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UFOs in the daily Press:

The Kembs UFO in the Press, France, 1980:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Républicain Lorrain, Nancy, France, on April 13, 1980.

See the case file.


Ufo over Alsace

A plane pilot saw
the luminous saucer

STRASBOURG. - The UFO which moved in the night from Wednesday to Thursday on Kembs (Haut-Rhin) was observed by two other people, which brings to five the number of visual witnesses of this phenomenon.

The Huningue gendarmerie has indeed recorded the statement of a Swiss engineer, an airplane pilot, who wishes to remain anonymous, and that of a resident of Saint-Louis, Mrs. Pfeiffer, 68-year-old. Each from home, observed a luminous ball motionless or moving very slowly, above the region of Kembs, between 11:30 p.m. and 00:30 a.m.

Miss Patricia Dzimba [sic], pharmacy assistant, said she was chased Wednesday evening by an orange luminous sphere as she drove home. Two inhabitants of Kembs, alerted by the distraught young woman, had also observed the craft, whose color had changed as it approached and which had taken the form of a flying saucer, according to them.

At the Basel - Mulhouse airport, where one initially thought to have observed a moving circular object, a certain discretion is currently required. One does not exclude "the possibility that there was something", but nothing could be observed on the recording tape of the control tower, viewed by the gendarmerie.

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