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Observations reports and news in April 2002:

Some of the UFO observations in April 2002 are listed on this page. Please note that these are not studies, but second hand observation reports, although mostly obtained from reliable and well known sources.

04.30.2002UFO seen in Mexico.
04.29.2002UFO reported again over Cerro Avila, Caraca, Venezuela.
04.29.2002UFO reported over Cerro Avila, Caraca, Venezuela.
04.29.2002The dean of Chilean ufology passed away.
04.29.2002Phone interview of Armando Valdes.
04.25.2002UFOs seen in Venezuela.
04.25.2002CISU news flash reports sighting statistics for March in Italy.
04.25.2002Cuba has numerous UFOs.
04.25.2002Spaceguard Japan association observe UFO or satellite, new details.
04.24.2002Light with a reddish hue seen in Milwaukee, USA.
04.23.2002Five orange lights in the sky, New South Wales, Australia.
04.22.2002Object seen in the sky over Toulouse, France (Balloon).
04.22.2002Object seen in the sky over Cahors, France (Balloon).
04.20.2002Nocturnal light seen in Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
04.18.2002Sphere of light videotaped in Argentina.
04.17.2002Oval shaped object, Ottawa, Canada.
04.17.2002Star-like UFO seen in Lakewood, Colorado, USA.
04.16.2002UFO appears behind CNN reporter on TV, Venezuela.
04.16.20023 nocturnal luminous objects in Jaynesville, Wisconsin, USA.
04.16.2002Luminous flash seen in Georgia, USA.
04.16.2002Motionless object seen on TV in Jenin, Palestine.
04.14.200214 strange lights seen high above Chicago, USA.
04.14.2002Moving lights seen in Wisconsin, USA.
04.13.2002Grey spherical UFO videotaped above Mexico City.
04.13.2002UFO seen in Wisconsin, USA.
04.12.2002Pulsating light seen by family in Wisconsin, USA.
04.12.2002Triangular UFO spotted in New South Wales, Australia.
04.11.2002The fireball seen over Germany four days ago was a fireball.
04.10.2002Motionless silver sphere seen in Texas, USA.
04.08.2002Nocturnal lights videotaped by couple, Australia.
04.08.2002Light in the sky breaks in two, Wisconsin, USA.
04.08.2002Firefly type light seen in Florida, USA.
04.08.2002Asteroid hunters say they spotted secret spy satellite.
04.07.2002Fireball over Germany.
04.06.2002Lights in rotating circle, Wisconsin, USA.
04.05.2002Sighting in New Jersey, USA.
04.04.2002UFO reported in Pennsylvania, USA.
04.04.2002Six lights in formation, Alabama, USA.
04.04.2002Ugandans fearful of meteors passing in the sky.
04.03.2002Member of Corporal Valdes patrol revisits abduction site 25 years later.
04.02.2002Two flying triangles seen in North Carolina, USA.
04.02.2002Crescent sighted in Maryland, USA.
04.02.2002Lenticular cloud in Argentina.
04.01.2002Star-like light turns off, Pennsylvania, USA.
04.01.2002Circular dots seen through telescope, Pennsylvania, USA.
04.01.2002Small metallic looking sphere in Missouri, USA.
04.01.2002Newspaper mentions a curious sphere seen at night, Argentina.


At 10:20 am or pm on Tuesday, April 30, 2002, Mr. Demetrio Feria, accompanied by another witness, observed the evolutions of a discoidal UFO from the neighborhoods of the capital airport of the City of Mexico. According to the report, provided by Mr. Carlos Clemente, director of the group "Los Vigilantes," the UFO was seen below the air corridor, and it went from West towards the North of the capital. The UFO had an ovoidal shape and an area of silverplated color, with a black shade on its inferior part. The UFO suddenly changed direction towards the east, accelerating remarkably and was lost out of sight in the horizon.

Thanks to NotiOVNI.


According to NotiOVNI for May 5, 2002, on Tuesday, April 30, 2002, the UFO reported the previous night was seen at a lower altitude. The witness also brought a camera the second evening and "reportedly has a photo of the second sighting." The UFO "continued its gyrating movement and also brightened and dimmed repeatedly, changing the intensity of the illumination."


According to NotiOVNI for May 5, 2002, on Monday evening, April 29, 2002, a glowing UFO was seen over the hill of Avila in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, on two consecutive nights last week:

"The eyewitness and his son observed a strange light with a gyrating motion over Cerro Avila in the city of Caracas. According to the report, sent by investigator Martha Rosenthal, the strange light was seen on two consecutive evenings."


Monday, April 29, 2002, in Santiago of Chile, the investigator and pilot Hugo Pacheco, one of the deans of the South American ufology, passed away at the age of 74 years because of an sudden hepatic cancer.

Pacheco was one of the founders and president of the Center of Investigaciòn Ovni (CIO), the first and greater group of investigation of the phenomenon Ufo created in Chile in 1969. Hugo Pacheco had the library of more complete Literature Ufo of Chile, and proposed to study this phenomenon from the scientific and technological point of view, focusing its last studies towards the spiritual side. His memory has been honored In the Santiago Park of Huechuraba by some Chilean ufologists and representatives of the Chilean Air Force.

Thanks to NOTIovni.


On April 25, 1977, Valdès who was at the time a 23 year old Corporal patrolled in the Putre province at the head of eight soldiers. A strange light landed in front of the patrol, and Valdes disappeared under the eyes of his 8 soldiers as he went closer. He reappeared 15 minutes later with a long beard, a watch that had advanced several days and not remembering anything.

An article by the newspaper "Las Ultimas Noticias", April 25, 2002 by Carlos Vergara, indique that Valdès, "ufological icon", "denies it all" 25 years after the facts.

Recently retired, the legendary Corporal Valdes strolled through Temuco with his trademark dark sunglasses. The newspaper reports that a call placed to his cell phone invited him to tell the truth of what occurred in Putre, and that the following conversation was:

"Well, all of this is the completion of a book to be launched at the end of the year. I can tell you that many myths will come crashing while others will be created. It's the truth. In fact, the book is entitled "The Shadow of the Truth," he said.

"-Were you abducted? "

- In that sense, I would say no... In other words, had I been abducted, I would have been sucked up and taken by a spacecraft somewhere else. But I will make the truth known in my book."

"-Excuse me, Corporal Valdes. Cut the book talk and tell me something more solid."

"-No, no, no. That's not what it's about. I'm not trying to promote myself. All right, what do you want to know? Ask me and I'll tell you."

"- Where the hell were you those fifteen minutes?"

"- I can tell you that I was always present and looking at my men. I even heard everything they said."

"- So what is it then? Were you abducted or not?"

"- I can tell you yes and I can tell you no. I have a truth, but it's a long story, son. The whole phenomenon must have transpired here on Earth. The truth is harder to explain than a lie. If I said that I went to another galaxy, it would be easier. This is harder to believe."

"- I don´t believe you..."

"- You see? I only want to be at peace with myself. You want the truth? I was never abducted! But another phenomenon occurred."

"- What phenomenon?"

"- Something very close to here, having to do with the Earth. And it happened to me with a purpose I have just come to realize. I speak of future things in my book. They call it eschatology..."

So we have to wait for the book, as Valdès does not "deny it all" as the titles suggest, but maintains that something occured, which does not seem to be explaimapble is simple terms on the phone in a few sentences.


On Thursday, April 25, 2002, Caracas experienced a UFO visitation, which was seen by dozens of people.

According to Venezuelan ufologist Martha Rosenthal, the first sighting took place at about 8 p.m. The eyewitness, Sra. Claret del Rosario Laya, "observed a UFO with an intense light over the hill Cerro Avila. The UFO moved back and forth in perfect balance before disappearing completely."

Elsewhere in Caracas, "at 11:20 p.m., Sra. Moralda Monasterios, public relations director for Venezuela's Meridiano Television, watched a UFO fly over the city, leaving a faint beam of light - a straight line of white light - in its wake. The UFO continued these aerial maneuvers for two hours."

"Finally, Prof. Mary Rizzo sighted a lenticular UFO", over the campus of the University of Caracas that evening.

See NotiOVNI for April 28, 2002. Muchas gracias a Jorge Martin, Daniel Munoz y Martha Rosenthal para esas historias.


The Italian Center for UFO Studies #351 News-flash reports that Italy has 100 sightings in three months. There are 44 cases gathered for March (following the 16 for February and the 41 of January). Half of the month's reports resulted from the passage of a bolide on March 19th. There were 13 daytime sightings, 5 close encounters, 1 case involving humanoids, 2 photos and 2 films, and 5 cases involving effects on the physical surroundings.

Thanks to CISU. Giorgio Abraini and Sebastiano Ridolfi, Italian Center for UFO Studies


Mike Bird reports, "I've just returned from a week in Cuba. It was a vacation week with my wife, but on Thursday, I made the 3 hour bus ride into Havana, to meet with 5 Cuban UFO Researchers, the oldest of which was a 70 year old retired physics professor, who had his own sighting in 1954. The youngest maybe 30. They have never been in contact with a North American researchers. They gave me a 300 page book, entitled "Signos," and in Spanish about the rich history of UFO activity in Cuba. I watched a 45 minute video entitled "Ovni's in Cuba," by Octavio Cortazar."

Thanks to Mike Bird and to


The Japanese Newspaper "Asahi" reports:

"Mr. Isobe, the director of the Japan Spaceguard Association, announced on April 4th, that the scientists of Bisei Spaceguard Center found a large unidentified object in stationary orbit 36,000 kilometers or 22,400 miles above the equator. The object was first observed on December 24, 2001, and is about 50 meters or 164 feet in diameter. Its trajectory is controlled, so it is a possible artifact. It is seen like a ninth-magnitude star, and may be a US intelligence satellite. The Spaceguard official said that the object is still unknown. There are also artificial space objects over Europe that are 10 meters in diameter."

Thanks to Toshie Nakagawa, Organization of UFO Research Japan, And and thanks to Maj. George Filer,


Garrett T. reported from Milwaukee to UFOWisconsin his observation of April 24, 2002 8:30:

"Watching what I thought was a plane in the sky. It was in the West. Thought it might have been the planet Venus but it was too bright and had a reddish hue to it. Was bright in the sky and would have been observable to many. Called a friend who also saw it and said it looked strange. It gradually faded over about 1 hour and became dimmer."

"I concluded that it could have very well have been Venus, but in fact, according to a sky map program Venus was already well under the horizon by the time I still saw the object. Much too bright to have been Mars."


On Tuesday, April 23, 2002, at 9:15 p.m., Fred W. was at his home in Albury, New South Wales, Australia when he spotted a strange glow in the northwestern sky.

"I saw five bright orange lights, spaced well apart and moving towards the southeast," Fred reported, "They could have been balloons as they were slow and bright orange. After about 15 minutes, three disappeared from view, leaving two that disappeared shortly thereafter. I'd estimate their height (altitude) at two to three thousand feet (600 to 900 meters) I thought it might be ballons in a formation, but at night and so many? Also, I could find no indication of balloons on my (radio) scanner."

Albury, N.S.W. is on the Victoria state line about 250 kilometers (150 miles) southwest of Canberra, the capital of Australia.

The above Email Form Report was received and published by UFO Roundup. Thanks to Joseph Trainor, UFOroundup.

Note: I did not check, but could it be explained by the current spectacular planet alignement? Was the alignment visible from the Southern hemispere?


The witness whose name I do not publish communicated this report to me today 04.23.2002 about this observation on 04.22.2002:

"From by window (oriented to the south-west) I observed yesterday evening at about 09:15pm an orange luminous object which seemed stationnary above the town of Toulouse. I specify that the sun sets down at about 08:45pm and thus this color was maybe caused by the reflection of the sun. The object was larger than a star or than Venus (1,5 times to 2 times larger) and seemed to be roughly spherical."

"At first I believed that it was Venus, but the color was too much reddish."

"I then thought it may be an aircraft coming up front, but there was no flickering and the light was not yellow enough or scintillating (rather mat actually)"

"It looked quite like a cat's eye because it seemed to have two orange parts separated by a black lining."

"I know of two other people from the Toulouse area who saw the objet without having been able to identify it."

"Approximately 20 minutes later, the object moved towards the Eest or the South or South-East in a completely regular manner at a rather slow speed. The object became smaller and smaller, thus I thought that:"

"1° it was less reflecting as the night was falling
or 2° it became more and more distant."

"I already saw satellites moving in the sky in a regular manner and in a rather faster speed compared to this "object"."

"I would be happy to know what it was. If others saw it... As far as I am concerned it is certainly a satellite but I have difficulties to understand the fact that I did not observe a constant motion at the beginning."

Thanks to the witness for the detailed account.

25.04.2002: The object was a CNES high altitude research balloon. More, and pictures, in the French part of this site.


The witness whose name I do not publish communicated this report to me today:

"I have just seen today 22/04/02 between 09:10pm and 09:15pm an abnormally large shining object woth a roughly round shape at the time when the night was starting, sufficiently high in the sky to receive direct sunlight. Much too large to be a star or a planet or a satellite (the 1st star or Venus appeared only towards 09:15pm), too motionless to be an aircraft. An examination with binoculars showed the presence of two sources of rather yellow light. The direction was from the center of Cahors towards the South West. The object then moved away gradually until 09:15 and disappeared in less than 3 mn. Distance and altitude impossible for me to determine."

Thanks for letting me know about any similar report from this area or explanation at

25.04.2002: The object was a CNES high altitude research balloon. More, and pictures, in the French part of this site.


On Saturday, April 20, 2002, at approximately 9 p.m., Spyro Mitchenikos was in Birmingham, the largest city in Alabama, when he "saw an object, extremely bright. At first I thought it was the North Star, except that the object was in the eastern sky, traveling southward. Object was bright, approximately 15,000 to 30,000 feet (4,500 to 9,000 meters) above, moving at a moderate speed, however, faster than an airplane at that altitude."

"Object traveled in a straight line, horizontal, then the light appeared to turn off. Object did not make sounds like an aircraft used for human travel or a military aircraft. However, dogs from around the neighborhood (about 2 to 3 mile range - S.M.) began howling. Not sure what object was. Light of object appeared solitary and did not show any signs of motion. Extremely bright light. Bright as the North Star. Size: would appear to be an extremely large object. Object traveled northeast to south in a horizontal manner. Object traveled faster than any man-made object travels, then slowed to almost a motionless position, then began to travel once more."

The above Email Form Report was received and published by UFO Roundup. Thanks to Joseph Trainor, UFOroundup.


Argentinean Ricardo E. d'Angelo, who has a long interest in UFOlogy, says he has filmed and intense sphere of bright light as it slowly floated by on the night of April 18. Two frames of the video are posted to his web site

He says he was one of two witnesses to observe the phenomenon, which he describes as having generated great flashes of light in all colors, during the ten minutes or so it remained in view. The bright light eventually drifted off to the south of the city.


Brian Vike of HBCC UFO received the following email report on May 3, 2002 and will investigate:

"On Saturday April 17/02 Ottawa Ont, Canada Montreal Rd. across from graveyard. I was on my lunch break [12:30p.m.] I looked up to see what looked like a small airplane coming from the north-east. As it got closer I noticed that it was oval - shaped and changing color - from black to silver. It was rolling or rocking side to side as it changed color. It was traveling about 300 feet high as it flew behind a cloud and disappeared."

Thanks to Brian.


On Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at 8:20 p.m., Shane M. Robinson was driving through Lakewood, Colorado (population 144,126), a suburb just west of Denver, when he saw "two star-like objects heading southeast."

Shane reported, "My wife confirmed the sighting by cell phone from a separate location" in the Denver area. "And I spoke to a man at a convenience store who also witnessed it as it happened."

"As I drove west of Denver on Highway 6 at about 2020 (8:20 p.m.) Mountain time on April 17, 2002, I was looking at the western sky at dusk to see if I could observe an astronomical event of planets aligning."

"As I looked up again, I noticed two star-like lights traveling at what appeared to be a very high altitude and a very high rate of speed (above 200 miles an hour at least)"

"They had no blinking lights but were apparently luminescent. I happened to be on the cell phone with my wife, who was traveling on (Interstate Highway) I-25 North (about 10 miles from where I was) at the time of my sighting. I told her about it and then pulled over to get gas and get out of my car and look at it."

"I saw the lights continue southeast so I yelled over to a man getting out of his truck and asked if he could see the objects. He stated he could. I asked him if he knew what they were, and he stated that he did not know. I started pumping gas and called my wife again and asked if she could see the lights. She responded that she could, and she pulled off the highway to get a better look. She stated that they continued on their way in a southeasterly direction at a constant rate of speed and distance apart until out of sight."

"My reaction during the sighting was one of calm surprise and excitement to confirm its existence with my wife. Would someone reply to me on this, as it is a little unsettling to not know why it was there."

This Email Form Report was received and published by Joseph Trainor, UFOinfo.


Puerto Rican journalist and UFO researcher Jorge Martin reports to UFOinfo:

"I've read your (UFOinfo's) report about the UFO observed on April 16, 2002 in an ABC Cable News broadcast related to the Israeli attacks in Jenin. I was surprised by the report because the same day, Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at (12) noon, my wife and I were watching a live (TV) broadcast of a Spanish language CNN report from Venezuela related to the situation in that country after the coup d'etat made on the government of President Hugo Chavez, and something similar happened."

"CNN's reporter in Venezuela, journalist Harris Whitbeck, was talking to a fellow female news anchor in the U.S. when, all of a sudden, a spherical white UFO flew in the distance over the city, right behind reporter Harris Whitbeck, who was located in a high position overlooking the city of Caracas."

"The female news anchor seemed to become aware of the presence of the anomalous object and smiled in amazement, but at this moment the broadcast was terminated, and CNN passed on to another item."

"Strangely enough, CNN's Hispanic reports are regularly videotaped and are repeated during the day, but this one was not. Was it censored? If so, who did it, and why?"

"For me, this seems too much of a coincidence, for UFOs to appear unexpectedly during both international TV news reports on the same day and more or less the same type of events. Are 'they' sending a message to the international authorities?"

Thanks to Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup.


On Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 8:50 p.m., in Janesville, Wisconsin (population 59,498), Jonathan M. reports, "It was cloudy but I could still see either the moon or a bright star. I was trying to make out what it was (the moon or a star--J.M.) As I was looking at it, three orange lights came from the northeast. They were in formation side by side. As they went overhead, they zigzagged between each other and shot off to the southwest in formation again (side by side--J.M.)."

"If you held a dime in your fingers, and held it at arm's length, this would have been about the size" of the objects. "They made no noise, and they were very fast. They were not military jets."

"I want to know if anyone else saw that. Someone had to because of the brightness and the size. I turned on the (radio) scanner to see if there were any reports, but no one here reported anything."

Thanks to John Hoppe of UFO-Wisconsin for this report.


MUFONGA State Director Tom Sheets contacted the witness who had taken his wife to work on April 16, 2002. Around 7:15 AM, 20 miles SE of Atlanta, the witness noticed a very high thin white contrail which covered about 80 degrees in the clear sky and was being deployed to the east toward the rising sun. As he watched, a bright 'flare-up' began at the head of the contrail. This 'flare-up' was like a VERY bright star, about the size of a BB at arm's length, silver to reddish as it seemed to glow or burn and continued moving eastward. Duration was about 1-2 minutes, when it suddenly just disappeared. The contrail seemed to dissolve very quickly. No sound was heard. Nothing solid was observed until the 'flare-up' began. Some possible explanations are a substantially bright meteor burn or returning space junk. While it could have been an aircraft giving off a dramatic reflection of sunlight, the length of the actual 'flare-up' or glow might rule this out. The annual Lyrids meteor shower normally begins about 19 April and ends about 23 April. Similar reports have also been received in Georgia during the return of the space shuttle but most likely explanation is an extreme reflection off of a very high flying aircraft".

Thanks to Tom Sheets, State Director of MUFONGA, ISUR Board.


The embattled city of Jenin on the West Bank was the site of a startling UFO incident last week, according to UFO Roundup reader Thomas A. Brown. Mr. Brown was watching ABC Cable News at Night at 10:30 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, April 16, 2002 when he saw something that made him sit up and take notice.

"It was only on for 20 seconds, or you would've missed it," Tom reported, "The scene showed the city of Jenin behind the correspondent. Right there in the clear sky was the UFO. The object was grey and round. It hovered motionless. It did not move" while the commentator spoke.

Tom checked other news sources on the Net but "there was no mention in any other press sources."

It is not clear in what way the object could not be a balloon or helicopter.

Jenin was the site of extremely heavy fighting last week between the Israeli Defense Forces and Palestinian fighters before the Israelis pulled out on Thursday, April 18, 2002.


On Sunday, April 14, 2002, at about 5 p.m., the male witness was cooking food on his backyard barbecue grille in a residential neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois while his family and friends sat around talking. "While grilling outdoors this past Sunday, my friends and I noticed a cluster of stars or satellite-looking objects flying very high and apparently very fast in the skies above Chicago."

"At first my buddy noticed three tiny dots of light bright enough to be seen against the cloudless blue sky. Then we started noticing more of these dots of light. The dots were traveling together, heading north, and we quickly counted a total of 14 star-looking things ripping along super-high-up, and they were hard as hell to see. But we all agreed we saw them regardless of what we'd been smoking."

"These objects flew in no regular pattern and, although most flew at a relatively constant speed, a few of the objects would zip from behind and on ahead of the rest. This all happened pretty fast, and we were all feeling like, what the hell are those things!? I have never seen anything like what I saw Sunday."

This Email Form Report was received and published by Joseph Trainor, UFOinfo.


UFOwisconsin has received the following email report:

"My parents came home about 8:15 PM and my mom told me that my dad spotted something weird in the sky. I ran outside and saw this light moving across the sky from NE to SW. It was much larger than the stars that were out. It moved across the sky until it fizzled out just before the tree line. This lasted about 30 seconds to a minute."

The observation took place on April 13 at Hillister, Langlade County, Wisconsin, USA, and the witness requested to remain anonymous. Many thanks to UFOwisconsin.


On Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 2 p.m., Demetrio Feria was in the Oriente section of Mexico City, south of Villa de Guadalupe, when he spotted an unusual object in the sky. Immediately he grabbed his videocamera.

The video footage Feria shot "shows the object flying from north to south over Oriente. Feria reported, 'The strange object was of an obscure gray color, and it moved slowly at a high altitude above the capital. The UFO continued its flight and lost itself in the haze on the horizon."

See NotiOVNI for April 21, 2002. Muchas gracias a Daniel Munoz para eso noticario.


On Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 8:15 p.m., a boy in Hollister, Wis. reported, "My parents came home about 8:15 p.m., and my mom told me that my dad spotted something weird in the sky. I ran outside and I saw the light moving across the sky from northeast to southwest. It was much larger than the stars that were out. It moved across the sky until it fizzled out just before the tree line. This lasted about 30 seconds to a minute."

Hollister, Wis. is on Highway 55 just north of the Menominee Indian Reservation and 56 miles (97 kilometers) northwest of Green Bay.

Many thanks to John Hoppe of UFO Wisconsin for the report.


The witness reports from Cornelius:

"I was laying in my hammock on April 2, 2002, and staring up at the sky at 8:55 PM, and I saw two triangles a light amber brown in color flying almost directly over head. They looked about the average size of an airplane but seemed to fly much lower. There was no sound and no lights on the objects. I knew it was nothing I have ever seen before. The sighting lasted a few seconds with several planes flying south and west in the same direction as the triangles about 5 to 10 seconds behind."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC director,


On Tuesday, April 12, 2002, "an eyewitness reported the passage of a triangular UFO over the town of Forestville in New South Wales," Australia.

"According to the report, the UFO flew from north to south, presenting the appearance of a large, silent flying vehicle with harsh lights on its front portion. The UFO continued its flight at a steady rapid speed estimated at 3,600 kilometers per hour (2,160 miles per hour) and was finally lost from sight behind a grove of trees."

See NotiOVNI for April 21, 2002. Many thanks to Daniel Munoz and Keith Basterfield for this report.


On April 12, Jerry & Debbie C. used the UFOWisconsin Report Form Submission to report this observation at Merrimac, between Devilshead Ski Lodge and Lake Wis, in the Sauk County:

"My wife and son (he's 12) were getting home a little late on the 12th around 8:30 from shopping. It was a clear night. Me and my other son (he is 9) were worried so we waited impatiently. They just pulled in the drive way. We went out to meet them. They jump from the van very puzzled and were yelling "look at that", nervously, "it was following us". They where scared. This was no plane or helicopter. It was bright yellow. As low as two medium trees stacked together. Moving very slowly, then stopped. It looked like a star but off color yellow. My son ran to get the camcorder but with the lighting in town we couldn't adjust it or see it in the view finder. We all agreed that it was a UFO. It didn't just sit still, like it vibrated, pulsed, little side to side movements. Very weird, scary, it's hard to picture this. We see a lot of weird lights around here every night. Wish we had some professional equipment. We have three acres of yard, its pretty dark in the back where we see most of these lights. This is where professional equipment would capture awesome video or pictures. But this happened out front, down the road just out of town where we tried to tape past a lot of lighting."

Many thanks to UFOwisconsin.


A Bavarian farmer's wife found a 3ft wide crater in her vegetable patch with a meteorite lodged at the bottom. The rock is bigger than a tennis ball but can still be held in one hand.

The woman from Friesing took the blackened rock to the local police station hoping if she reported it she might be eligible for compensation. Although her insurance company have told her she is unlikely to get cash for meteorite damage, she is likely to get a decent reward from the scientists.

The meteorite is now at the institute of geology, where officials said it is worth a lot more than the damage caused to the vegetable patch.

Munich Institute for Geology experts estimate the meteorite weighed over 100 kilos before hitting the atmosphere at speeds of almost 125,000 mph.

The fireball observed in Germany two days ago was a fireball.


The observer, from Austin, states:

"I was headed for work on April 10, 2002, and was dropping off my trash at the dumpster and looked up and saw a Silver Sphere just hovering 4:35 PM. It never moved and just hung there motionless in the clear blue sky. At first I thought it was a balloon but it never drifted with the wind. The clouds were moving by it but it never changed position. I watched it for about 5 minutes curious at what it was and even looked for someone else around to show it to but of course no one was there. What struck me, as being unusual is it was a breezy day but it had no effect on it moving with the wind. I had to continue on to work so I never got to see it leave. It was shiny and looked silver to me because it did have a glare off it. It basically looked like a Silver Ball hanging in the air."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC.


Two witnesses report from Wodonga that they observed "three round bright lights in formation on April 8, 2002, at 10:00 PM, that seemed to be very low. They seemed very smooth but there was no sound at all. At this point I called my husband, and a third light appeared. Then the first two appeared to slow so the third one could catch up so it seemed. They seemed to fly in formation. My husband went inside and got the video camera and proceeded to film as he turned south. One light went out, the second fell and the last one just faded out."

A police spokesman said two bright discs were seen hovering over Clontarf - later moving on to Beachmere on March 30 (See March news).


Stephen Bayer reports the following observation of April 8, at Ripon, Fond du Lac County, using the UFOWisconsin Report Form Submission.

"I was watching T.V. at about 10:30 like I usually do on a Tuesday night with one of my friends. My T.V. is next to a picture window so I can usually see a lot of the outside, which turns out to help me later in my report. Anyway, I was getting up to go to bed and I saw something strange out my window. It was in the sky, and looked like an asteroid but a lot lower and moving at a much slower pace. At first I didn't think anything of it, but when it didn't go away for about a minute, I kept watching. It was headed to the East, towards the city. We quickly put on our jackets and went outside to watch it. After another minute or so, it stopped in mid air, I'm guessing about 8 miles away. It then broke into 2 separate parts, and then disappeared. We went back inside and decided to tell people about it later, since it was pretty weird."

Thanks to UFOwisconsin.


Two witnesses report from Tampa that they were coming out of the AMC Westshore Theater around 9:45 PM, on April 8, 2002:

"I looked up to look at the night sky and saw was a meteorite coming down or skipping around on the atmosphere. So I kept looking but in less than three seconds it turned and began to move very quickly. It was zigzagging like a person shining a pen light on a board and moving it in motions like a composure. That is why I thought it was a meteorite skipping off the atmosphere at first. Then I realized that it was going in and out and underneath and above the clouds. It moved from toward the south all in the space of about 10-30 seconds. Nothing to my knowledge could have endured the G forces caused by the maneuvers and the speed was tremendous. It traveled about 5 miles within 5 seconds. I pointed it to my mother who also saw it. She said she would never get over it. I have wanted to see something like this for 22 years. I would also like to make clear that it looked like a firefly but there were no trails of light behind. This light was very clearly a UFO."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC,


The Japan Spaceguard Association's observation center in Bisei, Okayama Prefecture, Japan, has announced that they have spotted a previously unknown and unregistered satellite circling Earth last December, according to the online version of the Mainichi Daily News in Japan.

Their telescope is designed to find asteroids that might threaten Earth.

Since then, Spaceguard officials looked for but could not find the object on a list of satellites kept by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).

Aerospace engineering specialist Nobuo Nakatomi said the object was probably a spy satellite. "It is a common practice around the world to secretly launch satellites for technical or military reasons, and they won't make entry on the NORAD list," Nakatomi said in the Daily News. "Judging from the information available, it looks like the object is a U.S. or Chinese spy satellite."

"We will keep watching space to spot asteroids or man-made objects that can be a threat to Earth," said Shuzo Isobe, director Spaceguard in Japan. Spaceguard is a name used in several countries to denote the search for potentially threatening asteroids. Spaceguard officials were said to be delighted by their telescope's ability.


Hundreds of people reported seeing bright flashes like lightning in the sky throughout Oberbayern, Schwaben, Oberpfalz and even into Austria. This was accompanied, according to some witnesses, by loud explosions that rattled windows. The theory it may have been falling "space junk," anticipated and announced by NASA a few days ago, was dismissed. That was believed to have fell from its degraded orbit somewhere in central asia, probably over Tibet. Werner Walter, of the Mannheimer UFO registration office, said the incident in the skies over Germany may have been caused, instead, by a "Feuerball-Boliden," or fireball. The original meteor could have broken into several individual parts, causing the firework-like display in the atmosphere.


On April 6, 2002, Kim W. reports from Lyndon Station:

"My son came home about 10:30 PM and said there were strange lights in the sky. My wife and I went out to look. The object consisted of about eight large white lights formed in a large circle. The entire circle was rotating clockwise slowly. There was a 300 feet cloud ceiling. Whatever this was appeared to be just above the clouds. The clouds gave the lights an opaque effect and it seemed to throw light off in one part of its rotation, kind of like a water sprinkler throws water, but just in one spot. When holding my hand up in front of me, it would have taken 6 hands to cover it. Quite large! It was in the east of our location. It was stationary for maybe 10 minutes, then began a slight movement to the southwest and disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Lyndon Station, Wis. is on Highway 12 about 12 miles (19 kilometers) northwest of the Wisconsin Dells and about 22 miles (36 kilometers) northwest of Madison, the state capital.

Thanks to the witness Kim W., and John Hoppe of UFOWisconsin,


The witness is a 41-year-old female manager and reports from Sterling that she saw a small bright light 1000 feet high dipping low, that then arced up, and was gone in only three seconds on April 5, 2002, at 6:55 PM. The object was star like but moved quickly. Its actual size was 11 to 30 feet and it appeared white, gray lead or silver like. The sky was overcast.

However, MUFON phoned the witness several times and left messages but they have not made contact.

Thanks to MUFON Headquarters.


The witnesses reports from Sinking Springs that they were visiting relatives and went outside for some fresh air on April 4, 2002, about 7:15 PM, and saw a light to the west. Usually, there are no stars in that part of the sky, so he went inside to get his brother. The witness states:

"When we got back outside, the object moved and as we watched, it faded out. It then faded back, and then out again. We started to get scared, so we went back inside. When we came out again, it was rapidly moving off to the southwest and just before we lost sight of it over a hill, it took a sharp 45 degree dive and disappeared from sight. It made no sound and had no apparent shape, but when viewed through binoculars, it appeared to be long and flat like a saucer."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC


A witness reports from Adelaide, Alabama:

"On April 4, 2002, at 10:00 PM, six bright orange objects were flying southeast and resembled satellites. They were as distant as stars, but moving at the rate a comet or satellite moves across the sky. The objects were in formation. Three in each formation, creating a pyramid effect. These exact same six objects were spotted two years ago on Christmas night, however they were in a different formation near Scorpio, when they moved strategically into the same pyramid effects as viewed on the 4th. The witnesses are all of sound mind, working well paid jobs from Correctional Services Officer to Financial Planner. The same people as well as other family members also saw the lights 2 Christmases ago. I am dumbfounded."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC,


The story "Meteorites sighted in the West" has been originally published by "New Vision," Kampala, Uganda, authored by Emmanuel Mulondo, on April 1st 2002. I tells that "tongues of fire flew across the dark skies of Kabarole, Mubende, Bundibugyo, Kyenjojo and Kamwenge districts in western Uganda on Wednesday night [Mar 27]."

"Residents were filled with fear as eight glowing objects flew across the skies. Some thought the objects that left brilliant trails of light behind them, were missiles fired from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"Residents of Fort Portal town saw the objects flying south-eastwards, before disappearing below the horizon within a few minutes. Scared soldiers of the Rwenzori Alpine Brigade fired into the air hoping to shoot them down."

"Wildlife officials in Kabarole said the glowing objects were seen falling in the forests between Mubende, Kyenjojo and Kamwenge."

"Forensic experts from Kabamba Military Barracks and meteorology officials rushed to the scene on Thursday."

"The UPDF spokesman, Major Shaban Bantariza, on Thursday said the army had confirmed that the objects called meteorites, were rocks falling onto the earth from the outer space. However, the majority are not recorded because they fall into seas or remote areas."


25 years after the event, Raul Salinas, a conscript who was part of Corporal Valdes's Patrol returned to Putre, the site where on April 25, 1977, one of the most well known and important UFO abduction cases in Chile took place.

Chile's Megavision TV station has convinced him to revisit the events a few days ago, and was headed by recruit Raul Salinas, journalist Rodrigo Ugarte, cameraman Arturo Espinoza and OVNIVISION's director, journalist Cristian Riffo. The tV station broadcasted the event on April 2rd, including three reports covering unpublished aspects of the case.

In his telling of the events, Raul Salinas took advantage of the opportunity to clarify a series of situation published by the media, and confirmed some of the statements made by corporal Armando Valdes himself. Salinas toured the now-abandoned stables of Putre's Huamachuco Regiment (First Region). Overwhelmed with emotion, the recruit disclosed unpublished details about what occured the night of April 25, 1977.

In May, the Chilean magazine "Conozca Mas" will also publish images and exclusive accounts of this expedition to one of the most enigmatic sites in Chile's UFO history.

On April 25, 1977, Valdès who was at the time a 23 year old Corporal patrolled in the Putre province at the head of eight soldiers. A strange light landed in front of the patrol, and Valdes disappeared under the eyes of his 8 soldiers as he went closer. He reappeared 15 minutes later with a long beard, a watch that had advanced several days and not remembering anything.


The witness reports from Annapolis that he was on his balcony at 10:35pm, watching some flights of local and commercial aircraft with a slightly overcast sky with high haze but some stars were visible including the Big Dipper. He says:

"I saw a distinct crescent shaped form, moving west on April 2, 2002, there was no light, erratic movement or change, simply a thin cloud-like "C" shape moving across the sky. Had I not been in a reclining posture, I would not have seen it.

"The form went by rapidly, but not so fast that I didn't have time to comprehend what was happening and concentrate on the object. It seemed a "black" object was moving across the sky and creating a pressure zone ahead of its path."

Thanks Major George Filer, ret.,


In the afternoon hours of April 2, 2002, Quique Mario, director of Proyecto Condor/CEUFO, received a phone call from eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen a strange phenomenon Monday night.

The phenomenon in question happened to be a "lenticular cloud" that crossed the province of La Pampa at moderate speed in a South-to-North direction. Hundreds of witnesses agreed that the sight was "beautiful", since there skies were clear and the sun had already set between 20:10 and 20:30 hours.

The cloud was darker in its middle, although transparent. People driving along different highways noticed the phenomenon, but those dwelling in the western neighborhoods of the city of Santa Rosa were also able to see them. Among them was a member of the CEUFO group.

"According to the description," says Quique Mario, "we have precedents to this case. One on June 20, 1980, another on October 31, 1982, and two more in 1986 and 1998. On this last occasion, a number of hunters claimed having seen what they described as "a city suspended in space" emerge from within the gigantic circle."

"We will be surveying the area in search of more eyewitness testimony that will let us learn if a "city" was in fact seen on this occasion. According to the 1998 field study, the one in that instance measured 1500 meters in diameter and was suspended over a hilltop," added the researcher.


The witness from Beaver Falls arrived home on April 1, 2002, after spending the Easter weekend with his parents and spotted a star like object 55 degrees above the horizon at 7:45 PM. The witness says, "Out of ALL those stars, I looked right at the one star that suddenly turned off! It was just like a light bulb going out, it was weird. There were other stars around this one, but it was the brightest star in that small cluster. What are the odds of that? There's a small airport nearby, but I heard NO engines. This light DIDN'T move and it seemed to be in space. Two seconds of observation isn't long enough to get detail.

Peter Davenport wisely suggest this could have been the flash of an Iridium satellite, or a tumbling rocket booster.

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC Director,


The witness reports from Coatesville that he was looking at Jupiter through his telescope on April 1, 2002, "when a white dot came into view at 8:00 PM. The white dot met with another white dot that was moving at the same speed. The second dot flew across the sky and cut right in front of the first. There were now two unknown dots flying across the sky and little after that they disappeared."


The witness reports from Columbia on April 1, 2002, that he spotted a small metallic sphere flying slowly north in broad daylight at 10:50, at a constant velocity and trajectory.

He said: "It seemed to change colors as its position changed, due to sunlight reflection. At first I thought it was a bird, but I estimate it was 1/2 mile away and about six feet in diameter. The trajectory was unchanged by the wind."

Thanks to Peter Davenport, NUFORC,


The newspaper La Capital in Argentina reports on April 3 that "A curious sphere was seen two Nights ago Over Rosario."

The newspaper says that although "scientists believe that it could have been an electrical discharge, there are those who believe it could have been a UFO."

After a humorous reference to the "X-Files," the article says that "according to Air Force sources who witnessed the event, "a perfect, semi-transparent sphere measuring between 30 and 50 meters in diameter" moving from Funes to Rosario, was seen between 20:07 and 20:12, when after stopping abruptly in its NNE heading, it vanished into the night."

Apparently the phenomenon was seen on April 1st in Rosario and neighboring communities, crossing a a magnificently starry sky in a North-North East direction at an altitude of 2000 feet.

Some have seeminly seen the phenomenon for 5 to 6 minutes and described a "kind of spherical-shaped cloud." Other have allegedly claimed the object had a lighted center. Phone calls seemingly came in from Rosario but also from the southern part of the province, places such as Hughes, Acebal and Uranga, Pergamino (Buenos Aires Province) and Las Varillas (Cordoba Province). No names are given.

The National Weather Service and the municipal Astronomical Observatory said they know nothing of a strange phenomena, an that it was not a balloon because there were no balloons launched and said it was probably a bank of cirrus clouds which due to the reflection of the light on ice crystals created a strange shape.

The article adds: "Nor would the scientific director of the Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (Conae), Marcos Machado, hear about the subject: "These things that people immediately attribute to the UFO phenomenon interest me precisely because I am a skeptic."

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This page was last updated on May 18, 2002.