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News and observation reports, October 2003:

Some of the UFO observations and ufology news in October 2003 are listed on this page. Please note that these are not studies, but second hand observation reports, although mostly obtained from reliable and well known sources.


Source: Anyos-Luz, date: Friday, November 7, 2003.

"In another report received, it was said that at 0:200 PM on October 25, five people followed the maneuvers of a circular object - black in color - which moved dizzyingly over a densely populated Caracas suburb on the slopes of Cerro El Avila."

"According to this report, two of the eyewitnesses stated that the object "appeared suddenly" and moved quickly "in a straight line" and far above the peak of a mountain adjacent to the "La Pastora" sector, also in Caracas, before losing itself between the clouds and vanishing from sight.""

Translation © 2003 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU), special thanks to Arturo Escalante.


Likewise, in a third report received on Saturday, October 25, Raquel Rivero reported on the maneuvers of another object near Mount Avila, this time from the "Mari Perez" urbanization."

"The event occurred only a few minutes before seven o'clock. The witness stated that she was near the Chacaito subway station when she grew aware of an intense "whitish blue" light which was static in the sky, distinguishing itself from other heavenly bodies for its "great size and luminosity". Finally, Rivero noted that after having observed the phenomenon for no more than 5 to 10 minutes, it dimmed gradually until it faded away before the startled eyes of the onlookers."

Translation © 2003 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU), special thanks to Arturo Escalante.


Last week Rodrigo Fuenzalida of Agrupacion de Investigaciones Ovniologicas de Chile (AION) unveiled a videotape containing images of a UFO performing maneuvers over Vina del Mar in central Chile.

"According to Fuenzalida, the images were the result of research by AION investigator Enrique Silva." "On October 24, at 4 p.m., the transit of a red-colored object with three protuberances was recorded over Vina del Mar, on the central coast of Chile, moving swiftly over a broad swath of coastline."

"The object was seen from the Santa Maria University headed toward Concan. According to initial calculations, the object's speed was about 300 kilometers per hour. The flight of seagulls can be seen in the image's foreground."

"Silva's first impression was that he was witnessing three joined weather balloons, but, according to personnel from the Chilean Meterological Office at the FACh [Chilean Air Force] bases at Quintero and Santo Domingo, this possibility was dismissed - at least officially."

According to Silva and Fuenzalida, "weather balloons are launched from the FACh base at Santo Domingo twice a day, at 8 a.m. and at 12 noon," and the UFO was sighted four hours after the second launch. Also, FACh ballons are filled with hydrogen, not helium, which allows them to reach high altitudes more quickly "and which would allow a greater speed but not enough to match the velocity of the object recorded over Vina del Mar."

Vina del Mar is a seaport city located 60 kilometers northwest of Santiago de Chile, the national capital.

Thanks to Scott Corrales and Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO.


The Science Fiction channel in the USA announced that the attorney for the Channel-sponsored Coalition for Freedom of Information Lee Helfrich has been informed by NASA that they agree to turn over 36 pages of documents relating to the alleged crash of a UFO in Kecksburg, Pa., in 1965

The news comes a day after SCI FI said it would pursue legal action against NASA to "release its records on the incident." Sci Fi had fought ten months long the records through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The Department of Defense and the U.S. Army have yet to release any records under similar requests from Sci Fi channel. They announced on
http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-sfc.html?2003-10/24/12.00.sfc that Helfrich stated: "For more than four months we have received no response from NASA, but one day after John Podesta, President Clinton's former chief of staff and member of the Moynihan Commission, and Bonnie Hammer, president of SCI FI Channel, called on government agencies to make public records that are over 25 years old, lo and behold, NASA responds."

He commented in a news conference: "I think it's fair to say that we have truly entered the realm of science fiction in Washington, D.C., when it's fair game to disclose the identity of a clandestine CIA agent, but not the records of an unexplained crash in Kecksburg, Pa., that occurred 38 years ago."

On Dec. 9, 1965, witnesses described seeing a fireball in the sky, a controlled landing and the systematic military recovery of an object. The incident is the subject of the original SCI FI Channel documentary "The New Roswell: Kecksburg Exposed," hosted by Bryant Gumbel, which premieres Oct. 24 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Webmaster note: A witness at least claimed that he saw a NASA logo with the recovery team. Many doubted the claim that NASA was ever involved in the incident; now it all come to what is actually in the 36 pages - it may be a simple collection of newclipping of the claims of the NASA involvement, or we may learn that NASA really did recover something they owned, or that they recovered the soviet probe Kosmos 96, or it may be more interesting. Wait and see.


Date: October 23, 2003 9:05PM
Location: Wisconsin Rapids
County: Wood
Source: UFO Wisconsin Report by Mary C.

"This is not the first time we have seen these objects. The first time was last year around Oct. 9th. Tonight there were only 2 but we have seen as many as 6. They look like strobe lights that move in any direction from standing still to what seems like incredible speeds up and down and change direction in a split second. The first time we saw them it seemed like there were only 2 and then they split to be 4 and then 6 we even observed them following a plane. We watch for them but this is only the 4th time we have seen them in a year, I would like to know if anyone else has observed them. There is no way they could be planes as we know them."

Many thanks to www.ufowisconsin.com


Source: Anyos-Luz, date: Friday, November 7, 2003.

"Imposing and majestic, El Avila, a mythic mountain of dense jungles and crystalline waterfalls, has become one of the sites of highest interest to researchers, scientists, spital guides and curiosity-seekers, all of whom are driven by the intense UFO activity which has emerged in recent years in the mountain's vicinity, visiting it to glean greater information on the development of this elusive phenomenon."

"New UFO sightings over Cerro El Avila have been made from various locations within the [Caracas] metropolitan area. On October 21, 2003, Mrs. Ligia Peralta reported seeing a strange luminous object of large proportions which was flying over the outlying sections of the "La Julia" sector of Cerro El Avila in Caracas."

"The event took place at approximately 07:30 PM while Mrs. Peralta was making a phone call, leaning against one of the windows surrounding her dwelling, located on the eighth floor of a residential complex east of the Venezuelan capital. Peralta remarked that the strange object "appeared out of nowhere" and was endowed with a very bright white light; it moved around the area for a few seconds before vanishing from sight as it flew over the mountain's summit."

Translation © 2003 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU), special thanks to Arturo Escalante.


Date: October 18, 2003 9:30PM
Location: Mukwonago
County: Waukesha

Source: UFO Wisconsin Report - Witness requested to remain anonymous

"My fiance, my neighbor and I were outside having a campfire when out of the corner of my eye I saw something in the sky. It looked like a fireball in the sky. Everyone looked but no one knew what it was. It came from the northwest and going to the southeast in a perfect line, perfectly parallel to the ground. It was the same exact color of fire. There was no sound, no shadows and no trail left behind it. At first I thought it was a hot air balloon, but it was too low and it was so close to us we would have seen more than just the fire. My fiance thought it was an asteroid or a meteor but there was no trail behind it and it was not falling from the sky, as meteors and asteroids do. When it got behind our trees I went and grabbed the camcorder and the tri-pod. My fiance stayed and watched it. He said it just stopped and hovered for a while, and then turned to the south. He set the camcorder on the tripod and we walked back to our fire. When we watched what had recorded, it had flickered quite a bit. We actually have on film where it goes out completely twice and reappears in the same spot it vanished from. I called our local police department and they had no other reports. I then called our county and the two counties to the south of us and they had no reports either. I don't understand how something so bright and so big could not be seen by anyone else."

UFO Wisconsin Note: We did contact this witness to obtain a copy of the tape. Any new details will be posted.

Many thanks to www.ufowisconsin.com


Dr. Robert Gibbons, former scientist with NASA and now executive director of the Museum of the Unexplained, announced that an alleged UFO fragment owned by UFO witness Bob White who recovered it recovered it from a UFO encounter in 1985 near Grand Junction, Colorado, has now been analyzed.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico Tech, and at the Geosciences Research Division of the Scripps Institute in La Jolla, California, have linked the strange fragment with planet Mars, because its strontium isotope ratio is 0.712, which places it right in the middle of the ration for two proved martian meteorites, QUE 94201 (0.701) and the Shergotty meteorite (0.723).

Dr. Gibbons is calling for more scientific tests on the Bob White object to learn more on its nature and origin.

For further information, call Dr. Robert Gibbons, Executive Director, Museum of the Unexplained, P.O. Box 357, Reeds Spring, MO 65737. Tele: (417) 272-9620.


LAS CRUCES -- On October 7, 2003, along I-10 about 15 miles south of Las Cruces, a large triangular craft outlined with very bright white lights was observed at 6:20 PM. There was a lighted dome in the center. The craft was moving slowly from SE to NNW at about 5,000 feet. Over the Franklin Mountains just east of Ft. Bliss and slightly southwest of White Sands Missile Range. The witness has a background in science, master's degree, and work at one of the military installations. "I am familiar with many types of aircraft. This was very different. From observing the craft's speed, size, etc. I would say it was traveling just slightly faster than stall speed; the craft was more or less 300 feet lateral and 100 feet front to back. Both of us are trained scientists working in our disciplines, there is no question about what we observed."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC.


WAPAKONETA - It was a clear night on October 5, 2003, with the moon shining bright, and a couple was driving at 6:30 PM in the hometown of Neil Armstrong - the first man to walk on the moon! They noticed a bright light traveling east in a downward slope that was strobing white, red, and slight blue lights. Suddenly it slowed way down and split into two small strobing lights. The two lights moved in an opposite direction and then split again into four strobing lights, again moving opposite of each other. They almost seem to dance in the night sky while some planes flew in from the north.

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC, and George Filer, FilersFiles.


If you have observed anything out of the ordinary in the area of Argenton, dubbed "La Côte des Légendes", in Britton, France, thank you in advance for sending me a detailed report at ufologie@ufologie.net Confidentiality will be respected.


On Friday, October 3, 2003, at 1 p.m., Jennifer Parker-Cash sighted a UFO over "McDonough Elementary School on Lowell Road, near Exit 8, Wellington Road, off (interstate highway) Route 93 North in Manchester, New Hampshire."

According to Parker-Cash, the UFO was "a large stationary object emitting a pulsating or highly reflective light. I'd say there were two off-white orbs that had a wrinkled or baggy appearance and looked like they had material streamers hanging from them."

"When they suddenly disappeared, a group of silver- white orbs swarmed like a group of bees in a tight, swirling formation. They went up and down, side to side and sometimes swirled like cream being stirred in coffee."

"While stationary, they emitted bright blue beams and appeared flat, and the two wrinkled orbs that looked like a scoop of dirty clouds was off-white. At first they were stationary, and then they took off to the south in a swirling formation."

Thanks to Joe Trainor for the email form report.


Brian Vike reports that on October 3, 2003, at 6:45 PM, that the witness was washing dishes looking outside and admiring a beautiful blue sky when an oblong object white with a glow dove down at an angle of 30 degrees heading northeast. The front of it was kind of blunt, with a "tiny" tail behind it, which went to a sharp point. The sighting lasted for 8 minutes. She said, "It was the length of her outstretched arm."

Thanks to Brian Vike, Director CANADA HBCC UFO Hotline 1 866 262 1989.


KSL TV reports on October 3, 2003, that plumber Greg Smith, from the Sugarhouse area, Utah, USA, spotted and videotaped a UFO. He saw it on Wednesday, October 1st, 2003, at 02:30. His wife saw it first as she was going to bed after finishing some computer work and woke him up.

Greg, his wife and brother watched it for about three hours in the South of the sky. He grabbed his video camera and recorded the object for about 20 minutes. He said he was "seeing red, two red lights, and two blue lights, and all white, like a star, and as big as a star," but that unlike a star it kept moving: "It would go to the left, and then down. And then it would basically appear back up here."

Greg has said that he did not think much of UFOs up to now, and that he now goes back outside at night, just in case he would see anything again.

KSL TV said that "each year there are many reports of UFO sightings in this country." adding that "last year nearly 500 people said they saw something up there" but the local TV does not specify the observation area this number relates to.

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This page was last updated on November 23, 2003.