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October 4, 1954, Villers-le-Lac, Doubs:

Reference for this case: 4-Oct-54-Villers.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


In a clipping from a probably Swiss newspaper whose name I don't have, I found an article about a "Miss" who "claims to have seen a flying saucer", "in Villers."

The article said that "on the evening of last Monday", i.e. on October 4, 1954, exactly between 11:30 p.m. and midnight, Miss H. Scalabrino, having trouble sleeping, went to the window, "looking everywhere and nowhere" when suddenly she noticed a white ball that landed a hundred meters away, behind a hedge.

Intrigued and worried, she waited, not daring to leave her observation post to alert her family.

The "thing" remained motionless for about twenty minutes, "without anyone getting out", then it started moving again, and it was then that Miss Scalabrino called her mother, who came running, and witnessed "the flight of the flying saucer (which had no appearance of a saucer)."

The newspaper indicated that first a bright light erupted from below the craft, illuminating only a small area; a crackling, sparks marked the departure, quite slowly. At a certain height, the "ball" stopped and then quickly disappeared. When one went to the indicated place, no trace of the craft were found."

The article indicated that this came from a daily newspaper in Besançon (probably La Bourgogne Républicaine).

We then have Aimé Michelversion, who in his 1956 book "Mystérieux Objets Célestes" indicated that on October 4, 1954, in Villers le Lac, around 8:00 p.m., several people from the Bout-du-Pont neighborhoods and from the Clos-Rondot had seen a whitish glow to their west, which seemed to descend towards the ground.

Two women, "Mrs. X" and her daughter, who were going to bed around 8:30 p.m., felt unpleasant tingling in their eyes. The girl who wasn't sleeping got up around 9:45 p.m. to get some air at the window, and from there saw a luminous mass 200 meters from her house, standing near a hedge between the station and the bridge.

She then called her mother and the two of them observed the phenomenon distinctly and for "a long time." The luminous mass was white on top and dazzling red below, with jets of white sparks shooting out from time to time in jerks.

At one point, a car came near the bridge and honked. Everything then went out and the witnesses saw nothing anymore. As a source, Aimé Michel indicated... the U.S. Fate magazine.

We then find the usual brief summaries, such as those of Jacques Vallée; in 1975, Charles Garreau and Raymond Lavier, in their book "Face aux Extra-Terrestres", give a version similar to that of Aimé Michel, giving as an indication of source "the Press" (probably La Bourgogne Républicaine of which Garreau was a journalist) and their "personal file" but specifying that the absence of trace the next day was noted by the gendarmes who were investigating.

There will still be many other summaries, then, around 2016, the British ufologist Peter Rogerson gave his "evaluation": "Again the moon through clouds?" There will also be a summary taken from the incomplete summary by Charles Bowen, of the ufologist Raoul Robé proposing that this case could have "partial similarities" with a helicopter.





Is it a saucer? - On Monday evening several people from the "Bout du Pont" and the "Clos Boudot" had their attention attracted, around 8 p.m, by a whitish gleam appearing towards the west, at high altitude, appearing to descend towards the ground.

At 09:15 p.m., a young girl saw a mass whitish at the top, dazzling red below, and placed about two hundred yards from her house, towards a hedge, between the station and the bridge. Immediately calling her mother, she was able to observe also a number of brilliant stars heading towards the east side, which were projected in cascade by the mysterious craft.

At the moment when a car sounded a horn on the bridge, to warn two [?], all the gleam disappeared, a white form disappeared after, it seems, a time of hesitation, without any noise and Without leaving a trace.


French border

At the Villers

A miss claims to have seen a flying saucer...

(Corr.) - A daily newspaper of Besançon echoed a story that also reached us from beyond the Doubs, we also talk about it with the usual caveats. Here is what this is about:

Last Monday evening between 11:30 p.m. exactly and midnight, Miss H. Scalabrino, having trouble sleeping, went to the window, looking everywhere and nowhere. Suddenly she noticed a white ball that arose a few hundred meters away, behind a hedge. Intrigued as much as she was worried, she waited, not daring to leave her observation place to alert her family. The "thing" remained motionless for twenty minutes, without anyone coming out of it then it began moving again. It was then that Miss S. called her mother, who hastened, attended the take-off of the flying saucer (which did not have the looks of a saucer).

It was first a bright light that emerged from under the machine, illuminating a small space; a crackling sound, sparks, marked the departure, quite slow. At a certain height, the "ball" stopped and disappeared quickly. When one went to the indicated place, no trace of the craft was found there.

[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

Aimé Michel indicates that an interesting phenomenon occurred on October 4, 1954 in Villers le Lac.

At about 08:00 P.M., several people of the districts of Bout-du-Pont and Clos-Rondot saw a whitish gleam in their West, which seemed to go down towards the ground.

Two women, Mrs. X and her daughter, who were going to bed at about 08:30 P.M. felt unpleasant tickings in the eyes. The girl who did not sleep went up at about 09:45 P.M. to get some fresh air at the window. There, she saw a luminous mass within 200 meters of their home, which was posed close to a hedge between the station and the bridge.

She then called her mother and both observed the phenomenon distinctly and during a long moment. The luminous mass was white on the top and of a dazzling red in the lower part, with jets of white sparks coming out of it from time to time by jerks.

At one time, a car arrived close to the bridge and hooted. Everything then died out and the witnesses did not see anything any more.

Michel indicates that the case was reported in Fate magazine.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:



October 4

[... other cases...]

08:05 p.m.: Villers-le-Lac (Doubs): lum.obj.

[... other cases...]

[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:


October 4, 1954: Villers-le-Lac(Doubs): Mrs X and her daughter (UAP on the ground


Michel Carrouges, making some sorting in the French observations of 1954, notes that this observation was made with a distance witness-object of 200 meters.

[Ref. lcp1:] LEONARD G. CRAMP:

October 1954, France again; this time near Villers. Two people, Mme F... and her daughter, both experienced an unpleasant twitching of the eyes as they were preparing for bed. Unable to sleep, the daughter rose and went to the window. There she saw a luminous mass resting near a hedge. The girl called her mother and both saw that the illuminated mass was, in fact, white on top and dazzling red below. The object threw out a cascade of sparks from time to time.

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

238 -006.67071 47.06100 04 10 1954 20 30 170 VILLERS LE LAC F 0011334 C 233

[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:

The author indicates that on October 6, 1954, two women saw a whitish light in the Western sky. It seemed to approach the ground slowly, and it was seen later between the station and the bridge, for it had landed with approximately 100 meters of their house in Villers-le-Lac in the Doubs. When the object moved, a very brilliant light was visible under its dark mass. It projected a shower of sparkles and rose, remained motionless in the air one moment, then moved away very quickly.

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:


Oct. 06, 1954 10:30 P.M. Villers-le-Lac (France).

Two women (Mrs. Salabrino and her daughter) saw a whitish light in the western sky. It seemed slowly to come toward the ground, and was later seen between the railroad station and the bridge 100 m away from their house. When it moved, a very bright light was visible under its dark mass. It gave off a flow of sparks and rose, hovered for a moment and flew away rapidly. (M 138)


In a list of cases that the magazine called for investigation or re-investigation, there was:

202 6-10-54 Villers-le-Lac


The authors indicate that in Villers-le-Lac in the Doubs around 8 p.m., several residents of this village, from the Bout-du-Port district, saw appearing in the west at high altitude a whitish ball which quickly lost altitude.

Among the witnesses there were Mrs. D and her daughter who prepared to going in their bedroom to sleep and looked at this ball a few seconds without caring much about it. They go to bed and are astonished to feel, a few minutes later, tickling in their eyes.

Towards 21:45, the girl is awaked by a strong gleam filtering through the shutters, she stands up, goes to the window and then sees within 200 meters of the house a luminous object which is posed between the station and the bridge.

The higher part is whitish, the lower part is of a dazzling white.

The girl calls her mother and both observe the machine which seemed to project sparks by jerks. They were thrown into a panic, did not dare to go out and thus could not warn anybody.

When a car arrives, with a driver who honks, the craft made a tremendous departure.

No trace was found on the ground the next day by the gendarmes who investigated.

The authors say the sources are newspapers and their personal file.


October 6, 1954, 10 : 30 p.m.. Villers-le-Lac (Doubs).

Two women (Ms. Salabrino and her daughter) saw a whitish glow in the west in the sky. This seemed to be heading down to the ground and was seen later between the station and the bridge located at 100m from their house. When the object was moving, a very bright light was visible under its dark mass. It gushed a stream of sparks, it rose, hovered a moment, then flew away quickly.

[Ref. rsd1:] RAY STANFORD:

In his book about the famous UFO landing in Socorro, Ray Stanford indicates a number of other sightings of egg-shaped craft that may be significant in this regard.

Among those cases, he indicates that on October 6, 1954, in Villers-le-Lac, the Doubs, France, two women saw a whitish light in the western sky; which came closer to the ground and landed between a railroad station and a bridge at 300 to 400 feet from the home of the women.

When the object moved, a very bright light was seen under its solid form, and on take-off it gave off brilliant light and a flow of sparks for a short distance. Then it remained motionless a little ways above the ground, and finally departed at high speed.


The two authors indicate that in Villers-le-Lac in the Doubs, on October 4, 1954 at 08:00 p.m., residents of the locality observe at high altitude a whitish ball which loses altitude. The witness Mrs Salabrino and her daughter observe this ball during a few seconds. Then they go to bed, and are astonished when a few minutes later they feel tickling in their eyes.

A approximately 09:45 p.m., the daughter wakes up because of a strong light which filters through her shutters. She stands up, moves towards the window of her bedroom, and then sees within 200 meters of the house a luminous shape posed between the station and the bridge. she wakes her mother up and both observe the scene. The craft seems to project sparks randomly.

The arrival of a car, whose driver hoots, causes the very fast departure of the machine.

No trace was found on the ground the following day during the investigation carried out by the gendarmerie.

The authors indicate that the source is C. Garreau and R. Lavier in "Face aux ET" pp 217-128.

[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":

10/04/54 (21.40) Villers le lac OE 107X3X

[Ref. gep2:] "GEPO" UFOLOGY GROUP:

10/6/54 (10:30 p.m.) Villers-le-Lac Fumée 003A1

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:

October 6th. Villers-le-Lac, France. (10:30 p.m.)

A balloon?

A slow moving white light came out of the west and sailed to a point 100 yards away from the home of Mme. Salabrine [sic] and her daughter on the outskirts of Villers-le-Lac. Having approached that close, and under observation by the two women, the thing in the sky was seen to be mainly a dark mass with a small white light underneath it. A shower of sparks issued from the object and after remaining motionless for a brief time, it moved away quickly. 63.

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

The author indicates that on October 4, 1954 at 08:00 p.m. in Villers-le-Lac in the Doubs, Mrs. Salabrino and her daughter observed a whitish ball in flight directed towards the ground, and later, when they went to bed, they fels tickling in the eyes.

The author indicates that the source is "Figuet, p.121".


The Belgian ufologist indicates in her catalogue that in 1954, on October 4, in France in Villers-le-Lac (the Doubs), "Around 20 hours Mrs. Salabrino and her daughter look during a few moments a whitish ball at high altitude then go to bed. A few minutes later their eyes are tickling. Towards 21:45, the girl is awaked by a strong gleam, she stands up and goes to the window. She then sees at 200 m of the house, a luminous object posed between the station and the bridge. The higher part is whitish, the lower part of a dazzling white. She calls her mother. From time to time the object seems to throw sparks, by jerks. A car arrives, the driver honks because he also saw the craft, this causes its fulgurating departure."

She indicates the source as "GARREAU and LAVIER: 'Face aux extra-terrestres' - DELARGE 1975 - J'ai Lu p. 225, 226".


3972: 1954/10/04 20:00 100 6:32:00 E 47:05:00 N 3333 WEU FRN DBS 6:B


Ref# 30 FIGEUT[sic]&RUCHON: OVNI: Le 1er Dossier Page No. 121 : PASTURE

[Ref. fbn1:] FABRICE BONVIN:

Fabrice Bonvin notes:

Case #017: 04/10/1954, p. 121 (Villers-le-lac)

[Ref. fbn2:] FABRICE BONVIN:

In a table, Fabrice Bonvin notes selected cases of the 1954 Frnech flap, including this one:

Case Nmbr witnesses Hours Type objects
Villers-le-Lac 2 4 2

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:

Encounters with Aliens on this Day...

October 6

1954 - Villers-le-Lac, France. Two women. Mrs. Salabrino and her daughter, saw a whitish light in the western sky. It seemed to come slowly toward the ground, and was later seen between the railroad station and the bridge 100 meters away from their house. When it moved, a very bright light was visible under its dark mass. It gave off a flow of sparks and rose, hovered for a moment and flew away rapidly. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 138; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 219).

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan notes in his database that in the Doubs in Villers le Lac on October 4, 1954 at 20:00 hours, "residents of the locality observe at high altitude a whitish ball which loses altitude. The witness and her daughter observe during a few seconds this ball. Then they go to bed and are astonished, a few minutes later, to feel prickling at the eyes. Towards 21:45, the girl is awaked by a strong light which filters through her shutters. She stands up, moves towards the window of her bedroom, and then sees within 200 meters of the house a luminous shape posed between the station and the bridge, she awakes her mother and both observed the display. The craft seems to project sparks by jerks. The arrival of a car, whose driver honks, causes the fulgurating departure of the crft. No trace was found on the ground the next day during a search carried out by the gendarmerie."

Luc Chastan indicates as source: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 6 October 1954 at 22:30 in Villers-le-Lac, France, "An object was sighted that had an appearance and performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft. One object was observed by two female witnesses in a pasture for 105 minutes (Salabrino)."

The sources are indicated as: "Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 6 October 1954 at 22:30 in Villers-le-Lac, France, "Two women saw a whitish light, 100 meters away."

The website adds: "Two women (Mrs. Salabrino and her daughter) saw a whitish light in the western sky. It seemed slowly to come toward the ground, and was later seen between the railroad station and the bridge 100 meters away from their house. When it moved, a very bright light was visible under its dark mass. It gave off a flow of sparks and rose, hovered for a moment and flew away rapidly. One ball was observed."

The source is indicated as: "Vallee Magonia Database".

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 6, 1954 - On this evening Mr. and Mrs. Laroche from Paris saw a fiery sphere land near Chantonnay, Monchamps, France. At 9:30 p.m. near the military barracks in La Fere, France some soldiers saw a strange torpedo-shaped object on the ground 300 meters away. As one of them approached the craft, which stood about 80 cm high, he found himself paralyzed. Finally, at 10:30 p.m. two women, Mrs. Salabrino and her adult daughter, saw a whitish light in the western sky in Villers-le-Lac, France. It seemed to slowly approach the ground, and was later seen between the railway station and the bridge 100 meters away from their house. When it moved, a very bright light was visible under its dark mass. It gave off a flow of sparks and rose, hovered for a moment, and then flew away rapidly. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, cases 200-201; (3) Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 138).

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 8 times instead of one:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541004 04.10.1954 Villers Lac France 20.30
19541004 04.10.1954 Villers Lac France 20.30 CE I
19541004 04.10.1954 Villers Lac France 20.00 CE I
19541004 04.10.1954 Villers Lac France 21.45
19541004 04.10.1954 Villers-Le-Lac France
19541006 06.10.1954 Villers Iac [sic] France 22.30 CE I
19541016 16.10.1954 Villers Lac France
19541000 00.10.1954 Villers France CE II


October 4 1954. 2000hrs.


A number of people in the Bout du Pont and Clos Rondot sections saw a pale white glow descend in the west. At 2045hrs. Mrs Salabrine [sic] and her daughter, who were preparing for bed, experienced a disagreeable twitching of the eyes. About 2145hrs. Miss Salabrine went to the window for some fresh air and saw, about 200m from the house, a luminous mass resting near a hedge between the station and the bridge. She called her mother and both observed the illuminated mass, which was white on top and dazzling red below. It threw out a jet of sparks from time to time. When a car drew up and sounded its horn the object became dark.

Evaluation - Moon through cloud again?

[Ref. rre1:] RAOUL ROBE:


Other cases that may have partial similarities [with helicopters]

Transmitted by Raoul Robé (CNEGU)

Rereading a classic on the return train from the CNEGU, "En quête des humanoïdes" by Ch. Bowen (J'ai Lu 1974), I noted several cases to be compared to that of Langres for your additional documentation investigation.

[...other cases...]

Page 44: Case No. 62

October 6, 1954: Two women saw a whitish light in the western sky. It seemed to be slowly approaching the ground, and it was seen later between the station and the bridge, as it had landed about 100 meters from their house in Villiers-le-Lac (Doubs). As the object moved a very bright light was visible beneath its dark mass. It sent out a shower of sparks and rose, stood still in the air for a moment, then flew away very quickly.



In 1954, Villers-le-Lac had 3237 inhabitants. In 1948, Lac-ou-Villers was renamed Villers-le-Lac.

The case seems quite interesting, but unfortunately the available sources contain at least some contradictions concerning the time, and are very incomplete since it would seem that there were other witnesses than Mrs. Scalabrino and her mother, but in circumstances that are very poorly reportd.

There maybe a gendarmerie report (Charles Garreau mentions a gendarmerie investigation), and there is certainly a more complete, or different, information in the primary source which would be "a newspaper from Besançon", which haven't found it yet.

The best would be for the moment not to comment on what would be the explanation of the case, which I leave as "unidentified".

A few remarks however:

If the way in which the supposed craft leaves may recall a helicopter departure, the description hardly matches it. Helicopters, for example, do not throw sparks.

Above all, I do not see how a helicopter in a quiet little village in the Doubs, around 8 p.m. or at midnight, landing, taking off again, would not have attracted attention by its noise.

Peter Rogerson wondered whether the thing was "the moon through clouds?" I don't see how the moon would start such a lift off, or throw sparks.

At 8 p.m., the Moon was in direction 206°, elevation 14°; at 10:10 p.m., it set behind the horizon. A two-hour descent, its absence from the sky at midnight, all of this was verifiable. So how should I believe that this descending moon changes into a thing that lands behind a hedge, stays there for about 20 minutes, then "gets moving again", takes off again, climbs a little, stops at a certain height and then quickly disappears? This doesn't sound quite convincing to me.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Villers-le-Lac, Doubs, Salabrino, Scalabrino, light, white, object, landing, bright, sparks, manoeuvers, fast


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross April 5, 2003 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross March 16, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [jsr1], [goe1], [lcn1], [uda1], [uda2].
1.1 Patrick Gross June 22, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.2 Patrick Gross July 4, 2010 Addition [lcp1].
1.3 Patrick Gross July 9, 2010 Addition [fbn2].
1.2 Patrick Gross October 6, 2014 Additions [jve7], [nip1].
1.5 Patrick Gross October 11, 2016 Addition [iml1].
1.6 Patrick Gross December 18, 2016 Additions [lgs1], [ubk1].
1.7 Patrick Gross January 7, 2017 Addition [prs1].
1.8 Patrick Gross September 21, 2021 Additions [gqy1], [lhh1], [prn2].
1.9 Patrick Gross April 27, 2022 Additions [gqy2], [ldl1], [gep1], [gep2].
2.0 Patrick Gross May 5, 2022 Addition [rre1].
2.1 Patrick Gross June 30, 2022 Addition of the Summary. Explanations changed, were "Not looked for yet."

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