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Kenneth Arnold's sighting

Kenneth Arnold sighting reports in the Press:

The article below was published in the newspaper The Post-Register, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA, on page 1, on July 28, 1947.


Frenchman Offers Disc Solution

BOISE, July 28. (AP) -- Kenneth Arnold, Boise businessman-pilot who first spotted the flying discs, added a letter from France to his growing file of correspondance offering solutions to the airborne saucers.

The unidentified Frenchman, writing from Paris, said the discs are a part of a "great revelation to be made this year."

Arnold said the writer declared hieroglyphics on the grand pyramid in Egypt predicted that in June, July and August of this year a new era will begin for humans.

"It sounds fantastic," Arnold commented, "but I don't doubt it."

To: Kenneth Arnold or Newspapers 1940-1949.

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