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October 14, 1954, Domart-en-Ponthieu, Somme:

Reference for this case: 14-Oct-54-Domart-en-Ponthieu.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


In 1979, Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon indicates that according to the newspaper Le Courier Picard, of Amiens, for October 16, 1954, page 3, there was an observation on October 14, 1954, at approximately 9 p.m. on the D216 road at the place called "La Folie" between Domart-en-Ponthieu and Condé-Folie, in the Somme department.

Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle merchants, and Mr. Lourdel, cattle broker, drove in a van, and saw not far from the farms of "La Folie" a very brilliant glow that seemed to land in a meadow at a little distance from the road.

Mr. Dumeige stopped the vehicle and the three people came out, and then saw very clearly, near the glow, six or seven small beings advancing in single file.

Frightened, the witnesses quickly drove away.

Another version, widely quoted, but incomplete, is said to come from ufologist Claude Perrier. It dates the sighting of October 15, 1954, instead of 14, indicates that it is a "Mrs. S." who was driving, and she and Mr. Lourdel ran in the field to see what it was. It would not be 6 or 7, but 4 or 5 little beings no more than a meter high, in diving suits or scuba suits, walking one after another in front of the bushes, at a maximum distance of 25 meters. The police were apparently informed of the sighting, inspected the premises several days later, but were unable to find any trace.

In 2020, I obtained the contemporary version, published in Le Courrier Picard for October 16, 1954, on page 2:

Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle dealers, in Domart-en-Ponthieu, and Mr. Lourdel, cattle broker, in Condé-Folie, on October 14, 1954 around 9 p.m., were traveling by automobile truck on the road from Domart to Condé-Flie. The three people saw near the farms of La Folie, a very bright glow which seemed to land in a meadow not far from the road.

Mr. Dumeige, who was driving, stopped his vehicle and all three people got out, and it was then that they had clearly seen, near the light, six or seven small beings advancing in line. They were so frightened that they quickly drove away.




The Courier of the Somme

A mysterious craft moves
for ten minutes
in the sky of the Doullenais

It seems that we have not finished talking about the "saucers" and other mysterious craft which, daily, cross the sky in many places.

Certainly, there was in many people, an excess of imagination which leaves skeptical a number of minds. However, it seems obvious now that there really are strange craft.

So let's leave aside the more or less fanciful statements and attach our attention to serious testimonies. One of these is particularly noteworthy. It is that of Mr. Maurice Niquet, farmer in Hardinval, annex of the town of Hem, near Doullens. Mr. Niquet, 17 years old, was Thursday afternoon, beating barley in a field at a place called "Behind the hedges", not far from the houses and about two hundred meters from the national road nr 25.

It was around 5:00 p.m. when he was hailed by Mr. Percheval, an agricultural worker, who was harvesting beets in a nearby field, and whose 8 years old son had just seen a kind of green disc moving at very high altitude. In his turn, Mr. Niquet saw the object very clearly, while Mr. Percheval, who did not want to be taken for a "joker", rushed on the road to stop a possible motorist who could serve as witness.

As for the young farmer, he stayed in place to hold his horses, who were also looking at the craft and seemed quite frightened. A strange display was then offered to his sight. The disc, which rotated on a vertical plane, began to descend slowly. during this descent, the gyration had stopped. It only resumed gently when the object came to rest about thirty meters from the ground, just above trees near the town and about two hundred meters from Mr. Niquet.

"It was", the later would say, "a ball which, from green, had turned to white, without being excessively luminous. But the strangest thing is that on all sides, like jets of vapor of all colors came out; which lit the ground, my horses and myself. Sometimes we were pink, sometimes purple, or red, yellow, etc... The spectacle was splendid, but I was all the same frightened enough by this vision."

The ball thus remained ten minutes completely motionless. Then, it started to rotate again very fast, always on a vertical plane and it went away first in oblique, then straight in the sky.

Mr. Percheval, who was waiting on the road, could not see the craft which was hidden from him by the trees.

As one may guess, Mr. Niquet told his adventure to his parents. His father inquired at the neighbors. This is how Mr. and Mrs. Oncle, who were much further from the indicated place, noticed, at the indicated time, color changes above the trees; which suggests that the appearance was not caused by the imagination of the young farmer.

But another testimony also came to us from people just as reliable. It is that of Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle dealers, in Domart-en-Ponthieu, and of Mr. Lourdel, cattle broker, in Condé-Folie, who, Thursday, around 9 p.m., were traveling by automobile truck on the road from Domart to Condé-Folie. These three people, in fact, saw not far from the farms of La Folie, a very bright glow which seemed to land in a meadow not far from the road.

Mr. Dumeige, who was driving, stopped his vehicle and got out with his wife and Mr. Lourdel. It was then that they saw clearly, near the light, six or seven small beings who were advancing one after the other. They were so frightened that they quickly set off again, leaving the craft and its occupants there.



Flying saucers...
... in the sky of France

Paris, 18. -- Mysterious craft continue to regularly frequent the skies of France. The testimonies accumulate, coming every day to bring some new details, either on the saucers, or on the flying cigars.

While on Saturday evening, several reliable people, including Mr. Béranger, mayor of Saint St-Laurent-du-Var, advisor general, had seen above Nice, an orange disc, last night, this time above Cannes, several people observed a luminous craft of yellow color with a green tail, but the more interesting testimony was to be brought by an employee of the municipal recipe of Antibes.

Mr. Casella, living in Bio [sic], returning home in the evening, found himself "face to face with a huge mechanical machine measuring 7 to 8 meters in diameter placed in the middle of the road." The witness who was on a bicycle approached the craft until almost touching it, but then it rose vertically and, with a slight hiss, disappeared into the sky.

In the Provence sky, in Venergues, several grape pickers saw, Friday afternoon, a craft of elongated shape like a cigar, one said, white and blue, said a second. A third picker said the rocket appeared to be emitting luminous rays.

In Le Puy, a luminous object was observed between 5:50 p.m. and 6:36 p.m., by the Puy Chadrac weather station. The craft appeared like a straight olive with a sort of black antenna at the top. The station chief said he believed he was in the presence of the planet Jupiter. Mr. Casella, a resident of Bio who piter, but the sudden disappearance of the object demonstrated that he had been mistaken.

The same phenomenon was seen by the meteorological center of Ruyères (Cantal). One can compare these testimonies to that of thousands of inhabitants of Tulle who, around 3:35 p.m., saw in the sky, in a south-southeast direction, a big bright and motionless point. It appeared transparent and showed the shape of a cylinder whose two ends were conical.

In Murat (Cantal), an object also shiny and ovoid in shape, was to be observed for an hour. In this case, it seems to be a strongly lit balloon.

In two villages in the Haute-Marne, Vignory and Brottes, orange-colored objects were seen on Thursday evening. These objects rose vertiginously but without noise.

Finally, in the Finistère, Mr. René le Viol, transporter at Fouesnant, saw Thursday evening, behind a curtain of trees, a flat-shaped craft with the appearance of an overturned plate and surrounded by a reddish glow, this first disc was then followed by a second and both disappeared towards the sea.


Rome, 15. -- Many mysterious craft were seen yesterday in the sky of Italy. One of these machines landed near Rovigo in the area known as Po Di Gnocca, where several people observed it. The circular craft, after having slowly hovered, landed on the ground without noise. After a few minutes of immobility, it resumed its silent vertical flight, but at the place where it took off, there is now a fairly deep crater six meters in diameter. Six poplars that stood nearby were also charred. Authorities will travel to the scene to verify the authenticity of the witnesses' accounts.

In the Modena region, a trader saw an incandescent "flying cigar" flying over the countryside at an altitude of around two hundred meters. After a brief stop, the craft reportedly headed to the northwest. This observation was confirmed by other witnesses.

Finally a flying saucer with silver reflections is reported to have flown over the Loino area at 5.000 meters. Witnesses to this observation stated that the saucer did not emit any noise and did not release any smoke. It disappeared in the direction of Switzerland.

Martians in single line

Amiens, 16. -- Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle dealers in Domart-en-Ponthieu, and Mr. Lourdel, cattle broker in Condé-Folie, who, on Thursday, around 9:00 p.m., were traveling by automobile truck on the road to Domart in Condé-Folie, said they saw a very bright glow not far from La Folie farms, which seemed to land in a meadow not far from the road.

Mr. Dumeige, who was driving, stopped his vehicle and got out with his wife and Mr. Lourdel. It was then that they saw clearly, near the light, six or seven small beings advancing in line. They were so frightened that they immediately set off again, leaving the craft and its occupants there.




We reported yesterday under what conditions several farmers in the hamlet of Hardinval, near Doullens, had their attention drawn by a mysterious machine which they were able to follow for quite a long time. We can complete our information by adding that one of these cultivators saw the machine descend slowly; in the descent the spinning of the apparatus ceased. The saucer came to a stop some 30 meters above the ground, and 200 meters from where Mr. Percheval was. Jets of colored vapor issued from the craft and lit the ground. The ball remained motionless for ten minutes, then spun in place and shot away straight into the sky.

* * *

A spectacle even more hallucinating than the one noticed by Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle brokers, in Domart-en-Ponthieu, and Mr. Lourdel, also a livestock broker, in Condé - Folie. They saw a bright saucer landing in a field, a short distance from the road they were on. Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige and Mr. Lourdel got off their



Having mitaken his neighbor for a
Martian, a cultivator shoots
two gunshots at him

Lille, 17. -- Mr. Maurice Ruant, farmer in Sinceny, near Chauny (Aisne), almost fell victim to the panic that is caused to some people by the appearance of saucers or other flying objects.

Last night, he was busy repairing his car in a meadow near his home, when two shots were fired in his direction. The pellets crashed onto the vehicle body, not far from his head. Mr. Maurice Ruant complained and the investigation, immediately opened, made it possible to quickly find the author of the two shots: a neighbor of Mr. Ruant, Mr. Faisan.

The latter said to the police:

"I thought, seeing a silhouette moving in the light of two headlights, to be in the presence of a Martian repairing his flying saucer. I went to get my gun and I fired."


Mr. Percheval, an agricultural worker employed in the harvesting of beets, near Amiens, clearly saw a disc which turned on a vertical plane and which began to descend slowly. When the craft was 30 meters above the ground, that is, less than 200 meters from the location of another farmer, Mr. Nicket, the craft, which was in the shape of a ball, stopped. Jets of steam of all colors came out on all sides, which lit up the sky, sometimes purple and even red and yellow. The spectacle was said to be magnificent. The ball remained motionless for ten minutes, then began to spin quickly, rose at full speed, and disappeared.

Also in the Somme department, livestock brokers, Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, and Mr. Lourdel, were driving in an automobile truck when they saw a very bright gleam which seemed to land in a meadow, not far from the road. Mr. Dumeige, who was driving the truck, stopped his vehicle and went down on the road, with his wife and Mr. Lourdel. The trio then saw very clearly near the craft six or seven small beings who advanced in line. The spectacle frightened the stockbrokers so much that they immediately got back into their cars and continued on their way at full speed.




Last week, Thursday, around 5 p.m., MM. Maurice Niquet, 17, farmer; Georges Percheval, 33, agricultural worker; and Emile Oncle, 55, a farmer, were in the fields at Hardinval, near Doullens.

They were busy grubbing up the beets, when their attention was drawn to a brilliant craft, located in the sky at a great height, vertically above the hamlet of Hardinval, south of the national road Abbeville-Doullens.

The spherical craft, with a diameter of about 10 meters, emitted gleams of all colors which were reflected towards the ground and on the two horses led by Mr. Niquet; the horses got scared and had to be untied in a hurry and held by the bridle.

The craft descended gently; on the descent, the gyration of the craft stopped. The saucer came to a stop some 30 meters from the ground, and 200 meters from the place where Mr. Percheval was. Colored jets of steam came out of the craft and lit the ground. The ball remained motionless for ten minutes, then spun and jumped straight into the sky.

Even more amazing spectacle than the one noticed by Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle brokers, in Domart-en-Ponthieu, and Mr. Lourdel, also a livestock broker, in Condé-Folie. These people saw a bright saucer landing in a flagpole, not far from the road where they were.

Mr. and Mme Dumeige and Mr. Lourdel got out of their vehicles and saw six or seven little beings near the light, advancing in single line. The three Earthmen were so frightened that they got back in the car and left the place as quickly as possible.

A Fienvillers farmer also told us that when she was in the fields, she saw an elongated, very shiny object descending and going up vertically.

She did not believe in it either and yet when one sees these mysterious craft one has to face the facts, added this cultivator.


So we just hear about saucers every day.

Will we finally be able to discover the secrets of these mysterious craft?



Flying Saucers...

Like it or not, there is a problem with the flying saucers, the matter seems to be getting serious.

Whereas, at the beginning, many newspapers scoffed (and L'Abeille, like the others), it became obvious, even to the most skeptical "that there is something".

To take only examples close to here and officially noted by the gendarmeries and the security services of the territory, how to admit that in Hem-Hardinval, the mysterious craft which intrigued several farmers, known for their seriousness, and which frightened their horses, is a product of the imagination? At a distance of 100 meters, people still could not dream... As could not dream the inhabitants of Domart-en-Ponthieu who saw a saucer land near their car, and strange beings get out of it.

In the Ternois, people are more discreet, and if we know that some saw bizarre craft (a miner from Linzeux, a Buneville farmer woman, etc.) they were careful not to advertise too much what they saw.

Other residents of the Ternois also saw strange objects in the sky: an industrialist from Saint-Pol returning in the evening by car, farm workers returning from work. Monday evening a dozen Saint-Pol residents saw around 8:30 p.m. a luminous object, followed by a dazzling tail which took the direction of Ramecourt. The object was clearly seen by a city councilor, a doctor and various other personalities.

We also talked about strange objects seen in Frévent, in Auxi, in Wavrans, etc...

What should we conclude from this? It would obviously be very difficult to say.

Be that as it may, we find ourselves in the presence of two very distinct phenomena: luminous objects in the sky and objects of metallic appearance posed in the countryside, or landing there.

Some objections immediately come to mind. Why would the occupants of these objects come to land in hollow paths, in the deserted plains, etc. If they really come from other planets and are on an observation mission, it would make more sense for them to come near factories, big cities, ports. Given their power and the influence of their so-called paralyzing beam, what would they risk?

L'Abeille obviously does not claim to provide its readers with the solution to this problem which, to be honest, seems really frightening. However, we thought it would be interesting to publish extracts from a letter that a prominent Swiss personality, Mr. Alfred Nahon, professor of philosophy and psychology in Lausanne, just sent to the newspaper L'Express.

Here's what he writes:

"I was surprised the other day to find that you seem to deal with the so-called "flying saucer" issue lightly.

Studying the questions and information relating to "flying saucers", I have been perfectly aware for seven years, of everything that has been said or written on this matter. I am a member and general correspondent for Switzerland of the International Investigation Commission "Ouranos".

It follows from my information, intersected by the turn of certain important diplomatic facts, that these craft come from several planets and that their occupants have advised the main governments to have to stop their atomic and military policies in general.

It is a long time since the population should have been honestly informed of the truth: the extraterrestrial nature of these apparatuses, the peaceful mission of its other humanity, the possibility of several landings in the immediate future, details on the past landings in 1948 and 1952 in the United States, 1952 and 1954 in France, etc.

In recent days, identical phenomena multiplied, in France in particular, and the public, who once laughed, seems to be worried today.

This concern is not justified. It is due to the ignorance in which the population was kept on all the phases and particularity of these prodigious forewords to the interplanetary era.

Consequently, I think that it is necessary, without delay, to train the public in the idea of this reality, to inform them of all the historical aspect of the question, of our own preparations with a view to going to nearby planets and provide directions for contact or simple unsuccessful landing.

Alfred Nahon
Professor of Philosophy
and Psychology




HumCat # 1892

October 15. 1954 1930 Nr Vauchelles-les-Domart (Somme), France Type C

Mme. S., her husband, and another man, M. Lourdel, were driving a truck on Dept. Route 216, just outside Vauchelles-les-Domart, when they were dazzled by a bright light that passed over the road and landed beyond a small thicket on the other side of a freshly ploughed field. Mme. s., who was driving, stopped the truck and she and M. Lourdel ran into the field to see what it was. Suddenly they saw four or five small figures, no more than a meter high, walking "Indian file" from right to left directly in front of the bushes, not more than 25 meters away. Frightened, the two turned on their heels and ran back to the truck, driving quickly off. The police, notified of the sighting, inspected the area several days later but were unable to find any traces. The figures appeared to be dressed in diver's suits ("les scaphandriers").

Investigator: Claude Perrler (in 1977)

Source: Mesnard and Bigorne, ibid ["Les Humanoïdes en France, unpublished manuscript]., p. 142, citing first-hand inquiry.


The two authors indicate that on October 14, 1954 around 9 p.m. on the D216 road at the location "La Folie" between Domart-en-Ponthieu and Conde-Folie [sic], Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle merchants, and Mr. Lourdel, dispatcher in cattle, circulate in a van and see not far from the farms of "La Folie" a very brilliant gleam which seems to land in a meadow at little distance from the road.

Mr. Dumeige stops the vehicle and the three people go out. They then see very clearly close to the gleam six or seven beings of small size advancing one behind another. They are frightened and drive away fast.

The authors note that the source is Le Courier Picard for October 16, 1954, page 3.

[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:

October 14th., 1954: 21.00 hours. Between Domart & Condé-Folie (Somme).

Witnesses: Mr. and Mme. Dumeige, and Mr. Lourdel.

Ref: Le Courrier Picard l6.10.1954.

[Ref. mft3:] MICHEL FIGUET:

Nr of the J. C. Fumoux list Nr of Francat list Localization Date Class Credibility Sources Number of W
088 209 between Domart-en-Ponthieu et Condé Folie 14/10 CE3 NI P 2-p. 169 3 W

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:

209 CE3 14 10 1954 21 h b Domart-en-Ponthieu and Condé-Folie 82620 B3
80890 C3
NI, see 20.10) 203

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

The author gives the indications which follow in connection with an observation of October 14, 1954 at approximately 09:00 p.m. in Domart-en-Ponthieu - Condé-Folie, which he discovered in the newspaper of Amiens "Le Courier Picard" for October 16, 1954, on page 3:

Mr. Lourdel and the Dumeige man and wife drove in a van on the secondary road D21, when suddenly they saw a shining object land in a meadow. Mr. Dumeige stopped the van and the all passengers came out of the van for better observing. They saw six or seven beings of small sizes advancing near the luminous thing, one behind the other.

The witnesses were frightened and resumed their travel without trying to learn anything more.

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:

15 October. Near Vauchelles-les-Domart (Somme, France. (no time)

Five small figures.

According to a report obtained by UFO investigator Claude Perrier:

"Mme. S., her husband, and another man, M. Lourdel, were driving a truck on Dept. Route 216, just outside Vauchelles-les-Domart, when beyond a small thicket on the other side of a freshly ploughed field. Mme. S., who was driving, stopped the truck and she and M. Lourdel ran into the field to see what it was. Suddenly they saw four or five small figures, no more than a meter high, walking 'Indian file' from right to left directly in front of the bushes, not more than 25 meters away. Frightened, the two turned on their heels and ran back to the truck, driving quickly off. The police, notified of the sighting, inspected the area several days later but were unable to find any traces. The figures appeared to be dressed in diver's suits ('les scaphandriers')." (xx.)

(xx.) HumCat # 1892. Mesnard and Bigorne, "Les Humanoides en France," p.l42, Citing first-hand inquiry.

Untranslated clipping dated: 15 October 54. (See page 50 [clipping unrelated to this case]) (Credit: Jean Sider)


4129: 1954/10/14 21:00 3 2:07:20 E 50:04:00 N 3333 WEU FRN SMM 9:8


Ref#217 Jean SIDER: Le DOSSIER 1954 (2 vol.) Page No. 203 : ROAD+RAILS


Godelieve van Overmeire indicates that in 1954, on October 14, in France, in "Domart en Ponthieu/Conde-Folie, Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige and Mr. Lourdel in a van on the D 216 arrive around 21 hours at the locality "La Folie". They see a very brilliant gleam which appears to land in a meadow at little distance from the road. Mr. Dumeige stops and everyone goes down. At this point in time they see very clearly close to the gleam, six or seven beings of small size advancing one behind another. There became frightened, drove again quickly, leaving the craft and its occupants."

The source is noted "M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, premier dossier complet..." - Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979, p. 160".

[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:


Location. Near Vauchelles-les-Domart Somme France

Date: October 15 1954

Time: 1930

Ms S, her husband, and another man, M Lourdel, were driving a truck on Route 216, just outside Vauchelles-les-Domart, when a bright light that passed over the road and landed beyond a small thicket on the other side of a freshly ploughed field dazzled them. Ms S, who was driving, stopped the truck and she and M Lourdel ran into the field to see what it was. Suddenly they saw four or five small figures, no more than a meter high, walking "Indian file" from right to left directly in front of the bushes, not more than 25 meters away. Frightened, the two turned on their heels, and ran back to the truck, driving quickly off. The police, notified of the sighting, inspected the area several days later but were unable to find any traces. The figures appeared to be dressed in diver's suits.

Humcat 1954-29

Source: Claude Perrier

Type: C

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates in his database that in the Somme in Mouflers on October 14, 1954 at 21:00 hours "Three people circulate by van on the D216, they see not far from the farms of 'La Folie', a very brilliant gleam which appears to land in a meadow, at little distance from the road. The driver stops his vehicle and goes down with his wife and the third witness. At this point in time they clearly see, close to the gleam, six or seven beings of small size who advance one behind the other. They are frightened, they hit the road fast, leaving the craft and its occupants. "

The source is noted: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 15 October 1954 at 19:30 in Vauchelles-les-Domart, Somme, France, "Ms S, her husband, and another man, M Lourdel, were driving a truck on Route 216, just outside Vauchelles-les-Domart, when a bright light that passed over the road and landed beyond a small thicket on the other side of a freshly ploughed field dazzled them. Ms S, who was driving, stopped the truck and she and M Lourdel ran into the field to see what it was. Suddenly they saw four or five small figures, no more than a meter high, walking 'Indian file' [sic, bad stranslation of "file indienne", meaning one behind the other] from right to left directly in front of the bushes, not more than 25 meters away. Frightened, the two turned on their heels, and ran back to the truck, driving quickly off. The police, notified of the sighting, inspected the area several days later but were unable to find any traces. The figures appeared to be dressed in diver's suits."

The source is a link to a missing web page.

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 19 October 1954 at 21:00 in Vauchelles, France "An unidentified object was sighted, but with appearance and behavior that most likely would have a conventional explanation. One object, the size of the moon, was observed by five witnesses for over four minutes."

The sources are indicated as "Poher, Claude, Etudes Statistiques Portant sur 1000 Temoignag, Author, undated"; "Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073)".

[Ref. prn1:] PETER ROGERSON:

October 14 1954. 2100hrs.


While driving their lorry between Domart and Conde-Folie, the cattle dealers Mr and Mrs Dumeige and cattle broker Mr Lourdel caught sight of, near “La Folie” farms, a bright light apparently landing in a field by the road. They stopped the lorry and went to investigate. They then saw, near the light, six or seven little beings walking one after the other. The witnesses were so afraid that they drove away without investigating further.

Alain Gamard citing Courier Picard 16 Oct 1954.


Location: Mouflers, Somme, France

Date: October 14 1954

Time: 2100

Three persons driving in a van on the departmental road D216 saw not far from the farm ‘La Folie” a very brilliant beam of light which appeared to land on a meadow, a little distance from the road. The driver stopped his vehicle and went down with his wife and a third witness. At this point they clearly saw, close to the light six or seven beings of small size which advanced toward them one behind the other. The witnesses became frightened and resumed their travel, leaving the craft and occupants behind.

Source: [Which is the old URL of the home page of my website.]

The website mistakenly entered the case a second time:

Location: Near Vauchelles-les-Domart Somme France

Date: October 15 1954

Time: 1930

Ms S. her husband, and another man, M. Lourdel, were driving a truck on Route 216, just outside Vauchelles-les-Domart, when a bright light that passed over the road and landed beyond a small thicket on the other side of a freshly ploughed field dazzled them. Ms S, who was driving, stopped the truck and she and M. Lourdel ran into the field to see what it was. Suddenly they saw four or five small figures, no more than a meter high, walking “Indian file” from right to left directly in front of the bushes, not more than 25 meters away. Frightened, the two turned on their heels, and ran back to the truck, driving quickly off. The police, notified of the sighting, inspected the area several days later but were unable to find any traces. The figures appeared to be dressed in diver's suits.

Source: Claude Perrier


The author says that between Domart-en-Ponthieu and Conde-Folie [sic], at the place called "La Folie", in the Somme, on October 14, 1954, around 09:00 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle merchants, Mr. Lourdel, a cattle broker, were driving in a van on the D2l6, and saw not far from the farms of "La Folie", a very brilliant glow that seemed to land in a meadow a short distance from the road. Mr. Dumeige who was driving stopped his vehicle and came down with his wife and Mr. Lourdel. They then clearly saw near the glow, six or seven small beings who advanced in line. Frightened, they quickly drove again, leaving the craft and its occupants there.

The author indicates that his sources are "Le Courrier Picard (Amiens) for October 16, 1954; Jean Sider, Le dossier 1954 et l'imposture rationaliste, page 203".

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case twice:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541015 15.10.1954 Vauchelles France 19.30 CE III


October 14 1954. 2100hrs.


While driving their lorry between Domart and Conde-Folie, the cattle dealers Mr and Mrs Dumeige and cattle broker Mr Lourdel caught sight of, near "La Folie" farms, a bright light apparently landing in a field by the road. They stopped the lorry and went to investigate. They then saw, near the light, six or seven little beings walking one after the other. The witnesses were so afraid that they drove away without investigating further.

Evaluation - Object landing is the meteor and figures a group of children?



Peter Rogerson ([prn2]) suggests that "the object that landed is the meteor and the characters a group of children?".

By "the meteor", it must be understood that Rogerson saw on my website that there had been a meteor widely seen that day. But on the one hand, it was not seen in the Somme, on the other hand, it was around 06:10 p.m. - 18:15, this case being given at about 9 p.m., three hours later.

Rogerson might have seen the probable meteor report of the 14th at 08:50 p.m. on my website, but this was in the Haute-Saône, a bit far away from the Somme.

It is obviously not excluded that the "little beings" were children; there is nothing in the report to contradict it, in fact the report is very poor, and there has been no investigation to my knowledge; which leaves the door open to a possible explanation by some misinterpretation, such as for example, a helicopter and its crew in a drill. Even with the primary source at hand, nothing sure can be said.

The location received various names. The correct one is obviously the place called "La Folie"; this is why Luc Chastan [lcn1] renamed the case "Mouflers", village nearest to La Folie:



(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Domart-en-Ponthieu, Somme, Condée-Folie, Vauchelles-les-Domart, Somme, Lourdel, Dumeige, Condée-Folie, van, truck, road, night, object, landing, shining, dazzling, meadow, occupants, small, frightened, diving suit, police


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross October 8, 2005 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross April 8, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [fru1], [goe1], [lcn1].
1.1 Patrick Gross February 27, 2010 Addition [uda1].
1.2 Patrick Gross March 16, 2010 Addition [uda2].
1.3 Patrick Gross August 14, 2013 Addition [prn1].
1.4 Patrick Gross October 9, 2014 Addition [tai1].
1.5 Patrick Gross February 27, 2017 Addition [ubk1].
1.6 Patrick Gross July 8, 2019 Additions [lhh1], [prn2].
1.6 Patrick Gross July 8, 2019 Additions [lhh1], [mft3], [mft1], [lgs1], [jgz1], [prn2], Summary. Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet."
1.6 Patrick Gross July 31, 2019 Addition [agd1].
1.7 Patrick Gross January 9, 2020 Addition [cpd1]. Im the Summary, addition of "In 2020, I obtained the contemporary version..." and what follows. In the Explanations, "But as the most primary sources are missing" changed to "Even with the primary source at hand".
1.9 Patrick Gross March 31, 2020 Addition [jds1].
2.0 Patrick Gross May 17, 2020 Addition [nnm1].
2.1 Patrick Gross June 22, 2020 Addition [abt1].
2.2 Patrick Gross June 28, 2020 Addition [jpc1].
2.3 Patrick Gross September 6, 2021 Addition [tbw1].
2.4 Patrick Gross October 16, 2021 Addition [vdn1].

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This page was last updated on October 16, 2021.