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Topic: | Headline: | Newspaper: | Country: | Date: | Brief assessment: |
Saucer Silver City | "Silver City folks report sighting of mystery disc" | The Gallup Independent, Gallup, New Mexico | USA | June 27, 1947 | Observation of a flying object in Silver City, New Mexico. |
Saucer Silver City | "Whizzin whatzit in New Mexico too" | The Clovis News-Journal, Clovis, New Mexico | USA | June 27, 1947 | Observation of a flying object in Silver City, New Mexico. |
Saucer Silver City | "Luminous disc seen in the state sky" | Las Vegas Daily Optic, East Las Vegas, New Mexico | USA | June 27, 1947 | Observation of a flying object in Silver City, New Mexico. |
Saucer Silver City | "Flying saucers maybe just jets, says rocket chief" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | June 28, 1947 | Observation of a flying object in Silver City, New Mexico, and potential explanation for observations. |
Explanation of saucers | "Sailing discs may be jets" | Amarillo Daily News, Amarillo, Texas | USA | June 28, 1947 | White Sands commander says flying discs may be jet planes. Silver City sighting. |
Saucers Engle | "Flying disc tales bring 2 reports from Engle area" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | June 29, 1947 | Two observations of flying object in Engle, New Mexico. |
Saucer Newscomb Gallup | "Daytime 'Star' is seen at Newcomb" | The Gallup Independent, Gallup, New Mexico | USA | June 30, 1947 | Two flying object sightings in the Gallup, New Mexico, area; some researchers linked one of them to the Roswell incident. |
Saucer Newscomb Gallup | "Another reports seeing mystery objects in sky" | The Clovis News-Journal, Clovis, New Mexico | USA | June 30, 1947 | Two flying object sightings in the Gallup, New Mexico, area; some researchers linked one of them to the Roswell incident. |
Saucer Newscomb Gallup | "Northern N.M. Woman Sees 'Shining Disk'" | The Las Cruces Sun-News, Las Cruces, New Mexico | USA | June 30, 1947 | Two flying object sightings in the Gallup, New Mexico, area; some researchers linked one of them to the Roswell incident. |
Other Roswell, Texas sightings | "Many Texans report seeing mysterious disks flying through skies; one said found as army officers differ on possibility" | The Corsicana Daily Sun, Corsicana, Texas | USA | July 1, 1947 | An "other Roswell" in New Mexico, and sighting in that state. |
Other Roswell, Texas sightings | "Texans see disks; New Mexico man nabs 'saucer'" | The Odessa American, Odessa, Texas | USA | July 1, 1947 | An "other Roswell" in New Mexico, and sighting in that state. |
Other Roswell, Oregon sightings | "Leave it to a Texan - He 'found' flying disk; world's end predicted" | The Statesman Journal, Salem, Oregon | USA | July 1, 1947 | An "other Roswell" in New Mexico, sightings, end of the world, religious explanation, and the Flapjack. |
Saucer Newcomb Gallup WSPG | "Sky disc seen in Navajoland" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | July 1, 1947 | Flying object sightings in the Gallup, New Mexico, area; and at White Sands Proving Grounds. |
Tinfoil debris | "El Pasoan trails shining disc and finds it tinfoil" | The Gallup Independent, Gallup, New Mexico | USA | July 1, 1947 | Another, tiny "Roswell", just before the Roswell incident. |
Tinfoil debris | "Flying disc deal 'solved'" | The Post-Register, Idaho Falls, Idaho | USA | July 1, 1947 | Another, tiny "Roswell", just before the Roswell incident. |
Observation Albuquerque | "'Flying saucers' only dishwasher's nightmare - maybe" | The Gallup Independent, Gallup, New Mexico | USA | July 2, 1947 | An observation reported in Albuquerque, observations elsewhere. |
Tinfoil debris | "A little of everything" (column) | The Gallup Independent, Gallup, New Mexico | USA | July 2, 1947 | Tinfoil attached to tumbleweeds, a new and rare explanation for the 'flying discs'. |
Observation Albuquerque | "Max Hood sees mystery disk" | Las Cruces Sun-News, Las Cruces, New Mexico | USA | July 2, 1947 | Sighting report of a zigzagging bluish disc in Albuquerque. |
Sightings Engle, Capitan, Silver City, Hot Springs, Gallup | "Discs main topic of 'Dis-Ussion' in State since skygazing began" | Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | July 2, 1947 | Sightings in New Mexico. |
Other Roswell in Ohio | "Flying saucer" | The Columbus Citizen, Columbus, Ohio | USA | July 6, 1947 | An object found on a farm in Ohio is brought to town and identified by the Army as a weather device and balloon. |
Sightings Albuquerque | "Veteran hospital patients report flying disc here" | Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | July 6, 1947 | Two sightings in Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
Sighting El Paso | "Another flying disc seen" | Clovis News-Journal, Clovis, New Mexico | USA | July 6, 1947 | Sighting in El Paso, New Mexico. White Sands commander says after investigation he thinks flying discs are "meteorites." |
Radar target crash Ohio | (No title) | Sunday Dispatch, Columbus, Ohio | USA | July 6, 1947 | A weather balloon radar target fall on a farm in Ohio. |
sightings Amarillo, Pampa | "Army primes planes for 'saucer' chase" | The Amarillo Daily News, Amarillo, Texas | USA | July 7, 1947 | Sighting reports in the USA, sightings in Amarillo and Pampa. |
Sighting Gamerco | "'Orange balloon' hits high speed over Gallup area" | Gallup Independent, Gallup, New Mexico | USA | July 7, 1947 | Sighting in Gamerco, New Mexico. |
Radar target crash | "May be 'flying disc'" | The Vidette-Messenger, Valparaiso, Indiana | USA | July 7, 1947 | A radar target found on a farm in Ohio. |
Toy balloons | "Offers Suggestion On Flying Discs" | The Chronicle-Telegram, Elyria, Ohio | USA | July 8, 1947 | Ohio store manager selling toy balloons proposes they are cause of some of the flying saucer reports. |
Debris discovery | "RAAF captures flying saucer on ranch in Roswell region" | Roswell Daily Record, Roswell, New Mexico | USA | July 8, 1947 | The original article from the local newspaper Roswell Daily Record. |
Debris discovery | "?????????" | The Santa Fe New Mexican, Santa Fe, New Mexico | USA | July 8, 1947 | The news spreads to other newspapers. |
Debris discovery | "Flying disc reported found in New Mexico" | The Reno Gazette, Reno, Nevada | USA | July 8, 1947 | The news spreads to other newspapers. |
Debris discovery | "New Mexico Army base finds disc" | The Tucson Daily Citizen, Tucson, Arizona | USA | July 8, 1947 | The news spreads to other newspapers. |
Debris discovery | "Army reveals it has flying disc found on ranch in New Mexico" | The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, California | USA | July 8, 1947 | The news spreads to other newspapers. |
Debris discovery | "Bulletin" | San Francisco News, San Francisco, Californie | USA | July 8, 1947 | "Possession of a "flying disk" was disclosed today by the Intelligence Office of the 509th Bomb Group of Roswell Army Air Base." |
Debris discovery | "Disk lands on ranch in N.M - is held by Army" | Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, Washington | USA | July 8, 1947 | "Size secret, disk reported flown in B-29." |
Debris discovery | "Army finds "Flying Saucer," General believes it is radar weather target" | Los Angeles Herald-Express | USA | July 8, 1947 | Disc would heave measured 5 feet if reconstructed but would have been to light to carry a man. No evidence of power plant. |
Debris discovery | "U.S. Army to examine a 'flying disk'" | The Times | U-K | July 8, 1947 | From the Times correspondent in Washington, Army to examine the "flying disk" at Wright. |
Discs found in Texas | "Fragments of two flying disks reported found, more sighted" | The Abilene Reporter, Abilene, Texas | USA | July 8, 1947 | Other "Roswells": two reports of alleged flying discs debris in Texas, other sightings. |
Disc Carrizozo | "Flying Disc Passes Over Carrizozo Air Field" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | July 9, 1947 | A flying saucer seen by pilotes above the aviation field in Carrizozo, where W. W. Brazel has his home. |
Balloon and radar target explanation | "'Disc' found near roswell is weather balloon, kite" | Abilene Reporter-News, Abilene, Texas | USA | July 9, 1947 | Story of the discovery, explanation and description of the debris. Kebbeth Arnold, Honolulu sighting, etc. |
Balloon and radar target explanation | "Flying disc reports decline as Army, Navy launch campaign to stop rumors" | Middletown Times Herald, Middletown, New York | USA | July 9, 1947 | Story of the discovery, explanation and description of the debris. Flowered paper tape with initials "D.P." on them. |
Balloon and radar target explanation | "Reported disc is balloon" | The Petaluma Argus-Courier, Petaluma, California | USA | July 9, 1947 | Story of the discovery, explanation and description of the debris. Like a kite but not a kite. |
Weather balloon explanation | "First captive flying disc turns out to be wind observation balloon" | The Gallup Independent, Gallup, New Mexico | USA | July 9, 1947 | Gen. Ramey and officer Irving Newton examine the debris at Fort Worth and explain it is a weather balloon and its radar target. |
Explication ballon météo | "'Flying disc' proves to be weather balloon" | The Pampa Daily News, Pampa, Texas | USA | July 9, 1947 | Gen. Ramey in Fort Worth explains that the disc is a wather balloon and its radar target. Story of the find and reaction by W. W. Brazel. |
Weather balloon explanation | "It's disc-gusting" | The Amarillo Daily News, Amarillo, Texas | USA | July 9, 1947 | Gen. Ramey and officer Irving Newton examine the debris at Fort Worth and explain it is a weather balloon and its radar target. W. W. Brazel had put the debris under some brush, and brought it when he heard about flying discs. |
Weather balloon explanation | "'Disk' revealed as Army device" | The Galveston Daily News, Galveston, Texas | USA | July 9, 1947 | Gen. Ramey and officer Irving Newton examine the debris at Fort Worth and explain it is a weather balloon and its radar target, and another "Roswell". |
Debris discovery | "Only meager details of flying disc given - Kite-like device found in N.M. studied by Army" | The Wyoming Eagle | USA | July 9, 1947 | Article announcing the recovery of the disc and its flimsly construction not allowing passenger transport or supersonic flight. High level official Ramey unimpressed. |
Weather balloon explanation | "General Ramey empties Roswell saucer" | Roswell Daily Record, Roswell, New Mexico | USA | July 9, 1947 | Ramey says excitement is not justified, he says the disk is a weather balloon. |
Debris discovery | (No headline) | San Francisco Chronicle | USA | July 9, 1947 | Roswell Army Air Field has examined a flying disc that they recovered and Major Marcel has loaned it to higher headquarters. |
Weather balloon explanation | "Harassed rancher who located 'saucer' sorry he told about it" | Roswell Daily Record, Roswell, New Mexico | USA | July 9, 1947 | Article in the edition announcing that General Ramey has "emptied the flying saucer" as a weather balloon, containing the story of Mac Brazel. |
Interview | Roswell Daily Chronicle, Roswell, New Mexico | USA | July 9, 1947 | William "Mac" Brazel describes debris as tinfoil, sticks, rubber, paper, scotch tape, and says it is absolutely not a weather balloon. | |
Balloon explanation | "AAF 'Flying Saucer' merely weather box-Kite - New Mexico find proves complete dud" | The Washington Post | USA | July 9, 1947 | Article announcing that Irvin Newton at Fort Worth identified the debris as a weather box-kite, and tells the story of the case. |
Balloon explanation | "'Disk' near bomb test site is just a weather balloon - Warrant officer solves a puzzle that baffled his superiors - 'Flying Saucer' tales pour in from round the world" | The New York Times | USA | July 9, 1947 | Article announcing that the saucer has been found to be a battered weather balloon by officer Irving Newton and mentions other reports of all sorts. |
Roswell explained | "Flying disc tales decline - as Army, Navy cracks down" | The Las Vegas Review-Journal | USA | July 9, 1947 | Reports of flying saucers whizzing through the sky fell off sharply as the army and navy began a concentrated campaign to stop the rumors. |
Roswell explained | "Latest disc report is phoniest yet" | The Santa Fe New Mexican, Santa Fe, New Mexico | USA | July 9, 1947 | General Ramey says the Roswell 'flying disc' is a balloon and radar target. |
Discovery announcement | "A 'flying saucer' found on ranch in New-Mexico" | The Guardian, London | U-K. | July 9, 1947 | Annoncement of the discovery on the Foster ranch. |
Roswell explained, sightings | "Flying saucers over S. Africa, Canada and Australia? Conflicting reports on mystery objects - "Concrete evidence" in three instances" | Ceylon Observer | Ceylon (Sri Lanka) | July 9, 1947 | The announcement by RAAF, General Ramey, Army experts has strong opinion it is some meteorological device like those under Army balloons, Shreveport and Tacoma cases, sightings in the world. |
Roswell find | "It was not an optical illusion... A "flying saucer" lands in a farmyard in New Mexico" | L'Aurore | France | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell air base announcement of the recovery of a flying disc in a major French newspaper. |
Roswell find | "US Army found a 'flying disk'" | Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace | France | July 9, 1947 | The AP press release in a French regional newspaper. |
Roswell find | "A 'flying saucer' falls into the hands of the Americans" | Le Parisien Libéré | France | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell air base announcement of the recovery of a flying disc in a major French newspaper. |
Ballon explanation | "They find a 'Saucer' is just a balloon" | The Chicago Tribune | USA | July 9, 1947 | The disc was only a balloon. |
Ballon explanation | "Device like local 'discs' found in West - Pickaway countians believe 'kites' are answer to U.S. "saucer" tales" | Circleville Herald | USA | July 9, 1947 | The disc was only a balloon, and other balloon and radar target were found elsewhere too. |
Radar target explanation | "Flying saucer turns out to be radar unit" | The Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin | USA | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell saucer was only a weather radar target, says Ramey. Debris description by Brazel. |
Ballon explanation | "Air field's 'flying disc' only a weather balloon" | Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Honolulu, Hawaii | USA | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell flying disc was only a weather ballon and a box kite-like weather device. |
Ballon explanation | "Amazed at fuss made over discovery" | Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune, Chillicothe, Missouri | USA | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell flying disc was only a weather ballon and a box kite-like weather device. Brazel sorry he talked about it. |
Radar target explanation | "'Flying disk' is merely for wind test" | Longview News-Journal, Longview, Texas | USA | July 9, 1947 | Jesse Marcel photographed with the Rawin radar target at Fort Worth. |
The Oxford "Roswell" | "Possible flying saucer found by utility lineman on Oxford Golf Course" | The Palladium-Item, Richmond, Indiana | USA | July 9, 1947 | Oxford, Ohio Man finds tinfoil kite-like contraption, is called "flying saucer", but identified as Rawin radar target by former Army weather officer. |
Radar targets debated | "Not enough wind targets to be basis for 'saucers'" | The Jacksonville Daily Journal, Jacksonville, Illinois | USA | July 9, 1947 | The general explanation of flying discs by radar targets doubted. |
Explanation balloon and radar target | "'Flying disc' is weather balloon" | The Daily Messenger, Canandaiqua, New York | USA | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell flying disc was only a weather ballon and a box kite-like weather device. |
Explanation balloon and radar target | "Grounded 'flying disc' altitude weather balloon" | Del Rio News-Herald, Del Rio, Texas | USA | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell flying disc was only a weather ballon and a box kite-like weather device. Doubts that this could be basis explanation for flying discs. |
Explanation balloon and radar target | "Report of finding disc explodes; it's a weather balloon" | The St. Louis Star and Times, St.Louis, Missouri | USA | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell flying disc was only a weather ballon. Photo of Rawin radar target, balloon and mobile radar station. |
Explanation balloon | "Rancher who found disc is sorry he caused such fuss" | The Odessa American, Odessa, Texas | USA | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell flying disc was only a weather ballon. W. W. Brazel story. |
Explanation balloon | "Supposed disc is dud; proves weather gauge" | The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio | USA | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell flying disc was only a weather ballon. W. W. Brazel story. The Circeville, Ohio, "Roswell". |
Explanation balloon, other sightings | "Just balloons?" | The Minneapolis Star, Minneapolis, Minnesota | USA | July 9, 1947 | The Roswell flying disc was only a weather ballon. W. W. Brazel story summary. Photo of radar trailer and Rawin device. |
Explanation radar target | "Rancher who thought to have found disc, sorry he mentioned it" | The Las Crcuces Sun-News, Las Cruces, New Mexico | USA | July 10, 1947 | Roswell explained as weather balloon radar target, discovery circumstances, Brazel sorry he mentioned it. |
Explanation balloon, prank | "Flying discs rapidly whizzing to oblivion" | The News-Journal, Mansfield, Ohio | USA | July 10, 1947 | Roswell explained as weather balloon, prank in California. |
Army demonstration | "Fantasy of 'flying disc' is explained here" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | July 10, 1947 | Balloons and radar targets launched in Alamorgordo as explanation of the flying discs, demonstration by the Watson Laboratories of the Army. |
Rawin targets | "Naval officer believes flying discs are tinfoil screen used in weather balloons to reflect radar rays and detect wind's velocity" | The Gastonia Gazette, Gastonia, North Carolina | USA | July 10, 1947 | Rawin radar targets as explanation of the flying saucers; a demonstration causes a flying saucer report. |
2 sightings and another Roswell | "Two flying discs reported here" | Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | July 10, 1947 | Two sightings of flying discs in the Albuquerque area, one of them falls. |
Ballon and device explanation | "The "flying disk" of Roswell was a weather balloon" | Corriere della Serra | Italy | July 10, 1947 | Announcement in an Italian national newspaper that the flying disk was a weather balloon and its instruments box. |
Ballon explanation | ""Flying disk" turns up as just hot air" | Unknown | USA | July 10, 1947 | Announcement that the flying disk was a weather balloon. |
Ballon explanation | "Cash Prize Offered for 'Real Article'" | Joplin Globe, Joplin, Missouri | USA | July 10, 1947 | Announcement that the flying disk was a weather balloon. |
Balloon explanation | "Finder of 'disc' sorry he ever talked about it" | The Chigago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois | USA | July 10, 1947 | Announcement that the flying disk was a weather balloon. |
Balloon and targets explanation | "Balloons lift 'saucer'" | Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia | USA | July 10, 1947 | Weather radar targets as explanation of the flying saucers. |
After the explanation | "The 'flying saucers' keep their mystery" | L'Aurore | France | July 10, 1947 | The Army says the Roswell saucer was a weather device, but maybe this is to cover-up something else. |
Lincoln LaPaz | "Astronomy professor doesn't think discs are hoax" | Clovis News-Journal, Clovis, New Mexico | USA | July 10, 1947 | Activities of Dr. Lincoln LaPaz. |
Radar targets | "Saucy Soaring Saucers Sinking" | Press and Sun Bulletin, Binghamton, New York | USA | July 10, 1947 | The Navy launches a balloon with a Rawin radar target and perople report to have seen a flying disc. |
Chillicothe "Roswell" | Letter to the Editors | The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio | USA | July 10, 1947 | former Army weather service man identifies the "disc" found in Chillicothe as a radar target. |
"Roswell" in Atlanta, secret planes | "Atlanta saucer scare is navy weather kite" | The Beacon Journal, Akron, Ohio | USA | July 10, 1947 | Navy launches balloon to check whether it explains saucers, Gromyko jokes on saucers, columnist believes saucers are secret planes. |
Explanations | "Navy punctures 'flying saucers' in Georgia" | The Sandusky Register, Sandusky, Ohio | USA | July 10, 1947 | Roswell explained, navy tests misinterpretations of balloon, "disc" found in California. |
Radar target explanation | "This object not a flying disc" | The Ogden Standard-Examiner, Ogden, Utah | USA | July 11, 1947 | Ramey and Dubose posing with the Rawin radar target in Fort Worth. |
AAF discs debunking | "Disc explanation given" | The Austin Statesman, Austin, Texas | USA | July 11, 1947 | Army Air Force demonstrates in Alamogordo how weather balloons and radar targets may explain discs reports. |
After the explanation | "Furore Ooer disc amazes rancher" | Hope Star, Hope, Arkansas | USA | July 11, 1947 | "Mack" Brazel after the explanation. |
"After the U.S., Australia, England, France too has its 'flying saucers'" | L'Echo d'Oran | Algeria | July 11, 1947 | Mention of saucer in Roswell. | |
"Flying saucer reports dropping off as public becoming more skeptical" | La Grande Observer | USA | July 11, 1947 | Decrease in flying discs reports. | |
Saucer crash prank | "Flying saucer picks Hollywood for appearance" | The Gallup Independent, Gallup, New Mexico | USA | July 11, 1947 | A small disc-shaped device made by one or more pranksters found in Hollywood. |
Roswell explained | "'Flying disc' is dud" | The Gallup Independent, Gallup, New Mexico | USA | July 12, 1947 | Roswell "flying disc" shown to be radar target, Irving Newton on photo with debris. |
Discs Sandia | "See two 'discs'" | The Albuquerque journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | July 12, 1947 | Observation of two flying dicsc above the Sandia mountains. |
Balloon demonstration | "One of the discs which was launched yesterday" | Bergen Evening Record, Bergen, New Jersey | USA | July 13, 1947 | Démonstration of weather balloon and radar target in New Jersey. |
Balloon demonstration | "Flying discs?" | Ashbury Park Sunday Press, New Jersey | USA | July 13, 1947 | Démonstration of weather balloon and radar target in New Jersey. |
Disc Silver City | "Another disc seen over silver City" | Clovis News-Journal, Clovis, New Mexico | USA | July 13, 1947 | Another sighting report about a disc seen above Silver City. |
Explanations | "Tinfoil radar reflectors also explain flying disc mystery" | Longview News-Journal, Longview, Texas | USA | July 13. 1947 | Balloons and radar reflectors to explain flying disks and saucers in general. |
"Other Roswell" in Ohio | "'Flying saucers' found here only weather radar targets" | The Press-Gazette, Hillsboro, Ohio | USA | July 15, 1947 | Several "other Roswells" in Highland County, Ohio, July 1947. |
Disc Sandia explained | "Silly disc business" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | July 17, 1947 | The discs seen on July 11 over the Sandia mountains explained as planes. |
Chinese lanterns | "Something in air over Plains today" | Amarillo Daily News, Amarillo, Texas | USA | July 17, 1947 | Chinese lanterns are also in use in the area. |
Balloon | "Oh, Hum! Deputies join disk finders" | Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California | USA | July 19, 1947 | Sheriff deputies find weather balloon. |
Kites | "Flying disks get delayed reason" | Amarillo Daily News, Amarillo, Texas | USA | August 1, 1947 | Kites mearchant wonders if his new coned-shape kite explans flying saucers. |
Skepticism | "Are we jittery?" | The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico | USA | August 1, 1947 | Air Forces Day, and comments that there is no proof saucers are propaganda or weather stuff, maybe they are caused by "imaginitis". |
Another Roswell | "Perryton man displays proof of saucer story" | Amarillo Daily News, Amarillo, Texas | USA | August 6, 1947 | Texas man sees a flying disc explode and brings debris to the local sheriff. |
LaPaz | "LaPaz says disc reports probably have good basis" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | August 24, 1947 | Dr. Lincoln LaPaz expresses not all saucers are hoaxes. |
Sightings Santa Rosa | "Flying discs seen by Santa Rosans" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | August 28, 1947 | Several sightings reported by Santa Rosans. |
LaPaz | "Dr. Lincoln LaPaz of the University of New Mexico says..." | The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico | USA | August 29, 1947 | Dr. Lincoln LaPaz expresses not all saucers are hoaxes. |
Balloon crash | "Aerial weather device found on farm" | Press and News Bulletin, Binghamton, New York | USA | October 3, 1947 | A radio and parachute from a weather balloon found in the State of New York. |
V-2 rocket | "Mexico mystery 'reminds of discs'" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | October 16, 1947 | A V-2 rocket claimed to be found in Mexico. |
Sightings LaPaz | "Second strange visitor in sky" | The Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico | USA | November 19, 1947 | Two unexplained sightings, Dr. Lincoln LaPaz on the search for debris. |