name is M[] and I am aged 18"

"I must warn you that I did not believe in UFOs until yesterday evening, Monday, June 7, 2004."

"yesterday evening, approximately towards 00:30, I went out of my home, on the terrace, to close the shutters, then I turned towards the sky, as I do each time, to look at the stars... I then noticed something strange... two stars stuck one to the other... I thought of an astronomical bizarrery, but I changed opinion when the double ball started to grow bigger, in fact, it did not grow bigger, it approached... I becaome frightened and I went in... then I started to look at the outside by one of the windows... suddenly the garden was enlightened in one blow during a few seconds, then it was dark again, I went out again, and I then saw a little farther, at approximately 500 meters, the double ball, above the road, that is when thought of taking my mobile phone to take a photograph... for the object had been immobilized with far, I took my cellphone and had the time to take the attached photographs... I took a second shot of it when the object started to leave, on the photograph one can see the street's lighting under it... the object seemed attracted by the lights, it followed them then moved away while passing just overhead... I was afraid, I returned inside and I did not sleep this night..."

"voilà, j'espère que vous prendrez le temps d'étudier mon cas si je puis dire... en tout cas, je peux vous jurer que je suis sur que ce n'était ni un avion ni un faisceau de boite de nuit, et que j'étais a jeun... merci de prendre en conte mon témoignage, peut être que cela est arrivé à quelqu'un d'autre..." "That's it, I hope that you will take time to study my case if I may say... in any event, I can swear you that I am certain it was neither a plane nor a beam of a discotheque in the night, and that I was sober... thank you to aknowledge my testimony, maybe this happened to someone else..."

Here the images taken by the witness by the camera of his cellphone camera:


The witness writes on June 6, 2004:


"I write to you because yesterday evening I saw something strange, it was nor or less 10:30 P.M. and I was in a car and going to my home in Hélécine when I saw a sort of luminous mass in the sky., with strong green lights, the shape was a sort of triangle but not exactly that, this thing flew at low altitude it was actually landing, but a few seconds afterwards it disappeared behind the trees, I went there to see anyway but there was nothing to see anymore. I am positive that I saw something. I was on the phone with my boyfriend and I was telling him what was occurring in front of my eyes, but it is possible that it was an hallucination although I never had any hallucination, it may have been my imagination but I saw something although it only lasted a short moment." Yours,"

(Name given the the witness, a womain, retained by this site's author).



"In a fortnight span, we received almost ten reports from people witnessing aerial phenomena, plus one regarding a triangular Crop Circle in Mazzo di Rho. On June 4th, 2004, V.R reports, "A noisy object slowly flew above my house at midnight, heading northeast and that wasn't an airplane. It emitted bright white lights and a loud noise and disappeared beyond some palaces."

Thanks to Roberto Malini and Federico Dezi.

See also UFO Roundup Vol. 9 #24.:

On Friday, June 4, 2004, eyewitness V.R. reported, "A moving object slowly flew above my house in Afferi," a suburb of Milano in northern Italy, "heading towards the northeast, 'and it was not an airplane.' I looked up and down the street, and no one was there. The object looked like a rhombus and was slowly heading towards the northeast. The sighting lasted a couple of seconds. That's how long it took the object to disappear behind some palaces. It emitted bright white lights and a loud noise."

Grazie a Roberto Malini e Frederico Dezi de UFO Italia per questi rapporti.


MANVILLE. - The witness noticed a moving light in the sky that brightened and dimmed and occasionally darted around on June 3, 2004, at 11:15 PM. The witness states, "From my porch, I saw a light that seemed to move slightly and change in brightness and drifted to the west. Then it darted very quickly to the side, then back. As the hour passed it seemed to drift northwest, the light got smaller, but still varied in brightness. Around 12:12 AM, it finally faded out of sight still moving west."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director,


On Thursday, June 3, 2004, the Syrian government sent motorized infantry regiments into Dimashq province after "a red alien" was reported hiding in an olive grove just outside the village of Al-Naiisia.

"The case was reported in the government newspaper Al-Teshreen," said Ayesha al-Khatabi, UFO Roundup's Middle East correspondent. "Seven men had walked out to the olive grove to prune the trees. One of them said he saw something at the foot of a tree. They all looked, and then they saw a strange creature, red in color, sitting in the shade of an olive tree. It was very squat and bulky, with a bald head and bat-wing ears."

"The eyewitness accounts of the seven workers were all in agreement. They claimed to have seen 'a strange creature that remained seated for a while before taking running strides to climb a tree.'"

"The encounter ended when 'the creature rocketed skyward' from the tree 'with incredible swiftness after leaving a trail of smoky white bubbles.'"

"The government in Damascus ordered a search of the olive grove, but the soldiers found nothing more than a handful of olives scattered on the ground." (See the Syrian newspaper Al-Teshreen for June 4, 2004. Many thanks to Ayesha al-Khatabi for this newspaper story.)

Thanks to Joe Trainor, UFOroundup, Volume 9, Number 24,


On Wednesday, June 2, 2004, eyewitness F.G. reported, "I was in the garden" at his home in Villasantina (Tolomezzo), Carnia (Friuli province), Italy "at more or less 5:30 p.m. My younger brother was with me at the time. We spotted a long white object. It looked like a huge cigarette - though a little shorter than an actual cigarette - but still gargantuan."

"It slowly moved sideways within the clouds and sometimes turned on itself (rotated - J.T.). I immediately ran towards the gate, trying to get closer to see what the object was. But as soon as I reached the gate and looked at the sky, it wasn't there any more."

Grazie a Roberto Malini e Frederico Dezi de UFO Italia per questi rapporti.


LISBON: The Portuguese airforce has been on alert since late Tuesday, when several authorities and witnesses reported seeing a luminous unidentified flying object, the national press reported on Thursday. "Military radar surveillance has been increased and F16 planes are ready for take-off," tabloid daily Correio da Manha reported on Thursday. It said the Portuguese civil protection service had received scores of calls from people who reported briefly seeing a silent, luminous object in the sky on Tuesday night, giving off white smoke.

Air force spokesman Colonel Carlos Barbosa confirmed to Lusa news agency that military radars had detected "a target... that was not identified as a plane" for two or three minutes. The national air traffic control authority, Navegacao Aerea de Portugal (NAV), also confirmed a UFO had been spotted in the north and south of the country just before midnight on Tuesday. "The control tower in Oporto (north) detected a flying object which had been observed 25 minutes earlier in Montijo and Beja (south)," NAV spokesman Paulo Lagarto said. The authorities were unable to say what the mysterious object was. But Jose Fernando Monteiro, a geology researcher at Lisbon's science university, said he had consulted US air defence officials and the UFO could not have been a meteorite.

If it had been a meteorite it would have travelled much faster and made a lot of noise, Monteiro told Correio da Manha and Lusa. The European Space Agency said the UFO was not a falling satellite either and the Portuguese weather service said there was no meteorological explanation for the phenomenon. The only person to come up with a possible explanation was astronomist Jose Matos, who said the UFO, might have been an Iridium telecommunications satellite.

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This page was last updated on July 12, 2004.