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Summer 1954, La Montagne des Alouettes, Yonne:

Reference for this case: Summer-54-Montagne-des-Alouettes.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


Investigators J.-P. and E. Hocquet, in the ufology magazine Lumières Dans la Nuit (LDLN), France, #200, pp 29-32, December 1980, indicated that in the department of the Yonne, at the Montagne des Alouettes, a plate at 367 meters of altitude in Puisaye, an area of argillaceous plates, 4 km in straight line in the North-East of Sainpuits, the nearest community, and at 6 km approximately in the North-East to the castle of Flassy, fold 14 on the Michelin map #65, under a clear starry sky, with the moon not observed, the following case took place.

The witness is René S., interviewed when he was 33 years and a half old, he was eight years old at the time of the occurrence, his identity and address are known to the investigators, but not published.

In his youth he had been sent several years of continuation by the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (Family Allowances) of Douai in a vacation camp located at the Castle of Flassy at the limit of the departments of the Yonne and the Nièvre.

The observation takes place during the one of these stays, which he dates in 1953 or 1954, now thinking that it was rather in the summer of 1954, which appears confirmed by the fact that he remembers the projection of a documentary film, at the vacation camp, about the conquest of Mount Everest, which took place at the end of May 1953. The investigators estimate that a delay of only three months between the exploit and the availability of the documentary in France about it is a little short.

He made the observation with a good ten companions, and it remained engraved in his mind so that he reports it nearly 26 years later with a maximum of details one can hope to find in a report about an occurrence so distant in time.

His statement is given as follows:

"That evening, on an about sixty children of the boot camp, we were 10 or 15 still awake; it must have been quite late, between 10 and 11 p.m. From our camp, composed of 3 large collective tents, we suddenly saw an orange gleam at a small one hundred meters."

"Like all kids our age, we only thought of one thing: to play as late as possible and delay sleeping time, and here was an opportunity! It must have been a campfire lit by another group of children, and we decided to go to surprise them, to attack them in Indian manner, approaching furtively. That's what we did by approaching behind the bushes which strewed the ground."

"But it was not a campfire: the first among us who arrived near the gleam beckoned to the others not to make a noise, and the instruction was repeated like this to all the group members."

"Hidden behind bushes, this is what I saw:"

"The orange gleam which had attracted us came from an apparently metallic object which I identified much later as being a classical 'flying saucer', which had the shape of two plated plates one against the other, with a truncated cone from which this light came out, lighting the landscape a little like a streetlamp. In the middle of the object, between the dome and the crown, there were revolving lights, also orange, like those around some neon signs, what is called in technical language a "chenillard" [caterpillar-like] system."

"The 'saucer' was not posed on the ground but hovering at 50 or 60 cm perhaps; we saw no feet, wheels, nothing to maintain at that height."

At the investigator's question: "What were the approximate dimensions of the object?" he answered:

"Our chief who was with us, taking the surrounding bushes as landmarks, estimated later that the diameter was between 3 and 5 m and the height about 2 - 2.50 m."

At the investigator's question: "What was the color of the object?" he answered:

"All was of the same metallic, aluminum color, a bit glossy."

At the investigator's question: "Was there a blur, a halation around the object?" he answered:

"No, the contour was perfectly clear."

At the investigator's question: "At what distance of the object were you?" he answered:

"Within a few meters, not more than 10 in any case. And there were small beings, about our size, between 1,20 m and 1,40 m. There was one standing on the crown of the object; it seems to I saw one of them on the top of the dome, who was perhaps going to come out or who observed from the edge of the opening. And there were two others on the ground: one of them held a kind of hoe and used it to scrape the foot of a bush, and he gave something to the other next to him who held a bag. So they were of small size dressed in a kind of one part outfit, which I now compare to a diver's outfit. The color was dark maroon, almost black, a little like the color of the natural rubber. Their eyes and facial features were not seen, but they had a kind of face mask like some monkeys have: I then made the connection with the mask my father wears, as he works in a cement factory, applying it to his face to protect himself from the dust. Their body was roughly well proportioned, as well as the arms and the legs but, what struck me, is that they is that they ended in rather long and webbed feet, really like frogmen. At this point in time a latecomer of our group arrived and uttered a cry of surprise: immediately - this was instantaneous - the two beings who were on the ground plated their arms along the body, they rose vertically and after having described a curve whose trajectory seemed well calculated, reinstated the object head first. At once, the orange light at the top of the object was occulted, I think that there was to be a lid but it was not visible. The object then swiveled on its axis, it took off and it disappeared at an extraordinary speed in about 4 to 5 seconds perhaps."

"What struck us, was this way of reinstating the object "head first", and the very fast departure: the object rocked on approximately 45° and rose at any speed; we really saw it disappear for the sky was clear, without clouds. Imagine our astonishment: at the time, there were no television shows and no science fiction comic strips. Now, I compare this object with the saucer which is seen in the serial "The Invaders"; it was the same thing except in our observation, the opening was at the top, not the bottom."

At the investigator's question: "Was there any noise?" he answered:

"No; all was silent as well at the time of takeoff as before: no whistling sound, no buzzing sound."

At the investigator's question: "Did the object above ground-level have an oscillating or other movement?" he answered:

"Not; it did not pitch, it was absolutely motionless, stable."

At the investigator's question: "Can you evaluate the duration of your observation?" he answered:

"It is very difficult: when you are a child, you do not have a good notion of time, and I did not have a watch. But it certainly had to last a few minutes since we were able to detail the object, to see that there was nothing below to maintain it in hovering, and to see the small beings well. The observation could certainly have lasted longer if the latecomer had not arrived, in full light, uttering a cry. It is this cry which prompted the 'takeoff' of the beings and the object."

At the investigator's question: "Did you feel something particular, such as burn, tickling, paralysis during the observation?" he answered:

"No, absolutely not, it did not release any heat, we didn't feel anything physically, we felt no disorder."

At the investigator's question: "Was the light emitted by the object dazzling?" he answered:

"No, it was not blinding at all; it was a clearness comparable, as I told you a few moments ago, to a streetlamp, and weaker than neon light."

At the investigator's question: "Were you afraid during the observation?" he answered:

"No, we had no reason to be afraid, for us it was rather a game for the idea of playing was still in our minds. These small "beings" which were of our size, we would have approached them if their departure had not been rushed by the arrival of the latecomer."

At the investigator's question: "Did you see whether the humanoids had hands similar to ours?" he answered:

"We could not see them clearly as their clothing, in one piece, covered all, but they had hands: one of the beings held this kind of tool and scraped the ground with it, and the other next to it held a bag."

At the investigator's question: "Did it seem to you they made normal gestures in the achievement of this 'work', i.e. similar to those which we would do?" he answered:

"Yes, their gestures were comparable to those which one of us would do. We did not see them walking but only rising in this odd manner, without apparent means of propulsion. If we had not seen them moving like that, we could have mistaken them for rubber mannequins."

At the investigator's question: "Do you remember the nature of the ground at this place?" he answered:

"It was rather stony, it is an arid place, a desert plate strewn with small bushes; I found again this kind of landscape in the department of Gard where I lived for some times."

At the investigator's question: "Was there was nothing in particular in the environment of which you can remember, a water well for example?" he answered:

"No, nothing at all: there is the river Loing, but it passes at several tens of kilometers from there. There was no powerlines, no water tower. Only a windmill a little before our boot camp on the right, and a closed down house, in ruins."

At the investigator's question: "Were there any animals in the vicinity, which could have reacted to the phenomenon?" he answered:


At the investigator's question: "After the departure of the object, did you notice traces where it had stationed?" he answered:

"No, we went to see if they had 'forgotten' anything but noticed nothing, nothing struck us. We made a half-turn and went to sleep. We did not speak to the other kids about it in the camp we had undoubtedly decided that it would be our secrecy."

At the investigator's question: "Did you go back on the spot the next day?" he answered:

"It is possible, I do not remember. Maybe we passed at this place but without paying much attention to it; we had a well-established leisure schedule: to play Indians, to seek fossil shells, etc..."

"I do not remember that there was an investigation thereafter; even the monitor should not have spoken about this case."

At the investigator's question: "Did remain in contact with one or more of the witnesses, or the chief?" he answered:

"No, we lost sight of each other; I would be unable to find the children of the time, or the chif who was in his twenties then."

At the investigator's question: "Do you agree that we publish your account in the LDLN magazine about which we speak presently?" he answered:

"Yes, I agree, who knows, perhaps one of the witnesses of this observation will read the article..."

At the investigator's question: "Do you think of anything to add to your account?" he answered:

"I reported to you all that I remember and do believe that it is not a matter of a phantasm of the mind. We were ten who made this observation and it was not a collective hallucination since we came on the spot almost one by one. As I already told you, we could not have been influenced by the TV or science-fiction literature which we did not know at the time. We sometimes watched movies at the camp, in rainy days, such as for example the documentary I remember recalled the conquest of the Everest: that had nothing to do with the 'flying saucers'. Since then, I sometimes talked of my observation to some close friends but, if we had not been friends, they would have easily thought I am crazy."

The investigators estimate that the authenticity of the reported facts is beyond doubt because of his morals qualities, in particular probity and absence of search for the sensational. They note that the witness is a good observer and has a remarkable memory capacity which they could note during their conversation that related to various subjects independently from the one that led them to meet him.

They make a note of the strange manner the humanoids entered the saucer, how one of them scraped the ground, and the shape of their feet, similar to the observation in Cussac in 1967.

They add that in August 1980 they managed to go on the spot of the observation which they easily located thanks to the details provided by the witness and found nothing there who could suggest a commonplace explanation to the report.

The investigation report included a rough map of the place, and the saucer sketch. There was no sketch of the alleged humanoids:


[Ref. hoc1:] J.P. AND E. HOCQUET:

These investigators indicate that in the department of the Yonne, at the Montagne des Alouettes, a plate at 367 meters of altitude in Puisaye, an area of argillaceous plates, 4 km in straight line in the North-East of Sainpuits, the nearest community, and at 6 km approximately in the North-East to the castle of Flassy, fold 14 on the Michelin map #65, under a clear starry sky, with the moon not observed, the following case took place.

The witness is René S., interviewed when he was 33 years and a half old, he was eight years old at the time of the occurrence, his identity and address are known to the investigators, but not published.

In his youth he had been sent several years of continuation by the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (Family Allowances) of Douai in a vacation camp located at the Castle of Flassy at the limit of the departments of the Yonne and the Nièvre.

The observation takes place during the one of these stays, which he dates in 1953 or 1954, now thinking that it was rather in the summer of 1954, which appears confirmed by the fact that he remembers the projection of a documentary film, at the vacation camp, about the conquest of Mount Everest, which took place at the end of May 1953. The investigators estimate that a delay of only three months between the exploit and the availability of the documentary in France about it is a little short.

He made the observation with a good ten companions, and it remained engraved in his mind so that he reports it nearly 26 years later with a maximum of details one can hope to find in an report about an occurrence so distant in time.

His statement is given as follows:

"That evening, on an about sixty children of the boot camp, we were 10 or 15 still awake; it must have been quite late, between 10 and 11 p.m. From our camp, composed of 3 large collective tents, we suddenly saw an orange gleam at a small one hundred meters."

"Like all kids our age, we only thought of one thing: to play as late as possible and delay sleeping time, and here was an opportunity! It must have been a campfire lit by another group of children, and we decided to go to surprise them, to attack them in Indian manner, approaching furtively. That's what we did by approaching behind the bushes which strewed the ground."

"But it was not a campfire: the first among us who arrived near the gleam beckoned to the others not to make a noise, and the instruction was repeated like this to all the group members."

"Hidden behind bushes, this is what I saw:"

"The orange gleam which had attracted us came from an apparently metallic object which I identified much later as being a classical 'flying saucer', which had the shape of two plated plates one against the other, with a truncated cone from which this light came out, lighting the landscape a little like a streetlamp. In the middle of the object, between the dome and the crown, there were revolving lights, also orange, like those around some neon signs, what is called in technical language a "chenillard" system."

"The 'saucer' was not posed on the ground but hovering at 50 or 60 cm perhaps; we saw no feet, wheels, nothing to maintain at that height."

At the investigator's question: "What were the approximate dimensions of the object?" he answered:

"Our chief who was with us, taking the surrounding bushes as landmarks, estimated later that the diameter was between 3 and 5 m and the height about 2 - 2.50 m."

At the investigator's question: "What was the color of the object?" he answered:

"All was of the same metallic, aluminum color, a bit glossy."

At the investigator's question: "Was there a blur, a halation around the object?" he answered:

"No, the contour was perfectly clear."

At the investigator's question: "At what distance of the object were you?" he answered:

"Within a few meters, not more than 10 in any case. And there were small beings, about our size, between 1,20 m and 1,40 m. There was one standing on the crown of the object; it seems to I saw one of them on the top of the dome, who was perhaps going to come out or who observed from the edge of the opening. And there were two others on the ground: one of them held a kind of hoe and used it to scrape the foot of a bush, and he gave something to the other next to him who held a bag. So they were of small size dressed in a kind of one part outfit, which I now compare to a diver's outfit. The color was dark maroon, almost black, a little like the color of the natural rubber. Their eyes and facial features were not seen, but they had a kind of face mask like some monkeys have: I then made the connection with the mask my father wears, as he works in a cement factory, applying it to his face to protect himself from the dust. Their body was roughly well proportioned, as well as the arms and the legs but, what struck me, is that they is that they ended in rather long and webbed feet, really like frogmen. At this point in time a latecomer of our group arrived and uttered a cry of surprise: immediately - this was instantaneous - the two beings who were on the ground plated their arms along the body, they rose vertically and after having described a curve whose trajectory seemed well calculated, reinstated the object head first. At once, the orange light at the top of the object was occulted, I think that there was to be a lid but it was not visible. The object then swiveled on its axis, it took off and it disappeared at an extraordinary speed in about 4 to 5 seconds perhaps."

"What struck us, was this way of reinstating the object "head first", and the very fast departure: the object rocked on approximately 45° and rose at any speed; we really saw it disappear for the sky was clear, without clouds. Imagine our astonishment: at the time, there were no television shows and no science fiction comic strips. Now, I compare this object with the saucer which is seen in the serial "The Invaders"; it was the same thing except in our observation, the opening was at the top, not the bottom."

At the investigator's question: "Was there any noise?" he answered:

"No; all was silent as well at the time of takeoff as before: no whistling sound, no buzzing sound."

At the investigator's question: "Did the object above ground-level have an oscillating or other movement?" he answered:

"Not; it did not pitch, it was absolutely motionless, stable."

At the investigator's question: "Can you evaluate the duration of your observation?" he answered:

"It is very difficult: when you are a child, you do not have a good notion of time, and I did not have a watch. But it certainly had to last a few minutes since we were able to detail the object, to see that there was nothing below to maintain it in hovering, and to see the small beings well. The observation could certainly have lasted longer if the latecomer had not arrived, in full light, uttering a cry. It is this cry which prompted the 'takeoff' of the beings and the object."

At the investigator's question: "Did you feel something particular, such as burn, tickling, paralysis during the observation?" he answered:

"No, absolutely not, it did not release any heat, we didn't feel anything physically, we felt no disorder."

At the investigator's question: "Was the light emitted by the object dazzling?" he answered:

"Not, it was not blinding at all; it was a clearness comparable, as I told you a few moments ago, to a streetlamp, and weaker than neon light."

At the investigator's question: "Were you afraid during the observation? " he answered:

"No, we had no reason to be afraid, for us it was rather a game for the idea of playing was still in our minds. These small "beings" which were of our size, we would have approached them if their departure had not been rushed by the arrival of the latecomer."

At the investigator's question: "Did you see whether the humanoids had hands similar to ours?" he answered:

"We could not see them clearly as their clothing, in one piece, covered all, but they had hands: one of the beings held this kind of tool and scraped the ground with it, and the other next to it held a bag."

At the investigator's question: "Did it seem to you they made normal gestures in the achievement of this 'work', i.e. similar to those which we would do?" he answered:

"Yes, their gestures were comparable to those which one of us would do. We did not see them walking but only rising in this odd manner, without apparent means of propulsion. If we had not seen them moving like that, we could have mistaken them for rubber mannequins."

At the investigator's question: "Do you remember the nature of the ground at this place?" he answered:

"It was rather stony, it is an arid place, a desert plate strewn with small bushes; I found again this kind of landscape in the department of Gard where I lived for some times."

At the investigator's question: "Was there was nothing in particular in the environment of which you can remember, a water well for example?" he answered:

"No, nothing at all: there is the river Loing, but it passes at several tens of kilometers from there. There was no powerlines, no water tower. Only a windmill a little before our boot camp on the right, and a closed down house, in ruins."

At the investigator's question: "Were there any animals in the vicinity, which could have reacted to the phenomenon?" he answered:


At the investigator's question: "After the departure of the object, did you notice traces where it had stationed?" he answered:

"No, we went to see if they had 'forgotten' anything but noticed nothing, nothing struck us. We made a half-turn and went to sleep. We did not speak to the other kids about it in the camp we had undoubtedly decided that it would be our secrecy."

At the investigator's question: "Did you go back on the spot the next day?" he answered:

"It is possible, I do not remember. Maybe we passed at this place but without paying much attention to it; we had a well-established leisure schedule: to play Indians, to seek fossil shells, etc..."

"I do not remember that there was an investigation thereafter; even the monitor should not have spoken about this case."

At the investigator's question: "Did remain in contact with one or more of the witnesses, or the chief?" he answered:

"No, we lost sight of each other; I would be unable to find the children of the time, or the chif who was in his twenties then."

At the investigator's question: "Do you agree that we publish your account in the LDLN magazine about which we speak presently?" he answered:

"Yes, I agree, who knows, perhaps one of the witnesses of this observation will read the article..."

At the investigator's question: "Do you think of anything to add to your account?" he answered:

"I reported to you all that I remember and do believe that it is not a matter of a phantasm of the mind. We were ten who made this observation and it was not a collective hallucination since we came on the spot almost one by one. As I already told you, we could not have been influenced by the TV or science-fiction literature which we did not know at the time. We sometimes watched movies at the camp, in rainy days, such as for example the documentary I remember recalled the conquest of the Everest: that had nothing to do with the 'flying saucers'. Since then, I sometimes talked of my observation to some close friends but, if we had not been friends, they would have easily thought I am crazy."

The investigators estimate that the authenticity of the reported facts is beyond doubt because of his morals qualities, in particular probity and absence of search for the sensational. They note that the witness is a good observer and has a remarkable memory capacity which they could note during their conversation that related to various subjects independently from the one that led them to meet him.

They make a note of the strange manner the humanoids entered the saucer, how one of them scraped the ground, and the shape of their feet, similar to the observation in Cussac in 1967.

They add that in August 1980 they managed to go on the spot of the observation which they easily located thanks to the details provided by the witness and found nothing there who could suggest a commonplace explanation to the report.

The investigation report includes a rough map of the place, and the saucer sketch. There is no sketch of the alleged humanoids:

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:

This ufologist noted:

57 CE3 08 1954 08.30 p.m. Montagne des Alouettes 89 NI [= not identified], LDLN #200


The author notes that "The observation of the Montagne des Alouettes reportedly occurred in August 1954 but was known only 26 years later."


The authors note that "The observation of the Montagne des Alouettes reportedly occurred in August 1954 but was known only 26 years later."

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

Jean Sider summarizes the investigation of J.P. and E. Hocquet published in the magazine "Lumières Dans La Nuit" #200, about the case on an unknown date of August 1954 between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. in La Montagne des Alouettes, Saintpuits [sic], in the department of the Yonne.

René S., who remained anonymous, aged 8 at the time, took part in a night play of vacation camp with other children, when he saw an apparently metallic object of aluminum color, in the shape of two plates put edge to edge, surmounted by a truncated cone from which a non-dazzling light emanated that lighted all the landscape around like a public lighting.

The object was hovering within 50 or 60 cm above ground-level and no noise came from it. The distance from the machine to the witness was of approximately ten meters.

Four small beings were then noticed, two on the ground, two on the machine. Their size ranged between 1 m 20 and 1 m 40. One of both was scraping the ground with a tool while the other held a bag where he put what the other handed over.

They were dressed of a chestnut suit like that of divers. Their face was not discernible except a kind of face mask, perhaps a mask as that of a cement manufacturer (that was the employment of the father of the witness).

One child who came by started to shout and at once the two beings on the ground pressed their arms against their bodies, rose vertically in the air, and after having achieved a curve, reinstated the object head first.

Then the machine took off and disappeared at high speed.


3686: 1954/08/00 22:30 5 3:18:00 E 47:33:00 N 3313 WEU FRN YNN 8:6


Ref#194 LUMIERES dans la NUIT.(LDLN France) Issue No. 200 : MOUNTAINS

[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:

Location. Montagne Des Alouette [sic], France
Date: September 1954
Time: evening

A bright orange light on a nearby field attracted several children hiding behind a hedge in order to surprise some other children. Looking at the field they saw an orange metallic disc-shaped object apparently on the ground, it had a dome on top and revolving orange lights on its center. The color of the object resembled brushed aluminum. A being is seeing standing upright within the dome and another is seen leaving the object. Two others are on the ground, one holding a bag and the other a "hoe" like instrument. All the humanoids wore dark brown and black combination suits. Soon the beings on the ground placed their arms stiffly on the sides of their body and rise vertically then follow a curving trajectory into the object, head first. The orange light on the object dims and then the crafts shoots up at incredible speed disappearing in seconds.

HC addendum
Source: Michel Figuet, SOS Ovni
Type: B

[Ref. ars2:] ALBERT ROSALES:

Location. Lainsecq, Yonne, France
Date: August 1954
Time: evening

A bright orange light on a nearby field attracted several children hiding behind a hedge in order to surprise some other children. Looking at the field they saw an orange metallic disc-shaped object apparently on the ground, it had a dome on top and revolving orange lights on its center. The color of the object resembled brushed aluminum. A being is seeing standing upright within the dome and another is seen leaving the object. Two others are on the ground, one holding a bag and the other a “hoe” like instrument. All the humanoids wore dark brown & black combination suits. Soon the beings on the ground placed their arms stiffly on the sides of their body and rise vertically then follow a curving trajectory into the object, head first. The orange light on the object dims and then the crafts shoots up at incredible speed disappearing in seconds.

HC addendum
Source: Michel Figuet, SOS Ovni
Type: B

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

The author of the database quotes as source the ufology magazine Lumières Dans La Nuit for this case in Lainsecq in Yonne in August 1954 at 10:30 p.m.

Several children of a boot camp were under three tents close to the mill located at the top of the mountain "la montagne des alouettes." Several of them and a monitor were still awaked when they observed an orange gleam at a hundred meters of them in the middle of bushes. Thinking of another group of children having lit a fire, they decided to furtively approach in order to surprise them. They realized while remaining hidden that the gleam came from a metallic object having the shape two plates one on the other and surmounted of a truncated cone from which the light illuminating the landscape was emitted. In the middle of the object, between the dome and the crown, were orange revolving lights. The object was not posed on the ground, but hovering at 50 or 60 cm. The diameter was estimated as 3 to 5 m, the height as 2 to 2.50 meters, color glossed aluminum. A being is at the top of the dome and two are on the ground. They were 1m20 to 1m40 tall covered with a one piece suit, of very dark chestnut, almost black color. They had a sort of face mask, like a protection mask. Well-proportioned body, but webbed feet. One of them scrapes with the foot in a bush with an object compared by one of the witnesses to a hoe, and gives something to the second holding a bag. One of the children, a latecomer, arrives then, discovers the spectacle and pushes a cry of surprise. At once the two beings put their arms along the body, rise vertically and after having described a curve, enter the object by the top, head first. At once the light coming from the top of the cone is occulted. The object swivels on its axis, rises and disappears in the distance in 4 to 5 seconds.

Luc Chastan provides this sketch said to have been made by the witness and to have been published in "Lumières Dans La Nuit" issue 200:

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that in August 1954 at 22:30 in the northeast of Sanpuits [sic], France, "12 children at camp approach glowing saucer on ground. two humanoids outside craft. UFO takes off as witnesses approach."

And: "Close encounter with an unidentified craft and its occupants. One luminous disc was observed by 12 children at a camp for five minutes. Two dwarves were seen."

The sources are indicated as "Lumieres dans la Nuit, Lumieres dans la Nuit; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".

[Ref. dcy1:] "OVNI MEDIA NEWS:

42/ L’Yonne Républicaine for February 12, 2015

Reference given by Rémy Fauchereau.

The newspaper "L'Yonne Républicaine" for February 12, 2015 publishes on page 23 an article entitled "a flying saucer and small beings" about an observation on the commune of Sainpuits in 1954.


Location: Lainsecq, Yonne, France

Date: August 1954

Time: evening

A bright orange light on a nearby field attracted several children hiding behind a hedge in order to surprise some other children. Looking at the field they saw an orange metallic disc-shaped object apparently on the ground, it had a dome on top and revolving orange lights on its center. The color of the object resembled brushed aluminum. A being is seeing standing upright within the dome and another is seen leaving the object. Two others are on the ground, one holding a bag and the other a “hoe” like instrument. All the humanoids wore dark brown & black combination suits. Soon the beings on the ground placed their arms stiffly on the sides of their body and rise vertically then follow a curving trajectory into the object, head first. The orange light on the object dims and then the crafts shoots up at incredible speed disappearing in seconds.

Source: Michel Figuet, SOS Ovni


The author indicates that there was a close encounter of the third kind in Saintpuits [sic], Montagne des Alouettes, in the Yonne, in August 1954, between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., the witness being René S. whose name is known to the investigators, who was 8 years old at the time, and several anonymous children.

The witness and other children participated in a nocturnal summer camp game.

He spotted an apparently metallic object of aluminum color, in the shape of two plates glued side by side, surmounted by a truncated cone from which there emerged a non-blinding light that illuminated the surrounding landscape like a public lighting.

The object was hovering 50 or 60 cm above the ground and no noise came from it. It was about ten meters away from the witness.

Four small beings were then noticed, two on the ground, two on the machine. They were between 1.20 m and 1.40 m in height; one of the two on the ground was scratching the ground with a tool while the other held a sack where he put what the first being held out to him.

They were dressed in a brown suit like that of frogmen, their face was not discernable except for a kind of snout, perhaps a mask like that of a cement-maker - the job of the witness' father.

A child who arrived started to shout and immediately the two beings put their arms against their bodies, climbed upright and after completing a curve, reinstated the object head first, then the machine took off and disappeared at high speed.

Julien Gonzalez points out that this case is very similar to that of Cussac, Cantal, August 19, 1967, when four little beings entered their "flying machine" in the same manner.

He indicates that the source is: Lumières dans la Nuit, #200, page 29 (investigation by J.-P. and E. Hocquet).


A flying saucer and little beings


Published on 02/12/2015


[Caption of the above photograph:] Flassy Castle is now abandoned. It was in this former boarding school of the DDASS that, in 1954, the young people who had said to have seen extraterrestrials stayed.

Xavier Parent, new mayor of Sainpuits, had fun doing anecdotal research on the town of Sainpuits.

Among his discoveries, one is particularly odd, it makes today's reader smile. An investigation report by J.-P. and E. Hocquet, published in issue 200 of the magazine Lumières dans la Nuit (December 1980), reports a surprising encounter near the castle of Flassy, ??a former holiday camp and children's home.

During the summer of 1954, a dozen young people observed "an orange glow a few hundred meters away". Twenty-six years after the event, one of these children, now in his thirties, explains that they approached to discover a flying saucer, "which had the shape of two plates pressed against each other, with a a truncated cone from which this light shone, which lit up the landscape a bit like public lighting in the city." The witness goes on: "There were little people about our size between 1.20 m and 1.40 m (...) We did not see their eyes or any facial features, but they had a kind of snout like some monkeys."

Regarding the witness, the end of the report states: "The investigators believe that the authenticity of the reported facts makes no doubt to them because of his moral qualities, including probity and lack of search for the sensational."

- Useful. The document can be consulted on the commune website,, in the "History of Sainpuits" section.

F. R.

Note: the article indicates that "The document can be read on the commune website". This is actually, on the website of the town of Sainpuits, a PDF file containing my web page on this case, as it was in 2015. The source is referenced as "article by Patrick Gross about a UFO seen in Flassy in 1954". It is at


Summer 1954. 2230hrs.


A group of children and young people at a juvenile holiday camp at Chateau de Flassy were camped on the "Montange [sic] des Alouettes" when a group of about a dozen of these children saw an orange glow a few hundred metres away. They thought it was another group of child campers and set out to raid them. When they got closer they saw in was something like two saucers stuck together rim to rim, about 3-5m wide and 2-2.5m high. The thing was surmounted by a truncated cone from which the orange light came, illuminating the surroundings like a street light, and between the main disc and the cone was a row of rotating lights. Associated with this object were a group of entities 1.2-1,4m tall. Though no facial features were visible the creatures had snouts like monkeys and were dressed in dark one piece suits and had webbed feet or footwear. Two of these beings were on the ground and the third on the top of the object. When one of the boys cried out the two beings on the ground seemed to rise in a curved trajectory and entered the object head first. The thing then rotated on its axis, tilted at 45 degrees and took off at terrific speed.

J and E Hocquet in Lumieres dans le [sic] Nuit 200 p29

Evaluation - This alleged multi- witness case is actually based on the testimony of one man in 1980, who would have been 8 years old at the time. No attempt to get contemporaneous documentation appears to have been attempted.

Peter Rogerson recorded the same case twice instead of once:

September 1954. (Approx. date) 2230hrs.


Rene S (8) was one of a group of 60 children in a camp on the Montagne des Alouettes some 4km from Sainpuitts. They were playing out late when their attention was caught by an orange light a few hundred metres away. A group of about 12 children went to investigate, thinking it was a camp fire made by another group of children. Coming closer, to within 10m, Rene saw that the glow actually came from a metallic object shaped like two plates pressed against each other, surmounted by a truncated cone, from which the light emerged. Between this cone and the top of the object was a row rotating orange lights. The object, which was about 3-5m in diameter and 2-2.5m high, was hovering 50-60cm above the ground. Around this object were a group of little people, about 1.2-1.4m tall. One was on the crown of the object, another on the turret, and two more were on the ground, one searching the ground with a sort of hoe, and passing samples to his companion, who was holding a bag. They wore dark brown one piece suits, like those of frogmen, with webbed feet. He was unable to see any eyes or facial features, but the creatures' faces seemed to end in a kind of snout. When they became aware of the children, the beings on the ground placed their hands across their chests and flew into the machine, head first. The orange light went out, the thing dipped, rotated on its axis then rose into the sky, disappearing in a few seconds. There was no sound from the machine during the entire observation. No traces were visible at the site.

Evaluation - Investigation took place in c1980, again a story where a quarter of a century had elapsed. No other witnesses traced.



Possible extraterrestrial visitors, or witness invention.

There is just no evidence that the told events are real.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Montagne Des Alouettes, Yonne, Lainsecq, light, lights, orange, children, field, object, metallic, disc, landing, rotation, aluminum, occupants, humanoids, two, clothes, instruments, bag, diving suit, levitation, Cussac


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross November 7, 2004 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross October 23, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Addition [tpc1].
1.1 Patrick Gross February 24, 2010 Addition [ars2].
1.2 Patrick Gross March 20, 2010 Addition [uda1].
1.3 Patrick Gross July 18, 2010 Additions [hoc1], [vcv1].
1.4 Patrick Gross October 23, 2014 Addition [tai1].
1.5 Patrick Gross December 8, 2016 Addition [dcy1].
1.6 Patrick Gross January 18, 2017 Addition [jgz1].
1.7 Patrick Gross April 6, 2018 Addition [yre1]. Correction of typographic errors.
1.8 Patrick Gross April 11, 2019 Additions [mft1], [lhh1], [prn2], Summary. Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet."

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This page was last updated on April 11, 2019.