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End of October 1954, Vieil-Hesdin, Pas-de-Calais:

Reference for this case: End-Oct-54-Vieil-Hesdin.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The local newspaper L'Abeille de la Ternoise, from Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, in the Pas-de-Calais, told on page 1 for October 30, 1954, this "educating story"; which did not get the honors of the national press, nor, guess what, the honors of the ufological literature:

- Another story of a saucer... The other evening a resident of Vieil Hesdin returned home after having bought a small car in Hesdin the same day. The car had been thoroughly celebrated our man had (it seems) not quite the notion of things anymore. In short, he was coming back by the upper road; when arriving at "La Paternité" he saw to his great excitement a very bright gleam drawing on the red and the yellow. Around, shadows were moving. The vapors of the drunk glasses giving him courage, he pressed on the accelerator (lapping). Alas while passing in front of the "saucer" a bright glare dazzles him, his engine stopped, and by the effect of speed he found himself in the nearby ditch, not very deep however. The saucer, it had disappeared... Our man tried to restart his engine, but in vain, He ended up lifting the hood and uttered a howl which was heard a kilometer away... The saucer had volatilized the engine. From the nearby cafe where he had gone, arrived a few brave men, who could only note the absence of the saucer... Because as regards the engine, it was always there, not in the front, but at the rear, because it was an A[??]o. The enigma of the saucer was also clarified. It was simply a car of gypsies having taken up residence in the area. The car having just been repainted in red and yellow ripolin paint and these fresh colors being enlivened by the glow of the brazier... Let us add that seeing the accident, the gypsies hastened to make all light disappear... A second mystery remained to clarify: why did the engine stop suddenly? Quite simply because the car had only been delivered with a few liters of quickly exhausted gas. Our man hasn't recovered yet. Nevertheless, for a few days, our correspondent wrote, this story hit the local chronicle in Hesdin-le-Viel very widely.




- Another story of a saucer... The other evening a resident of Vieil Hesdin returned home after having bought a small car in Hesdin the same day. The car had been thoroughly celebrated our man had (it seems) not quite the notion of things anymore. In short, he was coming back by the upper road; when arriving at "La Paternité" he saw to his great excitement a very bright gleam drawing on the red and the yellow. Around, shadows were moving. The vapors of the drunk glasses giving him courage, he pressed on the accelerator (lapping). Alas while passing in front of the "saucer" a bright glare dazzles him, his engine stopped, and by the effect of speed he found himself in the nearby ditch, not very deep however. The saucer, it had disappeared... Our man tried to restart his engine, but in vain, He ended up lifting the hood and uttered a howl which was heard a kilometer away... The saucer had volatilized the engine. From the nearby cafe where he had gone, arrived a few brave men, who could only note the absence of the saucer... Because as regards the engine, it was always there, not in the front, but at the rear, because it was an A[??]o. The enigma of the saucer was also clarified. It was simply a car of gypsies having taken up residence in the area. The car having just been repainted in red and yellow ripolin paint and these fresh colors being enlivened by the glow of the brazier... Let us add that seeing the accident, the gypsies hastened to make all light disappear... A second mystery remained to clarify: why did the engine stop suddenly? Quite simply because the car had only been delivered with a few liters of quickly exhausted gas. Our man hasn't recovered yet. Nevertheless, for a few days, our correspondent wrote, this story hit the local chronicle in Hesdin-le-Viel very widely.



Negative case, misinterpretation.

Negative cases are important as they provide examples of the possible misinterpretations; on the other hand, it is not exactly proven that the story is true; it may have been a newspaper correspondent's invention.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Vieil-Hesdin, Pas-de-Calais, misinterpretation, car, accident, fire, engine failure, alcohol, anonymous, multiple, negative case


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross April 21, 2020 First published.

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This page was last updated on April 21, 2020.